
1  Introduction
 1.1  Welcome
 1.2  Getting more help
 1.3  Naming conventions and marks
2  Installation
 2.1  Overview
 2.2  Prerequisites
 2.3  Installing Rockbox
  2.3.1  Automated Installation
  2.3.2  Manual Installation
  2.3.3  Enabling Speech Support (optional)
 2.4  Running Rockbox
 2.5  Updating Rockbox
 2.6  Uninstalling Rockbox
  2.6.1  Automatic Uninstallation
  2.6.2  Manual Uninstallation
3  Quick Start
 3.1  Basic Overview
  3.1.1  The player’s controls
  3.1.2  Turning the player on and off
  3.1.3  Starting the original firmware
  3.1.4  Putting music on your player
  3.1.5  The first contact
  3.1.6  Basic controls
  3.1.7  Basic concepts
 3.2  Customising Rockbox
 3.3  Charging
4  Browsing and playing
 4.1  File Browser
  4.1.1  File Browser Controls
  4.1.2  Context Menu
  4.1.3  Virtual Keyboard
 4.2  Database
  4.2.1  Introduction
  4.2.2  Initializing the Database
  4.2.3  The Database Menu
  4.2.4  Using the Database
 4.3  While Playing Screen
  4.3.1  WPS Key Controls
  4.3.2  Peak Meter
  4.3.3  The WPS Context Menu
 4.4  Working with Playlists
  4.4.1  Playlist terminology
  4.4.2  Creating playlists
  4.4.3  Adding music to playlists
  4.4.4  Modifying playlists
  4.4.5  Saving playlists
  4.4.6  Loading saved playlists
  4.4.7  Helpful Hints
5  The Main Menu
 5.1  Introducing the Main Menu
 5.2  Navigating the Main Menu
 5.3  Recent Bookmarks
 5.4  Files
 5.5  Database
 5.6  Now Playing/Resume Playback
 5.7  Settings
  5.7.1  Sound Settings
  5.7.2  General Settings
  5.7.3  Manage Settings
  5.7.4  Theme Settings
  5.7.5  Recording Settings
 5.8  Recording
  5.8.1  While Recording Screen
 5.9  Playlist
 5.10  Plugins
 5.11  System
 5.12  Quick Screen
6  Sound Settings
 6.1  Volume
 6.2  Bass
 6.3  Bass Cutoff
 6.4  Treble
 6.5  Treble Cutoff
 6.6  Balance
 6.7  Channels
 6.8  Stereo Width
 6.9  Crossfeed
 6.10  Equalizer
 6.11  Dithering
7  General Settings
 7.1  Playback
 7.2  Playlist
 7.3  File View
 7.4  Database
 7.5  Display
 7.6  System
  7.6.1  Start Screen
  7.6.2  Battery
  7.6.3  Disk
  7.6.4  Time and Date
  7.6.5  Idle Poweroff
  7.6.6  Wake-Up Alarm
  7.6.7  Alarm Wake up Screen
  7.6.8  Limits
  7.6.9  Car Adapter Mode
 7.7  Bookmarking
 7.8  Language
 7.9  Voice
8  Theme Settings
9  Recording Settings
 9.1  Format
 9.2  Encoder Settings
 9.3  Frequency
 9.4  Source
 9.5  Channels
 9.6  File Split Options
 9.7  Prerecord Time
 9.8  Clear Recording Directory
 9.9  Clipping Light
 9.10  Trigger
10  Plugins
 10.1  Games
  10.1.1  Blackjack
  10.1.2  BrickMania
  10.1.3  Bubbles
  10.1.4  Chessbox
  10.1.5  Chopper
  10.1.6  Dice
  10.1.7  Doom
  10.1.8  Flipit
  10.1.9  Jewels
  10.1.10  MazezaM
  10.1.11  Minesweeper
  10.1.12  Pacbox
  10.1.13  Pegbox
  10.1.14  Pong
  10.1.15  Robotfindskitten
  10.1.16  Rockblox
  10.1.17  Rockblox1d
  10.1.18  Sliding Puzzle
  10.1.19  Snake
  10.1.20  Snake 2
  10.1.21  Sokoban
  10.1.22  Solitaire
  10.1.23  Spacerocks
  10.1.24  Star
  10.1.25  Sudoku
  10.1.26  Wormlet
  10.1.27  Xobox
 10.2  Demos
  10.2.1  Bounce
  10.2.2  Credits
  10.2.3  Cube
  10.2.4  Demystify
  10.2.5  Fire
  10.2.6  Logo
  10.2.7  Mandelbrot
  10.2.8  Mosaique
  10.2.9  Oscilloscope
  10.2.10  Plasma
  10.2.11  Snow
  10.2.12  Starfield
  10.2.13  VU meter
 10.3  Viewers
  10.3.1  Shortcuts
  10.3.2  Chip-8 Emulator
  10.3.3  JPEG viewer
  10.3.4  Midiplay
  10.3.5  MPEG Player
  10.3.6  PPM viewer
  10.3.7  Rockboy
  10.3.8  Search
  10.3.9  Sort
  10.3.10  Text Viewer
  10.3.11  VBRfix
  10.3.12  ZXBox
 10.4  Applications
  10.4.1  Battery Benchmark
  10.4.2  Calculator
  10.4.3  Chess Clock
  10.4.4  Clock
  10.4.5  Disk Tidy
  10.4.6  Keybox
  10.4.7  Lamp
  10.4.8  md5sum
  10.4.9  Metronome
  10.4.10  Random Folder Advance Configuration
  10.4.11  Stats
  10.4.12  Stopwatch
  10.4.13  Text Editor
11  Advanced Topics
 .1Customising the User Interface
  .1.1Getting Extras
  .1.2Loading Fonts
  .1.3Loading Languages
  .1.4Changing Colours
  .1.5Changing Filetype Colours
  .1.6Loading Backdrops
 .2Configuring the WPS
  .2.1WPS – General Info
  .2.2WPS – Build Your Own
 .3Managing Rockbox Settings
  .3.1Introduction to .cfg Files.
  .3.2Specifications for .cfg Files.
  .3.3The Manage Settings menu
 .4Firmware Loading
  .4.1Using ROLO (Rockbox Loader)
A  File formats
 A.1  Supported file formats
 A.2  Supported audio formats
B  WPS Tags
 B.1  Status Bar
 B.2  ID3 Info
 B.3  Power Related Information
 B.4  File Info
 B.5  Playlist/Song Info
 B.6  Runtime Database
 B.7  Sound (DSP) settings
 B.8  Virtual LED
 B.9  Repeat Mode
 B.10  Playback Mode Tags
 B.11  Images
 B.12  Alignment
 B.13  Conditional Tags
 B.14  Real Time Clock
 B.15  Other Tags
C  Config file options
D  Menu Overview
E  User feedback
 E.1  Bug reports
  E.1.1  Rules for submitting new bug reports
 E.2  Feature ideas
  E.2.1  Rules for submitting a new feature idea
  E.2.2  Features we will not implement
F  Changelog
 F.1  What is new since v2.5?
G  Credits
H  Licenses
 H.1  GNU Free Documentation License
 H.2  The GNU General Public License