Removing a Firewall Rule from a Firewall Policy

Verb URI Description
PUT /fw/firewall_policies/firewall_policy-id/remove_rule Removes a Firewall Rule from a Firewall Policy.

Normal Response Code: 200

Error Response Codes: Unauthorized (401), Bad Request (400), Not Found (404). Bad Request error is returned if the rule information is missing or when a firewall rule is tried to be removed from a firewall policy to which it is not associated.


Example 4.138. Remove Firewall Rule from Firewall Policy: Request

PUT /v2.0/fw/firewall_policies/41bfef97-af4e-4f6b-a5d3-4678859d2485/remove_rule.json
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Accept: application/json
    "firewall_rule_id": "7bc34b8c-8d3b-4ada-a9c8-1f4c11c65692"


Example 4.139. Remove Firewall Rule from Firewall Policy: Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "audited": false,
    "description": "",
    "firewall_list": [],
    "firewall_rules": [
    "id": "c69933c1-b472-44f9-8226-30dc4ffd454c",
    "name": "test-policy",
    "shared": false,
    "tenant_id": "45977fa2dbd7482098dd68d0d8970117"

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