All QML Types
This is a list of all QML types, including QML basic types. The following pages contain different API listings in different categories:
For more reference pages including C++ APIs, visit Qt Reference Pages.
- A
- Accelerometer
- AccelerometerReading
- Accessible
- Action
- Address
- Affector
- Age
- Altimeter
- AltimeterReading
- AmbientLightReading
- AmbientLightSensor
- AmbientTemperatureReading
- AmbientTemperatureSensor
- AnchorAnimation
- AnchorChanges
- AngleDirection
- AnimatedImage
- AnimatedSprite
- Animation
- AnimationController
- Animator
- ApplicationWindow
- ApplicationWindowStyle
- AttenuationModelInverse
- AttenuationModelLinear
- Attractor
- Audio
- AudioCategory
- AudioEngine
- AudioListener
- AudioSample
- B
- Behavior
- Binding
- Blend
- BluetoothDiscoveryModel
- BluetoothService
- BluetoothSocket
- BorderImage
- BrightnessContrast
- BusyIndicator
- BusyIndicatorStyle
- Button
- ButtonStyle
- bool
- C
- Calendar
- CalendarStyle
- Camera
- CameraCapture
- CameraExposure
- CameraFlash
- CameraFocus
- CameraImageProcessing
- CameraRecorder
- Canvas
- CanvasGradient
- CanvasImageData
- CanvasPixelArray
- Category
- CategoryModel
- CheckBox
- CheckBoxStyle
- CloseEvent
- ColorAnimation
- ColorDialog
- ColorOverlay
- Colorize
- Column
- ColumnLayout
- ComboBox
- ComboBoxStyle
- Compass
- CompassReading
- Component
- ConicalGradient
- Connections
- ContactDetail
- ContactDetails
- Context2D
- CoordinateAnimation
- CumulativeDirection
- CustomParticle
- color
- coordinate
- D
- Date
- DelegateModel
- DelegateModelGroup
- Desaturate
- Dialog
- Direction
- DirectionalBlur
- Displace
- DistanceReading
- DistanceSensor
- DoubleValidator
- Drag
- DragEvent
- DropArea
- DropShadow
- DwmFeatures
- date
- double
- E
- EditorialModel
- EllipseShape
- Emitter
- EnginioClient
- EnginioModel
- EnginioOAuth2Authentication
- EnginioReply
- ExclusiveGroup
- ExtendedAttributes
- enumeration
- F
- FastBlur
- FileDialog
- FinalState
- Flickable
- Flipable
- Flow
- FocusScope
- FolderListModel
- FontDialog
- FontLoader
- FontMetrics
- Friction
- font
- G
- GammaAdjust
- GaussianBlur
- GeocodeModel
- Glow
- Gradient
- GradientStop
- Gravity
- Grid
- GridLayout
- GridMesh
- GridView
- GroupBox
- GroupGoal
- Gyroscope
- GyroscopeReading
- geocircle
- georectangle
- geoshape
- I
- IRProximityReading
- IRProximitySensor
- Icon
- Image
- ImageModel
- ImageParticle
- InnerShadow
- Instantiator
- IntValidator
- Item
- ItemGrabResult
- ItemParticle
- int
- L
- Label
- Layout
- LayoutMirroring
- LevelAdjust
- LightReading
- LightSensor
- LineShape
- LinearGradient
- ListElement
- ListModel
- ListView
- Loader
- Locale
- Location
- list
- M
- Magnetometer
- MagnetometerReading
- Map
- MapCircle
- MapGestureArea
- MapItemView
- MapPinchEvent
- MapPolygon
- MapPolyline
- MapQuickItem
- MapRectangle
- MapRoute
- MapType
- MaskShape
- MaskedBlur
- Matrix4x4
- MediaPlayer
- Menu
- MenuBar
- MenuBarStyle
- MenuItem
- MenuSeparator
- MenuStyle
- MessageDialog
- MouseArea
- MouseEvent
- MultiPointTouchArea
- matrix4x4
- N
- NdefFilter
- NdefMimeRecord
- NdefRecord
- NdefTextRecord
- NdefUriRecord
- NearField
- Number
- NumberAnimation
- P
- Package
- ParallelAnimation
- ParentAnimation
- ParentChange
- Particle
- ParticleGroup
- ParticlePainter
- ParticleSystem
- Path
- PathAnimation
- PathArc
- PathAttribute
- PathCubic
- PathCurve
- PathElement
- PathInterpolator
- PathLine
- PathPercent
- PathQuad
- PathSvg
- PathView
- PauseAnimation
- PinchArea
- PinchEvent
- Place
- PlaceAttribute
- PlaceSearchModel
- PlaceSearchSuggestionModel
- PlayVariation
- Plugin
- PluginParameter
- PointDirection
- Position
- PositionSource
- Positioner
- PressureReading
- PressureSensor
- ProgressBar
- ProgressBarStyle
- PropertyAction
- PropertyAnimation
- PropertyChanges
- ProximityReading
- ProximitySensor
- point
- Q
- QAbstractState
- QAbstractTransition
- QSignalTransition
- Qt
- QtMultimedia
- QtObject
- QtPositioning
- quaternion
- R
- RadialBlur
- RadialGradient
- Radio
- RadioButton
- RadioButtonStyle
- RadioData
- Ratings
- Rectangle
- RectangleShape
- RectangularGlow
- RecursiveBlur
- RegExpValidator
- Repeater
- ReviewModel
- Rotation
- RotationAnimation
- RotationAnimator
- RotationReading
- RotationSensor
- Route
- RouteManeuver
- RouteModel
- RouteQuery
- RouteSegment
- Row
- RowLayout
- real
- rect
- S
- Scale
- ScaleAnimator
- Screen
- ScriptAction
- ScrollView
- ScrollViewStyle
- Sensor
- SensorGesture
- SensorGlobal
- SensorReading
- SequentialAnimation
- Settings
- ShaderEffect
- ShaderEffectSource
- Shape
- SignalSpy
- SignalTransition
- Slider
- SliderStyle
- SmoothedAnimation
- Sound
- SoundEffect
- SoundInstance
- SpinBox
- SpinBoxStyle
- SplitView
- SpringAnimation
- Sprite
- SpriteGoal
- SpriteSequence
- Stack
- StackView
- StackViewDelegate
- State
- StateChangeScript
- StateGroup
- StateMachine
- StatusBar
- StatusBarStyle
- String
- Supplier
- Switch
- SwitchStyle
- SystemPalette
- size
- string
- T
- Tab
- TabView
- TabViewStyle
- TabWidget
- TableView
- TableViewColumn
- TableViewStyle
- TapReading
- TapSensor
- TargetDirection
- TaskbarButton
- TestCase
- Text
- TextArea
- TextAreaStyle
- TextEdit
- TextField
- TextFieldStyle
- TextInput
- TextMetrics
- ThresholdMask
- ThumbnailToolBar
- ThumbnailToolButton
- TiltReading
- TiltSensor
- TimeoutTransition
- Timer
- ToolBar
- ToolBarStyle
- ToolButton
- Torch
- TouchPoint
- TrailEmitter
- Transform
- Transition
- Translate
- Turbulence
- V
- Vector3dAnimation
- Video
- VideoOutput
- ViewTransition
- VisualDataGroup
- VisualDataModel
- VisualItemModel
- var
- variant
- vector2d
- vector3d
- vector4d
- W
- Wander
- WebChannel
- WebEngineLoadRequest
- WebEngineView
- WebLoadRequest
- WebSocket
- WebSocketServer
- WebView
- WheelEvent
- Window
- WorkerScript
- Z
- ZoomBlur
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