Fabric8 Documentation

Apache Karaf

Fabric8 provides support for Apache Karaf which is meant to make developing OSGi apps for Kubernetes easier.

Using Fabric8 it is possible to:

  • Use a number of strategies to resolve placeholders in Blueprint XML files, like:
    • Environment variables
    • System properties
    • Services
    • Kubernetes ConfigMap
    • Kubernetes Secrets
  • Use Kubernetes config maps to dynamically update the OSGi config admin
  • Provides sensible Kubernetes heath checks for OSGi services

Adding the Features File

To use any of the features described in document you should add the fabric8-karaf-features dependency to your project pom so that it's feature can be installed into your Karaf server.


Fabric8 Karaf Core

The bundle fabric8-karaf-core provides functionalities used by Blueprint and Config Admin extensions.

To include the feature in your custom Karaf distribution, add it to startupFeatures in your project's pom.xml:


Property placeholders resolvers

fabric8-karaf-core exports a service with the following interface:

public interface PlaceholderResolver {
     * Resolve a placeholder using the strategy indicated by the prefix
     * @param value the placeholder to resolve
     * @return the resolved value or null if not resolved
    String resolve(String value);

     * Replaces all the occurrences of variables with their matching values from the resolver using the given source string as a template.
     * @param source the string to replace in
     * @return the result of the replace operation
    String replace(String value);

     * Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given source builder with their matching values from the resolver.
     * @param value the builder to replace in
     * @rerurn true if altered
    boolean replaceIn(StringBuilder value);

     * Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given dictionary
     * @param dictionary the dictionary to replace in
     * @rerurn true if altered
    boolean replaceAll(Dictionary<String, Object> dictionary);

     * Replaces all the occurrences of variables within the given dictionary
     * @param dictionary the dictionary to replace in
     * @rerurn true if altered
    boolean replaceAll(Map<String, Object> dictionary);

The PlaceholderResolver service acts as a collector for different property placeholder resolution strategies and by default it provides:

Prefix Example Description
env env:JAVA_HOME to lookup the property from OS environment variables.
sys sys:java.version to lookup the property from Java JVM system properties.
service service:amq to lookup the property from OS environment variables using the service naming idiom.
service.host service.host:amq to lookup the property from OS environment variables using the service naming idiom returning the hostname part only.
service.port service.port:amq to lookup the property from OS environment variables using the service naming idiom returning the port part only.
k8s:map k8s:map:myMap/myKey to lookup the property from a Kubernetes ConfigMap (via API)
k8s:secret k8s:secret:amq/password to lookup the property from a Kubernetes Secrets (via API or volume mounts)

The property placeholder service supports the following options:

Name Default Description
fabric8.placeholder.prefix $[ The prefix for the placeholder
fabric8.placeholder.suffix ] The suffix for the placeholder
fabric8.k8s.secrets.path null A comma delimited list of paths were secrets are mapped
fabric8.k8s.secrets.api.enabled false Enable/Disable consuming secrets via APIs


  • Options can be set via system properties and/or environment variables
  • To access ConfigMaps on OpenShift the service account needs at least view permissions i.e.:

    oc policy add-role-to-user view system:serviceaccount:$(oc project -q):default -n $(oc project -q)

  • Access to secrets via API may be restricted, the preferred way is to mount secret to the POD

  • Secrets available on the POD as volume mounts are supposed to be mapped to a directory named as the secret itself, i.e:

          - name: FABRIC8_K8S_SECRETS_PATH
            value: /etc/secrets
          - name: activemq-secret-volume
            mountPath: /etc/secrets/activemq
            readOnly: true  
          - name: postgres-secret-volume
            mountPath: /etc/secrets/postgres
            readOnly: true
        - name: activemq-secret-volume
            secretName: activemq
        - name: postgres-secret-volume
            secretName: postgres

Add a custom property placeholders resolvers

You may need to add a custom placeholder resolver to support a specific need (i.e. custom encryption) and you can leverage PlaceholderResolver service to make such resolver available to Blueprint and ConfigAdmin with a single implementation. To do so, you will need to add the following mvn dependency to the project pom.xml:


You then need to implement the PropertiesFunction interface and register it as OSGi service (the easiest way is to use SCR).

import io.fabric8.karaf.core.properties.function.PropertiesFunction;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Component;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.ConfigurationPolicy;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.Service;

    immediate = true,
    policy = ConfigurationPolicy.IGNORE,
    createPid = false
public class MyPropertiesFunction implements PropertiesFunction {
    public String getName() {
        return "myResolver";

    public String apply(String remainder) {
        // Parse and resolve remainder        
        return remainder;

You can then reference your resolver in CM like:

my.property = $[myResolver:value-to-resolve]


  • Details about Blueprint/CM integration will be shown in the following sections

Fabric8 Karaf Config Admin Support

To include the feature in your custom Karaf distribution, add it to startupFeatures in your project's pom.xml:


ConfigMap injection

fabric8-karaf-cm provides a ConfigAdmin bridge that inject ConfigMap values in Karaf's ConfigAdmin.

To be taken into account by the ConfigAdmin bridge, a ConfigMap has to be labeled with "karaf.pid", where its values corresponds to the pid of your component:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: myconfig
  namespace: default
    karaf.pid: com.mycompany.bundle
  example.property.1: my property one
  example.property.2: my property two

Individual properties work fine for most cases but sometimes you may want more freedom to define your configuration sou you can use a single property names as it would be your pid file in karaf/etc:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: myconfig
  namespace: default
    karaf.pid: com.mycompany.bundle
  com.mycompany.bundle.cfg: |
    example.property.1: my property one
    example.property.2: my property two

Configuration plugin

fabric8-karaf-cm provides a ConfigurationPlugin which resolves configuration's property placeholders before they reach your service so you do not need any special configuration to resolve placeholders in Blueprint XML or in any Managed Service.


  • my.service.cfg

      amq.usr = $[k8s:secret:$[env:ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME]/username]
      amq.pwd = $[k8s:secret:$[env:ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME]/password]
      amq.url = tcp://$[env+service:ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME]
  • my-service.xml

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"
        <cm:property-placeholder persistent-id="my.service" id="my.service" update-strategy="reload"/>
        <bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent">
           <property name="userName"  value="${amq.usr}"/>
           <property name="password"  value="${amq.pwd}"/>
           <property name="brokerURL" value="${amq.url}"/>

Fabric8 Karaf Config Admin supports the following options:

Name Default Description
fabric8.config.plugin.enabled false Enable ConfigurationPlugin
fabric8.cm.bridge.enabled true Enable ConfigAdmin bridge
fabric8.config.watch true Enable watching for ConfigMap changes
fabric8.config.merge false Enable merge ConfigMap values in ConfigAdmin
fabric8.config.meta true Enable injecting ConfigMap meta in ConfigAdmin bridge
fabric8.pid.label karaf.pid Define the label the ConfigAdmin bridge looks for


  • Otions can be set via system properties and/or environment variables
  • ConfigurationPlugin requires Aries Blueprint CM 1.0.9 or above

Fabric8 Karaf Blueprint Support

fabric8-karaf-blueprint leverages Aries PropertyEvaluator and property placeholders resolvers from fabric8-karaf-core to let you resolve placeholders in your Blueprint XML file.

To include the feature in your custom Karaf distribution, add it to startupFeatures in your project's pom.xml:


The fabric8 evaluator supports chained evaluators i.e ${env+service:MY_ENV_VAR} where the first step is to resolve MY_ENV_VAR against environment variables then the result is resolved using service function.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0"

  <ext:property-placeholder evaluator="fabric8" placeholder-prefix="$[" placeholder-suffix="]"/>

  <bean id="activemq" class="org.apache.activemq.camel.component.ActiveMQComponent">
     <property name="userName"  value="$[k8s:secret:$[env:ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME]/username]"/>
     <property name="password"  value="$[k8s:secret:$[env:ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME]/password]"/>
     <property name="brokerURL" value="tcp://$[env+service:ACTIVEMQ_SERVICE_NAME]"/>


  • Nested property placeholder substitution requires Aries Blueprint Core 1.7.0 or above

Fabric8 Karaf Health Checks

It is recommended you always install the fabric8-karaf-checks as a startup feature. With it enabled, your Karaf server will expose and URLs which can be used by Kubernetes for readiness and liveness probes. Those URLs will only respond with a HTTP 200 status code when the following is true:

  • OSGi Framework is started
  • All OSGi bundles are started
  • All boot features are installed
  • All deployed BluePrint bundles are in the created state.
  • All deployed SCR bundles are in the active, registered or factory state.
  • All web bundles are deployed to the web server.
  • All created Camel contexts are in the started state.

Adding the feature to your project's pom.xml:


The fabric8-maven-plugin:resources goal will detect if your using the fabric8-karaf-checks feature and automatically add the Kubernetes for readiness and liveness probes to your container's configuration.

Add Custom Heath Checks

You may want to provide additional custom heath checks so that your Karaf server does not start receiving user traffic before it's ready to process the requests. To do this, you just need to implement the io.fabric8.karaf.checks.HealthChecker or io.fabric8.karaf.checks.ReadinessChecker interfaces and register those objects in the OSGi registry.

Your project will need to add the following mvn dependency to the project pom.xml:


The easiest way to create and registered an object in the OSGi registry is to use SCR. Here is an example that performs a health check to make sure you have some free disk space:

import io.fabric8.karaf.checks.*;
import org.apache.felix.scr.annotations.*;
import org.apache.commons.io.FileSystemUtils;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

    name = "example.DiskChecker",
    immediate = true,
    enabled = true,
    policy = ConfigurationPolicy.IGNORE,
    createPid = false
@Service({HealthChecker.class, ReadinessChecker.class})
public class DiskChecker implements HealthChecker, ReadinessChecker {

    public List<Check> getFailingReadinessChecks() {
        // lets just use the same checks for both readiness and health
        return getFailingHeathChecks();

    public List<Check> getFailingHealthChecks() {
        long free = FileSystemUtils.freeSpaceKb("/");
        if (free < 1024 * 500) {
            return Collections.singletonList(new Check("disk-space-low", "Only " + free + "kb of disk space left."));
        return Collections.emptyList();