List Routers

Verb URI Description
GET /routers Retrieve Neutron routers

Success and error response codes are not changed with regards to the operation as introduced by the L3 API extension.

When this extension is enabled, this operation will also return the current Source NAT status for configured routers, as shown in the sample below.

The response for the show router operation is the same, with the obvious exception that a single router is returned.


Example 4.37. Router list with configurable external gateway modes enabled

       "status": "ACTIVE",
       {"network_id": "3c5bcddd-6af9-4e6b-9c3e-c153e521cab8",
        "enable_snat": true},
       "name": "second_router",
       "admin_state_up": true,
       "tenant_id": "6b96ff0cb17a4b859e1e575d221683d3",
       "id": "7177abc4-5ae9-4bb7-b0d4-89e94a4abf3b"
       "status": "ACTIVE",
       {"network_id": "3c5bcddd-6af9-4e6b-9c3e-c153e521cab8",
        "enable_snat": false},
       "name": "router1",
       "admin_state_up": true,
       "tenant_id": "33a40233088643acb66ff6eb0ebea679",
       "id": "a9254bdb-2613-4a13-ac4c-adc581fba50d"

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