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 Scalable and highly available DHCP agents

This section describes how to use the agent management (alias agent) and scheduler (alias agent_scheduler) extensions for DHCP agents scalability and HA.


Use the neutron ext-list client command to check if these extensions are enabled:

$ neutron ext-list -c name -c alias
| alias           | name                     |
| agent_scheduler | Agent Schedulers         |
| binding         | Port Binding             |
| quotas          | Quota management support |
| agent           | agent                    |
| provider        | Provider Network         |
| router          | Neutron L3 Router        |
| lbaas           | LoadBalancing service    |
| extraroute      | Neutron Extra Route      |

There will be three hosts in the setup.

Table 4.50. Hosts for Demo
Host Description
OpenStack Controller host - controlnode

Runs the Neutron, Keystone, and Nova services that are required to deploy VMs. The node must have at least one network interface that is connected to the Management Network.


nova-network should not be running because it is replaced by Neutron.

HostA Runs Nova compute, the Neutron L2 agent and DCHP agent
HostB Same as HostA
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