Kafka Connect Quick Start


This quick start guide is provides a hands-on look at how you can move data into and out of Kafka without writing a single line of code. It is helpful to review the concepts for Kafka Connect in tandem with running the steps in this guide to gain a deeper understanding. At the end of this quick start you will be able to:

  • Use Confluent CLI to manage Confluent services, including starting a single connect worker in distributed mode and loading and unloading connectors.
  • Read data from a file and publish to a Kafka topic.
  • Read data from a Kafka topic and publish to file.
  • Integrate the Schema Registry with a connector.

What we will do

To demonstrate the basic functionality of Kafka Connect and its integration with the Confluent Schema Registry, a few local standalone Kafka Connect processes with connectors are run. You can insert data written to a file into Kafka and write data from a Kafka topic to the console. If you are using JSON as the Connect data format, see the instructions here for a tutorial that does not include the Schema Registry.

Start the services

In this guide, we are assuming services will run on localhost with default properties.


If not already in your PATH, add Confluent’s bin directory by running: export PATH=<path-to-confluent>/bin:$PATH

Given that Confluent’s bin directory is now included in your PATH variable, to start all the services just run:

$ confluent start

Every service will start in order, printing a message with its status:

Starting zookeeper
zookeeper is [UP]
Starting kafka
kafka is [UP]
Starting schema-registry
schema-registry is [UP]
Starting kafka-rest
kafka-rest is [UP]
Starting connect
connect is [UP]

For complete details on getting these services up and running see the Confluent Platform quick start.

You may choose to open Connect’s log to make sure the service has started successfully:

$ confluent log connect

If an error occurred while starting services with Confluent CLI, you may access the logs of each service in one place by navigating to the directory where these logs are stored. For example:

$ confluent current
$ cd /tmp/confluent.w1CpYsaI
$ less connect/connect.stderr


The equivalent commands to start every service in its own terminal, without using the CLI are:

# Start ZooKeeper.  Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/zookeeper-server-start ./etc/kafka/zookeeper.properties
# Start Kafka.  Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/kafka-server-start ./etc/kafka/server.properties
# Start Schema Registry. Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/schema-registry-start ./etc/schema-registry/schema-registry.properties
# Start Connect in distributed mode. Run this command in its own terminal.
$ ./bin/connect-distributed ./etc/schema-registry/connect-avro-distributed.properties

Read File Data with Connect

To startup a FileStreamSourceConnector that reads structured data from a file and exports the data into Kafka, using Schema Registry to inform Connect of their structure, we will use one of the bundled connector configurations that come pre-defined with Confluent CLI. To get the list of all the pre-defined connector configurations, run:

$ confluent list connectors
Bundled Predefined Connectors (edit configuration under etc/):

The pre-configured connector we will use first is called file-source and its configuration file is located at ./etc/kafka/connect-file-source.properties. Below is an explanation of the contents:

# User defined connector instance name.
# The class implementing the connector
# Maximum number of tasks to run for this connector instance
# The input file (path relative to worker's working directory)
# This is the only setting specific to the FileStreamSource
# The output topic in Kafka

If choosing to use this tutorial without the Schema Registry, you need to specify additionally the key.converter and value.converter properties to use org.apache.kafka.connect.json.JsonConverter. This will override the converters’ settings for this connector only.

We are now ready to load the connector, but before we do that, let’s seed the file with some sample data. Note that the connector configuration specifies a relative path for the file, so you should create the file in the same directory that you will run the Kafka Connect worker from.

$ for i in {1..3}; do echo "log line $i"; done > test.txt

Next, start an instance of the FileStreamSourceConnector using the configuration file you defined above. You can easily do this from the command line using the Confluent CLI as follows:

$ confluent load file-source
  "name": "file-source",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "FileStreamSource",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "file": "test.txt",
    "topics": "connect-test",
    "name": "file-source"
  "tasks": []

Upon success it will print a snapshot of the connector’s configuration. To confirm which connectors are loaded any time, run:

$ confluent status connectors

You will get a list of all the loaded connectors in this worker. The same command supplied with the connector name will give you the status of this connector, including an indication of whether the connector has started successfully or has encountered a failure. For instance, running this command on the connector we just loaded would give us:

$ confluent status file-source
  "name": "file-source",
  "connector": {
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "worker_id": ""
  "tasks": [
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "id": 0,
      "worker_id": ""

Soon after the connector starts, each of the three lines in our log file should be delivered to Kafka, having registered a schema with the Schema Registry. One way to validate that the data is there is to use the console consumer in another console to inspect the contents of the topic:

$ kafka-avro-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic connect-test --from-beginning
  "log line 1"
  "log line 2"
  "log line 3"

Note that we use the kafka-avro-console-consumer because the data has been stored in Kafka using Avro format. This consumer uses the Avro converter that is bundled with the Schema Registry in order to properly lookup the schema for the Avro data.

Write File Data with Connect

Now that we have written some data to a Kafka topic with Connect, let’s consume that data with a downstream process. In this section, we will load a sink connector to the worker in addition to the source that we started in the last section. The sink will write messages to a local file. This connector is also pre-defined in Confluent CLI under the name file-sink. Below is the connector’s configuration as it is stored in etc/kafka/connect-file-sink.properties:

# User defined name for the connector instance
# Name of the connector class to be run
# Max number of tasks to spawn for this connector instance
# Output file name relative to worker's current working directory
# This is the only property specific to the FileStreamSink connector
# Comma separate input topic list

Note that the configuration contains similar settings to the file source. A key difference is that multiple input topics are specified with topics whereas the file source allows for only one output topic specified with topic.

Now start the FileStreamSinkConnector. The sink connector will run within the same worker as the source connector, but each connector task will have its own dedicated thread.

$ confluent load file-sink
  "name": "file-sink",
  "config": {
    "connector.class": "FileStreamSink",
    "tasks.max": "1",
    "file": "test.sink.txt",
    "topics": "connect-test",
    "name": "file-sink"
  "tasks": []

To make sure the sink connector is up and running, use Confluent CLI to get the state of this specific connector:

$ confluent status file-sink
  "name": "file-sink",
  "connector": {
    "state": "RUNNING",
    "worker_id": ""
  "tasks": [
      "state": "RUNNING",
      "id": 0,
      "worker_id": ""

as well as the the list of all loaded connectors:

$ confluent status connectors


Because of the rebalancing that happens between worker tasks every time a connector is loaded, a call to confluent status <connector-name> might not succeed immediately after a new connector is loaded. Once rebalancing completes, such calls will be able to return the actual status of a connector.

By opening the file test.sink.txt you should see the two log lines written to it by the sink connector.

Now, with both connectors running, we can see data flowing end-to-end in real time. To check this out, use another terminal to tail the output file:

$ tail -f test.sink.txt

and in a different terminal start appending additional lines to the text file:

$ for i in {4..1000}; do echo "log line $i"; done >> test.txt

You should see the lines being added to test.sink.txt. The new data was picked up by the source connector, written to Kafka, read by the sink connector from Kafka, and finally appended to the file.

"log line 1"
"log line 2"
"log line 3"
"log line 4"
"log line 5"

After you are done experimenting with reading from and writing to a file with Connect, you have a few options with respect to shutting down the connectors:

  • Unload the connectors but leave the Connect worker running.
$ confluent unload file-source
$ confluent unload file-sink
  • Stop the Connect worker altogether.
$ confluent stop connect
Stopping connect
connect is [DOWN]
  • Stop the Connect worker as well as all the rest Confluent services.
$ confluent stop
Stopping connect
connect is [DOWN]
Stopping kafka-rest
kafka-rest is [DOWN]
Stopping schema-registry
schema-registry is [DOWN]
Stopping kafka
kafka is [DOWN]
Stopping zookeeper
zookeeper is [DOWN]
  • Stop all the services and wipe out any data of this particular run of Confluent services.
$ confluent destroy
Stopping connect
connect is [DOWN]
Stopping kafka-rest
kafka-rest is [DOWN]
Stopping schema-registry
schema-registry is [DOWN]
Stopping kafka
kafka is [DOWN]
Stopping zookeeper
zookeeper is [DOWN]
Deleting: /tmp/confluent.w1CpYsaI

Both source and sink connectors can track offsets, so you can start and stop the process any number of times and add more data to the input file and both will resume where they previously left off.

The connectors demonstrated in this quick start are intentionally simple so no additional dependencies are necessary. Most connectors will require a bit more configuration to specify how to connect to the source or sink system and what data to copy, and for many you will want to execute on a Kafka Connect cluster for scalability and fault tolerance. To get started with Kafka Connect you’ll want to see the user guide for more details on running and managing Kafka Connect, including how to run in distributed mode. The Connectors section includes details on configuring and deploying the connectors that ship with Confluent Platform.


The easiest way to create, configure, and manage connectors is with Confluent Control Center. To learn more about Control Center, see Confluent Control Center.