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 Chapter 7. Network Node

 Day 2, 09:00 to 11:00

 Networking in OpenStack

Networking in OpenStack

OpenStack Networking provides a rich tenant-facing API for defining network connectivity and addressing in the cloud. The OpenStack Networking project gives operators the ability to leverage different networking technologies to power their cloud networking. It is a virtual network service that provides a powerful API to define the network connectivity and addressing used by devices from other services, such as OpenStack Compute. It has a rich API which consists of the following components.

  • Network: An isolated L2 segment, analogous to VLAN in the physical networking world.

  • Subnet: A block of v4 or v6 IP addresses and associated configuration state.

  • Port: A connection point for attaching a single device, such as the NIC of a virtual server, to a virtual network. Also describes the associated network configuration, such as the MAC and IP addresses to be used on that port.

You can configure rich network topologies by creating and configuring networks and subnets, and then instructing other OpenStack services like OpenStack Compute to attach virtual devices to ports on these networks. In particular, OpenStack Networking supports each tenant having multiple private networks, and allows tenants to choose their own IP addressing scheme, even if those IP addresses overlap with those used by other tenants. This enables very advanced cloud networking use cases, such as building multi-tiered web applications and allowing applications to be migrated to the cloud without changing IP addresses.

Plugin Architecture: Flexibility to Choose Different Network Technologies

Enhancing traditional networking solutions to provide rich cloud networking is challenging. Traditional networking is not designed to scale to cloud proportions or to configure automatically.

The original OpenStack Compute network implementation assumed a very basic model of performing all isolation through Linux VLANs and IP tables. OpenStack Networking introduces the concept of a plug-in, which is a pluggable back-end implementation of the OpenStack Networking API. A plug-in can use a variety of technologies to implement the logical API requests. Some OpenStack Networking plug-ins might use basic Linux VLANs and IP tables, while others might use more advanced technologies, such as L2-in-L3 tunneling or OpenFlow, to provide similar benefits.

The current set of plug-ins include:

Plugins can have different properties in terms of hardware requirements, features, performance, scale, operator tools, etc. Supporting many plug-ins enables the cloud administrator to weigh different options and decide which networking technology is right for the deployment.

Components of OpenStack Networking

To deploy OpenStack Networking, it is useful to understand the different components that make up the solution and how those components interact with each other and with other OpenStack services.

OpenStack Networking is a standalone service, just like other OpenStack services such as OpenStack Compute, OpenStack Image Service, OpenStack Identity service, and the OpenStack Dashboard. Like those services, a deployment of OpenStack Networking often involves deploying several processes on a variety of hosts.

The main process of the OpenStack Networking server is quantum-server, which is a Python daemon that exposes the OpenStack Networking API and passes user requests to the configured OpenStack Networking plug-in for additional processing. Typically, the plug-in requires access to a database for persistent storage, similar to other OpenStack services.

If your deployment uses a controller host to run centralized OpenStack Compute components, you can deploy the OpenStack Networking server on that same host. However, OpenStack Networking is entirely standalone and can be deployed on its own server as well. OpenStack Networking also includes additional agents that might be required depending on your deployment:

  • plugin agent (quantum-*-agent):Runs on each hypervisor to perform local vswitch configuration. Agent to be run depends on which plug-in you are using, as some plug-ins do not require an agent.

  • dhcp agent (quantum-dhcp-agent):Provides DHCP services to tenant networks. This agent is the same across all plug-ins.

  • l3 agent (quantum-l3-agent):Provides L3/NAT forwarding to provide external network access for VMs on tenant networks. This agent is the same across all plug-ins.

These agents interact with the main quantum-server process in the following ways:

  • Through RPC. For example, rabbitmq or qpid.

  • Through the standard OpenStack Networking API.

OpenStack Networking relies on the OpenStack Identity Project (Keystone) for authentication and authorization of all API request.

OpenStack Compute interacts with OpenStack Networking through calls to its standard API. As part of creating a VM, nova-compute communicates with the OpenStack Networking API to plug each virtual NIC on the VM into a particular network.

The OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) has integration with the OpenStack Networking API, allowing administrators and tenant users, to create and manage network services through the Horizon GUI.

Place Services on Physical Hosts

Like other OpenStack services, OpenStack Networking provides cloud administrators with significant flexibility in deciding which individual services should run on which physical devices. On one extreme, all service daemons can be run on a single physical host for evaluation purposes. On the other, each service could have its own physical hosts, and some cases be replicated across multiple hosts for redundancy.

In this guide, we focus primarily on a standard architecture that includes a “cloud controller” host, a “network gateway” host, and a set of hypervisors for running VMs. The "cloud controller" and "network gateway" can be combined in simple deployments, though if you expect VMs to send significant amounts of traffic to or from the Internet, a dedicated network gateway host is suggested to avoid potential CPU contention between packet forwarding performed by the quantum-l3-agent and other OpenStack services.

Network Connectivity for Physical Hosts


Figure 7.1. Network Diagram

A standard OpenStack Networking setup has up to four distinct physical data center networks:

  • Management network:Used for internal communication between OpenStack Components. The IP addresses on this network should be reachable only within the data center.

  • Data network:Used for VM data communication within the cloud deployment. The IP addressing requirements of this network depend on the OpenStack Networking plug-in in use.

  • External network:Used to provide VMs with Internet access in some deployment scenarios. The IP addresses on this network should be reachable by anyone on the Internet.

  • API network:Exposes all OpenStack APIs, including the OpenStack Networking API, to tenants. The IP addresses on this network should be reachable by anyone on the Internet. This may be the same network as the external network, as it is possible to create a subnet for the external network that uses IP allocation ranges to use only less than the full range of IP addresses in an IP block.

 OpenStack Networking Concepts

Network Types

The OpenStack Networking configuration provided by the Rackspace Private Cloud cookbooks allows you to choose between VLAN or GRE isolated networks, both provider- and tenant-specific. From the provider side, an administrator can also create a flat network.

The type of network that is used for private tenant networks is determined by the network_type attribute, which can be edited in the Chef override_attributes. This attribute sets both the default provider network type and the only type of network that tenants are able to create. Administrators can always create flat and VLAN networks. GRE networks of any type require the network_type to be set to gre.


For each network you create, the Network node (or Controller node, if combined) will have a unique network namespace (netns) created by the DHCP and Metadata agents. The netns hosts an interface and IP addresses for dnsmasq and the quantum-ns-metadata-proxy. You can view the namespaces with the ip netns [list], and can interact with the namespaces with the ip netns exec <namespace> <command> command.


Not all networks or VMs need metadata access. Rackspace recommends that you use metadata if you are using a single network. If you need metadata, you may also need a default route. (If you don't need a default route, no-gateway will do.)

To communicate with the metadata IP address inside the namespace, instances need a route for the metadata network that points to the dnsmasq IP address on the same namespaced interface. OpenStack Networking only injects a route when you do not specify a gateway-ip in the subnet.

If you need to use a default route and provide instances with access to the metadata route, create the subnet without specifying a gateway IP and with a static route from to your gateway IP address. Adjust the DHCP allocation pool so that it will not assign the gateway IP. With this configuration, dnsmasq will pass both routes to instances. This way, metadata will be routed correctly without any changes on the external gateway.

OVS Bridges

An OVS bridge for provider traffic is created and configured on the nodes where single-network-node and single-compute are applied. Bridges are created, but physical interfaces are not added. An OVS bridge is not created on a Controller-only node.

When creating networks, you can specify the type and properties, such as Flat vs. VLAN, Shared vs. Tenant, or Provider vs. Overlay. These properties identify and determine the behavior and resources of instances attached to the network. The cookbooks will create bridges for the configuration that you specify, although they do not add physical interfaces to provider bridges. For example, if you specify a network type of GRE, a br-tun tunnel bridge will be created to handle overlay traffic.

 Administration Tasks

 Network CLI Commands

neutron usage
neutron optional arguments
neutron API v2.0 commands
neutron agent-delete command
neutron agent-list command
neutron agent-show command
neutron agent-update command
neutron cisco-credential-create command
neutron cisco-credential-delete command
neutron cisco-credential-list command
neutron cisco-credential-show command
neutron cisco-network-profile-create command
neutron cisco-network-profile-delete command
neutron cisco-network-profile-list command
neutron cisco-network-profile-show command
neutron cisco-network-profile-update command
neutron cisco-policy-profile-list command
neutron cisco-policy-profile-show command
neutron cisco-policy-profile-update command
neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net command
neutron dhcp-agent-network-add command
neutron dhcp-agent-network-remove command
neutron ext-list command
neutron ext-show command
neutron firewall-create command
neutron firewall-delete command
neutron firewall-list command
neutron firewall-policy-create command
neutron firewall-policy-delete command
neutron firewall-policy-insert-rule command
neutron firewall-policy-list command
neutron firewall-policy-remove-rule command
neutron firewall-policy-show command
neutron firewall-policy-update command
neutron firewall-rule-create command
neutron firewall-rule-delete command
neutron firewall-rule-list command
neutron firewall-rule-show command
neutron firewall-rule-update command
neutron firewall-show command
neutron firewall-update command
neutron floatingip-associate command
neutron floatingip-create command
neutron floatingip-delete command
neutron floatingip-disassociate command
neutron floatingip-list command
neutron floatingip-show command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-create command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-delete command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-list command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-show command
neutron ipsec-site-connection-update command
neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router command
neutron l3-agent-router-add command
neutron l3-agent-router-remove command
neutron lb-agent-hosting-pool command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-associate command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-create command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-delete command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-disassociate command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-list command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-show command
neutron lb-healthmonitor-update command
neutron lb-member-create command
neutron lb-member-delete command
neutron lb-member-list command
neutron lb-member-show command
neutron lb-member-update command
neutron lb-pool-create command
neutron lb-pool-delete command
neutron lb-pool-list command
neutron lb-pool-list-on-agent command
neutron lb-pool-show command
neutron lb-pool-stats command
neutron lb-pool-update command
neutron lb-vip-create command
neutron lb-vip-delete command
neutron lb-vip-list command
neutron lb-vip-show command
neutron lb-vip-update command
neutron meter-label-create command
neutron meter-label-delete command
neutron meter-label-list command
neutron meter-label-rule-create command
neutron meter-label-rule-delete command
neutron meter-label-rule-list command
neutron meter-label-rule-show command
neutron meter-label-show command
neutron net-create command
neutron net-delete command
neutron net-external-list command
neutron net-gateway-connect command
neutron net-gateway-create command
neutron net-gateway-delete command
neutron net-gateway-disconnect command
neutron net-gateway-list command
neutron net-gateway-show command
neutron net-gateway-update command
neutron net-list command
neutron net-list-on-dhcp-agent command
neutron net-show command
neutron net-update command
neutron port-create command
neutron port-delete command
neutron port-list command
neutron port-show command
neutron port-update command
neutron queue-create command
neutron queue-delete command
neutron queue-list command
neutron queue-show command
neutron quota-delete command
neutron quota-list command
neutron quota-show command
neutron quota-update command
neutron router-create command
neutron router-delete command
neutron router-gateway-clear command
neutron router-gateway-set command
neutron router-interface-add command
neutron router-interface-delete command
neutron router-list command
neutron router-list-on-l3-agent command
neutron router-port-list command
neutron router-show command
neutron router-update command
neutron security-group-create command
neutron security-group-delete command
neutron security-group-list command
neutron security-group-rule-create command
neutron security-group-rule-delete command
neutron security-group-rule-list command
neutron security-group-rule-show command
neutron security-group-show command
neutron security-group-update command
neutron service-provider-list command
neutron subnet-create command
neutron subnet-delete command
neutron subnet-list command
neutron subnet-show command
neutron subnet-update command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-delete command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-list command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-show command
neutron vpn-ikepolicy-update command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-list command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-show command
neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-update command
neutron vpn-service-create command
neutron vpn-service-delete command
neutron vpn-service-list command
neutron vpn-service-show command
neutron vpn-service-update command

The neutron client is the command-line interface (CLI) for the OpenStack Networking API and its extensions. This chapter documents neutron version 2.3.4.

For help on a specific neutron command, enter:

$ neutron help COMMAND

 neutron usage

usage: neutron [--version] [-v] [-q] [-h] [--os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>]
               [--os-auth-url <auth-url>]
               [--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>]
               [--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>]
               [--os-username <auth-username>] [--os-password <auth-password>]
               [--os-region-name <auth-region-name>] [--os-token <token>]
               [--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>] [--os-url <url>]
               [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--insecure]

 neutron optional arguments


show program's version number and exit

-v, --verbose, --debug

Increase verbosity of output and show tracebacks on errors. Can be repeated.

-q, --quiet

Suppress output except warnings and errors

-h, --help

Show this help message and exit

--os-auth-strategy <auth-strategy>

Authentication strategy (Env: OS_AUTH_STRATEGY, default keystone). For now, any other value will disable the authentication

--os-auth-url <auth-url>

Authentication URL (Env: OS_AUTH_URL)

--os-tenant-name <auth-tenant-name>

Authentication tenant name (Env: OS_TENANT_NAME)

--os-tenant-id <auth-tenant-id>

Authentication tenant name (Env: OS_TENANT_ID)

--os-username <auth-username>

Authentication username (Env: OS_USERNAME)

--os-password <auth-password>

Authentication password (Env: OS_PASSWORD)

--os-region-name <auth-region-name>

Authentication region name (Env: OS_REGION_NAME)

--os-token <token>

Defaults to env[OS_TOKEN]

--endpoint-type <endpoint-type>

Defaults to env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] or publicURL.

--os-url <url>

Defaults to env[OS_URL]

--os-cacert <ca-certificate>

Specify a CA bundle file to use in verifying a TLS (https) server certificate. Defaults to env[OS_CACERT]


Explicitly allow neutronclient to perform "insecure" SSL (https) requests. The server's certificate will not be verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.

 neutron API v2.0 commands


Delete a given agent.


List agents.


Show information of a given agent.


Update a given agent.


Creates a credential.


Delete a given credential.


List credentials that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given credential.


Creates a network profile.


Delete a given network profile.


List network profiles that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given network profile.


Update network profile's information.


List policy profiles that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given policy profile.


Update policy profile's information.


print bash completion command


List DHCP agents hosting a network.


Add a network to a DHCP agent.


Remove a network from a DHCP agent.


List all extensions.


Show information of a given resource.


Create a firewall.


Delete a given firewall.


List firewalls that belong to a given tenant.


Create a firewall policy.


Delete a given firewall policy.


Insert a rule into a given firewall policy.


List firewall policies that belong to a given tenant.


Remove a rule from a given firewall policy.


Show information of a given firewall policy.


Update a given firewall policy.


Create a firewall rule.


Delete a given firewall rule.


List firewall rules that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given firewall rule.


Update a given firewall rule.


Show information of a given firewall.


Update a given firewall.


Create a mapping between a floating ip and a fixed ip.


Create a floating ip for a given tenant.


Delete a given floating ip.


Remove a mapping from a floating ip to a fixed ip.


List floating ips that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given floating ip.


print detailed help for another command


Create an IPsecSiteConnection.


Delete a given IPsecSiteConnection.


List IPsecSiteConnections that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given IPsecSiteConnection.


Update a given IPsecSiteConnection.


List L3 agents hosting a router.


Add a router to a L3 agent.


Remove a router from a L3 agent.


Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool.


Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool.


Create a healthmonitor.


Delete a given healthmonitor.


Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool.


List healthmonitors that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given healthmonitor.


Update a given healthmonitor.


Create a member.


Delete a given member.


List members that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given member.


Update a given member.


Create a pool.


Delete a given pool.


List pools that belong to a given tenant.


List the pools on a loadbalancer agent.


Show information of a given pool.


Retrieve stats for a given pool.


Update a given pool.


Create a vip.


Delete a given vip.


List vips that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given vip.


Update a given vip.


Create a metering label for a given tenant.


Delete a given metering label.


List metering labels that belong to a given tenant.


Create a metering label rule for a given label.


Delete a given metering label.


List metering labels that belong to a given label.


Show information of a given metering label rule.


Show information of a given metering label.


Create a network for a given tenant.


Delete a given network.


List external networks that belong to a given tenant.


Add an internal network interface to a router.


Create a network gateway.


Delete a given network gateway.


Remove a network from a network gateway.


List network gateways for a given tenant.


Show information of a given network gateway.


Update the name for a network gateway.


List networks that belong to a given tenant.


List the networks on a DHCP agent.


Show information of a given network.


Update network's information.


Create a port for a given tenant.


Delete a given port.


List ports that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given port.


Update port's information.


Create a queue.


Delete a given queue.


List queues that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given queue.


Delete defined quotas of a given tenant.


List quotas of all tenants who have non-default quota values.


Show quotas of a given tenant


Define tenant's quotas not to use defaults.


Create a router for a given tenant.


Delete a given router.


Remove an external network gateway from a router.


Set the external network gateway for a router.


Add an internal network interface to a router.


Remove an internal network interface from a router.


List routers that belong to a given tenant.


List the routers on a L3 agent.


List ports that belong to a given tenant, with specified router.


Show information of a given router.


Update router's information.


Create a security group.


Delete a given security group.


List security groups that belong to a given tenant.


Create a security group rule.


Delete a given security group rule.


List security group rules that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given security group rule.


Show information of a given security group.


Update a given security group.


List service providers.


Create a subnet for a given tenant.


Delete a given subnet.


List subnets that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given subnet.


Update subnet's information.


Create an IKEPolicy.


Delete a given IKE Policy.


List IKEPolicies that belong to a tenant.


Show information of a given IKEPolicy.


Update a given IKE Policy.


Create an ipsecpolicy.


Delete a given ipsecpolicy.


List ipsecpolicies that belongs to a given tenant connection.


Show information of a given ipsecpolicy.


Update a given ipsec policy.


Create a VPNService.


Delete a given VPNService.


List VPNService configurations that belong to a given tenant.


Show information of a given VPNService.


Update a given VPNService.

 neutron agent-delete command

usage: neutron agent-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] AGENT

Delete a given agent.

Positional arguments


ID of agent to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron agent-list command

usage: neutron agent-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

List agents.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron agent-show command

usage: neutron agent-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given agent.

Positional arguments


ID of agent to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron agent-update command

usage: neutron agent-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] AGENT

Update a given agent.

Positional arguments


ID or name of agent to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron cisco-credential-create command

usage: neutron cisco-credential-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                       [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                       [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                       [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                       [--username USERNAME]
                                       [--password PASSWORD]
                                       credential_name credential_type

Creates a credential.

Positional arguments


Name/Ip address for Credential


Type of the Credential

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--username USERNAME

Username for the credential

--password PASSWORD

Password for the credential

 neutron cisco-credential-delete command

usage: neutron cisco-credential-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given credential.

Positional arguments


ID of credential to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron cisco-credential-list command

usage: neutron cisco-credential-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD]

List credentials that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron cisco-credential-show command

usage: neutron cisco-credential-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given credential.

Positional arguments


ID of credential to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron cisco-network-profile-create command

usage: neutron cisco-network-profile-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}]
                                            [-c COLUMN] [--variable VARIABLE]
                                            [--prefix PREFIX]
                                            [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                            [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                            [--sub_type SUB_TYPE]
                                            [--segment_range SEGMENT_RANGE]
                                            [--physical_network PHYSICAL_NETWORK]
                                            [--multicast_ip_range MULTICAST_IP_RANGE]
                                            [--add-tenant ADD_TENANT]

Creates a network profile.

Positional arguments


Name for Network Profile


Segment type

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--sub_type SUB_TYPE

Sub-type for the segment. Available sub-types for overlay segments: native, enhanced; For trunk segments: vlan, overlay.

--segment_range SEGMENT_RANGE

Range for the Segment

--physical_network PHYSICAL_NETWORK

Name for the Physical Network

--multicast_ip_range MULTICAST_IP_RANGE

Multicast IPv4 Range

--add-tenant ADD_TENANT

Add tenant to the network profile

 neutron cisco-network-profile-delete command

usage: neutron cisco-network-profile-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given network profile.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network_profile to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron cisco-network-profile-list command

usage: neutron cisco-network-profile-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                          [-F FIELD]

List network profiles that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron cisco-network-profile-show command

usage: neutron cisco-network-profile-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                          [--variable VARIABLE]
                                          [--prefix PREFIX]
                                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                          [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given network profile.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network_profile to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron cisco-network-profile-update command

usage: neutron cisco-network-profile-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Update network profile's information.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network_profile to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron cisco-policy-profile-list command

usage: neutron cisco-policy-profile-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                         [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                         [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                         [-F FIELD]

List policy profiles that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron cisco-policy-profile-show command

usage: neutron cisco-policy-profile-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                         [--variable VARIABLE]
                                         [--prefix PREFIX]
                                         [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                         [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given policy profile.

Positional arguments


ID or name of policy_profile to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron cisco-policy-profile-update command

usage: neutron cisco-policy-profile-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Update policy profile's information.

Positional arguments


ID or name of policy_profile to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net command

usage: neutron dhcp-agent-list-hosting-net [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                           [-F FIELD]

List DHCP agents hosting a network.

Positional arguments


Network to query

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron dhcp-agent-network-add command

usage: neutron dhcp-agent-network-add [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                      dhcp_agent network

Add a network to a DHCP agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the DHCP agent


Network to add

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron dhcp-agent-network-remove command

usage: neutron dhcp-agent-network-remove [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                         dhcp_agent network

Remove a network from a DHCP agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the DHCP agent


Network to remove

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron ext-list command

usage: neutron ext-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                        [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

List all extensions.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron ext-show command

usage: neutron ext-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                        [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given resource.

Positional arguments


The extension alias

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron firewall-create command

usage: neutron firewall-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                               [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                               [--request-format {json,xml}]
                               [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--name NAME]
                               [--description DESCRIPTION] [--shared]

Create a firewall.

Positional arguments


Firewall policy id

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--name NAME

Name for the firewall

--description DESCRIPTION

Description for the firewall rule


Set shared to True (default False)


Set admin state up to false

 neutron firewall-delete command

usage: neutron firewall-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] FIREWALL

Delete a given firewall.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron firewall-list command

usage: neutron firewall-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                             [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                             [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                             [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List firewalls that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron firewall-policy-create command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                      [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                      [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                      [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                      [--description DESCRIPTION] [--shared]
                                      [--firewall-rules FIREWALL_RULES]

Create a firewall policy.

Positional arguments


Name for the firewall policy

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--description DESCRIPTION

Description for the firewall policy


To create a shared policy

--firewall-rules FIREWALL_RULES

Ordered list of whitespace-delimited firewall rule names or IDs; e.g., --firewall-rules "rule1 rule2"


To set audited to True

 neutron firewall-policy-delete command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given firewall policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_policy to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron firewall-policy-insert-rule command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-insert-rule [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                           [--insert-before FIREWALL_RULE]
                                           [--insert-after FIREWALL_RULE]
                                           FIREWALL_POLICY FIREWALL_RULE

Insert a rule into a given firewall policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_policy to update


New rule to insert

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--insert-before FIREWALL_RULE

Insert before this rule

--insert-after FIREWALL_RULE

Insert after this rule

 neutron firewall-policy-list command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                    [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                    [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                    [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List firewall policies that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron firewall-policy-remove-rule command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-remove-rule [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                           FIREWALL_POLICY FIREWALL_RULE

Remove a rule from a given firewall policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_policy to update


Firewall rule to remove from policy

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron firewall-policy-show command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                    [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                    [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given firewall policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_policy to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron firewall-policy-update command

usage: neutron firewall-policy-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Update a given firewall policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_policy to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron firewall-rule-create command

usage: neutron firewall-rule-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                    [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                    [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--name NAME]
                                    [--description DESCRIPTION] [--shared]
                                    [--source-ip-address SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS]
                                    [--destination-ip-address DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS]
                                    [--source-port SOURCE_PORT]
                                    [--destination-port DESTINATION_PORT]
                                    [--disabled] --protocol {tcp,udp,icmp,any}
                                    --action {allow,deny}

Create a firewall rule.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--name NAME

Name for the firewall rule

--description DESCRIPTION

Description for the firewall rule


Set shared to True (default False)

--source-ip-address SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS

Source ip address or subnet

--destination-ip-address DESTINATION_IP_ADDRESS

Destination ip address or subnet

--source-port SOURCE_PORT

Source port (integer in [1, 65535] or range in a:b)

--destination-port DESTINATION_PORT

Destination port (integer in [1, 65535] or range in a:b)


To disable this rule

--protocol {tcp,udp,icmp,any}

Protocol for the firewall rule

--action {allow,deny}

Action for the firewall rule

 neutron firewall-rule-delete command

usage: neutron firewall-rule-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given firewall rule.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_rule to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron firewall-rule-list command

usage: neutron firewall-rule-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                  [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                  [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List firewall rules that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron firewall-rule-show command

usage: neutron firewall-rule-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                  [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given firewall rule.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_rule to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron firewall-rule-update command

usage: neutron firewall-rule-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                    [--protocol {tcp,udp,icmp,any}]

Update a given firewall rule.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall_rule to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--protocol {tcp,udp,icmp,any}

Protocol for the firewall rule

 neutron firewall-show command

usage: neutron firewall-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                             [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given firewall.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron firewall-update command

usage: neutron firewall-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] FIREWALL

Update a given firewall.

Positional arguments


ID or name of firewall to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron floatingip-associate command

usage: neutron floatingip-associate [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                    [--fixed-ip-address FIXED_IP_ADDRESS]
                                    FLOATINGIP_ID PORT

Create a mapping between a floating ip and a fixed ip.

Positional arguments


ID of the floating IP to associate


ID or name of the port to be associated with the floatingip

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--fixed-ip-address FIXED_IP_ADDRESS

IP address on the port (only required if port has multipleIPs)

 neutron floatingip-create command

usage: neutron floatingip-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                 [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                 [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                 [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--port-id PORT_ID]
                                 [--fixed-ip-address FIXED_IP_ADDRESS]

Create a floating ip for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


Network name or id to allocate floating IP from

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--port-id PORT_ID ID

of the port to be associated with the floatingip

--fixed-ip-address FIXED_IP_ADDRESS

IP address on the port (only required if port has multipleIPs)

 neutron floatingip-delete command

usage: neutron floatingip-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] FLOATINGIP

Delete a given floating ip.

Positional arguments


ID of floatingip to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron floatingip-disassociate command

usage: neutron floatingip-disassociate [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Remove a mapping from a floating ip to a fixed ip.

Positional arguments


ID of the floating IP to associate

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron floatingip-list command

usage: neutron floatingip-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                               [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                               [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                               [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                               [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List floating ips that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron floatingip-show command

usage: neutron floatingip-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                               [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                               [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given floating ip.

Positional arguments


ID of floatingip to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron ipsec-site-connection-create command

usage: neutron ipsec-site-connection-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}]
                                            [-c COLUMN] [--variable VARIABLE]
                                            [--prefix PREFIX]
                                            [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                            [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                            [--admin-state-down] [--name NAME]
                                            [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                            [--mtu MTU]
                                            [--initiator {bi-directional,response-only}]
                                            [--dpd action=ACTION,interval=INTERVAL,timeout=TIMEOUT]
                                            --vpnservice-id VPNSERVICE
                                            --ikepolicy-id IKEPOLICY
                                            --ipsecpolicy-id IPSECPOLICY
                                            --peer-address PEER_ADDRESS
                                            --peer-id PEER_ID --peer-cidr
                                            PEER_CIDRS --psk PSK

Create an IPsecSiteConnection.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set admin state up to false

--name NAME

Set friendly name for the connection

--description DESCRIPTION

Set a description for the connection

--mtu MTU MTU

size for the connection, default:1500

--initiator {bi-directional,response-only}

Initiator state in lowercase, default:bi-directional


action=ACTION,interval=INTERVAL,timeout=TIMEOUT Ipsec connection Dead Peer Detection Attributes. 'action'-hold,clear,disabled,restart,restart-by-peer. 'interval' and 'timeout' are non negative integers. 'interval' should be less than 'timeout' value. 'action', default:hold 'interval', default:30, 'timeout', default:120.

--vpnservice-id VPNSERVICE

VPNService instance id associated with this connection

--ikepolicy-id IKEPOLICY

IKEPolicy id associated with this connection

--ipsecpolicy-id IPSECPOLICY

IPsecPolicy id associated with this connection

--peer-address PEER_ADDRESS

Peer gateway public IPv4/IPv6 address or FQDN.

--peer-id PEER_ID

Peer router identity for authentication. Can be IPv4/IPv6 address, e-mail address, key id, or FQDN.

--peer-cidr PEER_CIDRS

Remote subnet(s) in CIDR format

--psk PSK

Pre-Shared Key string

 neutron ipsec-site-connection-delete command

usage: neutron ipsec-site-connection-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given IPsecSiteConnection.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ipsec_site_connection to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron ipsec-site-connection-list command

usage: neutron ipsec-site-connection-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                          [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE]
                                          [--sort-key FIELD]
                                          [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List IPsecSiteConnections that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron ipsec-site-connection-show command

usage: neutron ipsec-site-connection-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                          [--variable VARIABLE]
                                          [--prefix PREFIX]
                                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                          [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given IPsecSiteConnection.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ipsec_site_connection to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron ipsec-site-connection-update command

usage: neutron ipsec-site-connection-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                            [--dpd action=ACTION,interval=INTERVAL,timeout=TIMEOUT]

Update a given IPsecSiteConnection.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ipsec_site_connection to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


action=ACTION,interval=INTERVAL,timeout=TIMEOUT Ipsec connection Dead Peer Detection Attributes. 'action'-hold,clear,disabled,restart,restart-by-peer. 'interval' and 'timeout' are non negative integers. 'interval' should be less than 'timeout' value. 'action', default:hold 'interval', default:30, 'timeout', default:120.

 neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router command

usage: neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                            [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                            [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                            [-F FIELD]

List L3 agents hosting a router.

Positional arguments


Router to query

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron l3-agent-router-add command

usage: neutron l3-agent-router-add [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                   l3_agent router

Add a router to a L3 agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the L3 agent


Router to add

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron l3-agent-router-remove command

usage: neutron l3-agent-router-remove [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                      l3_agent router

Remove a router from a L3 agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the L3 agent


Router to remove

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-agent-hosting-pool command

usage: neutron lb-agent-hosting-pool [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD]

Get loadbalancer agent hosting a pool. Deriving from ListCommand though server will return only one agent to keep common output format for all agent schedulers

Positional arguments


Pool to query

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-associate command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-associate [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                          HEALTH_MONITOR_ID POOL

Create a mapping between a health monitor and a pool.

Positional arguments


Health monitor to associate


ID of the pool to be associated with the health monitor

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-create command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                       [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                       [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                       [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                       [--expected-codes EXPECTED_CODES]
                                       [--http-method HTTP_METHOD]
                                       [--url-path URL_PATH] --delay DELAY
                                       --max-retries MAX_RETRIES --timeout
                                       TIMEOUT --type {PING,TCP,HTTP,HTTPS}

Create a healthmonitor.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set admin state up to false

--expected-codes EXPECTED_CODES

The list of HTTP status codes expected in response from the member to declare it healthy. This attribute can contain one value, or a list of values separated by comma, or a range of values (e.g. "200-299"). If this attribute is not specified, it defaults to "200".

--http-method HTTP_METHOD

The HTTP method used for requests by the monitor of type HTTP.

--url-path URL_PATH

The HTTP path used in the HTTP request used by the monitor to test a member health. This must be a string beginning with a / (forward slash)

--delay DELAY

The time in seconds between sending probes to members.

--max-retries MAX_RETRIES

Number of permissible connection failures before changing the member status to INACTIVE. [1..10]

--timeout TIMEOUT

Maximum number of seconds for a monitor to wait for a connection to be established before it times out. The value must be less than the delay value.


One of predefined health monitor types

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-delete command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given healthmonitor.

Positional arguments


ID or name of health_monitor to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-disassociate command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-disassociate [-h]
                                             [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                             HEALTH_MONITOR_ID POOL

Remove a mapping from a health monitor to a pool.

Positional arguments


Health monitor to associate


ID of the pool to be associated with the health monitor

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-list command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                     [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List healthmonitors that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-show command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given healthmonitor.

Positional arguments


ID or name of health_monitor to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-healthmonitor-update command

usage: neutron lb-healthmonitor-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Update a given healthmonitor.

Positional arguments


ID or name of health_monitor to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-member-create command

usage: neutron lb-member-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--admin-state-down]
                                [--weight WEIGHT] --address ADDRESS
                                --protocol-port PROTOCOL_PORT

Create a member.

Positional arguments


Pool id or name this vip belongs to

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set admin state up to false

--weight WEIGHT

Weight of pool member in the pool (default:1, [0..256])

--address ADDRESS IP

address of the pool member on the pool network.

--protocol-port PROTOCOL_PORT

Port on which the pool member listens for requests or connections.

 neutron lb-member-delete command

usage: neutron lb-member-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] MEMBER

Delete a given member.

Positional arguments


ID or name of member to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-member-list command

usage: neutron lb-member-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                              [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                              [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                              [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                              [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List members that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron lb-member-show command

usage: neutron lb-member-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                              [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                              [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given member.

Positional arguments


ID or name of member to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-member-update command

usage: neutron lb-member-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] MEMBER

Update a given member.

Positional arguments


ID or name of member to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-pool-create command

usage: neutron lb-pool-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                              [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                              [--request-format {json,xml}]
                              [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--admin-state-down]
                              [--description DESCRIPTION] --lb-method
                              {ROUND_ROBIN,LEAST_CONNECTIONS,SOURCE_IP} --name
                              NAME --protocol {HTTP,HTTPS,TCP} --subnet-id
                              SUBNET [--provider PROVIDER]

Create a pool.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set admin state up to false

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of the pool


The algorithm used to distribute load between the members of the pool

--name NAME

The name of the pool

--protocol {HTTP,HTTPS,TCP}

Protocol for balancing

--subnet-id SUBNET

The subnet on which the members of the pool will be located

--provider PROVIDER

Provider name of loadbalancer service

 neutron lb-pool-delete command

usage: neutron lb-pool-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] POOL

Delete a given pool.

Positional arguments


ID or name of pool to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-pool-list command

usage: neutron lb-pool-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                            [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                            [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                            [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                            [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List pools that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron lb-pool-list-on-agent command

usage: neutron lb-pool-list-on-agent [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD]

List the pools on a loadbalancer agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the loadbalancer agent to query

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-pool-show command

usage: neutron lb-pool-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                            [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                            [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given pool.

Positional arguments


ID or name of pool to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-pool-stats command

usage: neutron lb-pool-stats [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                             [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Retrieve stats for a given pool.

Positional arguments


ID or name of pool to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-pool-update command

usage: neutron lb-pool-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] POOL

Update a given pool.

Positional arguments


ID or name of pool to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-vip-create command

usage: neutron lb-vip-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                             [--request-format {json,xml}]
                             [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--address ADDRESS]
                             [--connection-limit CONNECTION_LIMIT]
                             [--description DESCRIPTION] --name NAME
                             --protocol-port PROTOCOL_PORT --protocol
                             {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS} --subnet-id SUBNET

Create a vip.

Positional arguments


Pool id or name this vip belongs to

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--address ADDRESS IP

address of the vip


Set admin state up to false

--connection-limit CONNECTION_LIMIT

The maximum number of connections per second allowed for the vip. Positive integer or -1 for unlimited (default)

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of the vip

--name NAME

Name of the vip

--protocol-port PROTOCOL_PORT

TCP port on which to listen for client traffic that is associated with the vip address

--protocol {TCP,HTTP,HTTPS}

Protocol for balancing

--subnet-id SUBNET

The subnet on which to allocate the vip address

 neutron lb-vip-delete command

usage: neutron lb-vip-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] VIP

Delete a given vip.

Positional arguments


ID or name of vip to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron lb-vip-list command

usage: neutron lb-vip-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                           [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                           [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List vips that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron lb-vip-show command

usage: neutron lb-vip-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given vip.

Positional arguments


ID or name of vip to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron lb-vip-update command

usage: neutron lb-vip-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] VIP

Update a given vip.

Positional arguments


ID or name of vip to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron meter-label-create command

usage: neutron meter-label-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                  [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                  [--description DESCRIPTION]

Create a metering label for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


Name of metering label to create

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of metering label to create

 neutron meter-label-delete command

usage: neutron meter-label-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given metering label.

Positional arguments


ID or name of metering_label to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron meter-label-list command

usage: neutron meter-label-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                                [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List metering labels that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron meter-label-rule-create command

usage: neutron meter-label-rule-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                       [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                       [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                       [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                       [--direction {ingress,egress}]
                                       LABEL REMOTE_IP_PREFIX

Create a metering label rule for a given label.

Positional arguments


Id or Name of the label


CIDR to match on

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--direction {ingress,egress}

Direction of traffic, default:ingress


Exclude this cidr from the label, default:not excluded

 neutron meter-label-rule-delete command

usage: neutron meter-label-rule-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given metering label.

Positional arguments


ID or name of metering_label_rule to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron meter-label-rule-list command

usage: neutron meter-label-rule-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                     [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List metering labels that belong to a given label.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron meter-label-rule-show command

usage: neutron meter-label-rule-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given metering label rule.

Positional arguments


ID or name of metering_label_rule to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron meter-label-show command

usage: neutron meter-label-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given metering label.

Positional arguments


ID or name of metering_label to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron net-create command

usage: neutron net-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}]
                          [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--admin-state-down]

Create a network for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


Name of network to create

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set Admin State Up to false


Set the network as shared

 neutron net-delete command

usage: neutron net-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] NETWORK

Delete a given network.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron net-external-list command

usage: neutron net-external-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                 [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                 [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                                 [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                 [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List external networks that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron net-gateway-connect command

usage: neutron net-gateway-connect [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                   [--segmentation-type SEGMENTATION_TYPE]
                                   [--segmentation-id SEGMENTATION_ID]
                                   NET-GATEWAY-ID NETWORK-ID

Add an internal network interface to a router.

Positional arguments


ID of the network gateway


ID of the internal network to connect on the gateway

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--segmentation-type SEGMENTATION_TYPE

L2 segmentation strategy on the external side of the gateway (e.g.: VLAN, FLAT)

--segmentation-id SEGMENTATION_ID

Identifier for the L2 segment on the external side of the gateway

 neutron net-gateway-create command

usage: neutron net-gateway-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                  [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--device DEVICE]

Create a network gateway.

Positional arguments


Name of network gateway to create

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--device DEVICE

Device info for this gateway device_id=<device identifier>,interface_name=<name_or_identifier> It can be repeated for multiple devices for HA gateways

 neutron net-gateway-delete command

usage: neutron net-gateway-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given network gateway.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network_gateway to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron net-gateway-disconnect command

usage: neutron net-gateway-disconnect [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                      [--segmentation-type SEGMENTATION_TYPE]
                                      [--segmentation-id SEGMENTATION_ID]
                                      NET-GATEWAY-ID NETWORK-ID

Remove a network from a network gateway.

Positional arguments


ID of the network gateway


ID of the internal network to connect on the gateway

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--segmentation-type SEGMENTATION_TYPE

L2 segmentation strategy on the external side of the gateway (e.g.: VLAN, FLAT)

--segmentation-id SEGMENTATION_ID

Identifier for the L2 segment on the external side of the gateway

 neutron net-gateway-list command

usage: neutron net-gateway-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

List network gateways for a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron net-gateway-show command

usage: neutron net-gateway-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given network gateway.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network_gateway to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron net-gateway-update command

usage: neutron net-gateway-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Update the name for a network gateway.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network_gateway to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron net-list command

usage: neutron net-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                        [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                        [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD] [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List networks that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron net-list-on-dhcp-agent command

usage: neutron net-list-on-dhcp-agent [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                      [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                      [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                      [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                      [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List the networks on a DHCP agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the DHCP agent

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron net-show command

usage: neutron net-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                        [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                        [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given network.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron net-update command

usage: neutron net-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] NETWORK

Update network's information.

Positional arguments


ID or name of network to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron port-create command

usage: neutron port-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}]
                           [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--name NAME]
                           [--admin-state-down] [--mac-address MAC_ADDRESS]
                           [--device-id DEVICE_ID]
                           [--fixed-ip subnet_id=SUBNET,ip_address=IP_ADDR]
                           [--security-group SECURITY_GROUP | --no-security-groups]
                           [--extra-dhcp-opt EXTRA_DHCP_OPTS]

Create a port for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


Network id or name this port belongs to

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--name NAME

Name of this port


Set admin state up to false

--mac-address MAC_ADDRESS

MAC address of this port

--device-id DEVICE_ID

Device id of this port


subnet_id=SUBNET,ip_address=IP_ADDR Desired IP and/or subnet for this port: subnet_id=<name_or_id>,ip_address=<ip>, (This option can be repeated.)

--security-group SECURITY_GROUP

Security group associated with the port (This option can be repeated)


Associate no security groups with the port

--extra-dhcp-opt EXTRA_DHCP_OPTS

Extra dhcp options to be assigned to this port: opt_name=<dhcp_option_name>,opt_value=<value>, (This option can be repeated.)

 neutron port-delete command

usage: neutron port-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] PORT

Delete a given port.

Positional arguments


ID or name of port to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron port-list command

usage: neutron port-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                         [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                         [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                         [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD] [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List ports that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron port-show command

usage: neutron port-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                         [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                         [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given port.

Positional arguments


ID or name of port to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron port-update command

usage: neutron port-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                           [--security-group SECURITY_GROUP | --no-security-groups]
                           [--extra-dhcp-opt EXTRA_DHCP_OPTS]

Update port's information.

Positional arguments


ID or name of port to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--security-group SECURITY_GROUP

Security group associated with the port (This option can be repeated)


Associate no security groups with the port

--extra-dhcp-opt EXTRA_DHCP_OPTS

Extra dhcp options to be assigned to this port: opt_name=<dhcp_option_name>,opt_value=<value>, (This option can be repeated.)

 neutron queue-create command

usage: neutron queue-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                            [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                            [--request-format {json,xml}]
                            [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--min MIN] [--max MAX]
                            [--qos-marking QOS_MARKING] [--default DEFAULT]
                            [--dscp DSCP]

Create a queue.

Positional arguments


Name of queue

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--min MIN


--max MAX


--qos-marking QOS_MARKING

QOS marking untrusted/trusted

--default DEFAULT

If true all ports created with be the size of this queue if queue is not specified

--dscp DSCP

Differentiated Services Code Point

 neutron queue-delete command

usage: neutron queue-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] QOS_QUEUE

Delete a given queue.

Positional arguments


ID or name of qos_queue to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron queue-list command

usage: neutron queue-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

List queues that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron queue-show command

usage: neutron queue-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given queue.

Positional arguments


ID or name of qos_queue to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron quota-delete command

usage: neutron quota-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                            [--tenant-id tenant-id]

Delete defined quotas of a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


tenant-id The owner tenant ID

 neutron quota-list command

usage: neutron quota-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}]

List quotas of all tenants who have non-default quota values.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron quota-show command

usage: neutron quota-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                          [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                          [--request-format {json,xml}]
                          [--tenant-id tenant-id]

Show quotas of a given tenant

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


tenant-id The owner tenant ID

 neutron quota-update command

usage: neutron quota-update [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                            [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                            [--request-format {json,xml}]
                            [--tenant-id tenant-id] [--network networks]
                            [--subnet subnets] [--port ports]
                            [--router routers] [--floatingip floatingips]
                            [--security-group security_groups]
                            [--security-group-rule security_group_rules]

Define tenant's quotas not to use defaults.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


tenant-id The owner tenant ID


networks The limit of networks


subnets The limit of subnets


ports The limit of ports


routers The limit of routers


floatingips The limit of floating IPs


security_groups The limit of security groups


security_group_rules The limit of security groups rules

 neutron router-create command

usage: neutron router-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                             [--request-format {json,xml}]
                             [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--admin-state-down]

Create a router for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


Name of router to create


Create a distributed router (VMware NSX plugin only)

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set Admin State Up to false

 neutron router-delete command

usage: neutron router-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] ROUTER

Delete a given router.

Positional arguments


ID or name of router to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron router-gateway-clear command

usage: neutron router-gateway-clear [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Remove an external network gateway from a router.

Positional arguments


ID of the router

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron router-gateway-set command

usage: neutron router-gateway-set [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                  router-id external-network-id

Set the external network gateway for a router.

Positional arguments


ID of the router


ID of the external network for the gateway

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


Disable Source NAT on the router gateway

 neutron router-interface-add command

usage: neutron router-interface-add [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                    router-id INTERFACE

Add an internal network interface to a router.

Positional arguments


ID of the router


The format is "SUBNET|subnet=SUBNET|port=PORT". Either a subnet or port must be specified. Both ID and name are accepted as SUBNET or PORT. Note that "subnet=" can be omitted when specifying subnet.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron router-interface-delete command

usage: neutron router-interface-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                       router-id INTERFACE

Remove an internal network interface from a router.

Positional arguments


ID of the router


The format is "SUBNET|subnet=SUBNET|port=PORT". Either a subnet or port must be specified. Both ID and name are accepted as SUBNET or PORT. Note that "subnet=" can be omitted when specifying subnet.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron router-list command

usage: neutron router-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                           [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                           [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List routers that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron router-list-on-l3-agent command

usage: neutron router-list-on-l3-agent [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                       [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                       [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                       [-F FIELD]

List the routers on a L3 agent.

Positional arguments


ID of the L3 agent to query

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron router-port-list command

usage: neutron router-port-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                                [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List ports that belong to a given tenant, with specified router.

Positional arguments


ID or name of router to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron router-show command

usage: neutron router-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given router.

Positional arguments


ID or name of router to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron router-update command

usage: neutron router-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] ROUTER

Update router's information.

Positional arguments


ID or name of router to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron security-group-create command

usage: neutron security-group-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                     [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                     [--description DESCRIPTION]

Create a security group.

Positional arguments


Name of security group

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of security group

 neutron security-group-delete command

usage: neutron security-group-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given security group.

Positional arguments


ID or name of security_group to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron security-group-list command

usage: neutron security-group-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                   [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                   [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                   [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                   [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List security groups that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron security-group-rule-create command

usage: neutron security-group-rule-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                          [--variable VARIABLE]
                                          [--prefix PREFIX]
                                          [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                          [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                          [--direction {ingress,egress}]
                                          [--ethertype ETHERTYPE]
                                          [--protocol PROTOCOL]
                                          [--port-range-min PORT_RANGE_MIN]
                                          [--port-range-max PORT_RANGE_MAX]
                                          [--remote-ip-prefix REMOTE_IP_PREFIX]
                                          [--remote-group-id REMOTE_GROUP]

Create a security group rule.

Positional arguments


Security group name or id to add rule.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--direction {ingress,egress}

Direction of traffic: ingress/egress

--ethertype ETHERTYPE


--protocol PROTOCOL

Protocol of packet

--port-range-min PORT_RANGE_MIN

Starting port range

--port-range-max PORT_RANGE_MAX

Ending port range

--remote-ip-prefix REMOTE_IP_PREFIX

CIDR to match on

--remote-group-id REMOTE_GROUP

Remote security group name or id to apply rule

 neutron security-group-rule-delete command

usage: neutron security-group-rule-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given security group rule.

Positional arguments


ID of security_group_rule to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron security-group-rule-list command

usage: neutron security-group-rule-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                        [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                        [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                        [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE]
                                        [--sort-key FIELD]
                                        [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List security group rules that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)


Do not convert security group ID to its name

 neutron security-group-rule-show command

usage: neutron security-group-rule-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                        [--variable VARIABLE]
                                        [--prefix PREFIX]
                                        [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                        [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given security group rule.

Positional arguments


ID of security_group_rule to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron security-group-show command

usage: neutron security-group-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                   [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                   [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                   [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given security group.

Positional arguments


ID or name of security_group to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron security-group-update command

usage: neutron security-group-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                     [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]

Update a given security group.

Positional arguments


ID or name of security_group to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--name NAME

Name of security group

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of security group

 neutron service-provider-list command

usage: neutron service-provider-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                     [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                     [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                     [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                     [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List service providers.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron subnet-create command

usage: neutron subnet-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                             [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                             [--request-format {json,xml}]
                             [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--name NAME]
                             [--ip-version {4,6}] [--gateway GATEWAY_IP]
                             [--allocation-pool start=IP_ADDR,end=IP_ADDR]
                             [--host-route destination=CIDR,nexthop=IP_ADDR]
                             [--dns-nameserver DNS_NAMESERVER]
                             NETWORK CIDR

Create a subnet for a given tenant.

Positional arguments


Network id or name this subnet belongs to


CIDR of subnet to create

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--name NAME

Name of this subnet

--ip-version {4,6} IP

version with default 4

--gateway GATEWAY_IP

Gateway ip of this subnet


No distribution of gateway


start=IP_ADDR,end=IP_ADDR Allocation pool IP addresses for this subnet (This option can be repeated)


destination=CIDR,nexthop=IP_ADDR Additional route (This option can be repeated)

--dns-nameserver DNS_NAMESERVER

DNS name server for this subnet (This option can be repeated)


Disable DHCP for this subnet

 neutron subnet-delete command

usage: neutron subnet-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] SUBNET

Delete a given subnet.

Positional arguments


ID or name of subnet to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron subnet-list command

usage: neutron subnet-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                           [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                           [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List subnets that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron subnet-show command

usage: neutron subnet-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                           [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                           [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given subnet.

Positional arguments


ID or name of subnet to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron subnet-update command

usage: neutron subnet-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}] SUBNET

Update subnet's information.

Positional arguments


ID or name of subnet to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create command

usage: neutron vpn-ikepolicy-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                    [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                    [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                    [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                    [--auth-algorithm {sha1}]
                                    [--encryption-algorithm {3des,aes-128,aes-192,aes-256}]
                                    [--phase1-negotiation-mode {main}]
                                    [--ike-version {v1,v2}]
                                    [--pfs {group2,group5,group14}]
                                    [--lifetime units=UNITS,value=VALUE]

Create an IKEPolicy.

Positional arguments


Name of the IKE Policy

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of the IKE policy

--auth-algorithm {sha1}

Authentication algorithm in lowercase. default:sha1

--encryption-algorithm {3des,aes-128,aes-192,aes-256}

Encryption Algorithm in lowercase, default:aes-128

--phase1-negotiation-mode {main}

IKE Phase1 negotiation mode in lowercase, default:main

--ike-version {v1,v2}

IKE version in lowercase, default:v1

--pfs {group2,group5,group14}

Perfect Forward Secrecy in lowercase, default:group5


units=UNITS,value=VALUE IKE Lifetime Attributes.'units'-seconds,default:seconds. 'value'-non negative integer, default:3600.

 neutron vpn-ikepolicy-delete command

usage: neutron vpn-ikepolicy-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given IKE Policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ikepolicy to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron vpn-ikepolicy-list command

usage: neutron vpn-ikepolicy-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                  [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                  [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List IKEPolicies that belong to a tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron vpn-ikepolicy-show command

usage: neutron vpn-ikepolicy-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                  [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given IKEPolicy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ikepolicy to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron vpn-ikepolicy-update command

usage: neutron vpn-ikepolicy-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                    [--lifetime units=UNITS,value=VALUE]

Update a given IKE Policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ikepolicy to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


units=UNITS,value=VALUE IKE Lifetime Attributes.'units'-seconds,default:seconds. 'value'-non negative integer, default:3600.

 neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create command

usage: neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                      [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                      [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                      [--tenant-id TENANT_ID]
                                      [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                      [--transform-protocol {esp,ah,ah-esp}]
                                      [--auth-algorithm {sha1}]
                                      [--encryption-algorithm {3des,aes-128,aes-192,aes-256}]
                                      [--encapsulation-mode {tunnel,transport}]
                                      [--pfs {group2,group5,group14}]
                                      [--lifetime units=UNITS,value=VALUE]

Create an ipsecpolicy.

Positional arguments


Name of the IPsecPolicy

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID

--description DESCRIPTION

Description of the IPsecPolicy

--transform-protocol {esp,ah,ah-esp}

Transform Protocol in lowercase, default:esp

--auth-algorithm {sha1}

Authentication algorithm in lowercase, default:sha1

--encryption-algorithm {3des,aes-128,aes-192,aes-256}

Encryption Algorithm in lowercase, default:aes-128

--encapsulation-mode {tunnel,transport}

Encapsulation Mode in lowercase, default:tunnel

--pfs {group2,group5,group14}

Perfect Forward Secrecy in lowercase, default:group5


units=UNITS,value=VALUE IPsec Lifetime Attributes.'units'-seconds,default:seconds. 'value'-non negative integer, default:3600.

 neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete command

usage: neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given ipsecpolicy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ipsecpolicy to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-list command

usage: neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                    [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                    [-F FIELD] [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                    [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List ipsecpolicies that belongs to a given tenant connection.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-show command

usage: neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                    [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                    [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D]
                                    [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given ipsecpolicy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ipsecpolicy to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-update command

usage: neutron vpn-ipsecpolicy-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                      [--lifetime units=UNITS,value=VALUE]

Update a given ipsec policy.

Positional arguments


ID or name of ipsecpolicy to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format


units=UNITS,value=VALUE IPsec Lifetime Attributes.'units'-seconds,default:seconds. 'value'-non negative integer, default:3600.

 neutron vpn-service-create command

usage: neutron vpn-service-create [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                  [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                  [--request-format {json,xml}]
                                  [--tenant-id TENANT_ID] [--admin-state-down]
                                  [--name NAME] [--description DESCRIPTION]
                                  ROUTER SUBNET

Create a VPNService.

Positional arguments


Router unique identifier for the vpnservice


Subnet unique identifier for the vpnservice deployment

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

--tenant-id TENANT_ID

The owner tenant ID


Set admin state up to false

--name NAME

Set a name for the vpnservice

--description DESCRIPTION

Set a description for the vpnservice

 neutron vpn-service-delete command

usage: neutron vpn-service-delete [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Delete a given VPNService.

Positional arguments


ID or name of vpnservice to delete

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 neutron vpn-service-list command

usage: neutron vpn-service-list [-h] [-f {csv,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--quote {all,minimal,none,nonnumeric}]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]
                                [-P SIZE] [--sort-key FIELD]
                                [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]

List VPNService configurations that belong to a given tenant.

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

-P SIZE, --page-size SIZE

Specify retrieve unit of each request, then split one request to several requests

--sort-key FIELD

Sort list by specified fields (This option can be repeated), The number of sort_dir and sort_key should match each other, more sort_dir specified will be omitted, less will be filled with asc as default direction

--sort-dir {asc,desc}

Sort list in specified directions (This option can be repeated)

 neutron vpn-service-show command

usage: neutron vpn-service-show [-h] [-f {shell,table}] [-c COLUMN]
                                [--variable VARIABLE] [--prefix PREFIX]
                                [--request-format {json,xml}] [-D] [-F FIELD]

Show information of a given VPNService.

Positional arguments


ID or name of vpnservice to look up

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

-D, --show-details

Show detailed info

-F FIELD, --field FIELD

Specify the field(s) to be returned by server, can be repeated

 neutron vpn-service-update command

usage: neutron vpn-service-update [-h] [--request-format {json,xml}]

Update a given VPNService.

Positional arguments


ID or name of vpnservice to update

Optional arguments

-h, --help

show this help message and exit

--request-format {json,xml}

The xml or json request format

 Manage Networks

Before you run commands, set the following environment variables:

export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=password
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_AUTH_URL=http://localhost:5000/v2.0

 Create networks

  1. List the extensions of the system:

    $ neutron ext-list -c alias -c name
    | alias           | name                     |
    | agent_scheduler | Agent Schedulers         |
    | binding         | Port Binding             |
    | quotas          | Quota management support |
    | agent           | agent                    |
    | provider        | Provider Network         |
    | router          | Neutron L3 Router        |
    | lbaas           | LoadBalancing service    |
    | extraroute      | Neutron Extra Route      |
  2. Create a network:

    $ neutron net-create net1
    Created a new network:
    | Field                     | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up            | True                                 |
    | id                        | 2d627131-c841-4e3a-ace6-f2dd75773b6d |
    | name                      | net1                                 |
    | provider:network_type     | vlan                                 |
    | provider:physical_network | physnet1                             |
    | provider:segmentation_id  | 1001                                 |
    | router:external           | False                                |
    | shared                    | False                                |
    | status                    | ACTIVE                               |
    | subnets                   |                                      |
    | tenant_id                 | 3671f46ec35e4bbca6ef92ab7975e463     |

    Some fields of the created network are invisible to non-admin users.

  3. Create a network with specified provider network type:

    $ neutron net-create net2 --provider:network-type local
    Created a new network:
    | Field                     | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up            | True                                 |
    | id                        | 524e26ea-fad4-4bb0-b504-1ad0dc770e7a |
    | name                      | net2                                 |
    | provider:network_type     | local                                |
    | provider:physical_network |                                      |
    | provider:segmentation_id  |                                      |
    | router:external           | False                                |
    | shared                    | False                                |
    | status                    | ACTIVE                               |
    | subnets                   |                                      |
    | tenant_id                 | 3671f46ec35e4bbca6ef92ab7975e463     |

    Just as shown previously, the unknown option --provider:network-type is used to create a local provider network.

 Create subnets

  • Create a subnet:

    $ neutron subnet-create net1 --name subnet1
    Created a new subnet:
    | Field            | Value                                            |
    | allocation_pools | {"start": "", "end": ""} |
    | cidr             |                                   |
    | dns_nameservers  |                                                  |
    | enable_dhcp      | True                                             |
    | gateway_ip       |                                      |
    | host_routes      |                                                  |
    | id               | 15a09f6c-87a5-4d14-b2cf-03d97cd4b456             |
    | ip_version       | 4                                                |
    | name             | subnet1                                          |
    | network_id       | 2d627131-c841-4e3a-ace6-f2dd75773b6d             |
    | tenant_id        | 3671f46ec35e4bbca6ef92ab7975e463                 |

    The subnet-create command has the following positional and optional parameters:

    • The name or ID of the network to which the subnet belongs.

      In this example, net1 is a positional argument that specifies the network name.

    • The CIDR of the subnet.

      In this example, is a positional argument that specifies the CIDR.

    • The subnet name, which is optional.

      In this example, --name subnet1 specifies the name of the subnet.

 Create routers

  1. Create a router:

    $ neutron router-create router1
    Created a new router:
    | Field                 | Value                                |
    | admin_state_up        | True                                 |
    | external_gateway_info |                                      |
    | id                    | 6e1f11ed-014b-4c16-8664-f4f615a3137a |
    | name                  | router1                              |
    | status                | ACTIVE                               |
    | tenant_id             | 7b5970fbe7724bf9b74c245e66b92abf     |

    Take note of the unique router identifier returned, this will be required in subsequent steps.

  2. Link the router to the external provider network:

    $ neutron router-gateway-set ROUTER NETWORK

    Replace ROUTER with the unique identifier of the router, replace NETWORK with the unique identifier of the external provider network.

  3. Link the router to the subnet:

    $ neutron router-interface-add ROUTER SUBNET

    Replace ROUTER with the unique identifier of the router, replace SUBNET with the unique identifier of the subnet.

 Create ports

  1. Create a port with specified IP address:

    $ neutron port-create net1 --fixed-ip ip_address=
    Created a new port:
    | Field                | Value                                                                               |
    | admin_state_up       | True                                                                                |
    | binding:capabilities | {"port_filter": false}                                                              |
    | binding:vif_type     | ovs                                                                                 |
    | device_id            |                                                                                     |
    | device_owner         |                                                                                     |
    | fixed_ips            | {"subnet_id": "15a09f6c-87a5-4d14-b2cf-03d97cd4b456", "ip_address": ""} |
    | id                   | f7a08fe4-e79e-4b67-bbb8-a5002455a493                                                |
    | mac_address          | fa:16:3e:97:e0:fc                                                                   |
    | name                 |                                                                                     |
    | network_id           | 2d627131-c841-4e3a-ace6-f2dd75773b6d                                                |
    | status               | DOWN                                                                                |
    | tenant_id            | 3671f46ec35e4bbca6ef92ab7975e463                                                    |

    In the previous command, net1 is the network name, which is a positional argument. --fixed-ip ip_address= is an option, which specifies the port's fixed IP address we wanted.


    When creating a port, you can specify any unallocated IP in the subnet even if the address is not in a pre-defined pool of allocated IP addresses (set by your cloud provider).

  2. Create a port without specified IP address:

    $ neutron port-create net1
    Created a new port:
    | Field| Value                                                                                              |
    | admin_state_up       | True                                                                               |
    | binding:capabilities | {"port_filter": false}                                                             |
    | binding:vif_type     | ovs                                                                                |
    | device_id            |                                                                                    |
    | device_owner         |                                                                                    |
    | fixed_ips            | {"subnet_id": "15a09f6c-87a5-4d14-b2cf-03d97cd4b456", "ip_address": ""} |
    | id                   | baf13412-2641-4183-9533-de8f5b91444c                                               |
    | mac_address          | fa:16:3e:f6:ec:c7                                                                  |
    | name                 |                                                                                    |
    | network_id           | 2d627131-c841-4e3a-ace6-f2dd75773b6d                                               |
    | status               | DOWN                                                                               |
    | tenant_id            | 3671f46ec35e4bbca6ef92ab7975e463                                                   |

    Note that the system allocates one IP address if you do not specify an IP address in the neutron port-create command.

  3. Query ports with specified fixed IP addresses:

    $ neutron port-list --fixed-ips ip_address= ip_address=
    | id                                   | name | mac_address       | fixed_ips                                                                           |
    | baf13412-2641-4183-9533-de8f5b91444c |      | fa:16:3e:f6:ec:c7 | {"subnet_id": "15a09f6c-87a5-4d14-b2cf-03d97cd4b456", "ip_address": ""}  |
    | f7a08fe4-e79e-4b67-bbb8-a5002455a493 |      | fa:16:3e:97:e0:fc | {"subnet_id": "15a09f6c-87a5-4d14-b2cf-03d97cd4b456", "ip_address": ""} |

    --fixed-ips ip_address= ip_address= is one unknown option.

    How to find unknown options? The unknown options can be easily found by watching the output of create_xxx or show_xxx command. For example, in the port creation command, we see the fixed_ips fields, which can be used as an unknown option.

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