
If you want to get early access to some upcoming features and experiment, you can set the environment variable MINISHIFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL, which makes additional features flags available:


Experimental features are not officially supported, and might break or result in unexpected behavior. To share your feedback on these features, you are welcome to contact the Minishift community.

Enabling Experimental oc cluster up Flags

By default, Minishift does not expose all oc cluster up flags in the Minishift CLI.

You can set the MINISHIFT_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL environment variable to enable the following options for the minishift start command:


Enables provisioning the OpenShift service catalog.


Enables passing flags that are not directly exposed in the Minishift CLI directly to oc cluster up.

Assign IP Address to Hyper-V

Since the Internal Virtual Switch for Hyper-V does not provide a DHCP offer option, an IP address needs to be provided in a different way. For Hyper-V a functionality is provided to assign an IP address on startup using the Data Exchange Service.

While the default image is B2D, this only works with the CentOS/RHEL based image in combination with Hyper-V. The B2D image experiences a problem when the values are being sent to the Minishift instance and consumed by the B2D iso. We are looking into the issue and hope to provide a solution in the future.

To make this work you need to create a Virtual Switch using NAT.

WinNAT is limited to one NAT network per host. For more details about capabilities, and limitations, please see the WinNAT capabilities and limitations blog.

The following command will attempt to assign an IP address for use on the Internal Virtual Switch 'MyInternal':

PS> minishift.exe start `
  --iso-url centos `
  --network-ipaddress `
  --network-gateway `

If you want to use the 'DockerNAT' network, the following commands are needed to setup the correct NAT networking and assign an IP in the range expected:

PS> New-NetNat -Name SharedNAT -InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix
PS> minishift.exe start `
  --iso-url centos `
  --network-ipaddress `
  --network-gateway `

Be sure to specify a valid gateway and nameserver. Failing to do so will result in connectivity issues.