Topic Management

This provides a list of topics grouped by cluster. The cluster can be changed by clicking the dropdown in the top right of the screen.


Initial topic view screen

To view more details about specific consumer group for a topic, click the consumer group number


Viewing a list of consumer groups on a topic

and select the group.


Only consumer groups with monitoring interceptors set up will be viewable


Click the consumer group to view stream monitoring data

This will navigate to the steam monitoring graph for that consumer group.

Detail view for a topic

To view more detail about a specific topic, click on the three dots to the right of the topic name on the index page and select ‘View details’.


Click the button and select ‘View details’

This will navigate to a page that shows partitions, consumer groups, broker lists, and in/out of sync replicas for a particular topic.


Detailed statistics about a given topic

To view more details about a specific consumer group for a topic, click the consumer group number and select the group. This is the same as on the topic index page. This will navigate you to the steam monitoring graph for that consumer group.


Only consumer groups with monitoring interceptors set up will be viewable

If a replica is out of sync it will turn red. A replica being out of sync means it is behind the current leader and is not a full copy.