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 HP / LeftHand SAN

HP/LeftHand SANs are optimized for virtualized environments with VMware ESX & Microsoft Hyper-V, though the OpenStack integration provides additional support to various other virtualized environments, such as Xen, KVM, and OpenVZ, by exposing the volumes through ISCSI to connect to the instances.

The HpSanISCSIDriver enables you to use a HP/Lefthand SAN that supports the Cliq interface. Every supported volume operation translates into a cliq call in the back-end.

To use Cinder with HP/Lefthand SAN, you must set the following parameters in the cinder.conf file:

  • Set volume_driver=cinder.volume.drivers.san.HpSanISCSIDriver.

  • Set san_ip flag to the hostname or VIP of your Virtual Storage Appliance (VSA).

  • Set san_login and san_password to the user name and password of the ssh user with all necessary privileges on the appliance.

  • Set san_ssh_port=16022. The default is 22. However, the default for the VSA is usually 16022.

  • Set san_clustername to the name of the cluster where the associated volumes are created.

The following optional parameters have the following default values:

  • san_thin_provision=True. To disable thin provisioning, set to False.

  • san_is_local=False. Typically, this parameter is set to False for this driver. To configure the cliq commands to run locally instead of over ssh, set this parameter to True.

In addition to configuring the cinder-volume service, you must configure the VSA to function in an OpenStack environment.


Procedure 7.2. To configure the VSA

  1. Configure Chap on each of the nova-compute nodes.

  2. Add Server associations on the VSA with the associated Chap and initiator information. The name should correspond to the 'hostname' of the nova-compute node. For Xen, this is the hypervisor host name. To do this, use either Cliq or the Centralized Management Console.

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