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 Show details for a bare-metal node:

Use the nova baremetal-node-list command to view the details for a bare-metal node.

$ nova baremetal-node-show 1
| Property         | Value                                |
| instance_uuid    | cc302a8f-cd81-484b-89a8-b75eb3911b1b |
| pm_address       |                              |
| interfaces       |
  [{u'datapath_id': u'0', u'id': 1, u'port_no': 0, u'address': u'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff'}] |
| prov_vlan_id     | None                                 |
| cpus             | 1                                    |
| memory_mb        | 512                                  |
| prov_mac_address | aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff                    |
| service_host     | ubuntu                               |
| local_gb         | 10                                   |
| id               | 1                                    |
| pm_user          | ipmi                                 |
| terminal_port    | None                                 |
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