Pool operations

This section discusses operations for managing load balancer pools through the Load balancing as a service extension.

Table 4.7. Pool Attributes
Attribute Type Required CRUD [a] Default Value Validation Constraints Notes
id uuid-str N/A R generated N/A Unique identifier for the pool.
tenant_id uuid-str Yes CR Derived from authentication token. N/A Owner of the pool. Only an admin user can specify a tenant identifier other than its own
vip_id uuid-str No R None UUID pattern. The vip that the pool associated with.
name String No CRU None N/A Human readable name for the pool. Does not have to be unique.
description String No CRU None N/A Human readable description for the pool.
subnet_id uuid-str No CR None UUID pattern. The network that pool members belong to.
protocol String Yes CR None { "TCP" | "HTTP" | "HTTPS" } The protocol of the pool.
lb_method String Yes CRU None None The algorithm used to distribute load between the members of the pool.
health_monitors uuid-list No CRU None N/A List of health monitors to associate with the pool.
members uuid-list No R None N/A List of members that belong to the pool.
admin_state_up Bool No CRU true {true | false } Administrative state of the pool.
status String N/A R N/A N/A Indicates whether a pool is currently operational or not.
  • [a] C. Use the attribute in create operations.

  • R. This attribute is returned in response to show and list operations.

  • U. You can update the value of this attribute.

  • D. You can delete the value of this attribute.

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