# Configure custom named certificates # NOTE: openshift_master_named_certificates is cached on masters and is an # additive fact, meaning that each run with a different set of certificates # will add the newly provided certificates to the cached set of certificates. # # An optional CA may be specified for each named certificate. CAs will # be added to the OpenShift CA bundle which allows for the named # certificate to be served for internal cluster communication. # # If you would like openshift_master_named_certificates to be overwritten with # the provided value, specify openshift_master_overwrite_named_certificates. openshift_master_overwrite_named_certificates=true # # Provide local certificate paths which will be deployed to masters openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/on/host/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/on/host/to/custom1.key", "cafile": "/path/on/host/to/custom-ca1.crt"}] # # Detected names may be overridden by specifying the "names" key #openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/on/host/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/on/host/to/custom1.key", "names": ["public-master-host.com"], "cafile": "/path/on/host/to/custom-ca1.crt"}]