LLVM API Documentation

Namespaces | Defines | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
CommandLine.cpp File Reference
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Config/config.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ConvertUTF.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Host.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ManagedStatic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <map>
#include <system_error>
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namespace  llvm

List of target independent CodeGen pass IDs.

namespace  llvm::cl


#define DEBUG_TYPE   "commandline"


typedef SmallPtrSet
< OptionCategory *, 16 > 


 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< bool >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< boolOrDefault >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< int >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< unsigned >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< unsigned long long >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< double >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< float >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< std::string >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class basic_parser< char >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class opt< unsigned >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class opt< int >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class opt< std::string >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class opt< char >)
 llvm::cl::TEMPLATE_INSTANTIATION (class opt< bool >)
static void GetOptionInfo (SmallVectorImpl< Option * > &PositionalOpts, SmallVectorImpl< Option * > &SinkOpts, StringMap< Option * > &OptionsMap)
static OptionLookupOption (StringRef &Arg, StringRef &Value, const StringMap< Option * > &OptionsMap)
static OptionLookupNearestOption (StringRef Arg, const StringMap< Option * > &OptionsMap, std::string &NearestString)
static bool CommaSeparateAndAddOccurrence (Option *Handler, unsigned pos, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Value, bool MultiArg=false)
static bool ProvideOption (Option *Handler, StringRef ArgName, StringRef Value, int argc, const char *const *argv, int &i)
static bool ProvidePositionalOption (Option *Handler, StringRef Arg, int i)
static bool isGrouping (const Option *O)
static bool isPrefixedOrGrouping (const Option *O)
static OptiongetOptionPred (StringRef Name, size_t &Length, bool(*Pred)(const Option *), const StringMap< Option * > &OptionsMap)
static OptionHandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption (StringRef &Arg, StringRef &Value, bool &ErrorParsing, const StringMap< Option * > &OptionsMap)
static bool RequiresValue (const Option *O)
static bool EatsUnboundedNumberOfValues (const Option *O)
static bool isWhitespace (char C)
static bool isQuote (char C)
static bool isGNUSpecial (char C)
static size_t parseBackslash (StringRef Src, size_t I, SmallString< 128 > &Token)
static bool ExpandResponseFile (const char *FName, StringSaver &Saver, TokenizerCallback Tokenizer, SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &NewArgv, bool MarkEOLs=false)
static const char * getValueStr (const Option &O, const char *DefaultMsg)
static void printHelpStr (StringRef HelpStr, size_t Indent, size_t FirstLineIndentedBy)
static bool parseDouble (Option &O, StringRef Arg, double &Value)
static int OptNameCompare (const void *LHS, const void *RHS)
static void sortOpts (StringMap< Option * > &OptMap, SmallVectorImpl< std::pair< const char *, Option * > > &Opts, bool ShowHidden)
static HelpPrinter UncategorizedNormalPrinter (false)
static HelpPrinter UncategorizedHiddenPrinter (true)
static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedNormalPrinter (false)
static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedHiddenPrinter (true)
static HelpPrinterWrapper WrappedNormalPrinter (UncategorizedNormalPrinter, CategorizedNormalPrinter)
static HelpPrinterWrapper WrappedHiddenPrinter (UncategorizedHiddenPrinter, CategorizedHiddenPrinter)


static char ProgramName [80] = "<premain>"
static const char * ProgramOverview = nullptr
static ManagedStatic
< std::vector< const char * > > 
static bool OptionListChanged = false
static OptionRegisteredOptionList = nullptr
static ManagedStatic
< OptionCatSet
static const size_t MaxOptWidth = 8
static cl::opt< HelpPrinter,
true, parser< bool > > 
HLOp ("help-list", cl::desc("Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)"), cl::location(UncategorizedNormalPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed)
static cl::opt< HelpPrinter,
true, parser< bool > > 
HLHOp ("help-list-hidden", cl::desc("Display list of all available options"), cl::location(UncategorizedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed)
static cl::opt
< HelpPrinterWrapper, true,
parser< bool > > 
HOp ("help", cl::desc("Display available options (-help-hidden for more)"), cl::location(WrappedNormalPrinter), cl::ValueDisallowed)
static cl::opt
< HelpPrinterWrapper, true,
parser< bool > > 
HHOp ("help-hidden", cl::desc("Display all available options"), cl::location(WrappedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed)
static cl::opt< boolPrintOptions ("print-options", cl::desc("Print non-default options after command line parsing"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static cl::opt< boolPrintAllOptions ("print-all-options", cl::desc("Print all option values after command line parsing"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false))
static void(* OverrideVersionPrinter )() = nullptr
static std::vector< void(*)()> * ExtraVersionPrinters = nullptr
static VersionPrinter VersionPrinterInstance
static cl::opt< VersionPrinter,
true, parser< bool > > 
VersOp ("version", cl::desc("Display the version of this program"), cl::location(VersionPrinterInstance), cl::ValueDisallowed)

Define Documentation

#define DEBUG_TYPE   "commandline"

Definition at line 41 of file CommandLine.cpp.

#define PRINT_OPT_DIFF (   T)
void parser<T>::                                                      \
  printOptionDiff(const Option &O, T V, OptionValue<T> D,               \
                  size_t GlobalWidth) const {                           \
    printOptionName(O, GlobalWidth);                                    \
    std::string Str;                                                    \
    {                                                                   \
      raw_string_ostream SS(Str);                                       \
      SS << V;                                                          \
    }                                                                   \
    outs() << "= " << Str;                                              \
    size_t NumSpaces = MaxOptWidth > Str.size() ? MaxOptWidth - Str.size() : 0;\
    outs().indent(NumSpaces) << " (default: ";                          \
    if (D.hasValue())                                                   \
      outs() << D.getValue();                                           \
    else                                                                \
      outs() << "*no default*";                                         \
    outs() << ")\n";                                                    \
  }                                                                     \

Definition at line 1373 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

Definition at line 123 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Function Documentation

static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedHiddenPrinter ( true  ) [static]
static CategorizedHelpPrinter CategorizedNormalPrinter ( false  ) [static]
static bool CommaSeparateAndAddOccurrence ( Option Handler,
unsigned  pos,
StringRef  ArgName,
StringRef  Value,
bool  MultiArg = false 
) [static]

CommaSeparateAndAddOccurrence - A wrapper around Handler->addOccurrence() that does special handling of cl::CommaSeparated options.

Definition at line 274 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::cl::Option::addOccurrence(), llvm::cl::CommaSeparated, llvm::StringRef::find(), llvm::cl::Option::getMiscFlags(), llvm::StringRef::npos, and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Referenced by ProvideOption().

static bool EatsUnboundedNumberOfValues ( const Option O) [static]
static bool ExpandResponseFile ( const char *  FName,
StringSaver Saver,
TokenizerCallback  Tokenizer,
SmallVectorImpl< const char * > &  NewArgv,
bool  MarkEOLs = false 
) [static]
static void GetOptionInfo ( SmallVectorImpl< Option * > &  PositionalOpts,
SmallVectorImpl< Option * > &  SinkOpts,
StringMap< Option * > &  OptionsMap 
) [static]
static Option* getOptionPred ( StringRef  Name,
size_t &  Length,
bool(*)(const Option *)  Pred,
const StringMap< Option * > &  OptionsMap 
) [static]
static const char* getValueStr ( const Option O,
const char *  DefaultMsg 
) [static]
static Option* HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption ( StringRef Arg,
StringRef Value,
bool ErrorParsing,
const StringMap< Option * > &  OptionsMap 
) [static]

HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption - The specified argument string (which started with at least one '-') does not fully match an available option. Check to see if this is a prefix or grouped option. If so, split arg into output an Arg/Value pair and return the Option to parse it with.

Definition at line 407 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::StringMap< ValueTy, AllocatorTy >::count(), llvm::NVPTXISD::Dummy, llvm::StringMap< ValueTy, AllocatorTy >::find(), llvm::cl::Option::getFormattingFlag(), getOptionPred(), llvm::cl::Option::getValueExpectedFlag(), isGrouping(), isPrefixedOrGrouping(), llvm::cl::Prefix, ProvideOption(), llvm::StringRef::size(), llvm::StringRef::substr(), and llvm::cl::ValueRequired.

Referenced by llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions().

static bool isGNUSpecial ( char  C) [static]

Definition at line 472 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::LibFunc::strchr.

Referenced by llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine().

static bool isGrouping ( const Option O) [inline, static]
static bool isPrefixedOrGrouping ( const Option O) [inline, static]
static bool isQuote ( char  C) [static]

Definition at line 468 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::TokenizeGNUCommandLine().

static bool isWhitespace ( char  C) [static]
static Option* LookupNearestOption ( StringRef  Arg,
const StringMap< Option * > &  OptionsMap,
std::string &  NearestString 
) [static]

LookupNearestOption - Lookup the closest match to the option specified by the specified option on the command line. If there is a value specified (after an equal sign) return that as well. This assumes that leading dashes have already been stripped.

Definition at line 230 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::cl::Option::ArgStr, llvm::StringMap< ValueTy, AllocatorTy >::begin(), llvm::StringRef::edit_distance(), llvm::StringRef::empty(), llvm::StringMap< ValueTy, AllocatorTy >::end(), llvm::cl::Option::getExtraOptionNames(), llvm::cl::Option::getValueExpectedFlag(), Name, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::size(), llvm::StringRef::split(), llvm::StringRef::str(), and llvm::cl::ValueDisallowed.

Referenced by llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions().

static Option* LookupOption ( StringRef Arg,
StringRef Value,
const StringMap< Option * > &  OptionsMap 
) [static]

LookupOption - Lookup the option specified by the specified option on the command line. If there is a value specified (after an equal sign) return that as well. This assumes that leading dashes have already been stripped.

Definition at line 201 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::empty(), llvm::StringMap< ValueTy, AllocatorTy >::end(), llvm::StringRef::find(), llvm::StringMap< ValueTy, AllocatorTy >::find(), I, llvm::StringRef::npos, llvm::StringMapEntry< ValueTy >::second, and llvm::StringRef::substr().

Referenced by llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions().

static int OptNameCompare ( const void *  LHS,
const void *  RHS 
) [static]

Definition at line 1427 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::LibFunc::strcmp.

Referenced by sortOpts().

static size_t parseBackslash ( StringRef  Src,
size_t  I,
SmallString< 128 > &  Token 
) [static]

Backslashes are interpreted in a rather complicated way in the Windows-style command line, because backslashes are used both to separate path and to escape double quote. This method consumes runs of backslashes as well as the following double quote if it's escaped.

If an even number of backslashes is followed by a double quote, one backslash is output for every pair of backslashes, and the last double quote remains unconsumed. The double quote will later be interpreted as the start or end of a quoted string in the main loop outside of this function.

If an odd number of backslashes is followed by a double quote, one backslash is output for every pair of backslashes, and a double quote is output for the last pair of backslash-double quote. The double quote is consumed in this case.

Otherwise, backslashes are interpreted literally.

Definition at line 551 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References llvm::SmallString< InternalLen >::append(), I, llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), and llvm::StringRef::size().

Referenced by llvm::cl::TokenizeWindowsCommandLine().

static bool parseDouble ( Option O,
StringRef  Arg,
double &  Value 
) [static]
static void printHelpStr ( StringRef  HelpStr,
size_t  Indent,
size_t  FirstLineIndentedBy 
) [static]
static bool ProvideOption ( Option Handler,
StringRef  ArgName,
StringRef  Value,
int  argc,
const char *const argv,
int i 
) [inline, static]

ProvideOption - For Value, this differentiates between an empty value ("") and a null value (StringRef()). The later is accepted for arguments that don't allow a value (-foo) the former is rejected (-foo=).

Definition at line 306 of file CommandLine.cpp.

References CommaSeparateAndAddOccurrence(), llvm::StringRef::data(), llvm::cl::Option::error(), llvm::cl::Option::getNumAdditionalVals(), llvm::cl::Option::getValueExpectedFlag(), llvm::cl::ValueDisallowed, llvm::cl::ValueOptional, and llvm::cl::ValueRequired.

Referenced by HandlePrefixedOrGroupedOption(), llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(), and ProvidePositionalOption().

static bool ProvidePositionalOption ( Option Handler,
StringRef  Arg,
int  i 
) [static]
static bool RequiresValue ( const Option O) [static]
static void sortOpts ( StringMap< Option * > &  OptMap,
SmallVectorImpl< std::pair< const char *, Option * > > &  Opts,
bool  ShowHidden 
) [static]
static HelpPrinter UncategorizedHiddenPrinter ( true  ) [static]
static HelpPrinter UncategorizedNormalPrinter ( false  ) [static]
static HelpPrinterWrapper WrappedHiddenPrinter ( UncategorizedHiddenPrinter  ,
) [static]
static HelpPrinterWrapper WrappedNormalPrinter ( UncategorizedNormalPrinter  ,
) [static]

Variable Documentation

std::vector<void (*)()>* ExtraVersionPrinters = nullptr [static]

Definition at line 1730 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::AddExtraVersionPrinter().

cl::opt<HelpPrinterWrapper, true, parser<bool> > HHOp("help-hidden", cl::desc("Display all available options"), cl::location(WrappedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed) [static]
cl::opt<HelpPrinter, true, parser<bool> > HLHOp("help-list-hidden", cl::desc("Display list of all available options"), cl::location(UncategorizedHiddenPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed) [static]
cl::opt<HelpPrinter, true, parser<bool> > HLOp("help-list", cl::desc("Display list of available options (-help-list-hidden for more)"), cl::location(UncategorizedNormalPrinter), cl::Hidden, cl::ValueDisallowed) [static]
cl::opt<HelpPrinterWrapper, true, parser<bool> > HOp("help", cl::desc("Display available options (-help-hidden for more)"), cl::location(WrappedNormalPrinter), cl::ValueDisallowed) [static]
const size_t MaxOptWidth = 8 [static]
ManagedStatic<std::vector<const char*> > MoreHelp [static]
void(* OverrideVersionPrinter)() = nullptr [static]

Definition at line 1728 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::SetVersionPrinter().

cl::opt<bool> PrintAllOptions("print-all-options", cl::desc("Print all option values after command line parsing"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) [static]
cl::opt<bool> PrintOptions("print-options", cl::desc("Print non-default options after command line parsing"), cl::Hidden, cl::init(false)) [static]
char ProgramName[80] = "<premain>" [static]
const char* ProgramOverview = nullptr [static]

Definition at line 86 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::ParseCommandLineOptions().

Definition at line 124 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Option* RegisteredOptionList = nullptr [static]

RegisteredOptionList - This is the list of the command line options that have statically constructed themselves.

Definition at line 105 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::Option::addArgument(), GetOptionInfo(), and llvm::cl::Option::removeArgument().

VersionPrinter VersionPrinterInstance [static]

Definition at line 1786 of file CommandLine.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::cl::PrintVersionMessage().

cl::opt<VersionPrinter, true, parser<bool> > VersOp("version", cl::desc("Display the version of this program"), cl::location(VersionPrinterInstance), cl::ValueDisallowed) [static]