Fabric8 Documentation

Install OpenShift

If you don't have an OpenShift cluster yet then please check out the various options or check out the OpenShift Origin getting started guide or try these OpenShift setup tips.

OpenShift Origin installation

We recommend you check out the OpenShift Origin Installation documentation as the default way to install OpenShift V3 before trying the alternative approach. Be sure that you install the router and registry as described below which has to be done in any case.

Alternative Installation route

Here's an alternative installation approach which could be tried if the guide in the previous section doesn't work for you.

curl -L https://github.com/openshift/origin/releases/download/v1.1.1/openshift-origin-server-v1.1.1-e1d9873-linux-64bit.tar.gz | tar xzv

Now setup $OPENSHIFT_MASTER to point to the IP address or host name of the OpenShift master:

export OPENSHIFT_MASTER=https://$HOST_IP:8443

Note Be sure to use the host ip instead of localhost or This ip will be used from inside a container to connect to the openshift api. Therefor localhost would point to the container itself and it won't be able to connect.

Move the extracted folder to be /var/lib/openshift/ and cd into that directory.

Then start OpenShift:

nohup ./openshift start \
        --cors-allowed-origins='.*' \
        --master=$OPENSHIFT_MASTER \
        --volume-dir=/var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.volumes \
        --etcd-dir=/var/lib/openshift/openshift.local.etcd \
        > /var/lib/openshift/openshift.log &

When running commands on the OpenShift master type the following to avoid you having to add --config=.... arguments:

mkdir -p ~/.kube
ln -s `pwd`/openshift.local.config/master/admin.kubeconfig ~/.kube/config

In order to be able to run oadm command add /var/lib/openshift to your $PATH:

export PATH="$PATH:/var/lib/openshift"