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 SPICE console

OpenStack Compute supports VNC consoles to guests. The VNC protocol is fairly limited, lacking support for multiple monitors, bi-directional audio, reliable cut-and-paste, video streaming and more. SPICE is a new protocol that aims to address the limitations in VNC and provide good remote desktop support.

SPICE support in OpenStack Compute shares a similar architecture to the VNC implementation. The OpenStack dashboard uses a SPICE-HTML5 widget in its console tab that communicates to the nova-spicehtml5proxy service by using SPICE-over-websockets. The nova-spicehtml5proxy service communicates directly with the hypervisor process by using SPICE.


If you do not configure SPICE correctly, Compute falls back on VNC.

The following table shows the options to configure SPICE as the console for OpenStack Compute:

Table 2.19. Description of configuration options for spice
Configuration option=Default value Description
agent_enabled=True (BoolOpt) enable spice guest agent support
enabled=False (BoolOpt) enable spice related features
enabled=False (BoolOpt) Whether the V3 API is enabled or not
html5proxy_base_url= (StrOpt) location of spice html5 console proxy, in the form ""
keymap=en-us (StrOpt) keymap for spice
server_listen= (StrOpt) IP address on which instance spice server should listen
server_proxyclient_address= (StrOpt) the address to which proxy clients (like nova-spicehtml5proxy) should connect

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