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 DHCP agent

There is an option to run a DHCP server that will allocate IP addresses to virtual machines running on the network. When a subnet is created, by default, the subnet has DHCP enabled.

The node that runs the DHCP agent should run:

neutron-dhcp-agent --config-file <neutron config>
--config-file <dhcp config>

Currently the DHCP agent uses dnsmasq to perform that static address assignment.

A driver needs to be configured that matches the plug-in running on the service.

Table 4.47. Basic settings
Parameter Value
Open vSwitch
interface_driver ($NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/dhcp_agent.ini) neutron.agent.linux.interface.OVSInterfaceDriver
Linux Bridge
interface_driver ($NEUTRON_CONF_DIR/dhcp_agent.ini) neutron.agent.linux.interface.BridgeInterfaceDriver
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