Fabric8 Documentation

Installing Fabric8 inside the CDK

First you will need to:

Next clone the CDK vagrant repository and follow the prerequisites

git clone https://github.com/redhat-developer-tooling/openshift-vagrant.git
cd openshift-vagrant

cd cdk-v2
export SUB_USERNAME=...
export SUB_PASSWORD=...  

export VM_CPU=4
export VM_MEMORY=6120

vagrant plugin install vagrant-registration
vagrant plugin install vagrant-service-manager
vagrant plugin install vagrant-sshfs

vagrant up

Once that is completed you should have the OpenShift console at

Now download and install gofabric8 and ensure its on your $PATH.

So ssh to your vagrant machine, download the latest release using curl, decompress the file and move gofabric8 to the /usr/local/bin folder.

curl -sSL https://github.com/fabric8io/gofabric8/releases/download/LATEST_VERSION/gofabric8-LATEST_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz | tar -xzv
sudo cp gofabric8 /usr/local/bin

You will probably want to login so you can use the oc command line tool from OpenShift:

oc login -u=admin -p=admin

If you wish to install the full Fabric8 Microservices Platform with CI / CD support then try this command instead

gofabric8 deploy

We don't automatically create PersistentVolumes when using VMs created by Vagrant so we need to run this step after the initial gofabric8 deploy and after any app is run that has a PersistentVolumeClaim. This will create HostPath PV for each PersistentVolumeClaim that's found:

gofabric8 volumes

It will take a few moments to startup and download the Fabric8 Developer Console, you should see the pod startup in the OpenShift console or via the commmand:

oc get pods -w

Now that the fabric8 console is up and running you should be able to access it at: http://fabric8.openshift.

From there you should be able to start running apps and having fun! :)


Check out the troubleshooting guide for more help.