Symbols   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  
N — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the N key (78).
name — Property, class Error
Contains the name of the Error object.
name() — method, class XML
Gives the qualified name for the XML object.
name — Property, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties
Provides a name for this display object in the accessible presentation.
name — Property, class
Gets the name of the column.
name — Property, class
The name of this schema object.
name — Property, class flash.display.DisplayObject
Indicates the instance name of the DisplayObject.
name — Property, class flash.display.FrameLabel
The name of the label.
name — Property, class flash.display.NativeMenuItem
The name of this menu item.
name — Property, class flash.display.Scene
The name of the scene.
name — Property, class
The name of the current camera, as returned by the camera hardware.
name — Property, class
The name of the current sound capture device, as returned by the sound capture hardware.
name — Property, class
The name of the file on the local disk.
name — Property, class
An HTTP request header name (such as Content-Type or SOAPAction).
name — Constant Property, class flash.sampler.StackFrame
The function name in the stack frame.
name — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationClass
The class name.
name — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationEventDescriptor
The name of this event as the agent sees it.
name — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationMethodDescriptor
The name of the method.
name — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationPropertyDescriptor
Name of the property.
name — Property, class
The automation event name.
name — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingField
The name of the field to be sorted.
name — Property, class mx.collections.SortField
The name of the field to be sorted.
name — Property, interface mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject
Indicates the instance name of the DisplayObject.
name — Property, class mx.effects.SetPropertyAction
The name of the property being changed.
name — Property, class mx.effects.SetStyleAction
The name of the style property being changed.
name — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SetPropertyActionInstance
The name of the property being changed.
name — Property, class mx.effects.effectClasses.SetStyleActionInstance
The name of the style property being changed.
name — Property, class
Name of property or method or manager to instantiate.
name — Property, class
The attribute name.
name — Property, class
The name of the MBean feature.
name — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPCube
The name of the OLAP cube.
name — Property, interface mx.olap.IOLAPElement
The name of the OLAP element that includes the OLAP schema hierarchy of the element.
name — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPCube
The name of the OLAP cube.
name — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPElement
The name of the OLAP element that includes the OLAP schema hierarchy of the element.
name — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPHierarchy
User defined name of this hierarchy.
name — Property, class mx.olap.OLAPLevel
The value of the name property of the OLAPAttribute instance associated with this OLAPLevel instance.
name — Property, class mx.rpc.AbstractOperation
The name of this Operation.
name — Property, class mx.rpc.wsdl.WSDLBinding
The unique name of this binding.
name — Property, class mx.states.SetEventHandler
The name of the event whose handler is being set.
name — Property, class mx.states.SetProperty
The name of the property to change.
name — Property, class mx.states.SetStyle
The name of the style to change.
name — Property, class mx.states.State
The name of the view state.
nameColumn — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
The DataGridColumn representing the Name column.
nameCompareFunction — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
A callback Function that you can use to change how file and subdirectory names are compared in order to produce the sort order.
nameCompareFunction — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
A callback Function that you can use to change how file and subdirectory names are compared in order to produce the sort order.
nameCompareFunction — Property, class mx.controls.FileSystemTree
A callback Function that you can use to change how file and subdirectory names are compared in order to produce the sort order.
nameField — Property, class mx.charts.series.PieSeries
Specifies the field of the data provider that determines the name of each wedge of the PieChart control.
names — Static Property, class
An array of strings indicating the names of all available cameras without displaying the Flash Player Privacy dialog box.
names — Static Property, class
An array of strings containing the names of all available sound capture devices.
namespace(prefix:String) — method, class XML
If no parameter is provided, gives the namespace associated with the qualified name of this XML object.
namespace — Statement
Allows you to control the visibility of definitions.
Namespace — final class, Top Level
The Namespace class contains methods and properties for defining and working with namespaces.
Namespace(uriValue) — Constructor, class Namespace
Creates a Namespace object.
Namespace(prefixValue, uriValue) — Constructor, class Namespace
Creates a Namespace object according to the values of the prefixValue and uriValue parameters.
namespaceDeclarations() — method, class XML
Lists namespace declarations associated with the XML object in the context of its parent.
namespaceURI — Property, class flash.xml.XMLNode
If the XML node has a prefix, namespaceURI is the value of the xmlns declaration for that prefix (the URI), which is typically called the namespace URI.
NameUtil — class, package mx.utils
The NameUtil utility class defines static methods for creating names for Flex objects.
NaN — Package Constant Property, Top Level
A special member of the Number data type that represents a value that is "not a number" (NaN).
NaN — Constant Static Property, class Number
The IEEE-754 value representing Not a Number (NaN).
native — Statement
Specifies that a function or method is implemented by Flash Player in native code.
nativeApplication — Static Property, class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
The singleton instance of the NativeApplication object.
nativeApplication — Property, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
The NativeApplication object representing the AIR application.
NativeApplication — final class, package flash.desktop
The NativeApplication class represents this AIR application.
NativeDragActions — class, package flash.desktop
The NativeDragActions class defines string constants for the names of the drag-and-drop actions.
nativeDragComplete — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched by the drag initiator InteractiveObject when the user releases the drag gesture.
NATIVE_DRAG_COMPLETE — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_COMPLETE defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragComplete event object.
nativeDragDrop — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched by the target InteractiveObject when a dragged object is dropped on it and the drop has been accepted with a call to DragManager.acceptDragDrop().
NATIVE_DRAG_DROP — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_DROP defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragDrop event object.
nativeDragEnter — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched by an InteractiveObject when a drag gesture enters its boundary.
NATIVE_DRAG_ENTER — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_ENTER defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragEnter event object.
NativeDragEvent — class, package
Native drag events are dispatched by the interactive objects involved in a drag-and-drop operation.
NativeDragEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, localX:Number, localY:Number, relatedObject:flash.display:InteractiveObject, clipboard:flash.desktop:Clipboard, allowedActions:flash.desktop:NativeDragOptions, dropAction:String, controlKey:Boolean, altKey:Boolean, shiftKey:Boolean, commandKey:Boolean) — Constructor, class
Creates an Event object with specific information relevant to native drag-and-drop events.
nativeDragExit — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched by an InteractiveObject when a drag gesture leaves its boundary.
NATIVE_DRAG_EXIT — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_EXIT defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragExit event object.
NativeDragManager — class, package flash.desktop
The NativeDragManager class coordinates drag-and-drop operations.
NativeDragOptions — class, package flash.desktop
The NativeDragOptions class defines constants for the names of drag-and-drop actions allowed in a drag-and-drop operation.
nativeDragOver — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched by an InteractiveObject continually while a drag gesture remains within its boundary.
NATIVE_DRAG_OVER — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_OVER defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragOver event object.
nativeDragStart — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched at the beginning of a drag operation by the InteractiveObject that is specified as the drag initiator in the DragManager.doDrag() call.
NATIVE_DRAG_START — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_START defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragStart event object.
nativeDragUpdate — Event, class flash.display.InteractiveObject
Dispatched during a drag operation by the InteractiveObject that is specified as the drag initiator in the DragManager.doDrag() call.
NATIVE_DRAG_UPDATE — Constant Static Property, class
NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_UPDATE defines the value of the type property of a nativeDragUpdate event object.
nativeMenu — Property, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu
Returns the flash.display.NativeMenu managed by this object, or null if there is not one.
nativeMenu — Property, class
The specific NativeMenu instance associated with the event, such as the menu displayed.
NativeMenu — class, package flash.display
The NativeMenu class contains methods and properties for defining menus.
nativeMenuItem — Property, class
The specific NativeMenuItem instance associated with the event, such as the item clicked.
NativeMenuItem — class, package flash.display
The NativeMenuItem class represents a single item in a menu.
NativeMenuItem(label:String, isSeparator:Boolean) — Constructor, class flash.display.NativeMenuItem
Creates a new NativeMenuItem object.
nativePath — Property, class flash.filesystem.File
The full path in the host operating system representation.
nativeWindow — Property, class flash.display.Stage
A reference to the NativeWindow object containing this Stage.
nativeWindow — Property, interface mx.core.IWindow
The underlying NativeWindow that the Window component uses.
nativeWindow — Property, class mx.core.Window
The underlying NativeWindow that this Window component uses.
nativeWindow — Property, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
The NativeWindow used by this WindowedApplication component (the initial native window of the application).
NativeWindow — class, package flash.display
The NativeWindow class provides an interface for creating and controlling native desktop windows.
NativeWindow(initOptions:flash.display:NativeWindowInitOptions) — Constructor, class flash.display.NativeWindow
Creates a new NativeWindow instance and a corresponding operating system window.
NativeWindowBoundsEvent — class, package
A NativeWindow object dispatches a NativeWindowBoundsEvent object when the size or location of the window changes.
NativeWindowBoundsEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, beforeBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle, afterBounds:flash.geom:Rectangle) — Constructor, class
Creates an Event object with specific information relevant to window bounds events.
NativeWindowDisplayState — final class, package flash.display
The NativeWindowDisplayState class defines constants for the names of the window display states.
NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent — class, package
A NativeWindow object dispatches events of the NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent class when the window display state changes.
NativeWindowDisplayStateEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, beforeDisplayState:String, afterDisplayState:String) — Constructor, class
Creates an Event object with specific information relevant to window display state events.
NativeWindowInitOptions — class, package flash.display
The NativeWindowInitOptions class defines the initialization options used to construct a new NativeWindow instance.
NativeWindowInitOptions() — Constructor, class flash.display.NativeWindowInitOptions
Creates a new NativeWindowInitOptions object.
NativeWindowResize — final class, package flash.display
The NativeWindowResize class defines constants for the possible values of the edgeOrCorner parameter of the NativeWindow startResize() method.
NativeWindowSystemChrome — final class, package flash.display
The NativeWindowSystemChrome class defines constants for the systemChrome property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
NativeWindowType — final class, package flash.display
The NativeWindowType class defines constants for the type property of the NativeWindowInitOptions object used to create a native window.
NavBar — class, package mx.controls
The NavBar control is the superclass for navigator controls, such as the LinkBar and TabBar controls, and cannot be instantiated directly.
NavBar() — Constructor, class mx.controls.NavBar
NavBarAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NavBar control.
NavBarAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:NavBar) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.NavBarAutomationImpl
navigateBack(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
Changes this control to display the contents of a previously-visited directory in the backHistory array.
navigateBack(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
Changes this control to display the contents of a previously-visited directory in the backHistory array.
navigateDown() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
Changes this control to display the contents of the selected subdirectory.
navigateDown() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
Changes this control to display the contents of the selected subdirectory.
navigateForward(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
Changes this control to display the contents of a previously-visited directory in the forwardHistory array.
navigateForward(index:int) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
Changes this control to display the contents of a previously-visited directory in the forwardHistory array.
navigateInSystemBrowser — Property, class flash.html.HTMLLoader
Specifies whether navigation of the root frame of the HTML content (such as when the user clicks a link, when the window.location property is set, or when calling results in navigation in the HTMLLoader object (false) or in the default system web browser (true).
navigateTo(directory:flash.filesystem:File) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
Changes this control to display the contents of the specified directory.
navigateTo(directory:flash.filesystem:File) — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
Changes this control to display the contents of the specified directory.
navigateToURL(, window:String) — Package Function,
Opens or replaces a window in the application that contains the Flash Player container (usually a browser).
navigateUp() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemDataGrid
Changes this control to display the contents of the next directory up in the hierarchy.
navigateUp() — method, class mx.controls.FileSystemList
Changes this control to display the contents of the next directory up in the hierarchy.
nearEquals(toCompare:flash.geom:Vector3D, tolerance:Number, allFour:Boolean) — method, class flash.geom.Vector3D
Compares the elements of the current Vector3D object with the elements of a specified Vector3D object to determine whether they are nearly equal.
NEAREST — Constant Static Property, class mx.formatters.NumberBaseRoundType
Rounds a number up or down to the nearest integer.
nearID — Property, class
The identifier of this Flash Player or Adobe AIR instance for this NetConnection instance.
nearNonce — Property, class
A value chosen substantially by this Flash Player or Adobe AIR instance, unique to this connection.
nearNonce — Property, class
A value chosen substantially by this end of the stream, unique to this connection.
needRightSeparator — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader
Whether we need the separator on the far right
needRightSeparatorEvents — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridHeader
Whether we need the separator events on the far right
NEEDS_CONFIG_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage
Header to indicate that the Channel needs the configuration from the server.
negate() — method, class flash.geom.Vector3D
Sets the current Vector3D object to its inverse.
NEGATIVE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.TriangleCulling
Specifies culling of all triangles facing toward the current view point.
negativeError — Property, class mx.validators.CurrencyValidator
Error message when the value is negative and the allowNegative property is false.
negativeError — Property, class mx.validators.NumberValidator
Error message when the value is negative and the allowNegative property is false.
NEGATIVE_INFINITY — Constant Static Property, class Number
Specifies the IEEE-754 value representing negative infinity.
negTotalsByPrimaryAxis — Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.StackedSeries
The summed totals of the stacked negative values.
NELLYMOSER — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the Nellymoser codec be used for compressing audio.
nestLevel — Property, class mx.controls.FlexNativeMenu
Depth of this object in the containment hierarchy.
nestLevel — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Depth of this object in the containment hierarchy.
nestLevel — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
Depth of this object in the containment hierarchy.
nestLevel — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
Depth of this object in the containment hierarchy.
nestLevel — Property, interface mx.managers.ILayoutManagerClient
The top-level SystemManager has a nestLevel of 1.
nestLevel — Property, class mx.skins.ProgrammaticSkin
Depth of this object in the containment hierarchy.
netConnection — Property, class mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel
Provides access to the associated NetConnection for this Channel.
NetConnection — class, package
The NetConnection class creates a bidirectional connection between a Flash Player or AIR an AIR application and a Flash Media Server application or between a Flash Player or AIR an AIR application and an application server running Flash Remoting.
NetConnection() — Constructor, class
Creates a NetConnection object.
NetConnectionChannel — class, package mx.messaging.channels
This NetConnectionChannel provides the basic NetConnection support for messaging.
NetConnectionChannel(id:String, uri:String) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.channels.NetConnectionChannel
Creates a new NetConnectionChannel instance.
netStatus — Event, class
Dispatched when a NetConnection object is reporting its status or error condition.
netStatus — Event, class
Dispatched when a NetStream object is reporting its status or error condition.
netStatus — Event, class
Dispatched when a SharedObject instance is reporting its status or error condition.
NET_STATUS — Constant Static Property, class
Defines the value of the type property of a netStatus event object.
NetStatusEvent — class, package
A NetConnection, NetStream, or SharedObject object dispatches NetStatusEvent objects when a it reports its status.
NetStatusEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, info:Object) — Constructor, class
Creates an Event object that contains information about netStatus events.
netstream — Property, class
The NetStream object that initiated this event.
NetStream — class, package
The NetStream class opens a one-way streaming connection between an AIR or Flash Player application and Flash Media Server, or between an AIR or Flash Player application and the local file system.
NetStream(, peerID:String) — Constructor, class
Creates a stream that can be used for playing video files through the specified NetConnection object.
NetStreamInfo — final class, package
The NetStreamInfo class specifies the various Quality of Service (QOS) statistics related to a NetStream object and the underlying streaming buffer for audio, video, and data.
NetStreamInfo(curBPS:Number, byteCount:Number, maxBPS:Number, audioBPS:Number, audioByteCount:Number, videoBPS:Number, videoByteCount:Number, dataBPS:Number, dataByteCount:Number, playbackBPS:Number, droppedFrames:Number, audioBufferByteLength:Number, videoBufferByteLength:Number, dataBufferByteLength:Number, audioBufferLength:Number, videoBufferLength:Number, dataBufferLength:Number, srtt:Number, audioLossRate:Number) — Constructor, class
For internal use only; not recommended for use.
NetStreamPlayOptions — Dynamic Class, package
The NetStreamPlayOptions class specifies the various options that can be passed to the NetStream.play2() method.
NetStreamPlayOptions() — Constructor, class
Creates a NetStreamPlayOptions object to specify the options that are passed to the NetStream.play2() method.
NetStreamPlayTransitions — class, package
The NetStreamPlayTransitions class specifies the valid strings that you can use with the NetStreamPlayOptions.transition property.
networkChange — Event, class flash.desktop.NativeApplication
Dispatched when either a new network connection becomes available or an existing network connection is lost.
networkChange — Event, class mx.core.Window
Dispatched when the computer connects to or disconnects from the network.
networkChange — Event, class mx.core.WindowedApplication
Dispatched when the computer connects to or disconnects from the network.
NETWORK_CHANGE — Constant Static Property, class
The Event.NETWORK_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a networkChange event object.
NetworkMonitor — class, package mx.netmon
NetworkMonitor is a stub used by the framework and enterprise service classes to send information to the Flex Builder Network Monitor feature.
networkRTT — Property, class mx.messaging.messages.MessagePerformanceUtils
The network round trip time for a client message and the server response to it, calculated by the difference between total time and server processing time
NEVER — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.PixelSnapping
A constant value used in the pixelSnapping property of a Bitmap object to specify that no pixel snapping occurs.
NEVER — Constant Static Property, class
Never check references.
NEVER — Constant Static Property, class
Do not check certificate revocation.
new — Operator
Instantiates a class instance.
NEW_COLUMN — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the user moved focus to a new column in the same row.
NEW_COLUMN — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the user moved focus to a new column in the same row.
newColumnIndex — Property, class
The zero-based index after the change.
newDate — Property, class
The selected date of the control.
newIndex — Property, class
The zero-based index after the change.
newInstance() — method, class mx.core.ClassFactory
Creates a new instance of the generator class, with the properties specified by properties.
newInstance() — method, class mx.core.ContextualClassFactory
Creates a new instance of the generator class, with the properties specified by properties.
newInstance() — method, interface mx.core.IFactory
Creates an instance of some class (determined by the class that implements IFactory).
newLine — Static Property, class mx.utils.Base64Encoder
The character codepoint to be inserted into the encoded output to denote a new line if insertNewLines is true.
NewObjectSample — final class, package flash.sampler
The NewObjectSample class represents objects that are created within a getSamples() stream.
NEW_ROW — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the user moved focus to a new row.
NEW_ROW — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the user moved focus to a new row.
NEW_ROW — Constant Static Property, class
Specifies that the user moved focus to a new row in the control.
newState — Property, class
The name of the view state that the component is entering.
newValue — Property, class
The value of the property after the change.
next(prefetch:int, — method, class
Retrieves the next portion of a SELECT statement's result set.
nextFrame() — method, class flash.display.MovieClip
Sends the playhead to the next frame and stops it.
nextLine — Property, class flash.text.engine.TextLine
The next TextLine in the TextBlock, or null if the current line is the last line in the block or the validity of the line is TextLineValidity.STATIC.
NEXT_MONTH — Constant Static Property, class
Indicates that the user scrolled the calendar to the next month.
nextMonthDisabledSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next month arrow when the arrow is disabled.
nextMonthDownSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next month arrow when the user presses the mouse button down on the arrow.
nextMonthOverSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next month arrow when the user moves the mouse pointer over the arrow.
nextMonthSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next month arrow.
nextMonthStyleFilters — Property, class mx.controls.DateChooser
The set of styles to pass from the DateChooser to the next month button.
nextMonthUpSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next month arrow when the mouse pointer is not over the arrow.
nextName(index:int) — method, class flash.utils.Proxy
Allows enumeration of the proxied object's properties by index number to retrieve property names.
nextName(index:int) — method, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap
This is an internal function that must be implemented by a subclass of flash.utils.Proxy.
nextNameIndex(index:int) — method, class flash.utils.Proxy
Allows enumeration of the proxied object's properties by index number.
nextNameIndex(index:int) — method, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap
This is an internal function that must be implemented by a subclass of flash.utils.Proxy.
nextPage() — method, class mx.printing.PrintAdvancedDataGrid
Puts the next set of data rows in view; that is, it sets the PrintAdvancedDataGrid verticalScrollPosition property to equal verticalScrollPosition + (number of scrollable rows).
nextPage() — method, class mx.printing.PrintDataGrid
Puts the next set of data rows in view; that is, it sets the PrintDataGrid verticalScrollPosition property to equal verticalScrollPosition + (number of scrollable rows).
nextPage() — method, class mx.printing.PrintOLAPDataGrid
Puts the next set of data rows in view; that is, it sets the PrintOLAPDataGrid verticalScrollPosition property to equal verticalScrollPosition + (number of scrollable rows).
nextRegion — Property, class flash.text.engine.TextLineMirrorRegion
The next TextLineMirrorRegion in the set derived from the text element, or null if the current region is the last mirror region in the set.
nextScene() — method, class flash.display.MovieClip
Moves the playhead to the next scene of the MovieClip instance.
nextSibling — Property, class flash.xml.XMLNode
An XMLNode value that references the next sibling in the parent node's child list.
nextTabIndex — Property, class mx.managers.FocusManager
The next unique tab index to use in this tab loop.
nextTabIndex — Property, interface mx.managers.IFocusManager
The next unique tab index to use in this tab loop.
nextValue(index:int) — method, class flash.utils.Proxy
Allows enumeration of the proxied object's properties by index number to retrieve property values.
nextValue — Property, class mx.controls.NumericStepper
The value that is one step larger than the current value property and not greater than the maximum property value.
nextValue(index:int) — method, class mx.messaging.config.ConfigMap
This is an internal function that must be implemented by a subclass of flash.utils.Proxy.
NEXT_YEAR — Constant Static Property, class
Indicates that the user scrolled the calendar to the next year.
nextYearDisabledSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next year arrow when the arrow is disabled.
nextYearDownSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next Year arrow when the user presses the mouse button down on the arrow.
nextYearOverSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next Year arrow when the user moves the mouse pointer over the arrow.
nextYearSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next year arrow.
nextYearStyleFilters — Property, class mx.controls.DateChooser
The set of styles to pass from the DateChooser to the next year button.
nextYearUpSkin — Style, class mx.controls.DateChooser
Name of the class to use as the skin for the next Year arrow when the mouse pointer is not over the arrow.
NO — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.Alert
Value that enables a No button on the Alert control when passed as the flags parameter of the show() method.
noAutoLabeling — Property, class flash.accessibility.AccessibilityProperties
If true, disables the Flash Player default auto-labeling system.
NO_BITRATE_MATCH — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError
No bitrate match.
NO_BORDER — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.StageScaleMode
Specifies that the entire application fill the specified area, without distortion but possibly with some cropping, while maintaining the original aspect ratio of the application.
NO_CASE — Constant Static Property, class
Indicates that the column is defined to use the NOCASE collation sequence.
NoChannelAvailableError — class, package mx.messaging.errors
This error is thrown when no Channel is available to send messages.
NoChannelAvailableError(msg:String) — Constructor, class mx.messaging.errors.NoChannelAvailableError
Constructs a new instance of the NoChannelAvailableError with the specified message.
NO_CONNECTION — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError
Unable to make connection to server or to find FLV on server.
NO_CUE_POINT_MATCH — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.videoClasses.VideoError
No matching cue point found.
NO_CURSOR — Constant Static Property, class mx.managers.CursorManager
Constant that is the value of currentCursorID property when there is no cursor managed by the CursorManager and therefore the system cursor is being displayed.
nodeKind() — method, class XML
Specifies the type of node: text, comment, processing-instruction, attribute, or element.
nodeName — Property, class flash.xml.XMLNode
A string representing the node name of the XMLNode object.
nodeType — Property, class flash.xml.XMLNode
A nodeType constant value, either XMLNodeType.ELEMENT_NODE for an XML element or XMLNodeType.TEXT_NODE for a text node.
nodeValue — Property, class flash.xml.XMLNode
The node value of the XMLDocument object.
noExpressionError — Property, class mx.validators.RegExpValidator
Error message when there is no regular expression specifed.
noise(randomSeed:int, low:uint, high:uint, channelOptions:uint, grayScale:Boolean) — method, class flash.display.BitmapData
Fills an image with pixels representing random noise.
noLabel — Static Property, class mx.controls.Alert
The label for the No button.
noMatchError — Property, class mx.validators.RegExpValidator
Error message when there are no matches to the regular expression.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.desktop.NativeDragActions
Defines the string to use when no action is specified.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.CapsStyle
Used to specify no caps in the caps parameter of the flash.display.Graphics.lineStyle() method.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.FocusDirection
Indicates that focus object within the interactive object should not change.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.LineScaleMode
With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line never scales.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.NativeWindowResize
Provides no hint to the system about which edge or corner to resize from, allowing for default behavior.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.NativeWindowSystemChrome
No system chrome.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.TriangleCulling
Specifies no culling.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.GridFitType
Doesn't set grid fitting.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize
Specifies that no resizing is to occur.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.BreakOpportunity
Treats no characters in the ContentElement object as line break opportunities.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.CFFHinting
No hinting is applied.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.LigatureLevel
Used to specify no ligatures.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.ChartItem
Value that indicates the ChartItem does not appear to be selected, does not have focus, and is not being rolled over.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.charts.chartClasses.ChartState
No state.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridBase
Constant definition for the selectionMode property.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.core.ContainerCreationPolicy
Do not create any children.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.formatters.NumberBaseRoundType
Perform no rounding.
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.managers.DragManager
Constant that specifies that the type of drag action is "none".
NONE — Constant Static Property, class mx.printing.FlexPrintJobScaleType
Does not scale the output.
nonInheritingStyles — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
The beginning of this UITextField's chain of non-inheriting styles.
nonInheritingStyles — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The beginning of this component's chain of non-inheriting styles.
nonInheritingStyles — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
The beginning of this UITextField's chain of non-inheriting styles.
nonInheritingStyles — Property, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient
An object containing the noninheritable styles for this component.
nonInheritingStyles — Property, class mx.styles.StyleProxy
An object containing the noninheritable styles for this component.
NONMODAL — Constant Static Property, class mx.controls.Alert
Value that makes an Alert nonmodal when passed as the flags parameter of the show() method.
noNumError — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator
Error message when the cardNumber field is empty.
NON_ZERO — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.GraphicsPathWinding
Establishes the non-zero winding type.
nonZeroTextHeight — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Unlike textHeight, this returns a non-zero value even when the text is empty.
nonZeroTextHeight — Property, class mx.core.UITextField
Unlike textHeight, this returns a non-zero value even when the text is empty.
NO_OP — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.GraphicsPathCommand
Represents the default "do nothing" command.
NO_OP_POLL_HEADER — Constant Static Property, class mx.messaging.messages.CommandMessage
Header to suppress poll response processing.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.BlendMode
The display object appears in front of the background.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.LineScaleMode
With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line always scales when the object is scaled (the default).
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.NativeWindowDisplayState
The normal display state.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.NativeWindowType
A typical window.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.StageDisplayState
Specifies that the Stage is in normal mode.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.AntiAliasType
Sets anti-aliasing to the anti-aliasing that is used in Flash Player 7 and earlier.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.FontPosture
Used to indicate normal font posture.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.FontWeight
Used to indicate normal font weight.
NORMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.text.engine.RenderingMode
Sets rendering mode to the rendering mode that is used in Flash Player 7 and earlier.
normalize() — method, class XML
For the XML object and all descendant XML objects, merges adjacent text nodes and eliminates empty text nodes.
normalize() — method, class XMLList
Merges adjacent text nodes and eliminates empty text nodes for each of the following: all text nodes in the XMLList, all the XML objects contained in the XMLList, and the descendants of all the XML objects in the XMLList.
normalize(thickness:Number) — method, class flash.geom.Point
Scales the line segment between (0,0) and the current point to a set length.
normalize() — method, class flash.geom.Vector3D
Converts a Vector3D object to a unit vector by dividing the first three elements (x, y, z) by the length of the vector.
normalizeURL(loaderInfo:flash.display:LoaderInfo) — Static Method , class mx.utils.LoaderUtil
The root URL of a cross-domain RSL contains special text appended to the end of the URL.
NO_SCALE — Constant Static Property, class flash.display.StageScaleMode
Specifies that the size of the application be fixed, so that it remains unchanged even as the size of the player window changes.
NOT_A_COLOR — Constant Static Property, class mx.styles.StyleManager
The getColorName() method returns this value if the passed-in String is not a legitimate color name.
NotificationType — final class, package flash.desktop
The NotificationType class defines constants for use in the priority parameter of the DockIcon bounce() method and the type parameter of the NativeWindow notifyUser() method.
notifiers — Property, class mx.utils.ObjectProxy
A hashmap of property change notifiers that this proxy is listening for changes from; the key of the map is the property name.
notifySizeChanged() — method, class mx.flash.FlexContentHolder
Notify parent that the size of this object has changed.
notifySizeChanged() — method, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
Notify our parent that our size has changed.
notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp:String, recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridItemRenderer
Propagates style changes to the children.
notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp:String, recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridItemRenderer
Propagates style changes to the children of this component.
notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp:String, recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.core.UIComponent
Propagates style changes to the children.
notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp:String, recursive:Boolean) — method, interface mx.styles.IStyleClient
Propagates style changes to the children of this component.
notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleProp:String, recursive:Boolean) — method, class mx.styles.StyleProxy
Propagates style changes to the children of this component.
notifyUser(type:String) — method, class flash.display.NativeWindow
Triggers a visual cue through the operating system that an event of interest has occurred.
noTypeError — Property, class mx.validators.CreditCardValidator
Error message when the cardType field is blank.
null — Statement
A special value that can be assigned to variables or returned by a function if no data was provided.
Null — Special Type
A special data type that represents the lack of a value.
nullItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn
The class factory for item renderer instances that display the data for each item in the column.
nullItemRenderer — Property, class mx.controls.listClasses.ListBase
The custom item renderer for the control.
numAutomationChildren — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationObject
The number of automation children this container has.
numAutomationChildren — Property, class mx.automation.delegates.containers.ApplicationAutomationImpl
numAutomationChildren — Property, class mx.core.UIComponent
The number of automation children this container has.
numAutomationChildren — Property, class mx.flash.UIMovieClip
The number of automation children this container has.
number — Property, class mx.charts.series.items.PieSeriesItem
The value this wedge represents converted into screen coordinates.
Number — final class, Top Level
A data type representing an IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point number.
Number(expression:Object) — Package Function, Top Level
Converts a given value to a Number value.
Number(num:Object) — Constructor, class Number
Creates a Number object with the specified value.
NUMBER_0 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 0 key (48).
NUMBER_1 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 1 key (49).
NUMBER_2 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 2 key (50).
NUMBER_3 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 3 key (51).
NUMBER_4 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 4 key (52).
NUMBER_5 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 5 key (53).
NUMBER_6 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 6 key (54).
NUMBER_7 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 7 key (55).
NUMBER_8 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 8 key (56).
NUMBER_9 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the 9 key (57).
NumberBase — class, package mx.formatters
The NumberBase class is a utility class that contains general number formatting capabilities, including rounding, precision, thousands formatting, and negative sign formatting.
NumberBase(decimalSeparatorFrom:String, thousandsSeparatorFrom:String, decimalSeparatorTo:String, thousandsSeparatorTo:String) — Constructor, class mx.formatters.NumberBase
NumberBaseRoundType — final class, package mx.formatters
The NumberBaseRoundType class defines the constant values for formatter properties that specify a type of rounding.
NumberFormatter — class, package mx.formatters
The NumberFormatter class formats a valid number by adjusting the decimal rounding and precision, the thousands separator, and the negative sign.
NumberFormatter() — Constructor, class mx.formatters.NumberFormatter
NumberValidator — class, package mx.validators
The NumberValidator class ensures that a String represents a valid number.
NumberValidator() — Constructor, class mx.validators.NumberValidator
numChildren — Property, class flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer
Returns the number of children of this object.
numChildren — Property, class flash.display.Stage
Returns the number of children of this object.
numChildren — Property, class mx.core.Container
Number of child components in this container.
numChildren — Property, interface mx.core.IChildList
The number of children in this child list.
numChildren — Property, interface mx.core.IContainer
Returns the number of children of this object.
numChildren — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager
The number of non-floating windows.
numChildren — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
The number of non-floating windows.
numColumns — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData
The total number of columns in the data available.
numDividers — Property, class mx.containers.DividedBox
The number of dividers.
numeric — Property, class mx.collections.GroupingField
Specifies that if the field being sorted contains numeric (Number/int/uint) values, or String representations of numeric values, the comparitor uses a numeric comparison.
numeric — Property, class mx.collections.SortField
Specifies that if the field being sorted contains numeric (number/int/uint) values, or string representations of numeric values, the comparitor use a numeric comparison.
NUMERIC — Constant Static Property, class Array
Specifies numeric (instead of character-string) sorting for the Array class sorting methods.
NumericAxis — class, package mx.charts.chartClasses
The NumericAxis class acts as a common base class for axis types representing a continuous range of values between a defined minimum and maximum.
NumericAxis() — Constructor, class mx.charts.chartClasses.NumericAxis
numericCompare(a:Number, b:Number) — Static Method , class mx.utils.ObjectUtil
Compares two numeric values.
NumericStepper — class, package mx.controls
The NumericStepper control lets the user select a number from an ordered set.
NumericStepper() — Constructor, class mx.controls.NumericStepper
NumericStepperAutomationImpl — class, package mx.automation.delegates.controls
Defines methods and properties required to perform instrumentation for the NumericStepper control.
NumericStepperAutomationImpl(obj:mx.controls:NumericStepper) — Constructor, class mx.automation.delegates.controls.NumericStepperAutomationImpl
NumericStepperDownSkin — class, package mx.skins.halo
The skin for all the states of the down button in a NumericStepper.
NumericStepperDownSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.NumericStepperDownSkin
NumericStepperEvent — class, package
Represents events that are specific to the NumericStepper control.
NumericStepperEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean, cancelable:Boolean, value:Number, — Constructor, class
NumericStepperUpSkin — class, package mx.skins.halo
The skin for all the states of the up button in a NumericStepper.
NumericStepperUpSkin() — Constructor, class mx.skins.halo.NumericStepperUpSkin
numFrames — Property, class flash.display.Scene
The number of frames in the scene.
numItems — Property, class flash.display.NativeMenu
The number of NativeMenuItem objects in this menu.
numItems — Property, class flash.ui.ContextMenu
The number of items in this menu.
numLines — Property, class flash.text.TextField
Defines the number of text lines in a multiline text field.
numLines — Property, interface mx.core.IUITextField
Defines the number of text lines in a multiline text field.
numLock — Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Specifies whether the Num Lock key is activated (true) or not (false).
numModalWindows — Property, interface mx.managers.ISystemManager
The number of modal windows.
numModalWindows — Property, class mx.managers.SystemManager
The number of modal windows.
numModalWindows — Property, class mx.managers.WindowedSystemManager
The number of modal windows.
NUM_PAD — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.KeyLocation
Indicates the key activation originated on the numeric keypad or with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad.
NUMPAD — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the pseudo-key code for the the number pad (21).
NUMPAD_0 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 0 key on the number pad (96).
NUMPAD_1 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 1 key on the number pad (97).
NUMPAD_2 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 2 key on the number pad (98).
NUMPAD_3 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 3 key on the number pad (99).
NUMPAD_4 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 4 key on the number pad (100).
NUMPAD_5 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 5 key on the number pad (101).
NUMPAD_6 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 6 key on the number pad (102).
NUMPAD_7 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 7 key on the number pad (103).
NUMPAD_8 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 8 key on the number pad (104).
NUMPAD_9 — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the number 9 key on the number pad (105).
NUMPAD_ADD — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the addition key on the number pad (107).
NUMPAD_DECIMAL — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the decimal key on the number pad (110).
NUMPAD_DIVIDE — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the division key on the number pad (111).
NUMPAD_ENTER — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the Enter key on the number pad (108).
NUMPAD_MULTIPLY — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the multiplication key on the number pad (106).
NUMPAD_SUBTRACT — Constant Static Property, class flash.ui.Keyboard
Constant associated with the key code value for the subtraction key on the number pad (109).
numRadioButtons — Property, class mx.controls.RadioButtonGroup
The number of RadioButtons that belong to this RadioButtonGroup.
numRows — Property, interface mx.automation.IAutomationTabularData
The total number of rows of data available.
Symbols   A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z