Install Confluent Platform

You can install the Confluent Platform using a variety of formats, including Docker, ZIP, TAR, APT, and YUM.

System Requirements

Operating Systems

Operating System 1.0.0 2.0.x 3.0.x 3.1.x 3.2.x 3.3.x 4.0.x
Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 6.x yes yes yes no no no no
Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS 7.x yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Debian 7 yes yes yes no no no no
Debian 8 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS yes yes yes no no no no
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS no no no yes yes yes yes
  • Windows is not currently supported. Windows users can download and use the ZIP and TAR archives, but must run the JAR files directly.
  • macOS is supported for testing and development purposes onlyy.


  • Oracle Java 1.7 or later.

    Tip: You can check your Java version with this command:

    $ java -version
  • Optional: Docker version 1.11 or later. This is required if you are installing Confluent Platform by using the Docker images.

Port Configuration

By default the Confluent Platform components use these ports to communicate. The following ports must be open:

Component Port
Apache Kafka brokers (plain text) 9092
Confluent Control Center 9021
Kafka Connect REST API 8083
REST Proxy 8082
Schema Registry REST API 8081
ZooKeeper 2181

Installation Formats


You can install the Confluent Platform using Docker images. For instructions on how to install using Docker, see the documentation.

Important: You can install the entire platform or the individual component packages using Docker images.

ZIP and TAR archives

Important: You can install only the entire platform with the ZIP or TAR archives.

  1. Download the archive. You can get the ZIP and TAR files from the downloads page. These archives contain the JARs, driver scripts, and configuration files in ZIP and TAR archives.

  2. Uncompress the archive file.

  3. Install Confluent Platform using one of these methods based on your needs.

    • Production Environment

      Start each Confluent Platform service in its own terminal:

      # Start ZooKeeper.  Run this command in its own terminal.
      $ <path-to-confluent>/bin/zookeeper-server-start <path-to-confluent>/etc/kafka/
      # Start Kafka.  Run this command in its own terminal.
      $ <path-to-confluent>/bin/kafka-server-start <path-to-confluent>/etc/kafka/
      # Start Schema Registry. Run this command in its own terminal.
      $ <path-to-confluent>/bin/schema-registry-start \
      # Start Connect in distributed mode. Run this command in its own terminal.
      $ <path-to-confluent>/bin/connect-distributed \
    • Development or Test Environment


      The Confluent CLI is meant for development purposes only and is not suitable for a production environment. The data that are produced are transient and are intended to be temporary.

      Run this command to start all Confluent Platform services by using the CLI.

      $ <path-to-confluent>/bin/confluent start

      Your output should resemble this.

      Starting zookeeper
      zookeeper is [UP]
      Starting kafka
      kafka is [UP]
      Starting schema-registry
      schema-registry is [UP]
      Starting kafka-rest
      kafka-rest is [UP]
      Starting connect
      connect is [UP]

Next, try the Quickstart to test out the Confluent Platform locally.

Debian and Ubuntu

The APT repositories provide packages for Debian-based Linux distributions such as Debian and Ubuntu.

Important: You can install the entire platform or the individual component packages with the APT repositories.

  1. Install the Confluent public key, which is used to sign the packages in the APT repository.

    $ wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
  2. Add the repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

    $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
  3. Run apt-get update and install Confluent Platform.

    • Confluent Enterprise:

      $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install confluent-platform-2.11
    • Confluent Open Source:

      $ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install confluent-platform-oss-2.11

Important: The number at the end of the package name specifies the Scala version. Currently supported versions are 2.11 (recommended) and 2.10. Individual components of the Confluent Platform are also available as standalone packages. See the Available Packages section for a listing of packages.

Next, try the Quickstart to test out the Confluent Platform locally.

RHEL and CentOS

The YUM repositories provide packages for RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora-based distributions.

Important: You can install the entire platform or the individual component packages with the YUM repositories.

  1. Install the Confluent public key, which is used to sign packages in the YUM repository.

    $ sudo rpm --import
  2. Add the repository to your /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory in a file named confluent.repo.

    • If you are using RHEL/CentOS 6.8

      name=Confluent repository (dist)
      name=Confluent repository
    • If you are using RHEL/CentOS 7.2

      name=Confluent repository (dist)
      name=Confluent repository
  3. Recommended: Clear the YUM caches.

    $ sudo yum clean all

    The repository is now ready for use.

  4. Install Confluent Platform.

    • Confluent Enterprise:

      $ sudo yum install confluent-platform-2.11
    • Confluent Open Source:

      $ sudo yum install confluent-platform-oss-2.11

    Important: The number at the end of the package name specifies the Scala version. Currently supported versions are 2.11 (recommended) and 2.10. Individual components of the Confluent Platform are also available as standalone packages. See the Available Packages section for a listing of packages.

Next, try the Quickstart to test out the Confluent Platform locally.