All Qt Examples
A Qt Quick app designed for portrait devices that uses custom components, animated with AnimationController, and JavaScript for the application logic. | |
A Qt Quick application with a state-based custom user interface. | |
A Widgets application to display and print Json, text and PDF files. Demonstrates various features to use in widget applications: Using QSettings, query and save user preferences, manage file histories and control cursor behavior when hovering over widgets. | |
A tutorial for Qt Quick based on an alarms application. | |
A complete mobile application that demonstrates purchasing in-app products. | |
A QML app for touch devices that uses a Repeater with a FolderListModel to access content in a folder, and a PinchHandler to handle pinch gestures on the fetched content. | |
A QML clock application that demonstrates using a ListView type to display data generated by a ListModel and a SpringAnimation type to animate images. | |
Example of how to create a RESTful API QML client. | |
A QML RSS news reader that uses XmlListModel and XmlListModelRole custom QML types to download XML data, ListModel and ListElement to create a category list, and ListView to display the data. | |
A configurable stock chart for the NASDAQ-100. | |
Demonstrates how to add a C++ backend to a 3D project from Qt Design Studio. This example demonstrates adding a C++ backend to a 3D project created in Qt Design Studio. The example itself consists of an interactive industrial robot arm in a Qt Quick 3D scene. The 2D UI to control the robot arm is implement using Qt Quick Controls. |
Active Qt
COM App example shows how to use ActiveQt to develop a Qt application that can be automated via COM. Different QObject based classes are exposed as COM objects that communicate with the GUI of the running Qt application. The APIs of those COM objects has been designed to resemble the APIs of standard COM applications; i.e. those from Microsoft Office | |
Qutlook example demonstrates the use of ActiveQt to automate Outlook. The example makes use of the dumpcpp tool to generate a C++ namespace for the type library describing the Outlook Object Model | |
Simple example demonstrates the use of QAxBindable and QAxFactory | |
Wrapper example demonstrates how to export existing QWidget classes as ActiveX controls, and the use of QAxFactory together with the QAXFACTORY_EXPORT() macro. ActiveX controls in this example are the standard button classes QPushButton, QCheckBox and QRadioButton as provided by Qt |
Qt 3D
Shows four basic shapes that Qt 3D offers and sets up a mesh for each of them | |
A QML example that demonstrates rendering a Scenegraph from multiple viewports | |
A QML application that demonstrates using PBR materials | |
A C++ application that demonstrates how to render a scene in Qt 3D | |
Demonstrates creating a custom material in Qt 3D | |
A QML application that demonstrates how to render a scene in Qt 3D | |
A Qt 3D QML application that implements a single-pass wireframe rendering method |
Qt Assistant Manual
Using and controlling Qt Assistant as a help viewer | |
Using Qt Assistant as a customized help viewer for your application |
Qt Bluetooth
Shows communication through Bluetooth using RFCOMM protocol | |
A game demonstrating the interaction with a Bluetooth Low Energy Heart Rate device/service | |
An example demonstrating how to set up and advertise a GATT service. The example demonstrates the use of the Qt Bluetooth Low Energy classes related to peripheral (slave) functionality | |
An application designed to browse the content of Bluetooth Low Energy peripheral devices. The example demonstrates the use of all Qt Bluetooth Low Energy classes |
Qt Charts
Example shows how to create a simple area chart | |
This example shows the drawing of microphone samples vs audio level | |
Example shows how to create a bar chart | |
This example shows how to use QAbstractItemModel derived model as the data for the bar series | |
Example shows how to create a box-and-whiskers chart | |
This example shows how to draw an additional element (a callout) on top of the chart | |
Shows how to create a candlestick chart | |
Example shows the look and feel of the different built-in themes | |
This example shows how to customize the appearance of the different elements on a chart | |
Example shows how to use QLineChart with QDateTimeAxis | |
This example shows how to use create a donut breakdown chart using QPieSeries API | |
This example shows how to create a simple donut chart, and do some customizations to a slice | |
This example shows how to draw dynamic data | |
Example shows how to create a horizontal bar chart | |
Example shows how to create a simple horizontal percent bar chart | |
Example shows how to create a simple stacked horizontal bar chart | |
This example shows how to detach the legend from the chart and how to attach it back | |
Example shows how to make use of legend markers | |
Example shows a usage of light markers and points selection for the series | |
Example shows how to combine different charts and set the axes | |
Example shows how to create a simple line chart | |
Example shows how to use QLogValueAxis | |
This example shows how to use the QAbstractItemModel derived model as the data for the series | |
Example shows how to create a simple chart with two vertical axes. One for each series | |
This example shows how to create a nested donuts chart using the QPieSeries API | |
Example shows how to enable OpenGL acceleration for QLineSeries and QScatterSeries | |
Example shows how to create a simple percent bar chart | |
This example shows how the look and feel of a pie chart can be customized | |
Example shows how to implement a piechart with drilldown effect | |
Example shows how to create a simple pie chart and do some customizations to a pie slice | |
Example shows how to create a simple polar chart with multiple different series | |
This is a demonstration of how to use axes in your QML application | |
This basic demonstration shows how to use the different chart types by using qml | |
This example shows you how to create your own custom legend | |
This application shows you how to customize different visual properties of a ChartView and series | |
This application demonstrates how to use ListModel as a datasource for a Chart | |
Example shows how to implement application with strict performance requirements using the Qt Charts QML API | |
This is a demonstration on how to use a polar chart in your QML application | |
This is a basic demonstration showing how to use the different chart types by using qml | |
This example shows how to create a simple scatter chart and how to interact with the chart | |
Example shows how to create a simple scatter chart | |
This example shows how to modify the configuration of individual points | |
Example shows how to use a selection feature for the bar chart | |
Example shows how to create a simple spline chart | |
Example shows how to implement drilldown using a stacked barchart | |
Example shows how to create a simple stacked bar chart | |
Example shows how to create a bar chart with negative bars | |
Example shows how to create your own custom zooming effect |
Creating a simple console application that communicates with a CoAP server | |
Using the CoAP client for a multicast resource discovery with a Qt Quick user interface | |
Securing the CoAP client and using it with a Qt Quick user interface | |
Creating an application that communicates with a CoAP server |
Qt Concurrent
Demonstrates how to asynchronously download and scale images | |
Demonstrates how to monitor the progress of concurrent operations | |
Demonstrates how to use the map-reduce algorithm |
Qt Core
Demonstrates how the usage of bindable properties can simplify your C++ code | |
Contiguous Cache example shows how to use QContiguousCache to manage memory usage for very large models. In some environments memory is limited and, even when it isn't, users still dislike an application using excessive memory. Using QContiguousCache to manage a list, rather than loading the entire list into memory, allows the application to limit the amount of memory it uses, regardless of the size of the data set it accesses | |
Convert example demonstrates how to convert between different serialization formats | |
Custom Type example shows how to integrate a custom type into Qt's meta-object system | |
JSON Save Game example demonstrates how to save and load a small game using QJsonDocument, QJsonObject and QJsonArray | |
Demonstrates using QLocalSocket for a simple local service client | |
Demonstrates using QLocalServer and QLocalSocket for serving a simple local service | |
Shows the hierarchy of MIME types and can be used to determine the MIME type of a file | |
Mandelbrot example demonstrates multi-thread programming using Qt. It shows how to use a worker thread to perform heavy computations without blocking the main thread's event loop | |
A demonstration of how to parse files in CBOR format | |
Demonstrates how to read and write to XBEL files | |
Demonstrates calling Java code from Qt in an Android application | |
Demonstrates multi-thread programming using Qt | |
Demonstrates multi-thread programming using Qt | |
Demonstrates doing inter-process communication using shared memory with the QSharedMemory class | |
Demonstrates multi-thread programming using Qt |
Qt D-Bus
Demonstrates communication among instances of an application | |
Demonstrates usage of the Qt D-Bus typesystem | |
Demonstrates a simple message system using D-Bus | |
Shows how to use Qt D-Bus to control a car from another application |
Qt Data Visualization
Implementing axis dragging with a custom input handler in QML, and creating a custom axis formatter | |
Gallery of Bar, Scatter, and Surface graphs | |
Using Bars3D in a QML application | |
Using Scatter3D in a QML application | |
Gallery with three different ways to use a Surface3D graph | |
Rendering volumetric objects |
Qt Designer Manual
Creating a user interface from a Qt Designer form at run-time | |
Using a form created with Qt Designer in an application | |
Using a form created with Qt Designer in an application | |
Creating a custom multi-page plugin for Qt Designer | |
Creating a custom widget plugin for Qt Designer | |
Creating a custom widget plugin for Qt Designer and providing custom task menu entries that are associated with the plugin |
Using the Qt GRPC client API in the user applications | |
Creating a HTTP2 connection between a Qt GRPC client and a C++ gRPC server |
Shows the basics of using QVulkanWindow | |
Shows the basics of rendering with QVulkanWindow and the Vulkan API | |
Shows the usage of QVulkanWindow in QWidget applications | |
This example shows how to create a minimal QWindow based application using QPainter for rendering |
Qt HTTP Server
Example of how to create a RESTful API server using the QHttpServer | |
Simple example of how to set up an HTTP server |
Qt Help
Using the QHelpEngineCore class to implement context-sensitive help for applications |
Qt Linguist Manual
Understanding the Qt Linguist contexts concept and using two or more languages | |
Translating a small Hello World program to Latin | |
Demonstrates Qt's support for translated text | |
Updating translations for later releases |
Qt Location
GeoJson viewer example demonstrates how to manipulate MapItems, handle user input and I/O to and from a GeoJson file | |
Map Viewer example shows how to display and interact with a map, search for an address, and find driving directions | |
How to use transitions together with MapItemView | |
Minimum code to display a map using Qt Quick | |
Places example demonstrates how to search for Places and access related content | |
Places List example demonstrates how to search for and display a list of places using a ListView | |
Places Map example demonstrates how to search for and display a list of places on a map using a MapItemView | |
Plane Spotter example demonstrates the tight integration of location and positioning data types into QML |
Creating a application that communicates with an MQTT broker | |
Registering QMqttClient to QML and using it in a Qt Quick user interface | |
Creating a minimalistic telemetry application | |
Combining an MQTT client with a web socket connection |
Qt Multimedia
Testing the available audio devices and their configuration | |
Enabling audio playback using the QAudioSink class | |
Discovering the available devices and supported codecs | |
Recording audio using the QAudioSource class | |
Shows how to capture a still image or record video. or video | |
Playing audio and video | |
Camera Example shows how to use the API to capture a still image or video | |
Playing audio and video using Qt Quick | |
Transforming video and camera viewfinder content | |
Recording audio and video using Qt Quick | |
Capturing a screen or window | |
Analyzing a raw audio stream using the FFTReal library | |
Streaming video on a graphics scene | |
Implementing a video player widget |
Example shows reading from formatted NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) messages | |
An example of reading and writing NFC Data Exchange Format (NDEF) messages to NFC Forum Tags |
Qt Network
Demonstrates how to create a client for a network service | |
Demonstrates how to receive information broadcasted over a local network | |
Demonstrates how to broadcast information to multiple clients on a local network | |
This example demonstrates how to implement client-side DTLS connections | |
This examples demonstrates how to implement a simple DTLS server | |
Demonstrates how to create a client for a network service | |
Demonstrates how to create a server for a network service | |
Demonstrates a simple HTTP client | |
Demonstrates how to receive information sent to a multicast group | |
Demonstrates how to send messages to a multicast group | |
Demonstrates a stateful peer-to-peer Chat client | |
Demonstrates how to communicate over an encrypted (SSL) connection | |
Threaded Fortune Server example shows how to create a server for a simple network service that uses threads to handle requests from different clients. It is intended to be run alongside the Fortune Client example | |
Demonstrates complex TCP/IP operations |
Qt Network Authorization
Demonstrates authenticating with OAuth 2 to access Reddit | |
Demonstrates authenticating with OAuth to access a Twitter timeline |
Using the model/view approach to display all nodes of an OPC UA server in a tree view | |
Shows how to generate keys and certificate signing requests | |
Interacting with an OPC UA server to build a QML-based HMI for a simple machine | |
Interacting with an OPC UA server to build a QML-based HMI for a simple machine |
Qt OpenGL
2D Painting example shows how QPainter and QOpenGLWidget can be used together to display accelerated 2D graphics on supported hardware | |
Shows how to manually rotate a textured 3D cube with user input | |
Hello GL2 example demonstrates the basic use of the OpenGL-related classes provided with Qt | |
Demonstrates OpenGL ES 3.0 functions via QOpenGLExtraFunctions | |
This example shows how to create a minimal QWindow based application for the purpose of using OpenGL | |
This example shows how to create a minimal QOpenGLWidget based application with stereoscopic rendering support | |
Textures example demonstrates the use of Qt's image classes as textures in applications that use both OpenGL and Qt to display graphics |
A Qt Quick PDF viewer that allows scrolling through the pages | |
A widget-based PDF viewer that allows scrolling through the pages |
Qt Positioning
Logfile Position Source shows how to create and work with a custom position source. It can be useful for simulating GPS data, or when the data is received in some custom format | |
SatelliteInfo example shows the available satellites using Sky View or RSSI View and the user's current position. The satellites currently contributing to the GPS fix are marked as pink | |
Weather Info example shows how to use the user's current position to retrieve local content from a web service in a C++ plugin for QML |
Qt Protobuf
Sensors example shows how two applications can communicate by sending protobuf messages using UDP sockets |
This example demonstrates creating components dynamically | |
Generating translation files (TS and QM) for a Qt Quick application | |
Tutorial about extending QML with Qt C++ | |
Tutorial about advanced extensions to QML with Qt C++ |
Qt Quick
How to load images in QML with QQuickImageProvider | |
How to load images asynchronously in QML | |
Shows how to use a QAbstractItemModel subclass as a model in QML | |
Shows how to use a QList | |
Shows how to use a QStringList as a model in QML | |
Shows how to use Qt Quick Input Handlers in interactive components | |
QML Advanced Tutorial 1 - Creating the Game Canvas and Blocks | |
QML Dynamic View Ordering Tutorial 1 - A Simple ListView and Delegate | |
Shows how to render a Qt Quick scene into a texture that is then used by a non-Quick based Direct3D 11 renderer | |
Shows how to render a Qt Quick scene into a texture that is then used by a non-Quick based OpenGL renderer | |
Demonstrates the benefits of QQuickWidget over a QQuickView embedded as a native window | |
This example demonstrates the implementation of accessible buttons | |
This is a collection of QML Animation examples | |
This is a collection of QML Canvas examples | |
This is a collection of QML drag and drop examples | |
Demonstrates embedding a QQuickWindow into a QWidget UI via QWidget::createWindowContainer() | |
This is a collection of QML examples relating to image types | |
A Qt Quick example shows how to setup variable refresh rate for specific parts of the UI | |
This is a collection of QML keyboard interaction examples | |
A collection of QML local storage examples | |
This is an example of the MouseArea type in QML | |
Demonstrates MultiEffect usage | |
Demonstrates MultiEffect usage | |
This is a collection of QML Positioner examples | |
This is a collection of QML Right to Left examples | |
A Qt Quick example demonstrating the use of shader effects | |
A Qt Quick example demonstrating the use of shape items | |
This is a collection of QML examples relating to text | |
This is a collection of QML multithreading examples | |
A collection of QML Touch Interaction examples | |
This is a collection of QML model-view examples | |
This example demonstrates the Window and Screen types in QML | |
This is an example of drag-and-drop among QML applications | |
Demonstrates how to use layout types to arrange a UI | |
This is a collection of examples using Affectors in the QML particle system | |
This is a collection of examples using Emitters in the QML particle system | |
This is a collection of examples using Affectors in the QML particle system | |
This is a collection of examples using Affectors in the QML particle system | |
Conway’s Game of Life example shows how the QML TableView type can be used to display a C++ model that the user can pan around | |
Pixelator example shows how a QML TableView and a delegate can be used for custom table models | |
Demonstrates how to mix QML with a Qt Widgets application using the QQuickWidget class | |
Shows how to implement a custom geometry in the Qt Quick Scene Graph | |
Shows how to implement a custom material in the Qt Quick Scene Graph | |
Shows how to use QSGRenderNode to implement custom rendering in the Qt Quick scenegraph | |
Shows how to render directly with Direct3D 11 under a Qt Quick scene | |
Demonstrates how one can combine custom materials and geometries under a single QQuickItem | |
Shows how to use a texture created directly with Metal | |
Shows how to render directly with Metal under a Qt Quick scene | |
Shows how to render OpenGL under a Qt Quick scene | |
Shows how to implement QPainter-based custom scenegraph items | |
Shows how to use FramebufferObjects with Qt Quick | |
Shows how to combine two textures from two texture providers in a custom scene graph node | |
Shows how to use a texture created directly with use a texture created directly withulkan | |
Shows how to render directly with Vulkan under a Qt Quick scene | |
Threaded ListModel example shows how to use a ListModel from multiple threads using WorkerScript | |
Dial Control Example shows how to create a speedometer-type dial | |
Flipable Example shows an item that flips whenever clicked, rotating around the y-axis |
Qt Quick 3D
Demonstrates the antialiasing modes in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates the use of baked lightmaps in a 3D scene | |
Demonstrates writing custom post-processing effects | |
Demonstrates providing custom vertex data from C++ | |
Demonstrates instancing with custom materials and a C++ instance table | |
Demonstrates writing shaded custom materials | |
Demonstrates writing C++ custom geometry with a morph target | |
Demonstrates the use of custom vertex and fragment shaders | |
Demonstrates dynamic model creation | |
Demonstrates how to use a 2D layer as a 3D texture | |
Demonstrates how to render 2D and 3D objects together in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates how to do instanced rendering in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates how to render a scene in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates the use of level of detail helper | |
Demonstrates the use of different light types | |
Demonstrates how to control morphing animations in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates how to use the Qt Quick 3D Particles3D module | |
Demonstrates picking of models | |
Demonstrates the use of Principled Material | |
Demonstrates how to provide custom texture data from C++ | |
Demonstrates how to create a simple game using Quick3D | |
Demonstrates the use of Qt Quick Items in Quick 3D scene | |
Demonstrates the use of reflection probes in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates how assets can be loaded at runtime | |
Demonstrates the use of ExtendedSceneEnvironment | |
Demonstrates reflections in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates how to enable fog in the 3D scene | |
Demonstrates how to render a simple skinning animation in Qt Quick 3D | |
Demonstrates how assign materials to sub-meshes | |
Demonstrates the use of View3D to show a scene from multiple cameras |
Qt Quick 3D Physics
Demonstrates how to spawn physical objects | |
Demonstrates the CharacterController type | |
Demonstrates using complex collision shapes | |
Demonstrates using different shapes | |
Demonstrates using trigger bodies and collision info | |
Demonstrates different ways of setting mass and inertia of a body | |
Demonstrates using physical materials | |
Demonstrates setting up a simple physics scene |
Qt Quick Controls
Demonstrates use of QQuickAttachedPropertyPropagator | |
Tutorial about writing a basic chat client using Qt Quick Controls | |
A QML app using Qt Quick Controls and a C++ class that implements a simple contact list | |
A simple event calendar | |
A QML app using Qt Quick Controls and a QML plugin with customized controls | |
A gallery of controls | |
An automotive user interface using custom Imagine style assets | |
An audio player user interface using custom Imagine style assets | |
A persistent side panel with Drawer | |
Demonstrates removal of list items by swipe gesture | |
A QML app using Qt Quick Controls and a C++ class to provide a fully-functional rich-text editor application | |
To do list application for iOS | |
Demonstrates an application launcher designed for wearable devices |
Qt Quick Effect Maker
Demonstrates how to use an effect created with the Qt Quick Effect Maker (QQEM) |
Qt Remote Objects
Developing a very simple client program which displays the content and changes made on a server | |
Developing a simple server program that displays and makes changes to a QTreeView which is made available on a Remote Objects network | |
Making a QAbstractItemModelReplica available to QML and using it from QML | |
Using QtBluetooth Low Energy (BT LE or BLE for short) as a transport medium with Qt Remote Objects | |
Setting up a secure Remote Object network using QSslSockets | |
Using a non-QIODevice-based transport (QWebSocket) with QtRemoteObjects |
An application that implements the Calculator example presented in the SCXML Specification | |
Implements a simple FTP client using a state machine | |
Invokes a compiled nested state machine | |
Sends data to and receives it from a C++ data model | |
Demonstrates the use of separate javascript file with SCXML | |
A Qt Quick application that uses a dynamically loaded state machine to implement a traffic light | |
A widget-based application that uses a dynamically loaded state machine to implement a traffic light | |
A Qt Quick application that uses a compiled state machine to implement a simplified traffic light | |
A Qt Quick application that uses a compiled state machine to implement a traffic light | |
A widget-based application that uses a compiled state machine to implement a traffic light |
Shows how to use Qt SQL classes with a model/view framework | |
Cached Table example shows how a table view can be used to access a database, caching any changes to the data until the user explicitly submits them using a push button | |
Drill Down example shows how to read data from a database as well as submit changes, using the QSqlRelationalTableModel and QDataWidgetMapper classes | |
Master Detail Example shows how to present data from different data sources in the same application. The album titles, and the corresponding artists and release dates, are kept in a database, while each album's tracks are stored in an XML file | |
Query Model example shows how to make customized versions of data obtained from a SQL query, using a model that encapsulates the query and table views to display the results | |
Relational Table Model example shows how to use table views with a relational model to visualize the relations between items in a database | |
SQL Browser example shows how a data browser can be used to visualize the results of SQL statements on a live database | |
SQL Widget Mapper example shows how to use a map information from a database to widgets on a form | |
Table Model example shows how to use a specialized SQL table model with table views to edit information in a database |
Qt Sensors
Sensors Showcase example demonstrates sensor usage with visual examples |
Qt Serial Bus
Example sends and receives CAN bus frames | |
Example implements a Modbus client application | |
Example shows how to handle custom Modbus function codes | |
Example implements a Modbus server application |
Qt Serial Port
Shows how to use the synchronous API of QSerialPort in a non-GUI thread | |
Shows how to use the synchronous API of QSerialPort in a worker thread | |
Shows how to use various features of QSerialPort |
Qt Spatial Audio
Shows some of the capabilities of the spatial audio engine in Qt |
Qt State Machine
Move Blocks example shows how to animate items in a QGraphicsScene using a QStateMachine with a custom transition | |
Ping Pong States example shows how to use parallel states together with custom events and transitions in Qt State Machine Framework | |
Rogue example shows how to use the Qt state machine for event handling | |
Traffic Light example shows how to use Qt State Machine Overview to implement the control flow of a traffic light |
Qt Test
How to write a unit test | |
How to create data driven tests | |
Howe to simulate GUI events | |
How to replay GUI events | |
How to write a benchmark |
Qt TextToSpeech
Hello Speak example reads out user-provided text | |
Quick Speech example reads out user-provided text |
Qt UI Tools
Dynamically loading .ui files using QUiLoader |
Qt Virtual Keyboard
This example shows how to use the virtual keyboard in a Qt Quick application |
Qt Wayland Compositor
Custom Shell shows how to implement a custom shell extension | |
IVI Compositor is an example that demonstrates how to use the IviApplication extension | |
Minimal CPP is an example that demonstrates how to write a Wayland compositor in C++ | |
Minimal QML is a simple example that demonstrates how to write a Wayland compositor in QML | |
Multi Output is an example that demonstrates a compositor with multiple outputs | |
Multi Screen is a desktop-style Wayland compositor for multiple screens | |
Overview Compositor shows how to switch between clients in a grid | |
Pure QML is an example that demonstrates how to write a Wayland compositor in pure QML | |
QtShell Compositor shows how to use the QtShell shell extension | |
Server Side Decoration Compositor is a simple example that demonstrates server side window decorations on xdg-shell | |
Spanning Screens is an example that demonstrates how to let Wayland clients span multiple screens |
Qt WebChannel
A HTML/JavaScript client that communicates over a WebSocket with a QWebChannel server | |
A QML client that communicates over a WebSocket with a QWebChannel server | |
A simple chat server implemented using the QWebChannel C++ API | |
A simple chat between a server and a remote client running in a browser |
Qt WebEngine
Injecting custom stylsheets into web pages and providing a rich text preview tool for a custom markup language | |
Demonstrates how to load and manipulate web content | |
A cookie browser based on Qt WebEngine Widgets | |
Freezes and discards background tabs to reduce CPU and memory usage | |
Demonstrates how to pass HTML5 web notifications to users | |
Demonstrates how to subscribe to and unsubscribe from push notifications | |
A web browser implemented using the WebEngineView QML type | |
A simple client certificate authentication scenario using Qt WebEngine and QSslServer | |
Converts web pages to PDF documents using Qt WebEngine | |
Demonstrates how to handle geolocation requests | |
Demonstrates how to print web pages using Qt WebEngine Widgets | |
A simple browser based on Qt WebEngine Widgets | |
Integrates a spellchecker into a simple HTML form | |
Displays full screen video using QWebEngineView |
Qt WebSockets
Explains how to write a QML WebSocket client example | |
A simple example that shows how to use a QML WebSocketServer | |
A simple client application using secure WebSockets (wss) | |
A simple server to respond to clients over secure WebSockets (wss) | |
A minimal chat application using the WebSocket protocol | |
Show how to write a simple WebSocket client application | |
Show how to write a simple WebSocket server application |
Qt WebView
Minibrowser example demonstrates how to use the Qt WebView module with Qt Quick |
Qt Widgets
Visualizes a huge graphic view scene with 40000 chip items | |
Address book example shows how to use proxy models to display different views onto data from a single model | |
Demonstrates how affine transformations in QPainter works | |
Analog Clock example shows how to draw the contents of a custom widget | |
Basic Drawing example shows how to display basic graphics primitives in a variety of styles using the QPainter class | |
Demonstrates how to create basic graphics layout | |
Shows how to use the standard layout managers | |
Basic Sort/Filter Model example illustrates how to use QSortFilterProxyModel to perform basic sorting and filtering | |
Demonstrates how to apply graphical effects on items in the view | |
Shows how to arrange child widgets along a border | |
Example shows how to use signals and slots to implement the functionality of a calculator widget, and how to use QGridLayout to place child widgets in a grid | |
Calendar example shows how to create rich text content and display it using a rich text editor | |
Calendar Widget example shows use of QCalendarWidget | |
Character Map example shows how to create a custom widget that can both display its own content and respond to user input | |
Chart example shows how to create a custom view for the model/view framework | |
Demonstrates how to animate items on a graphics view | |
This example shows how to create an editor that can be used by a QItemDelegate | |
Combo Widget Mapper example shows how to use a custom delegate to map information from a model to specific widgets on a form | |
Completer example shows how to provide string-completion facilities for an input widget based on data provided by a model | |
Demonstrates how Composition Modes work in QPainter | |
Demonstrates the improved quality that antialiasing and floating point precision gives | |
Custom Completer example shows how to provide string-completion facilities for an input widget based on data provided by a model. The completer pops up suggestions for possible words based on the first three characters input by the user and the user's choice of word is inserted into the TextEdit using QTextCursor | |
Custom Sort/Filter Model example illustrates how to subclass QSortFilterProxyModel to perform advanced sorting and filtering | |
Demonstrate how to use the Graphics View framework | |
Digital Clock example shows how to use QLCDNumber to display a number with LCD-like digits | |
This example demonstrates the usage of a tree view, and smooth flicking on a touchscreen | |
Dock Widgets example shows how to add dock windows to an application. It also shows how to use Qt's rich text engine | |
Drag and Drop Puzzle example demonstrates a way of using the drag and drop system with item view widgets | |
Demonstrates how to drag and drop items in a graphics view | |
Draggable Icons example shows how to drag and drop image data between widgets in the same application, and between different applications | |
Illustrates how to drag and drop text between widgets | |
Example shows how to distinguish the various MIME formats available in a drag and drop operation | |
Shows how to re-orient widgets in running applications | |
Easing Curves example shows how to use easing curves to control the speed of an animation | |
This example shows how to create a Qt plugin | |
This example shows how to implement a simple item-based tree model that can be used with other classes the model/view framework | |
Demonstrates how to interact with graphical items in a scene | |
Demonstrates how to embed dialogs into a graphics view | |
Demonstrates how to apply effects on items in the view | |
Fetch More example shows how to add items to an item view model on demand | |
Shows the use of a touchscreen to make a simple painting application | |
Shows how to arrange widgets for different window sizes | |
Font Sampler example shows how to preview and print multi-page documents | |
Fridge Magnets example illustrates how to move around several types of MIME-encoded data with drag and drop | |
This example demonstrates how to freeze a column within a QTableView | |
A tutorial for Qt Widgets based notepad application | |
Shows how gradients can be used with QPainter | |
Demonstrates flow layout on a graphics view scene | |
Group Box example shows how to use the different kinds of group boxes in Qt | |
Icons example shows how QIcon can generate pixmaps reflecting an icon's state, mode and size | |
Shows how composition modes work in QPainter | |
Demonstrates the use of simple gestures in a widget | |
Example shows how to combine QLabel and QScrollArea to display an image | |
This example demonstrates the usage of the model/view framework | |
Puzzle example shows how to enable drag and drop with a custom model to allow items to be transferred between a view and another widget | |
License Wizard example shows how to implement complex wizards in Qt | |
Line Edits example demonstrates the many ways that QLineEdit can be used, and shows the effects of various properties and validators on the input and output supplied by the user | |
MDI example shows how to implement a Multiple Document Interface using Qt's QMdiArea class | |
Main Window example shows Qt's extensive support for tool bars, dock windows, menus, and other standard application features | |
Menus example demonstrates how menus can be used in a main window application | |
Movie example demonstrates how to use QMovie and QLabel to display animations | |
Order Form example shows how to generate rich text documents by combining a simple template with data input by the user in a dialog | |
Painter Paths example shows how painter paths can be used to beuild complex shapes for rendering | |
Path Stroking example shows various types of pens that can be used with QPainter | |
Shows how to recognize a gesture | |
Pixelator example shows how delegates can be used to customize the way that items are rendered in standard item views | |
A plugin providing the basic tools for painting functionality | |
Demonstrates how to extend Qt applications using plugins | |
A plugin providing the extra filters | |
QRegularExpression example shows how regular expressions in Qt are applied to text by providing an environment in which new regular expressions can be created and tested on custom text strings | |
Application example shows how to implement a standard widget application with menus, toolbars, and a status bar. The example itself is a simple text editor program built around QPlainTextEdit | |
Scribble example shows how to reimplement some of QWidget's event handlers to receive the events generated for the application's widgets | |
Settings Editor example shows how Qt's standard settings support is used in an application by providing an editor that enables the user to view the settings for installed applications, and modify those that can be edited | |
Shortcut Editor example shows how to create a basic, read-write hierarchical model to use with Qt's standard view and QKeySequenceEdit classes. For a description of Model/View Programming, see the Model/View Programming overview | |
Demonstrates anchor layout on a graphics view scene | |
Simple DOM Model example shows how an existing class can be adapted for use with the model/view framework | |
Simple Tree Model example shows how to use a hierarchical model with Qt's standard view classes | |
Simple Widget Mapper example shows how to use a widget mapper to display data from a model in a collection of widgets | |
Sliders example shows how to use the different types of sliders available in Qt: QSlider, QScrollBar and QDial | |
Spin Box Delegate example shows how to create an editor for a custom delegate in the model/view framework by reusing a standard Qt editor widget | |
Spin Boxes example shows how to use the many different types of spin boxes available in Qt, from a simple QSpinBox widget to more complex editors like the QDateTimeEdit widget | |
Spreadsheet example shows how to create a simple spreadsheet application | |
Standard Dialogs example shows the standard dialogs that are provided by Qt | |
Star Delegate example shows how to create a delegate that can paint itself and that supports editing | |
This example shows how to create a plugin that extends Qt with a new GUI look and feel | |
Style Sheet Example shows how to use style sheets | |
Styles example illustrates how to create custom widget drawing styles using Qt, and demonstrates Qt's predefined styles | |
Syntax Highlighter example shows how to perform simple syntax highlighting | |
System Tray Icon example shows how to add an icon with a menu and popup messages to a desktop environment's system tray | |
Tab Dialog example shows how to construct a tab dialog using the QTabWidget class | |
This example shows how to use a Wacom tablet in Qt applications | |
Screenshot example shows how to take a screenshot of the desktop | |
Tetrix example is a Qt version of the classic Tetrix game | |
Text Edit example shows Qt's rich text editing facilities in action | |
Tool Tips example shows how to provide static and dynamic tool tips for an application's widgets | |
Shows how to apply touch to a set of standard Qt widgets | |
Shows how to create custom controls that accept touch input | |
Transformations example shows how transformations influence the way that QPainter renders graphics primitives | |
Example shows how to make a round window with a translucent background | |
Tree Model Completer example shows how to provide completion facilities for a hierarchical model, using a period as the separator to access Child, GrandChild and GrandGrandChild level objects | |
Trivial Wizard example illustrates how to create a linear three-page registration wizard using three instances of QWizardPage and one instance of QWizard | |
This example shows how to implement undo/redo functionality with the Qt undo framework | |
Validators example shows the signal emission behavior of input validators | |
Demonstrates how to manipulate the elements of a QPainterPath | |
Widgets Gallery example shows widgets relevant for designing UIs | |
Window Flags example shows how to use the window flags available in Qt |
Provides a reader for XML Bookmark Exchange Language files |
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