Fabric8 Documentation


The maven fabric8:migrate goal helps migrate your project from 2.x of the fabric8-maven-plugin to version 3.x.

This goal takes the generated Kubernetes manifest in target/classes/kubernetes.yml and generates the source files in src/main/fabric8 that will be detected by the 3.x plugin.


Note before using this goal please make sure you have checked in all your changes to source control as it will overwrite and modify your source code! Namely the pom.xml file and files in src/main/fabric8/*.yml


To migrate your fabric8-maven-plugin 2.x project to 3.x try:

mvn fabric8:migrate

Now you might want to do a diff using your IDE or git to check what new files have been created and the changes to your pom.xml. Also you may want to reformat the pom.xml file in your IDE to ensure that all the indentation is just right.

The fabric8:migrate goal will add the <executions> element to the plugin. If you have a multi module project and configure the maven plugin in a parent pom you could supply the fabric8.migrate.updateExecutions property to disable this feature:

mvn fabric8:migrate -Dfabric8.migrate.updateExecutions=false

If you are feeling brave you can migrate and try deploy the project using the new maven plugin all via these lines:

mvn fabric8:migrate 
mvn clean io.fabric8:fabric8-maven-plugin:3.1.11:run

Then your new app should be built and applied.

You can compare the difference between the old and new manifests by comparing these files

  • target/classes/kubernetes.yml is the 2.x generated manifest
  • target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/kubernetes.yml is the 3.x generated manifest

Note that if you use any OpenShift Template parameters in your manifest then the YAML files will be considerably different; there will be no OpenShift Template and the parameters will be replaced by a ConfigMap and the property expression environment variables of the form ${BAR}

        - env:
          - name: "FOO"
            value: "${BAR}"

will be replaced with a configMapKeyRef instead, referring to the bar key in the ConfigMap:

      - env:
        - name: "FOO"
              key: "bar"
              name: "${project.artifactId}"