
The OpenStack Networking layer-3 extension is a resource extension. It defines two new resources: router and floatingip.

A router is used to interconnect subnets and forward traffic among them. Another feature of the router is to NAT internal traffic to external networks.

A router has an interface for each subnet it is associated with. By default the IP address of such interface is the subnet's gateway IP. Also, whenever a router is associated with a subnet, a port for that router interface will be added to the subnet's network.

A floating IP is an IP address on an external network, which is associated with a specific port, and optionally a specific IP address, on a private OpenStack Networking network. Therefore a floating IP allows access to an instance on a private network from an external network. Floating IPs can only be defined on networks for which the attribute router:external (by the external network extension) has been set to True.

Table 4.2. Router Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD[a] Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A Unique identifier for the router.
name String No CRU None N/A Human readable name for the router. Does not have to be unique
admin_state_up Bool No CRU true {true | false } Administrative state of the router
status String N/A R N/A N/A Indicates whether a router is currently operational or not
tenant_id uuid-str No CR Derived from Authentication token N/A Owner of the router. Only admin users can specify a tenant identifier other than its own
external_gateway_info dict No CRU None No constraint Information on external gateway for the router


  • C. Use the attribute in create operations.

  • R. This attribute is returned in response to show and list operations.

  • U. You can update the value of this attribute.

  • D. You can delete the value of this attribute.

Table 4.3. Floating IP Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A Unique identifier for the Floating IP instance
floating_network_id uuid-str Yes CR N/A UUID Pattern UUID of the external network where the floating IP is to be created
port_id uuid-str Yes CRU N/A UUID Pattern UUID of the port on an internal OpenStack Networking network which should be associated to the Floating IP
fixed_ip_address IP Address No CRU None IP address or null Specific IP address on port_id which should be associated with the floating IP
floating_ip_address IP Address N/A R Automatically allocated from pool N/A Address of the floating IP on the external network
tenant_id uuid-str No CR Derived from Authentication token N/A Owner of the Floating IP. Only admin users can specify a tenant identifier other than its own
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