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Data Structures | Functions

dbcommands.c File Reference

#include "postgres.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "access/genam.h"
#include "access/heapam.h"
#include "access/htup_details.h"
#include "access/xact.h"
#include "access/xlogutils.h"
#include "catalog/catalog.h"
#include "catalog/dependency.h"
#include "catalog/indexing.h"
#include "catalog/objectaccess.h"
#include "catalog/pg_authid.h"
#include "catalog/pg_database.h"
#include "catalog/pg_db_role_setting.h"
#include "catalog/pg_tablespace.h"
#include "commands/comment.h"
#include "commands/dbcommands.h"
#include "commands/seclabel.h"
#include "commands/tablespace.h"
#include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
#include "miscadmin.h"
#include "pgstat.h"
#include "postmaster/bgwriter.h"
#include "storage/copydir.h"
#include "storage/fd.h"
#include "storage/lmgr.h"
#include "storage/ipc.h"
#include "storage/procarray.h"
#include "storage/smgr.h"
#include "utils/acl.h"
#include "utils/builtins.h"
#include "utils/fmgroids.h"
#include "utils/pg_locale.h"
#include "utils/snapmgr.h"
#include "utils/syscache.h"
#include "utils/tqual.h"
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Data Structures

struct  createdb_failure_params
struct  movedb_failure_params


static void createdb_failure_callback (int code, Datum arg)
static void movedb (const char *dbname, const char *tblspcname)
static void movedb_failure_callback (int code, Datum arg)
static bool get_db_info (const char *name, LOCKMODE lockmode, Oid *dbIdP, Oid *ownerIdP, int *encodingP, bool *dbIsTemplateP, bool *dbAllowConnP, Oid *dbLastSysOidP, TransactionId *dbFrozenXidP, MultiXactId *dbMinMultiP, Oid *dbTablespace, char **dbCollate, char **dbCtype)
static bool have_createdb_privilege (void)
static void remove_dbtablespaces (Oid db_id)
static bool check_db_file_conflict (Oid db_id)
static int errdetail_busy_db (int notherbackends, int npreparedxacts)
Oid createdb (const CreatedbStmt *stmt)
void check_encoding_locale_matches (int encoding, const char *collate, const char *ctype)
void dropdb (const char *dbname, bool missing_ok)
Oid RenameDatabase (const char *oldname, const char *newname)
Oid AlterDatabase (AlterDatabaseStmt *stmt, bool isTopLevel)
Oid AlterDatabaseSet (AlterDatabaseSetStmt *stmt)
Oid AlterDatabaseOwner (const char *dbname, Oid newOwnerId)
Oid get_database_oid (const char *dbname, bool missing_ok)
char * get_database_name (Oid dbid)
void dbase_redo (XLogRecPtr lsn, XLogRecord *record)

Function Documentation

Oid AlterDatabase ( AlterDatabaseStmt stmt,
bool  isTopLevel 

Definition at line 1334 of file dbcommands.c.

References ACL_KIND_DATABASE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, Anum_pg_database_datconnlimit, Anum_pg_database_datname, DefElem::arg, Assert, BTEqualStrategyNumber, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), DatabaseNameIndexId, DatabaseRelationId, AlterDatabaseStmt::dbname, DefElem::defname, elog, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_modify_tuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, Int32GetDatum, intVal, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, lfirst, MemSet, movedb(), NameGetDatum, NoLock, AlterDatabaseStmt::options, pg_database_ownercheck(), PreventTransactionChain(), RelationGetDescr, RowExclusiveLock, ScanKeyInit(), simple_heap_update(), SnapshotNow, strVal, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), and HeapTupleData::t_self.

Referenced by standard_ProcessUtility().

    Relation    rel;
    Oid         dboid;
    HeapTuple   tuple,
    ScanKeyData scankey;
    SysScanDesc scan;
    ListCell   *option;
    int         connlimit = -1;
    DefElem    *dconnlimit = NULL;
    DefElem    *dtablespace = NULL;
    Datum       new_record[Natts_pg_database];
    bool        new_record_nulls[Natts_pg_database];
    bool        new_record_repl[Natts_pg_database];

    /* Extract options from the statement node tree */
    foreach(option, stmt->options)
        DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(option);

        if (strcmp(defel->defname, "connectionlimit") == 0)
            if (dconnlimit)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dconnlimit = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "tablespace") == 0)
            if (dtablespace)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dtablespace = defel;
            elog(ERROR, "option \"%s\" not recognized",

    if (dtablespace)
        /* currently, can't be specified along with any other options */
        /* this case isn't allowed within a transaction block */
        PreventTransactionChain(isTopLevel, "ALTER DATABASE SET TABLESPACE");
        movedb(stmt->dbname, strVal(dtablespace->arg));
        return InvalidOid;

    if (dconnlimit)
        connlimit = intVal(dconnlimit->arg);
        if (connlimit < -1)
                     errmsg("invalid connection limit: %d", connlimit)));

     * Get the old tuple.  We don't need a lock on the database per se,
     * because we're not going to do anything that would mess up incoming
     * connections.
    rel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
                BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,
    scan = systable_beginscan(rel, DatabaseNameIndexId, true,
                              SnapshotNow, 1, &scankey);
    tuple = systable_getnext(scan);
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", stmt->dbname)));

    dboid = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);

    if (!pg_database_ownercheck(HeapTupleGetOid(tuple), GetUserId()))

     * Build an updated tuple, perusing the information just obtained
    MemSet(new_record, 0, sizeof(new_record));
    MemSet(new_record_nulls, false, sizeof(new_record_nulls));
    MemSet(new_record_repl, false, sizeof(new_record_repl));

    if (dconnlimit)
        new_record[Anum_pg_database_datconnlimit - 1] = Int32GetDatum(connlimit);
        new_record_repl[Anum_pg_database_datconnlimit - 1] = true;

    newtuple = heap_modify_tuple(tuple, RelationGetDescr(rel), new_record,
                                 new_record_nulls, new_record_repl);
    simple_heap_update(rel, &tuple->t_self, newtuple);

    /* Update indexes */
    CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, newtuple);

                              HeapTupleGetOid(newtuple), 0);


    /* Close pg_database, but keep lock till commit */
    heap_close(rel, NoLock);

    return dboid;

Oid AlterDatabaseOwner ( const char *  dbname,
Oid  newOwnerId 

Definition at line 1481 of file dbcommands.c.

References ACL_KIND_DATABASE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, aclnewowner(), Anum_pg_database_datacl, Anum_pg_database_datdba, Anum_pg_database_datname, BTEqualStrategyNumber, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), changeDependencyOnOwner(), check_is_member_of_role(), DatabaseNameIndexId, DatabaseRelationId, DatumGetAclP, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), have_createdb_privilege(), heap_close, heap_freetuple(), heap_getattr, heap_modify_tuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, NameGetDatum, NoLock, ObjectIdGetDatum, pg_database_ownercheck(), PointerGetDatum, RelationGetDescr, RowExclusiveLock, ScanKeyInit(), simple_heap_update(), SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), and HeapTupleData::t_self.

Referenced by ExecAlterOwnerStmt().

    Oid         db_id;
    HeapTuple   tuple;
    Relation    rel;
    ScanKeyData scankey;
    SysScanDesc scan;
    Form_pg_database datForm;

     * Get the old tuple.  We don't need a lock on the database per se,
     * because we're not going to do anything that would mess up incoming
     * connections.
    rel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
                BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,
    scan = systable_beginscan(rel, DatabaseNameIndexId, true,
                              SnapshotNow, 1, &scankey);
    tuple = systable_getnext(scan);
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", dbname)));

    db_id = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
    datForm = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);

     * If the new owner is the same as the existing owner, consider the
     * command to have succeeded.  This is to be consistent with other
     * objects.
    if (datForm->datdba != newOwnerId)
        Datum       repl_val[Natts_pg_database];
        bool        repl_null[Natts_pg_database];
        bool        repl_repl[Natts_pg_database];
        Acl        *newAcl;
        Datum       aclDatum;
        bool        isNull;
        HeapTuple   newtuple;

        /* Otherwise, must be owner of the existing object */
        if (!pg_database_ownercheck(HeapTupleGetOid(tuple), GetUserId()))
            aclcheck_error(ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACL_KIND_DATABASE,

        /* Must be able to become new owner */
        check_is_member_of_role(GetUserId(), newOwnerId);

         * must have createdb rights
         * NOTE: This is different from other alter-owner checks in that the
         * current user is checked for createdb privileges instead of the
         * destination owner.  This is consistent with the CREATE case for
         * databases.  Because superusers will always have this right, we need
         * no special case for them.
        if (!have_createdb_privilege())
                   errmsg("permission denied to change owner of database")));

        memset(repl_null, false, sizeof(repl_null));
        memset(repl_repl, false, sizeof(repl_repl));

        repl_repl[Anum_pg_database_datdba - 1] = true;
        repl_val[Anum_pg_database_datdba - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(newOwnerId);

         * Determine the modified ACL for the new owner.  This is only
         * necessary when the ACL is non-null.
        aclDatum = heap_getattr(tuple,
        if (!isNull)
            newAcl = aclnewowner(DatumGetAclP(aclDatum),
                                 datForm->datdba, newOwnerId);
            repl_repl[Anum_pg_database_datacl - 1] = true;
            repl_val[Anum_pg_database_datacl - 1] = PointerGetDatum(newAcl);

        newtuple = heap_modify_tuple(tuple, RelationGetDescr(rel), repl_val, repl_null, repl_repl);
        simple_heap_update(rel, &newtuple->t_self, newtuple);
        CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, newtuple);


        /* Update owner dependency reference */
        changeDependencyOnOwner(DatabaseRelationId, HeapTupleGetOid(tuple),

    InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(DatabaseRelationId, HeapTupleGetOid(tuple), 0);


    /* Close pg_database, but keep lock till commit */
    heap_close(rel, NoLock);

    return db_id;

Oid AlterDatabaseSet ( AlterDatabaseSetStmt stmt  ) 
static bool check_db_file_conflict ( Oid  db_id  )  [static]

Definition at line 1829 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessShareLock, ForwardScanDirection, GetDatabasePath(), GetLatestSnapshot(), GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID, heap_beginscan(), heap_close, heap_endscan(), heap_getnext(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, lstat, NULL, pfree(), RegisterSnapshot(), TableSpaceRelationId, and UnregisterSnapshot().

Referenced by createdb().

    bool        result = false;
    Relation    rel;
    HeapScanDesc scan;
    HeapTuple   tuple;
    Snapshot    snapshot;

     * As in createdb(), we'd better use an MVCC snapshot here; missing a
     * tablespace could result in falsely reporting the OID is unique, with
     * disastrous future consequences per the comment above.
     * XXX change this when a generic fix for SnapshotNow races is implemented
    snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot());

    rel = heap_open(TableSpaceRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    scan = heap_beginscan(rel, snapshot, 0, NULL);
    while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
        Oid         dsttablespace = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
        char       *dstpath;
        struct stat st;

        /* Don't mess with the global tablespace */
        if (dsttablespace == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)

        dstpath = GetDatabasePath(db_id, dsttablespace);

        if (lstat(dstpath, &st) == 0)
            /* Found a conflicting file (or directory, whatever) */
            result = true;


    heap_close(rel, AccessShareLock);

    return result;

void check_encoding_locale_matches ( int  encoding,
const char *  collate,
const char *  ctype 

Definition at line 714 of file dbcommands.c.

References ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errmsg(), ERROR, pg_encoding_to_char(), pg_get_encoding_from_locale(), PG_SQL_ASCII, PG_UTF8, and superuser().

Referenced by createdb(), and DefineCollation().

    int         ctype_encoding = pg_get_encoding_from_locale(ctype, true);
    int         collate_encoding = pg_get_encoding_from_locale(collate, true);

    if (!(ctype_encoding == encoding ||
          ctype_encoding == PG_SQL_ASCII ||
          ctype_encoding == -1 ||
#ifdef WIN32
          encoding == PG_UTF8 ||
          (encoding == PG_SQL_ASCII && superuser())))
                 errmsg("encoding \"%s\" does not match locale \"%s\"",
           errdetail("The chosen LC_CTYPE setting requires encoding \"%s\".",

    if (!(collate_encoding == encoding ||
          collate_encoding == PG_SQL_ASCII ||
          collate_encoding == -1 ||
#ifdef WIN32
          encoding == PG_UTF8 ||
          (encoding == PG_SQL_ASCII && superuser())))
                 errmsg("encoding \"%s\" does not match locale \"%s\"",
         errdetail("The chosen LC_COLLATE setting requires encoding \"%s\".",

Oid createdb ( const CreatedbStmt stmt  ) 

Definition at line 95 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessShareLock, ACL_CREATE, ACL_KIND_TABLESPACE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_OK, Anum_pg_database_datacl, Anum_pg_database_datallowconn, Anum_pg_database_datcollate, Anum_pg_database_datconnlimit, Anum_pg_database_datctype, Anum_pg_database_datdba, Anum_pg_database_datfrozenxid, Anum_pg_database_datistemplate, Anum_pg_database_datlastsysoid, Anum_pg_database_datminmxid, Anum_pg_database_datname, Anum_pg_database_dattablespace, Anum_pg_database_encoding, DefElem::arg, BoolGetDatum, XLogRecData::buffer, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), check_db_file_conflict(), check_encoding_locale_matches(), check_is_member_of_role(), check_locale(), CHECKPOINT_FORCE, CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE, CHECKPOINT_WAIT, copydir(), copyTemplateDependencies(), CountOtherDBBackends(), createdb_failure_callback(), CStringGetDatum, XLogRecData::data, DatabaseRelationId, xl_dbase_create_rec::db_id, CreatedbStmt::dbname, DefElem::defname, createdb_failure_params::dest_dboid, DirectFunctionCall1, directory_is_empty(), elog, encoding, ereport, errcode(), errdetail(), errdetail_busy_db(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, ForceSyncCommit(), ForwardScanDirection, get_database_oid(), get_db_info(), get_role_oid(), get_tablespace_oid(), GetDatabasePath(), GetLatestSnapshot(), GetNewOid(), GetUserId(), GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID, have_createdb_privilege(), heap_beginscan(), heap_close, heap_endscan(), heap_form_tuple(), heap_getnext(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleSetOid, Int32GetDatum, intVal, InvokeObjectPostCreateHook, IsA, XLogRecData::len, lfirst, MemSet, namein(), XLogRecData::next, nodeTag, NoLock, NULL, ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, CreatedbStmt::options, pfree(), pg_database_ownercheck(), pg_encoding_to_char(), PG_END_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP, PG_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP, pg_tablespace_aclcheck(), PG_VALID_BE_ENCODING, pg_valid_server_encoding(), PointerGetDatum, recordDependencyOnOwner(), RegisterSnapshot(), RelationGetDescr, RequestCheckpoint(), RowExclusiveLock, ShareLock, simple_heap_insert(), xl_dbase_create_rec::src_db_id, createdb_failure_params::src_dboid, xl_dbase_create_rec::src_tablespace_id, strVal, xl_dbase_create_rec::tablespace_id, TableSpaceRelationId, TransactionIdGetDatum, UnregisterSnapshot(), WARNING, XLOG_DBASE_CREATE, and XLogInsert().

Referenced by AlterRole(), CreateRole(), main(), and standard_ProcessUtility().

    HeapScanDesc scan;
    Relation    rel;
    Oid         src_dboid;
    Oid         src_owner;
    int         src_encoding;
    char       *src_collate;
    char       *src_ctype;
    bool        src_istemplate;
    bool        src_allowconn;
    Oid         src_lastsysoid;
    TransactionId src_frozenxid;
    MultiXactId src_minmxid;
    Oid         src_deftablespace;
    volatile Oid dst_deftablespace;
    Relation    pg_database_rel;
    HeapTuple   tuple;
    Datum       new_record[Natts_pg_database];
    bool        new_record_nulls[Natts_pg_database];
    Oid         dboid;
    Oid         datdba;
    ListCell   *option;
    DefElem    *dtablespacename = NULL;
    DefElem    *downer = NULL;
    DefElem    *dtemplate = NULL;
    DefElem    *dencoding = NULL;
    DefElem    *dcollate = NULL;
    DefElem    *dctype = NULL;
    DefElem    *dconnlimit = NULL;
    char       *dbname = stmt->dbname;
    char       *dbowner = NULL;
    const char *dbtemplate = NULL;
    char       *dbcollate = NULL;
    char       *dbctype = NULL;
    char       *canonname;
    int         encoding = -1;
    int         dbconnlimit = -1;
    int         notherbackends;
    int         npreparedxacts;
    createdb_failure_params fparms;
    Snapshot    snapshot;

    /* Extract options from the statement node tree */
    foreach(option, stmt->options)
        DefElem    *defel = (DefElem *) lfirst(option);

        if (strcmp(defel->defname, "tablespace") == 0)
            if (dtablespacename)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dtablespacename = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "owner") == 0)
            if (downer)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            downer = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "template") == 0)
            if (dtemplate)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dtemplate = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "encoding") == 0)
            if (dencoding)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dencoding = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "lc_collate") == 0)
            if (dcollate)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dcollate = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "lc_ctype") == 0)
            if (dctype)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dctype = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "connectionlimit") == 0)
            if (dconnlimit)
                         errmsg("conflicting or redundant options")));
            dconnlimit = defel;
        else if (strcmp(defel->defname, "location") == 0)
                     errmsg("LOCATION is not supported anymore"),
                     errhint("Consider using tablespaces instead.")));
            elog(ERROR, "option \"%s\" not recognized",

    if (downer && downer->arg)
        dbowner = strVal(downer->arg);
    if (dtemplate && dtemplate->arg)
        dbtemplate = strVal(dtemplate->arg);
    if (dencoding && dencoding->arg)
        const char *encoding_name;

        if (IsA(dencoding->arg, Integer))
            encoding = intVal(dencoding->arg);
            encoding_name = pg_encoding_to_char(encoding);
            if (strcmp(encoding_name, "") == 0 ||
                pg_valid_server_encoding(encoding_name) < 0)
                         errmsg("%d is not a valid encoding code",
        else if (IsA(dencoding->arg, String))
            encoding_name = strVal(dencoding->arg);
            encoding = pg_valid_server_encoding(encoding_name);
            if (encoding < 0)
                         errmsg("%s is not a valid encoding name",
            elog(ERROR, "unrecognized node type: %d",
    if (dcollate && dcollate->arg)
        dbcollate = strVal(dcollate->arg);
    if (dctype && dctype->arg)
        dbctype = strVal(dctype->arg);

    if (dconnlimit && dconnlimit->arg)
        dbconnlimit = intVal(dconnlimit->arg);
        if (dbconnlimit < -1)
                     errmsg("invalid connection limit: %d", dbconnlimit)));

    /* obtain OID of proposed owner */
    if (dbowner)
        datdba = get_role_oid(dbowner, false);
        datdba = GetUserId();

     * To create a database, must have createdb privilege and must be able to
     * become the target role (this does not imply that the target role itself
     * must have createdb privilege).  The latter provision guards against
     * "giveaway" attacks.  Note that a superuser will always have both of
     * these privileges a fortiori.
    if (!have_createdb_privilege())
                 errmsg("permission denied to create database")));

    check_is_member_of_role(GetUserId(), datdba);

     * Lookup database (template) to be cloned, and obtain share lock on it.
     * ShareLock allows two CREATE DATABASEs to work from the same template
     * concurrently, while ensuring no one is busy dropping it in parallel
     * (which would be Very Bad since we'd likely get an incomplete copy
     * without knowing it).  This also prevents any new connections from being
     * made to the source until we finish copying it, so we can be sure it
     * won't change underneath us.
    if (!dbtemplate)
        dbtemplate = "template1";       /* Default template database name */

    if (!get_db_info(dbtemplate, ShareLock,
                     &src_dboid, &src_owner, &src_encoding,
                     &src_istemplate, &src_allowconn, &src_lastsysoid,
                     &src_frozenxid, &src_minmxid, &src_deftablespace,
                     &src_collate, &src_ctype))
                 errmsg("template database \"%s\" does not exist",

     * Permission check: to copy a DB that's not marked datistemplate, you
     * must be superuser or the owner thereof.
    if (!src_istemplate)
        if (!pg_database_ownercheck(src_dboid, GetUserId()))
                     errmsg("permission denied to copy database \"%s\"",

    /* If encoding or locales are defaulted, use source's setting */
    if (encoding < 0)
        encoding = src_encoding;
    if (dbcollate == NULL)
        dbcollate = src_collate;
    if (dbctype == NULL)
        dbctype = src_ctype;

    /* Some encodings are client only */
    if (!PG_VALID_BE_ENCODING(encoding))
                 errmsg("invalid server encoding %d", encoding)));

    /* Check that the chosen locales are valid, and get canonical spellings */
    if (!check_locale(LC_COLLATE, dbcollate, &canonname))
                 errmsg("invalid locale name: \"%s\"", dbcollate)));
    dbcollate = canonname;
    if (!check_locale(LC_CTYPE, dbctype, &canonname))
                 errmsg("invalid locale name: \"%s\"", dbctype)));
    dbctype = canonname;

    check_encoding_locale_matches(encoding, dbcollate, dbctype);

     * Check that the new encoding and locale settings match the source
     * database.  We insist on this because we simply copy the source data ---
     * any non-ASCII data would be wrongly encoded, and any indexes sorted
     * according to the source locale would be wrong.
     * However, we assume that template0 doesn't contain any non-ASCII data
     * nor any indexes that depend on collation or ctype, so template0 can be
     * used as template for creating a database with any encoding or locale.
    if (strcmp(dbtemplate, "template0") != 0)
        if (encoding != src_encoding)
                     errmsg("new encoding (%s) is incompatible with the encoding of the template database (%s)",
                     errhint("Use the same encoding as in the template database, or use template0 as template.")));

        if (strcmp(dbcollate, src_collate) != 0)
                     errmsg("new collation (%s) is incompatible with the collation of the template database (%s)",
                            dbcollate, src_collate),
                     errhint("Use the same collation as in the template database, or use template0 as template.")));

        if (strcmp(dbctype, src_ctype) != 0)
                     errmsg("new LC_CTYPE (%s) is incompatible with the LC_CTYPE of the template database (%s)",
                            dbctype, src_ctype),
                     errhint("Use the same LC_CTYPE as in the template database, or use template0 as template.")));

    /* Resolve default tablespace for new database */
    if (dtablespacename && dtablespacename->arg)
        char       *tablespacename;
        AclResult   aclresult;

        tablespacename = strVal(dtablespacename->arg);
        dst_deftablespace = get_tablespace_oid(tablespacename, false);
        /* check permissions */
        aclresult = pg_tablespace_aclcheck(dst_deftablespace, GetUserId(),
        if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
            aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_TABLESPACE,

        /* pg_global must never be the default tablespace */
        if (dst_deftablespace == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
                  errmsg("pg_global cannot be used as default tablespace")));

         * If we are trying to change the default tablespace of the template,
         * we require that the template not have any files in the new default
         * tablespace.  This is necessary because otherwise the copied
         * database would contain pg_class rows that refer to its default
         * tablespace both explicitly (by OID) and implicitly (as zero), which
         * would cause problems.  For example another CREATE DATABASE using
         * the copied database as template, and trying to change its default
         * tablespace again, would yield outright incorrect results (it would
         * improperly move tables to the new default tablespace that should
         * stay in the same tablespace).
        if (dst_deftablespace != src_deftablespace)
            char       *srcpath;
            struct stat st;

            srcpath = GetDatabasePath(src_dboid, dst_deftablespace);

            if (stat(srcpath, &st) == 0 &&
                S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) &&
                         errmsg("cannot assign new default tablespace \"%s\"",
                         errdetail("There is a conflict because database \"%s\" already has some tables in this tablespace.",
        /* Use template database's default tablespace */
        dst_deftablespace = src_deftablespace;
        /* Note there is no additional permission check in this path */

     * Check for db name conflict.  This is just to give a more friendly error
     * message than "unique index violation".  There's a race condition but
     * we're willing to accept the less friendly message in that case.
    if (OidIsValid(get_database_oid(dbname, true)))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" already exists", dbname)));

     * The source DB can't have any active backends, except this one
     * (exception is to allow CREATE DB while connected to template1).
     * Otherwise we might copy inconsistent data.
     * This should be last among the basic error checks, because it involves
     * potential waiting; we may as well throw an error first if we're gonna
     * throw one.
    if (CountOtherDBBackends(src_dboid, &notherbackends, &npreparedxacts))
            errmsg("source database \"%s\" is being accessed by other users",
                 errdetail_busy_db(notherbackends, npreparedxacts)));

     * Select an OID for the new database, checking that it doesn't have a
     * filename conflict with anything already existing in the tablespace
     * directories.
    pg_database_rel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

        dboid = GetNewOid(pg_database_rel);
    } while (check_db_file_conflict(dboid));

     * Insert a new tuple into pg_database.  This establishes our ownership of
     * the new database name (anyone else trying to insert the same name will
     * block on the unique index, and fail after we commit).

    /* Form tuple */
    MemSet(new_record, 0, sizeof(new_record));
    MemSet(new_record_nulls, false, sizeof(new_record_nulls));

    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datname - 1] =
        DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(dbname));
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datdba - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(datdba);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_encoding - 1] = Int32GetDatum(encoding);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datcollate - 1] =
        DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(dbcollate));
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datctype - 1] =
        DirectFunctionCall1(namein, CStringGetDatum(dbctype));
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datistemplate - 1] = BoolGetDatum(false);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datallowconn - 1] = BoolGetDatum(true);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datconnlimit - 1] = Int32GetDatum(dbconnlimit);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datlastsysoid - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(src_lastsysoid);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datfrozenxid - 1] = TransactionIdGetDatum(src_frozenxid);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_datminmxid - 1] = TransactionIdGetDatum(src_minmxid);
    new_record[Anum_pg_database_dattablespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(dst_deftablespace);

     * We deliberately set datacl to default (NULL), rather than copying it
     * from the template database.  Copying it would be a bad idea when the
     * owner is not the same as the template's owner.
    new_record_nulls[Anum_pg_database_datacl - 1] = true;

    tuple = heap_form_tuple(RelationGetDescr(pg_database_rel),
                            new_record, new_record_nulls);

    HeapTupleSetOid(tuple, dboid);

    simple_heap_insert(pg_database_rel, tuple);

    /* Update indexes */
    CatalogUpdateIndexes(pg_database_rel, tuple);

     * Now generate additional catalog entries associated with the new DB

    /* Register owner dependency */
    recordDependencyOnOwner(DatabaseRelationId, dboid, datdba);

    /* Create pg_shdepend entries for objects within database */
    copyTemplateDependencies(src_dboid, dboid);

    /* Post creation hook for new database */
    InvokeObjectPostCreateHook(DatabaseRelationId, dboid, 0);

     * Force a checkpoint before starting the copy. This will force dirty
     * buffers out to disk, to ensure source database is up-to-date on disk
     * for the copy. FlushDatabaseBuffers() would suffice for that, but we
     * also want to process any pending unlink requests. Otherwise, if a
     * checkpoint happened while we're copying files, a file might be deleted
     * just when we're about to copy it, causing the lstat() call in copydir()
     * to fail with ENOENT.

     * Take an MVCC snapshot to use while scanning through pg_tablespace.  For
     * safety, register the snapshot (this prevents it from changing if
     * something else were to request a snapshot during the loop).
     * Traversing pg_tablespace with an MVCC snapshot is necessary to provide
     * us with a consistent view of the tablespaces that exist.  Using
     * SnapshotNow here would risk seeing the same tablespace multiple times,
     * or worse not seeing a tablespace at all, if its tuple is moved around
     * by a concurrent update (eg an ACL change).
     * Inconsistency of this sort is inherent to all SnapshotNow scans, unless
     * some lock is held to prevent concurrent updates of the rows being
     * sought.  There should be a generic fix for that, but in the meantime
     * it's worth fixing this case in particular because we are doing very
     * heavyweight operations within the scan, so that the elapsed time for
     * the scan is vastly longer than for most other catalog scans.  That
     * means there's a much wider window for concurrent updates to cause
     * trouble here than anywhere else.  XXX this code should be changed
     * whenever a generic fix is implemented.
    snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot());

     * Once we start copying subdirectories, we need to be able to clean 'em
     * up if we fail.  Use an ENSURE block to make sure this happens.  (This
     * is not a 100% solution, because of the possibility of failure during
     * transaction commit after we leave this routine, but it should handle
     * most scenarios.)
    fparms.src_dboid = src_dboid;
    fparms.dest_dboid = dboid;
         * Iterate through all tablespaces of the template database, and copy
         * each one to the new database.
        rel = heap_open(TableSpaceRelationId, AccessShareLock);
        scan = heap_beginscan(rel, snapshot, 0, NULL);
        while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
            Oid         srctablespace = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
            Oid         dsttablespace;
            char       *srcpath;
            char       *dstpath;
            struct stat st;

            /* No need to copy global tablespace */
            if (srctablespace == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)

            srcpath = GetDatabasePath(src_dboid, srctablespace);

            if (stat(srcpath, &st) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) ||
                /* Assume we can ignore it */

            if (srctablespace == src_deftablespace)
                dsttablespace = dst_deftablespace;
                dsttablespace = srctablespace;

            dstpath = GetDatabasePath(dboid, dsttablespace);

             * Copy this subdirectory to the new location
             * We don't need to copy subdirectories
            copydir(srcpath, dstpath, false);

            /* Record the filesystem change in XLOG */
                xl_dbase_create_rec xlrec;
                XLogRecData rdata[1];

                xlrec.db_id = dboid;
                xlrec.tablespace_id = dsttablespace;
                xlrec.src_db_id = src_dboid;
                xlrec.src_tablespace_id = srctablespace;

                rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
                rdata[0].len = sizeof(xl_dbase_create_rec);
                rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
                rdata[0].next = NULL;

                (void) XLogInsert(RM_DBASE_ID, XLOG_DBASE_CREATE, rdata);
        heap_close(rel, AccessShareLock);

         * We force a checkpoint before committing.  This effectively means
         * that committed XLOG_DBASE_CREATE operations will never need to be
         * replayed (at least not in ordinary crash recovery; we still have to
         * make the XLOG entry for the benefit of PITR operations). This
         * avoids two nasty scenarios:
         * #1: When PITR is off, we don't XLOG the contents of newly created
         * indexes; therefore the drop-and-recreate-whole-directory behavior
         * of DBASE_CREATE replay would lose such indexes.
         * #2: Since we have to recopy the source database during DBASE_CREATE
         * replay, we run the risk of copying changes in it that were
         * committed after the original CREATE DATABASE command but before the
         * system crash that led to the replay.  This is at least unexpected
         * and at worst could lead to inconsistencies, eg duplicate table
         * names.
         * (Both of these were real bugs in releases 8.0 through 8.0.3.)
         * In PITR replay, the first of these isn't an issue, and the second
         * is only a risk if the CREATE DATABASE and subsequent template
         * database change both occur while a base backup is being taken.
         * There doesn't seem to be much we can do about that except document
         * it as a limitation.
         * Perhaps if we ever implement CREATE DATABASE in a less cheesy way,
         * we can avoid this.

         * Close pg_database, but keep lock till commit.
        heap_close(pg_database_rel, NoLock);

         * Force synchronous commit, thus minimizing the window between
         * creation of the database files and commital of the transaction. If
         * we crash before committing, we'll have a DB that's taking up disk
         * space but is not in pg_database, which is not good.

    /* Free our snapshot */

    return dboid;

static void createdb_failure_callback ( int  code,
Datum  arg 
) [static]

Definition at line 752 of file dbcommands.c.

References DatabaseRelationId, DatumGetPointer, createdb_failure_params::dest_dboid, remove_dbtablespaces(), ShareLock, createdb_failure_params::src_dboid, and UnlockSharedObject().

Referenced by createdb().

    createdb_failure_params *fparms = (createdb_failure_params *) DatumGetPointer(arg);

     * Release lock on source database before doing recursive remove. This is
     * not essential but it seems desirable to release the lock as soon as
     * possible.
    UnlockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, fparms->src_dboid, 0, ShareLock);

    /* Throw away any successfully copied subdirectories */

void dbase_redo ( XLogRecPtr  lsn,
XLogRecord record 

Definition at line 1977 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, Assert, copydir(), DatabaseRelationId, xl_dbase_drop_rec::db_id, xl_dbase_create_rec::db_id, DropDatabaseBuffers(), elog, ereport, errmsg(), FlushDatabaseBuffers(), ForgetDatabaseFsyncRequests(), GetDatabasePath(), InHotStandby, LockSharedObjectForSession(), PANIC, ResolveRecoveryConflictWithDatabase(), rmtree(), xl_dbase_create_rec::src_db_id, xl_dbase_create_rec::src_tablespace_id, xl_dbase_drop_rec::tablespace_id, xl_dbase_create_rec::tablespace_id, UnlockSharedObjectForSession(), WARNING, XLogRecord::xl_info, XLOG_DBASE_CREATE, XLOG_DBASE_DROP, XLogDropDatabase(), XLogRecGetData, and XLR_BKP_BLOCK_MASK.

    uint8       info = record->xl_info & ~XLR_INFO_MASK;

    /* Backup blocks are not used in dbase records */
    Assert(!(record->xl_info & XLR_BKP_BLOCK_MASK));

    if (info == XLOG_DBASE_CREATE)
        xl_dbase_create_rec *xlrec = (xl_dbase_create_rec *) XLogRecGetData(record);
        char       *src_path;
        char       *dst_path;
        struct stat st;

        src_path = GetDatabasePath(xlrec->src_db_id, xlrec->src_tablespace_id);
        dst_path = GetDatabasePath(xlrec->db_id, xlrec->tablespace_id);

         * Our theory for replaying a CREATE is to forcibly drop the target
         * subdirectory if present, then re-copy the source data. This may be
         * more work than needed, but it is simple to implement.
        if (stat(dst_path, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
            if (!rmtree(dst_path, true))
                /* If this failed, copydir() below is going to error. */
                        (errmsg("some useless files may be left behind in old database directory \"%s\"",

         * Force dirty buffers out to disk, to ensure source database is
         * up-to-date for the copy.

         * Copy this subdirectory to the new location
         * We don't need to copy subdirectories
        copydir(src_path, dst_path, false);
    else if (info == XLOG_DBASE_DROP)
        xl_dbase_drop_rec *xlrec = (xl_dbase_drop_rec *) XLogRecGetData(record);
        char       *dst_path;

        dst_path = GetDatabasePath(xlrec->db_id, xlrec->tablespace_id);

        if (InHotStandby)
             * Lock database while we resolve conflicts to ensure that
             * InitPostgres() cannot fully re-execute concurrently. This
             * avoids backends re-connecting automatically to same database,
             * which can happen in some cases.
            LockSharedObjectForSession(DatabaseRelationId, xlrec->db_id, 0, AccessExclusiveLock);

        /* Drop pages for this database that are in the shared buffer cache */

        /* Also, clean out any fsync requests that might be pending in md.c */

        /* Clean out the xlog relcache too */

        /* And remove the physical files */
        if (!rmtree(dst_path, true))
                    (errmsg("some useless files may be left behind in old database directory \"%s\"",

        if (InHotStandby)
             * Release locks prior to commit. XXX There is a race condition
             * here that may allow backends to reconnect, but the window for
             * this is small because the gap between here and commit is mostly
             * fairly small and it is unlikely that people will be dropping
             * databases that we are trying to connect to anyway.
            UnlockSharedObjectForSession(DatabaseRelationId, xlrec->db_id, 0, AccessExclusiveLock);
        elog(PANIC, "dbase_redo: unknown op code %u", info);

void dropdb ( const char *  dbname,
bool  missing_ok 

Definition at line 772 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, ACL_KIND_DATABASE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, CHECKPOINT_FORCE, CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE, CHECKPOINT_WAIT, CountOtherDBBackends(), DATABASEOID, DatabaseRelationId, DeleteSharedComments(), DeleteSharedSecurityLabel(), DropDatabaseBuffers(), dropDatabaseDependencies(), DropSetting(), elog, ereport, errcode(), errdetail_busy_db(), errmsg(), ERROR, ForceSyncCommit(), ForgetDatabaseFsyncRequests(), get_db_info(), GetUserId(), heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, InvalidOid, InvokeObjectDropHook, MyDatabaseId, NoLock, NOTICE, NULL, ObjectIdGetDatum, pg_database_ownercheck(), pgstat_drop_database(), ReleaseSysCache(), remove_dbtablespaces(), RequestCheckpoint(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCache1, simple_heap_delete(), and HeapTupleData::t_self.

Referenced by standard_ProcessUtility().

    Oid         db_id;
    bool        db_istemplate;
    Relation    pgdbrel;
    HeapTuple   tup;
    int         notherbackends;
    int         npreparedxacts;

     * Look up the target database's OID, and get exclusive lock on it. We
     * need this to ensure that no new backend starts up in the target
     * database while we are deleting it (see postinit.c), and that no one is
     * using it as a CREATE DATABASE template or trying to delete it for
     * themselves.
    pgdbrel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

    if (!get_db_info(dbname, AccessExclusiveLock, &db_id, NULL, NULL,
                     &db_istemplate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
        if (!missing_ok)
                     errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", dbname)));
            /* Close pg_database, release the lock, since we changed nothing */
            heap_close(pgdbrel, RowExclusiveLock);
                    (errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist, skipping",

     * Permission checks
    if (!pg_database_ownercheck(db_id, GetUserId()))

    /* DROP hook for the database being removed */
    InvokeObjectDropHook(DatabaseRelationId, db_id, 0);

     * Disallow dropping a DB that is marked istemplate.  This is just to
     * prevent people from accidentally dropping template0 or template1; they
     * can do so if they're really determined ...
    if (db_istemplate)
                 errmsg("cannot drop a template database")));

    /* Obviously can't drop my own database */
    if (db_id == MyDatabaseId)
                 errmsg("cannot drop the currently open database")));

     * Check for other backends in the target database.  (Because we hold the
     * database lock, no new ones can start after this.)
     * As in CREATE DATABASE, check this after other error conditions.
    if (CountOtherDBBackends(db_id, &notherbackends, &npreparedxacts))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" is being accessed by other users",
                 errdetail_busy_db(notherbackends, npreparedxacts)));

     * Remove the database's tuple from pg_database.
    tup = SearchSysCache1(DATABASEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(db_id));
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tup))
        elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for database %u", db_id);

    simple_heap_delete(pgdbrel, &tup->t_self);


     * Delete any comments or security labels associated with the database.
    DeleteSharedComments(db_id, DatabaseRelationId);
    DeleteSharedSecurityLabel(db_id, DatabaseRelationId);

     * Remove settings associated with this database
    DropSetting(db_id, InvalidOid);

     * Remove shared dependency references for the database.

     * Drop pages for this database that are in the shared buffer cache. This
     * is important to ensure that no remaining backend tries to write out a
     * dirty buffer to the dead database later...

     * Tell the stats collector to forget it immediately, too.

     * Tell checkpointer to forget any pending fsync and unlink requests for
     * files in the database; else the fsyncs will fail at next checkpoint, or
     * worse, it will delete files that belong to a newly created database
     * with the same OID.

     * Force a checkpoint to make sure the checkpointer has received the
     * message sent by ForgetDatabaseFsyncRequests. On Windows, this also
     * ensures that background procs don't hold any open files, which would
     * cause rmdir() to fail.

     * Remove all tablespace subdirs belonging to the database.

     * Close pg_database, but keep lock till commit.
    heap_close(pgdbrel, NoLock);

     * Force synchronous commit, thus minimizing the window between removal of
     * the database files and commital of the transaction. If we crash before
     * committing, we'll have a DB that's gone on disk but still there
     * according to pg_database, which is not good.

static int errdetail_busy_db ( int  notherbackends,
int  npreparedxacts 
) [static]

Definition at line 1882 of file dbcommands.c.

References errdetail(), and errdetail_plural().

Referenced by createdb(), dropdb(), movedb(), and RenameDatabase().

    if (notherbackends > 0 && npreparedxacts > 0)
        /* We don't deal with singular versus plural here, since gettext
         * doesn't support multiple plurals in one string. */
        errdetail("There are %d other session(s) and %d prepared transaction(s) using the database.",
                  notherbackends, npreparedxacts);
    else if (notherbackends > 0)
        errdetail_plural("There is %d other session using the database.",
                         "There are %d other sessions using the database.",
        errdetail_plural("There is %d prepared transaction using the database.",
                         "There are %d prepared transactions using the database.",
    return 0;                   /* just to keep ereport macro happy */

char* get_database_name ( Oid  dbid  ) 
Oid get_database_oid ( const char *  dbname,
bool  missing_ok 

Definition at line 1909 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessShareLock, Anum_pg_database_datname, BTEqualStrategyNumber, CStringGetDatum, DatabaseNameIndexId, DatabaseRelationId, ereport, errcode(), errmsg(), ERROR, heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, OidIsValid, ScanKeyInit(), SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), and systable_getnext().

Referenced by AlterDatabaseSet(), AlterRoleSet(), CommentObject(), convert_database_name(), createdb(), get_object_address_unqualified(), objectNamesToOids(), pg_database_size_name(), RenameDatabase(), and sepgsql_database_post_create().

    Relation    pg_database;
    ScanKeyData entry[1];
    SysScanDesc scan;
    HeapTuple   dbtuple;
    Oid         oid;

     * There's no syscache for pg_database indexed by name, so we must look
     * the hard way.
    pg_database = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, AccessShareLock);
                BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,
    scan = systable_beginscan(pg_database, DatabaseNameIndexId, true,
                              SnapshotNow, 1, entry);

    dbtuple = systable_getnext(scan);

    /* We assume that there can be at most one matching tuple */
    if (HeapTupleIsValid(dbtuple))
        oid = HeapTupleGetOid(dbtuple);
        oid = InvalidOid;

    heap_close(pg_database, AccessShareLock);

    if (!OidIsValid(oid) && !missing_ok)
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist",

    return oid;

static bool get_db_info ( const char *  name,
LOCKMODE  lockmode,
Oid dbIdP,
Oid ownerIdP,
int *  encodingP,
bool dbIsTemplateP,
bool dbAllowConnP,
Oid dbLastSysOidP,
TransactionId dbFrozenXidP,
MultiXactId dbMinMultiP,
Oid dbTablespace,
char **  dbCollate,
char **  dbCtype 
) [static]

Definition at line 1603 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessShareLock, Anum_pg_database_datname, AssertArg, BTEqualStrategyNumber, DatabaseNameIndexId, DATABASEOID, DatabaseRelationId, GETSTRUCT, heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, LockSharedObject(), NameGetDatum, NameStr, NoLock, ObjectIdGetDatum, pstrdup(), ReleaseSysCache(), ScanKeyInit(), SearchSysCache1, SnapshotNow, systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), and UnlockSharedObject().

Referenced by createdb(), dropdb(), movedb(), and RenameDatabase().

    bool        result = false;
    Relation    relation;


    /* Caller may wish to grab a better lock on pg_database beforehand... */
    relation = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, AccessShareLock);

     * Loop covers the rare case where the database is renamed before we can
     * lock it.  We try again just in case we can find a new one of the same
     * name.
    for (;;)
        ScanKeyData scanKey;
        SysScanDesc scan;
        HeapTuple   tuple;
        Oid         dbOid;

         * there's no syscache for database-indexed-by-name, so must do it the
         * hard way
                    BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,

        scan = systable_beginscan(relation, DatabaseNameIndexId, true,
                                  SnapshotNow, 1, &scanKey);

        tuple = systable_getnext(scan);

        if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
            /* definitely no database of that name */

        dbOid = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);


         * Now that we have a database OID, we can try to lock the DB.
        if (lockmode != NoLock)
            LockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, dbOid, 0, lockmode);

         * And now, re-fetch the tuple by OID.  If it's still there and still
         * the same name, we win; else, drop the lock and loop back to try
         * again.
        tuple = SearchSysCache1(DATABASEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(dbOid));
        if (HeapTupleIsValid(tuple))
            Form_pg_database dbform = (Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(tuple);

            if (strcmp(name, NameStr(dbform->datname)) == 0)
                /* oid of the database */
                if (dbIdP)
                    *dbIdP = dbOid;
                /* oid of the owner */
                if (ownerIdP)
                    *ownerIdP = dbform->datdba;
                /* character encoding */
                if (encodingP)
                    *encodingP = dbform->encoding;
                /* allowed as template? */
                if (dbIsTemplateP)
                    *dbIsTemplateP = dbform->datistemplate;
                /* allowing connections? */
                if (dbAllowConnP)
                    *dbAllowConnP = dbform->datallowconn;
                /* last system OID used in database */
                if (dbLastSysOidP)
                    *dbLastSysOidP = dbform->datlastsysoid;
                /* limit of frozen XIDs */
                if (dbFrozenXidP)
                    *dbFrozenXidP = dbform->datfrozenxid;
                /* limit of frozen Multixacts */
                if (dbMinMultiP)
                    *dbMinMultiP = dbform->datminmxid;
                /* default tablespace for this database */
                if (dbTablespace)
                    *dbTablespace = dbform->dattablespace;
                /* default locale settings for this database */
                if (dbCollate)
                    *dbCollate = pstrdup(NameStr(dbform->datcollate));
                if (dbCtype)
                    *dbCtype = pstrdup(NameStr(dbform->datctype));
                result = true;
            /* can only get here if it was just renamed */

        if (lockmode != NoLock)
            UnlockSharedObject(DatabaseRelationId, dbOid, 0, lockmode);

    heap_close(relation, AccessShareLock);

    return result;

static bool have_createdb_privilege ( void   )  [static]

Definition at line 1724 of file dbcommands.c.

References AUTHOID, GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), HeapTupleIsValid, ObjectIdGetDatum, ReleaseSysCache(), SearchSysCache1, and superuser().

Referenced by AlterDatabaseOwner(), createdb(), and RenameDatabase().

    bool        result = false;
    HeapTuple   utup;

    /* Superusers can always do everything */
    if (superuser())
        return true;

    utup = SearchSysCache1(AUTHOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(GetUserId()));
    if (HeapTupleIsValid(utup))
        result = ((Form_pg_authid) GETSTRUCT(utup))->rolcreatedb;
    return result;

static void movedb ( const char *  dbname,
const char *  tblspcname 
) [static]

Definition at line 1015 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, ACL_CREATE, ACL_KIND_DATABASE, ACL_KIND_TABLESPACE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, ACLCHECK_OK, AllocateDir(), Anum_pg_database_datname, Anum_pg_database_dattablespace, BTEqualStrategyNumber, XLogRecData::buffer, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), CHECKPOINT_FORCE, CHECKPOINT_IMMEDIATE, CHECKPOINT_WAIT, CommitTransactionCommand(), copydir(), CountOtherDBBackends(), dirent::d_name, XLogRecData::data, DatabaseNameIndexId, DatabaseRelationId, xl_dbase_drop_rec::db_id, xl_dbase_create_rec::db_id, movedb_failure_params::dest_dboid, movedb_failure_params::dest_tsoid, elog, ereport, errcode(), errdetail_busy_db(), errhint(), errmsg(), ERROR, ForceSyncCommit(), FreeDir(), get_db_info(), get_tablespace_oid(), GetDatabasePath(), GetUserId(), GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID, heap_close, heap_modify_tuple(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, XLogRecData::len, LockSharedObjectForSession(), MemSet, movedb_failure_callback(), MyDatabaseId, NameGetDatum, XLogRecData::next, NoLock, NULL, ObjectIdGetDatum, pg_database_ownercheck(), PG_END_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP, PG_ENSURE_ERROR_CLEANUP, pg_tablespace_aclcheck(), PointerGetDatum, PopActiveSnapshot(), ReadDir(), RelationGetDescr, RequestCheckpoint(), rmtree(), RowExclusiveLock, ScanKeyInit(), simple_heap_update(), SnapshotNow, xl_dbase_create_rec::src_db_id, xl_dbase_create_rec::src_tablespace_id, StartTransactionCommand(), systable_beginscan(), systable_endscan(), systable_getnext(), HeapTupleData::t_self, xl_dbase_drop_rec::tablespace_id, xl_dbase_create_rec::tablespace_id, UnlockSharedObjectForSession(), WARNING, XLOG_DBASE_CREATE, XLOG_DBASE_DROP, and XLogInsert().

Referenced by AlterDatabase().

    Oid         db_id;
    Relation    pgdbrel;
    int         notherbackends;
    int         npreparedxacts;
    HeapTuple   oldtuple,
    Oid         src_tblspcoid,
    Datum       new_record[Natts_pg_database];
    bool        new_record_nulls[Natts_pg_database];
    bool        new_record_repl[Natts_pg_database];
    ScanKeyData scankey;
    SysScanDesc sysscan;
    AclResult   aclresult;
    char       *src_dbpath;
    char       *dst_dbpath;
    DIR        *dstdir;
    struct dirent *xlde;
    movedb_failure_params fparms;

     * Look up the target database's OID, and get exclusive lock on it. We
     * need this to ensure that no new backend starts up in the database while
     * we are moving it, and that no one is using it as a CREATE DATABASE
     * template or trying to delete it.
    pgdbrel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

    if (!get_db_info(dbname, AccessExclusiveLock, &db_id, NULL, NULL,
                     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &src_tblspcoid, NULL, NULL))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", dbname)));

     * We actually need a session lock, so that the lock will persist across
     * the commit/restart below.  (We could almost get away with letting the
     * lock be released at commit, except that someone could try to move
     * relations of the DB back into the old directory while we rmtree() it.)
    LockSharedObjectForSession(DatabaseRelationId, db_id, 0,

     * Permission checks
    if (!pg_database_ownercheck(db_id, GetUserId()))

     * Obviously can't move the tables of my own database
    if (db_id == MyDatabaseId)
                 errmsg("cannot change the tablespace of the currently open database")));

     * Get tablespace's oid
    dst_tblspcoid = get_tablespace_oid(tblspcname, false);

     * Permission checks
    aclresult = pg_tablespace_aclcheck(dst_tblspcoid, GetUserId(),
    if (aclresult != ACLCHECK_OK)
        aclcheck_error(aclresult, ACL_KIND_TABLESPACE,

     * pg_global must never be the default tablespace
    if (dst_tblspcoid == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)
                 errmsg("pg_global cannot be used as default tablespace")));

     * No-op if same tablespace
    if (src_tblspcoid == dst_tblspcoid)
        heap_close(pgdbrel, NoLock);
        UnlockSharedObjectForSession(DatabaseRelationId, db_id, 0,

     * Check for other backends in the target database.  (Because we hold the
     * database lock, no new ones can start after this.)
     * As in CREATE DATABASE, check this after other error conditions.
    if (CountOtherDBBackends(db_id, &notherbackends, &npreparedxacts))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" is being accessed by other users",
                 errdetail_busy_db(notherbackends, npreparedxacts)));

     * Get old and new database paths
    src_dbpath = GetDatabasePath(db_id, src_tblspcoid);
    dst_dbpath = GetDatabasePath(db_id, dst_tblspcoid);

     * Force a checkpoint before proceeding. This will force dirty buffers out
     * to disk, to ensure source database is up-to-date on disk for the copy.
     * FlushDatabaseBuffers() would suffice for that, but we also want to
     * process any pending unlink requests. Otherwise, the check for existing
     * files in the target directory might fail unnecessarily, not to mention
     * that the copy might fail due to source files getting deleted under it.
     * On Windows, this also ensures that background procs don't hold any open
     * files, which would cause rmdir() to fail.

     * Check for existence of files in the target directory, i.e., objects of
     * this database that are already in the target tablespace.  We can't
     * allow the move in such a case, because we would need to change those
     * relations' pg_class.reltablespace entries to zero, and we don't have
     * access to the DB's pg_class to do so.
    dstdir = AllocateDir(dst_dbpath);
    if (dstdir != NULL)
        while ((xlde = ReadDir(dstdir, dst_dbpath)) != NULL)
            if (strcmp(xlde->d_name, ".") == 0 ||
                strcmp(xlde->d_name, "..") == 0)

                     errmsg("some relations of database \"%s\" are already in tablespace \"%s\"",
                            dbname, tblspcname),
                     errhint("You must move them back to the database's default tablespace before using this command.")));


         * The directory exists but is empty. We must remove it before using
         * the copydir function.
        if (rmdir(dst_dbpath) != 0)
            elog(ERROR, "could not remove directory \"%s\": %m",

     * Use an ENSURE block to make sure we remove the debris if the copy fails
     * (eg, due to out-of-disk-space).  This is not a 100% solution, because
     * of the possibility of failure during transaction commit, but it should
     * handle most scenarios.
    fparms.dest_dboid = db_id;
    fparms.dest_tsoid = dst_tblspcoid;
         * Copy files from the old tablespace to the new one
        copydir(src_dbpath, dst_dbpath, false);

         * Record the filesystem change in XLOG
            xl_dbase_create_rec xlrec;
            XLogRecData rdata[1];

            xlrec.db_id = db_id;
            xlrec.tablespace_id = dst_tblspcoid;
            xlrec.src_db_id = db_id;
            xlrec.src_tablespace_id = src_tblspcoid;

            rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
            rdata[0].len = sizeof(xl_dbase_create_rec);
            rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
            rdata[0].next = NULL;

            (void) XLogInsert(RM_DBASE_ID, XLOG_DBASE_CREATE, rdata);

         * Update the database's pg_database tuple
                    BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_NAMEEQ,
        sysscan = systable_beginscan(pgdbrel, DatabaseNameIndexId, true,
                                     SnapshotNow, 1, &scankey);
        oldtuple = systable_getnext(sysscan);
        if (!HeapTupleIsValid(oldtuple))        /* shouldn't happen... */
                     errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", dbname)));

        MemSet(new_record, 0, sizeof(new_record));
        MemSet(new_record_nulls, false, sizeof(new_record_nulls));
        MemSet(new_record_repl, false, sizeof(new_record_repl));

        new_record[Anum_pg_database_dattablespace - 1] = ObjectIdGetDatum(dst_tblspcoid);
        new_record_repl[Anum_pg_database_dattablespace - 1] = true;

        newtuple = heap_modify_tuple(oldtuple, RelationGetDescr(pgdbrel),
                                     new_record_nulls, new_record_repl);
        simple_heap_update(pgdbrel, &oldtuple->t_self, newtuple);

        /* Update indexes */
        CatalogUpdateIndexes(pgdbrel, newtuple);

                                  HeapTupleGetOid(newtuple), 0);


         * Force another checkpoint here.  As in CREATE DATABASE, this is to
         * ensure that we don't have to replay a committed XLOG_DBASE_CREATE
         * operation, which would cause us to lose any unlogged operations
         * done in the new DB tablespace before the next checkpoint.

         * Force synchronous commit, thus minimizing the window between
         * copying the database files and commital of the transaction. If we
         * crash before committing, we'll leave an orphaned set of files on
         * disk, which is not fatal but not good either.

         * Close pg_database, but keep lock till commit.
        heap_close(pgdbrel, NoLock);

     * Commit the transaction so that the pg_database update is committed. If
     * we crash while removing files, the database won't be corrupt, we'll
     * just leave some orphaned files in the old directory.
     * (This is OK because we know we aren't inside a transaction block.)
     * XXX would it be safe/better to do this inside the ensure block?  Not
     * convinced it's a good idea; consider elog just after the transaction
     * really commits.

    /* Start new transaction for the remaining work; don't need a snapshot */

     * Remove files from the old tablespace
    if (!rmtree(src_dbpath, true))
                (errmsg("some useless files may be left behind in old database directory \"%s\"",

     * Record the filesystem change in XLOG
        xl_dbase_drop_rec xlrec;
        XLogRecData rdata[1];

        xlrec.db_id = db_id;
        xlrec.tablespace_id = src_tblspcoid;

        rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
        rdata[0].len = sizeof(xl_dbase_drop_rec);
        rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
        rdata[0].next = NULL;

        (void) XLogInsert(RM_DBASE_ID, XLOG_DBASE_DROP, rdata);

    /* Now it's safe to release the database lock */
    UnlockSharedObjectForSession(DatabaseRelationId, db_id, 0,

static void movedb_failure_callback ( int  code,
Datum  arg 
) [static]

Definition at line 1318 of file dbcommands.c.

References DatumGetPointer, movedb_failure_params::dest_dboid, movedb_failure_params::dest_tsoid, GetDatabasePath(), and rmtree().

Referenced by movedb().

    movedb_failure_params *fparms = (movedb_failure_params *) DatumGetPointer(arg);
    char       *dstpath;

    /* Get rid of anything we managed to copy to the target directory */
    dstpath = GetDatabasePath(fparms->dest_dboid, fparms->dest_tsoid);

    (void) rmtree(dstpath, true);

static void remove_dbtablespaces ( Oid  db_id  )  [static]

Definition at line 1749 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessShareLock, XLogRecData::buffer, XLogRecData::data, xl_dbase_drop_rec::db_id, ereport, errmsg(), ForwardScanDirection, GetDatabasePath(), GetLatestSnapshot(), GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID, heap_beginscan(), heap_close, heap_endscan(), heap_getnext(), heap_open(), HeapTupleGetOid, XLogRecData::len, lstat, XLogRecData::next, NULL, pfree(), RegisterSnapshot(), rmtree(), xl_dbase_drop_rec::tablespace_id, TableSpaceRelationId, UnregisterSnapshot(), WARNING, XLOG_DBASE_DROP, and XLogInsert().

Referenced by createdb_failure_callback(), and dropdb().

    Relation    rel;
    HeapScanDesc scan;
    HeapTuple   tuple;
    Snapshot    snapshot;

     * As in createdb(), we'd better use an MVCC snapshot here, since this
     * scan can run for a long time.  Duplicate visits to tablespaces would be
     * harmless, but missing a tablespace could result in permanently leaked
     * files.
     * XXX change this when a generic fix for SnapshotNow races is implemented
    snapshot = RegisterSnapshot(GetLatestSnapshot());

    rel = heap_open(TableSpaceRelationId, AccessShareLock);
    scan = heap_beginscan(rel, snapshot, 0, NULL);
    while ((tuple = heap_getnext(scan, ForwardScanDirection)) != NULL)
        Oid         dsttablespace = HeapTupleGetOid(tuple);
        char       *dstpath;
        struct stat st;

        /* Don't mess with the global tablespace */
        if (dsttablespace == GLOBALTABLESPACE_OID)

        dstpath = GetDatabasePath(db_id, dsttablespace);

        if (lstat(dstpath, &st) < 0 || !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
            /* Assume we can ignore it */

        if (!rmtree(dstpath, true))
                    (errmsg("some useless files may be left behind in old database directory \"%s\"",

        /* Record the filesystem change in XLOG */
            xl_dbase_drop_rec xlrec;
            XLogRecData rdata[1];

            xlrec.db_id = db_id;
            xlrec.tablespace_id = dsttablespace;

            rdata[0].data = (char *) &xlrec;
            rdata[0].len = sizeof(xl_dbase_drop_rec);
            rdata[0].buffer = InvalidBuffer;
            rdata[0].next = NULL;

            (void) XLogInsert(RM_DBASE_ID, XLOG_DBASE_DROP, rdata);


    heap_close(rel, AccessShareLock);

Oid RenameDatabase ( const char *  oldname,
const char *  newname 

Definition at line 928 of file dbcommands.c.

References AccessExclusiveLock, ACL_KIND_DATABASE, aclcheck_error(), ACLCHECK_NOT_OWNER, CatalogUpdateIndexes(), CountOtherDBBackends(), DATABASEOID, DatabaseRelationId, elog, ereport, errcode(), errdetail_busy_db(), errmsg(), ERROR, get_database_oid(), get_db_info(), GETSTRUCT, GetUserId(), have_createdb_privilege(), heap_close, heap_open(), HeapTupleIsValid, InvokeObjectPostAlterHook, MyDatabaseId, namestrcpy(), NoLock, NULL, ObjectIdGetDatum, OidIsValid, pg_database_ownercheck(), RowExclusiveLock, SearchSysCacheCopy1, simple_heap_update(), and HeapTupleData::t_self.

Referenced by ExecRenameStmt().

    Oid         db_id;
    HeapTuple   newtup;
    Relation    rel;
    int         notherbackends;
    int         npreparedxacts;

     * Look up the target database's OID, and get exclusive lock on it. We
     * need this for the same reasons as DROP DATABASE.
    rel = heap_open(DatabaseRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);

    if (!get_db_info(oldname, AccessExclusiveLock, &db_id, NULL, NULL,
                     NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" does not exist", oldname)));

    /* must be owner */
    if (!pg_database_ownercheck(db_id, GetUserId()))

    /* must have createdb rights */
    if (!have_createdb_privilege())
                 errmsg("permission denied to rename database")));

     * Make sure the new name doesn't exist.  See notes for same error in
    if (OidIsValid(get_database_oid(newname, true)))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" already exists", newname)));

     * XXX Client applications probably store the current database somewhere,
     * so renaming it could cause confusion.  On the other hand, there may not
     * be an actual problem besides a little confusion, so think about this
     * and decide.
    if (db_id == MyDatabaseId)
                 errmsg("current database cannot be renamed")));

     * Make sure the database does not have active sessions.  This is the same
     * concern as above, but applied to other sessions.
     * As in CREATE DATABASE, check this after other error conditions.
    if (CountOtherDBBackends(db_id, &notherbackends, &npreparedxacts))
                 errmsg("database \"%s\" is being accessed by other users",
                 errdetail_busy_db(notherbackends, npreparedxacts)));

    /* rename */
    newtup = SearchSysCacheCopy1(DATABASEOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(db_id));
    if (!HeapTupleIsValid(newtup))
        elog(ERROR, "cache lookup failed for database %u", db_id);
    namestrcpy(&(((Form_pg_database) GETSTRUCT(newtup))->datname), newname);
    simple_heap_update(rel, &newtup->t_self, newtup);
    CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, newtup);

    InvokeObjectPostAlterHook(DatabaseRelationId, db_id, 0);

     * Close pg_database, but keep lock till commit.
    heap_close(rel, NoLock);

    return db_id;