List Ports

Verb URI Description
GET /ports Returns a list of ports with their allowed address pair attributes.

Normal Response Code: 200 OK

Error Response Codes: 401 Unauthorized

This operation returns, for each port, its allowed address pair attributes as well as all the attributes normally returned by the list port operation.


Example 4.208. List Ports with allowed address pair attributes: JSON Response

     "admin_state_up": true,
     "allowed_address_pairs": [{"ip_address": "",
                                "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:c4:cd:3f"}],
     "device_id": "",
     "device_owner": "",
     "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "f4145134-b99b-4b18-9940-47239f071923"}],
     "id": "191f5290-3a5a-40ff-b0cb-cd4b115b400e",
     "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:c4:cd:3f",
     "name": "",
     "network_id": "327f2a2f-9d70-417f-ac3a-d3155e25cf25",
     "status": "DOWN",
     "tenant_id": "8462a4d167f84256b7035f4c408c1185"
     "admin_state_up": true,
     "allowed_address_pairs": [],
     "device_id": "",
     "device_owner": "",
     "fixed_ips": [{"ip_address": "",
                    "subnet_id": "f4145134-b99b-4b18-9940-47239f071923"}],
     "id": "ec2fb9f9-a11b-4791-852d-eb1ab9b27a0e",
     "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:a9:3e:1a",
     "name": "",
     "network_id": "327f2a2f-9d70-417f-ac3a-d3155e25cf25",
     "status": "DOWN",
     "tenant_id": "8462a4d167f84256b7035f4c408c1185"


Example 4.209. List Ports with allowed address pair attributes: XML Response

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<ports xmlns=""
        <name />
        <admin_state_up quantum:type="bool">True</admin_state_up>
        <device_owner />
        <device_id />
        <name />
        <allowed_address_pairs xsi:nil="true" />
        <admin_state_up quantum:type="bool">True</admin_state_up>
        <device_owner />
        <device_id />

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