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PowerVM compute driver connects to an Integrated Virtualization Manager (IVM) to perform PowerVM Logical Partition (LPAR) deployment and management. The driver supports file-based deployment using images from the OpenStack Image Service.


Hardware Management Console (HMC) is not yet supported.

For more detailed information about PowerVM Virtualization system, refer to the IBM Redbook publication: IBM PowerVM Virtualization Introduction and Configuration.


To enable the PowerVM compute driver, add the following configuration options /etc/nova/nova.conf:


Table 2.25. Description of configuration options for powervm
Configuration option=Default value Description
powervm_img_local_path=/tmp (StrOpt) Local directory to download glance images to. Make sure this path can fit your biggest image in glance
powervm_img_remote_path=/home/padmin (StrOpt) PowerVM image remote path where images will be moved. Make sure this path can fit your biggest image in glance
powervm_mgr=None (StrOpt) PowerVM manager host or ip
powervm_mgr_passwd=None (StrOpt) PowerVM manager user password
powervm_mgr_type=ivm (StrOpt) PowerVM manager type (ivm, hmc)
powervm_mgr_user=None (StrOpt) PowerVM manager user name


PowerVM LPARs names have a limit of 31 characters. Since OpenStack Compute instance names are mapped to LPAR names in Power Systems, make sure instance_name_template config option in nova.conf yields names that have 31 or fewer characters.

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