List Floating IPs

Verb URI Description
GET /floatingips Returns a list of floating IPs accessible to the tenant submitting the request.

Normal Response Code: 200 OK

Error Response Codes: 401 Unauthorized

This operation does not require a request body.

This operation returns a response body.

The operation returns a list of floating IPs to which the tenant has access. Default policy settings return only those floating IPs that are owned by the tenant who submits the request, unless the request is submitted by an user with administrative rights. Users can control which attributes should be returned by using the fields query parameter. Additionally, results can be filtered by using query string parameters.


Example 4.26. List Floating IPs: JSON Request

GET /v2.0/floatingips
Accept: application/json


Example 4.27. List Floating IPs: JSON Response

         "router_id": "d23abc8d-2991-4a55-ba98-2aaea84cc72f",
         "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
         "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
         "fixed_ip_address": "",
         "floating_ip_address": "",
         "port_id": "ce705c24-c1ef-408a-bda3-7bbd946164ab",
         "id": "2f245a7b-796b-4f26-9cf9-9e82d248fda7"
         "router_id": null,
         "tenant_id": "4969c491a3c74ee4af974e6d800c62de",
         "floating_network_id": "376da547-b977-4cfe-9cba-275c80debf57",
         "fixed_ip_address": null,
         "floating_ip_address": "",
         "port_id": null,
         "id": "61cea855-49cb-4846-997d-801b70c71bdd"

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