LLVM API Documentation

ADT Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for llvm/include/llvm/ADT/:


file  APFloat.h [code]

This file declares a class to represent arbitrary precision floating point values and provide a variety of arithmetic operations on them.

file  APInt.h [code]

This file implements a class to represent arbitrary precision integral constant values and operations on them.

file  APSInt.h [code]
file  ArrayRef.h [code]
file  BitVector.h [code]
file  DAGDeltaAlgorithm.h [code]
file  DeltaAlgorithm.h [code]
file  DenseMap.h [code]
file  DenseMapInfo.h [code]
file  DenseSet.h [code]
file  DepthFirstIterator.h [code]
file  edit_distance.h [code]
file  EquivalenceClasses.h [code]
file  FoldingSet.h [code]
file  GraphTraits.h [code]
file  Hashing.h [code]
file  ilist.h [code]
file  ilist_node.h [code]
file  ImmutableList.h [code]
file  ImmutableMap.h [code]
file  ImmutableSet.h [code]
file  IndexedMap.h [code]
file  IntEqClasses.h [code]
file  IntervalMap.h [code]
file  IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h [code]
file  iterator.h [code]
file  iterator_range.h [code]
file  MapVector.h [code]
file  None.h [code]
file  Optional.h [code]
file  PackedVector.h [code]
file  PointerIntPair.h [code]
file  PointerUnion.h [code]
file  PostOrderIterator.h [code]
file  PriorityQueue.h [code]
file  SCCIterator.h [code]
file  ScopedHashTable.h [code]
file  SetOperations.h [code]
file  SetVector.h [code]
file  SmallBitVector.h [code]
file  SmallPtrSet.h [code]
file  SmallSet.h [code]
file  SmallString.h [code]
file  SmallVector.h [code]
file  SparseBitVector.h [code]
file  SparseMultiSet.h [code]
file  SparseSet.h [code]
file  Statistic.h [code]
file  STLExtras.h [code]
file  StringExtras.h [code]
file  StringMap.h [code]
file  StringRef.h [code]
file  StringSet.h [code]
file  StringSwitch.h [code]
file  TinyPtrVector.h [code]
file  Triple.h [code]
file  Twine.h [code]
file  UniqueVector.h [code]
file  VariadicFunction.h [code]