Add keypairs

Create at least one keypair for each project. If you have generated a keypair with an external tool, you can import it into OpenStack. The keypair can be used for multiple instances that belong to a project.


To add a keypair

  1. Log in to the OpenStack dashboard.

  2. If you are a member of multiple projects, select a project from the drop-down list at the top of the Project tab.

  3. Click the Access & Security category.

  4. Click the Keypairs tab. The dashboard shows the keypairs that are available for this project.

  5. To add a keypair

    Click Create Keypair.

    The Create Keypair window appears.

    1. In the Keypair Name box, enter a name for your keypair.

    2. Click Create Keypair.

    3. Respond to the prompt to download the keypair.

  6. To import a keypair

    Click Import Keypair.

    The Import Keypair window appears.

    1. In the Keypair Name box, enter the name of your keypair.

    2. In the Public Key box, copy the public key.

    3. Click Import Keypair.

  7. Save the *.pem file locally and change its permissions so that only you can read and write to the file:

    $ chmod 0600 MY_PRIV_KEY.pem

  8. Use the ssh-add command to make the keypair known to SSH:

    $ ssh-add MY_PRIV_KEY.pem

The public key of the keypair is registered in the Nova database.

The dashboard lists the keypair in the Access & Security category.