Configurable external gateway modes extension

By default, when a gateway is attached to a router using the Neutron L3 extension, Network Address Translation (NAT) is enabled for traffic generated by subnets attached to the router. With this extension, the user will have the option of choosing whether SNAT should be enabled or not on a router basis.

This is achieved simply by specifying a boolean attribute, enable_snat, in the external_gateway_info attribute of the router resource.

This extension redefines the external_gateway_info attribute as depicted in the following table.

Table 4.4. external_gateway_info attributes
Attribute Type Required Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
network_id UUID Yes N/A Must be a valid uuid representative of an external network.
enable_snat Boolean No True {True|False} The default setting is True to ensure backward compatibility for plugins supporting this extension.

SNAT can be enabled or disabled at any time on a Neutron router regardless of the current status of floating IPs. Floating IPs will continue working even when SNAT is disabled.

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