public class


extends FilterOutputStream
implements DataOutput

Class Overview

Wraps an existing OutputStream and writes typed data to it. Typically, this stream can be read in by DataInputStream. Types that can be written include byte, 16-bit short, 32-bit int, 32-bit float, 64-bit long, 64-bit double, byte strings, and MUTF-8 encoded strings.

See Also


protected int written The number of bytes written out so far.
Inherited Fields
From class
Public Constructors
DataOutputStream(OutputStream out)
Constructs a new DataOutputStream on the OutputStream out.
Public Methods
void flush()
Flushes this stream to ensure all pending data is sent out to the target stream.
final int size()
Returns the total number of bytes written to the target stream so far.
void write(int oneByte)
Writes a byte to the target stream.
void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)
Writes count bytes from the byte array buffer starting at offset to the target stream.
final void writeBoolean(boolean val)
Writes a boolean to the target stream.
final void writeByte(int val)
Writes an 8-bit byte to the target stream.
final void writeBytes(String str)
Writes the low order bytes from a string to the target stream.
final void writeChar(int val)
Writes a 16-bit character to the target stream.
final void writeChars(String str)
Writes the 16-bit characters contained in str to the target stream.
final void writeDouble(double val)
Writes a 64-bit double to the target stream.
final void writeFloat(float val)
Writes a 32-bit float to the target stream.
final void writeInt(int val)
Writes a 32-bit int to the target stream.
final void writeLong(long val)
Writes a 64-bit long to the target stream.
final void writeShort(int val)
Writes the specified 16-bit short to the target stream.
final void writeUTF(String str)
Writes the specified encoded in modified UTF-8 to this stream.
Inherited Methods
From class
From class
From class java.lang.Object
From interface
From interface
From interface


protected int written

Since: API Level 1

The number of bytes written out so far.

Public Constructors

public DataOutputStream (OutputStream out)

Since: API Level 1

Constructs a new DataOutputStream on the OutputStream out. Note that data written by this stream is not in a human readable form but can be reconstructed by using a DataInputStream on the resulting output.

out the target stream for writing.

Public Methods

public void flush ()

Since: API Level 1

Flushes this stream to ensure all pending data is sent out to the target stream. This implementation then also flushes the target stream.

IOException if an error occurs attempting to flush this stream.

public final int size ()

Since: API Level 1

Returns the total number of bytes written to the target stream so far.

  • the number of bytes written to the target stream.

public void write (int oneByte)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a byte to the target stream. Only the least significant byte of the integer oneByte is written.

oneByte the byte to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public void write (byte[] buffer, int offset, int count)

Since: API Level 1

Writes count bytes from the byte array buffer starting at offset to the target stream.

buffer the buffer to write to the target stream.
offset the index of the first byte in buffer to write.
count the number of bytes from the buffer to write.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
NullPointerException if buffer is null.

public final void writeBoolean (boolean val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a boolean to the target stream.

val the boolean value to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeByte (int val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes an 8-bit byte to the target stream. Only the least significant byte of the integer val is written.

val the byte value to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.

public final void writeBytes (String str)

Since: API Level 1

Writes the low order bytes from a string to the target stream.

str the string containing the bytes to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.

public final void writeChar (int val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a 16-bit character to the target stream. Only the two lower bytes of the integer val are written, with the higher one written first. This corresponds to the Unicode value of val.

val the character to write to the target stream
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeChars (String str)

Since: API Level 1

Writes the 16-bit characters contained in str to the target stream.

str the string that contains the characters to write to this stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeDouble (double val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a 64-bit double to the target stream. The resulting output is the eight bytes resulting from calling Double.doubleToLongBits().

val the double to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeFloat (float val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a 32-bit float to the target stream. The resulting output is the four bytes resulting from calling Float.floatToIntBits().

val the float to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeInt (int val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a 32-bit int to the target stream. The resulting output is the four bytes, highest order first, of val.

val the int to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeLong (long val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes a 64-bit long to the target stream. The resulting output is the eight bytes, highest order first, of val.

val the long to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
See Also

public final void writeShort (int val)

Since: API Level 1

Writes the specified 16-bit short to the target stream. Only the lower two bytes of the integer val are written, with the higher one written first.

val the short to write to the target stream.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.

public final void writeUTF (String str)

Since: API Level 1

Writes the specified encoded in modified UTF-8 to this stream.

str the string to write to the target stream encoded in modified UTF-8.
IOException if an error occurs while writing to the target stream.
UTFDataFormatException if the encoded string is longer than 65535 bytes.
See Also