
The following requirements must be fulfilled to access the OpenStack dashboard:

Learn how to log in to the dashboard and get a short overview of the interface.

 Log in to the dashboard


To log in to the dashboard

  1. Ask your cloud operator for the following information:

    • The host name or public IP address from which you can access the dashboard.

      The dashboard is available on the node that has the nova-dashboard server role.

    • The user name and password with which you can log in to the dashboard.

  2. Open a Web browser that supports HTML5. Make sure that JavaScript and cookies are enabled.

  3. As a URL, enter the host name or IP address that you got from the cloud operator.


    [Note]Certificate Warning

    You might get a certificate warning when you try to access the URL for the first time depending on your browser and browser options. In case no certificate is provided when the cloud operator sets up the dashboard, the OpenStack cloud uses a self-signed certificate that is not considered trustworthy by default. In this case, verify the certificate. To proceed anyway, you can add an exception in the browser to bypass the warning.

  4. On the dashboard log in page, enter your user name and password and click Sign In.

After you log in, the following page appears:


Figure 1. OpenStack dashboard – Overview

The top-level row shows the user name that you logged in with. You can also access Settings or Sign Out of the Web interface.


The visible tabs and functions in the dashboard depend on the access permissions of the user that is logged in. They are defined by roles.

If you are logged in as an end user rather than an admin user, the main screen shows only the Project tab.

 OpenStack dashboard – Project tab

This tab shows details for the projects, or projects, of which you are a member.


Figure 2. OpenStack dashboard – Project tab

Select a project from the drop-down list on the left-hand side to access the following categories:


Shows basic reports on the project.


Lists instances and volumes created by users of the project.

From here, you can stop, pause, or reboot any instances or connect to them through virtual network computing (VNC).


Lists volumes created by users of the project.

From here, you can create or delete volumes.

Images & Snapshots

Lists images and snapshots created by users of the project, plus any images that are publicly available. Includes volume snapshots. From here, you can create and delete images and snapshots, and launch instances from images and snapshots.

Access & Security

On the Security Groups tab, you can list, create, and delete security groups and edit rules for security groups.

On the Keypairs tab, you can list, create, and import keypairs, and delete keypairs.

On the Floating IPs tab, you can allocate an IP address to or release it from a project.

On the API Access tab, you can list the API endpoints.