Firewall Operations

This section discusses operations for managing a Firewall through this extension.

Table 4.12. Firewall Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD [a] Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A Unique identifier for the Firewall object.
tenant_id uuid-str Yes CR Derived from Authentication token N/A Owner of the Firewall. Only admin users can specify a tenant identifier other than their own.
name String No CRU None N/A Human readable name for the Firewall (255 characters limit). Does not have to be unique.
description String No CRU None N/A Human readable description for the Firewall (1024 characters limit)
admin_state_up Bool N/A CRU true {true | false } Administrative state of the Firewall. If false (down), firewall does not forward packets and will drop all traffic to/from VMs behind the firewall.
status String N/A R N/A N/A Indicates whether Firewall resource is currently operational. Possible values include: ACTIVE, DOWN, BUILD, ERROR, PENDING_CREATE, PENDING_UPDATE, or PENDING_DELETE.
shared Bool No CRU false {true | false} When set to True makes this Firewall Rule visible to tenants other than its owner, and can be used in Firewall Policies not owned by its tenant.
firewall_policy_id uuid-str No CRU None valid Firewall Policy uuid The Firewall Policy uuid that this Firewall is associated with. This Firewall will implement the rules contained in the Firewall Policy represented by this uuid.


  • C. Use the attribute in create operations.

  • R. This attribute is returned in response to show and list operations.

  • U. You can update the value of this attribute.

  • D. You can delete the value of this attribute.

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