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 Create routers

  1. Create a router:

    $ neutron router-create router1
    Created a new router:
    | Field                 | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up        | True                                 |
    | external_gateway_info |                                      |
    | id                    | 6e1f11ed-014b-4c16-8664-f4f615a3137a |
    | name                  | router1                              |
    | status                | ACTIVE                               |
    | tenant_id             | 7b5970fbe7724bf9b74c245e66b92abf     |

    Take note of the unique router identifier returned, this will be required in subsequent steps.

  2. Link the router to the external provider network:

    $ neutron router-gateway-set ROUTER NETWORK

    Replace ROUTER with the unique identifier of the router, replace NETWORK with the unique identifier of the external provider network.

  3. Link the router to the subnet:

    $ neutron router-interface-add ROUTER SUBNET

    Replace ROUTER with the unique identifier of the router, replace SUBNET with the unique identifier of the subnet.

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