Show Port

Verb URI Description
GET /ports/port_id Returns details about a specific port, including extra-dhcp-opt attributes.

Normal Response Code: 200 OK

Error Response Code: 401 Unauthorized, 404 Not Found

This operation returns, for the port specified in the request URI, its port attributes, including the extra_dhcp_opts attributes.


Example 4.215. Show port with extra-dhcp-opt attributes: JSON Response

        "status": "DOWN",
        "binding:host_id": null,
        "name": "",
        "allowed_address_pairs": [],
        "admin_state_up": true,
        "network_id": "87733bcc-8144-41b1-bb6b-d011d7a5168e",
        "tenant_id": "7ea98790cd854fb5a82ef3d41e5c156b",
        "extra_dhcp_opts": [
            {"opt_value": "testfile.1","opt_name": "bootfile-name"},
            {"opt_value": "", "opt_name": "tftp-server"},
            {"opt_value": "", "opt_name": "server-ip-address"}
        "binding:vif_type": "ovs",
        "device_owner": "",
        "binding:capabilities": {"port_filter": true},
        "mac_address": "fa:16:3e:52:92:3a",
        "fixed_ips": [{"subnet_id": "99a8aea3-b9da-409d-a5e5-f45338ceb4d3", "ip_address": ""}],
        "id": "3c0c7a37-690a-43a8-8088-5d4c2c7f8484",
        "security_groups": ["9bf6f19a-ba4a-470f-b8ce-28c9ad66556c"],
        "device_id": ""

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