Migrating from Open Source to EnterpriseΒΆ

You can migrate from Confluent Platform Open Source to Enterprise.

The path for migrating to Enterprise version of Confluent depends on how you originally installed the Open Source version.

DEB Packages via apt or RPM Packages via yum

If you installed Confluent Open Source with DEB packages via apt or RPM packages via yum, the upgrade is very simple. Since the Enterprise packages are simply umbrella packages that contain everything you already have in Confluent Open Source plus additional enterprise packages, you can install the additional packages in your existing deployment by running:

$ sudo yum install confluent-platform-2.11


$ sudo apt-get install confluent-platform-2.11

TAR or ZIP archives

If you installed Confluent Open Source from TAR or ZIP archives, you will download and install a new Confluent Enterprise archive that contains the entire platform - both the open source and the enterprise components and start running Confluent from the new installation.

  • Download the Confluent Enterprise TAR or ZIP archive from http://confluent.io/downloads/.
  • Next extract the contents of the archive into a new Confluent install directory. For zip files, use a GUI to extract the contents or run this command in a terminal:
$ unzip confluent-4.0.0-2.11.zip

For tar files run this command:

$ tar xzf confluent-4.0.0-2.11.tar.gz
  • Copy all configuration files from ./etc, including ./etc/kafka, ./etc/kafka-rest, ./etc/schema-registry, ./etc/confluent-control-center and ./etc/camus into the new directory you created in previous step.
  • Stop all Kafka services running in Confluent OpenSource directory. Depending on what was running, this will include kafka-rest, schema-registry, connect-distributed, kafka-server and zookeeper-server.
  • Start the corresponding services in Confluent Enterprise directory, and in addition start any new Enterprise services you wish you use - for example confluent-control-center.
  • Repeat these steps on all Confluent servers, one server at a time, to perform rolling migration.
  • If at any time you want to move back to Confluent OpenSource, simply stop the services in the Enterprise installation directory and start them in the OpenSource directory.