Update Port

Verb URI Description
PUT /ports/port-id Updates a specified port. Only administrative users can update the binding extended attributes. The binding:vnic_type extended attribute is visible to only port owners or administrative users.

Normal Response Code: 200

Error Response Codes: Bad Request (400), Unauthorized (401), Forbidden (403), Not Found (404), Conflict (409)

Use this operation to update information for a port.

This operation requires a request body.

This operation returns a response body.

In addition to any attributes that can be updated in the update port operation, administrative users can also update the following binding-prefixed extended attributes:

Field Description


The ID of the host where the port is allocated. In some cases different implementations can run on different hosts.


A dictionary that enables the application running on the specified host to pass and receive vif port-specific information to the plug-in.


The vnic type to be bound on the neutron port. Valid values are normal, direct, or macvtap.

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