Fabric8 Documentation

Getting Started with MiniShift

Warning: please use minikube!

NOTE the new 1.x version of MiniShift does not yet work with fabric8. Due to the 1.x changes of MiniShift suport for Fabric8 and MiniShift is in a state of flux right now and it looks like not getting fixed any time soon.

Until 1.x of minishift is working with fabric8 we highly recommend you just stick with minikube instead for now until it gets resolved!

If you still want to try with minishift 1.x here are some tips to try work around the regressions in minishift:

  • start minishift manually (don't use gofabric8 start)
  • install oc by hand. e.g. via:

    brew install openshift-cli

  • manually enable CORS due to this issue

minishift openshift config set --patch '{"corsAllowedOrigins": [".*"]}'

Start the cluster with minishift start

minishift start --memory=6000

Then follow the on screen prompts.

You should now be able to connect to the cluster via the kubectl command line tool from Kubernetes or the oc command from openshift origin client tools for your platform.

oc get pods

Run the gofabric8 installer

Now type the following:

gofabric8 deploy -y

At any point you can validate your installation via:

gofabric8 validate

Access the Fabric8 Developer Console

To open the Fabric8 Developer Console then type the following:

minishift service fabric8

Then a browse window will open for the console.

To see the URL so you can open it in another browser you can type:

minishift service fabric8 --url

You can use the same command to open other consoles too like gogs, Jenkins or Nexus

minishift service gogs
minishift service jenkins
minishift service nexus

Though from the Fabric8 Developer Console you can easily switch between all your development tools using the tool drop down menu at the top right of the screen:

clicking on the tools drop down

Configuring Docker

To use docker on your host communicating with the docker daemon inside your MiniShift cluster type:

eval $(minishift docker-env)

Enable the OpenShift Router

If you wish to run the OpenShift Router to generate nicer URLs to access services inside your cluster instead of the default nodePort approach then try:

oc adm router --create --service-account=router --expose-metrics --subdomain="$(minishift ip).xip.io"

Note that sometimes this can fail to deploy if it takes too long to pull the images on your machine. So you could try pulling the docker image first:

eval $(minishift docker-env)
docker pull openshift/origin-haproxy-router:`oc version | awk '{ print $2; exit }'`


Check out the troubleshooting guide for more help.