Show Router

Verb URI Description
GET /routers/router_id Returns details about a specific logical router.

Normal Response Code: 200

Error Response Codes: Unauthorized (401), Forbidden (403), Not Found (404)

This operation returns the details for a specific router whose identifier is specified on the request URI. Users can control which attributes should be returned by using the fields query parameter.

This operation does not require a request body.

This operation returns a response body.


Example 4.15. Show Router: JSON Request

GET /v2.0/routers/a9254bdb-2613-4a13-ac4c-adc581fba50d
Accept: application/json


Example 4.16. Show Router: JSON Response

       "status": "ACTIVE",
           "network_id": "3c5bcddd-6af9-4e6b-9c3e-c153e521cab8"
       "name": "router1",
       "admin_state_up": true,
       "tenant_id": "33a40233088643acb66ff6eb0ebea679",
       "id": "a9254bdb-2613-4a13-ac4c-adc581fba50d"

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