LLVM API Documentation

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ScalarEvolution.cpp File Reference
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolution.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/AssumptionTracker.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ConstantFolding.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/InstructionSimplify.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/LoopInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ScalarEvolutionExpressions.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ValueTracking.h"
#include "llvm/IR/ConstantRange.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DataLayout.h"
#include "llvm/IR/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Dominators.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GetElementPtrTypeIterator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalAlias.h"
#include "llvm/IR/GlobalVariable.h"
#include "llvm/IR/InstIterator.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/IR/LLVMContext.h"
#include "llvm/IR/Operator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MathExtras.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "llvm/Target/TargetLibraryInfo.h"
#include <algorithm>
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struct  MarkPendingLoopPredicate


#define DEBUG_TYPE   "scalar-evolution"


typedef DenseMap< const Loop
*, std::string > 


 STATISTIC (NumArrayLenItCounts,"Number of trip counts computed with array length")
 STATISTIC (NumTripCountsComputed,"Number of loops with predictable loop counts")
 STATISTIC (NumTripCountsNotComputed,"Number of loops without predictable loop counts")
 STATISTIC (NumBruteForceTripCountsComputed,"Number of loops with trip counts computed by force")
 INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN (ScalarEvolution,"scalar-evolution","Scalar Evolution Analysis", false, true) INITIALIZE_PASS_END(ScalarEvolution
static void GroupByComplexity (SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &Ops, LoopInfo *LI)
static const SCEVBinomialCoefficient (const SCEV *It, unsigned K, ScalarEvolution &SE, Type *ResultTy)
static const SCEVgetOverflowLimitForStep (const SCEV *Step, ICmpInst::Predicate *Pred, ScalarEvolution *SE)
static const SCEVgetPreStartForSignExtend (const SCEVAddRecExpr *AR, Type *Ty, ScalarEvolution *SE)
static const SCEVgetSignExtendAddRecStart (const SCEVAddRecExpr *AR, Type *Ty, ScalarEvolution *SE)
static bool CollectAddOperandsWithScales (DenseMap< const SCEV *, APInt > &M, SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &NewOps, APInt &AccumulatedConstant, const SCEV *const *Ops, size_t NumOperands, const APInt &Scale, ScalarEvolution &SE)
static uint64_t umul_ov (uint64_t i, uint64_t j, bool &Overflow)
static uint64_t Choose (uint64_t n, uint64_t k, bool &Overflow)
static const APInt gcd (const SCEVConstant *C1, const SCEVConstant *C2)
static void PushDefUseChildren (Instruction *I, SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > &Worklist)
static void PushLoopPHIs (const Loop *L, SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > &Worklist)
static ConstantIntEvaluateConstantChrecAtConstant (const SCEVAddRecExpr *AddRec, ConstantInt *C, ScalarEvolution &SE)
static bool CanConstantFold (const Instruction *I)
static bool canConstantEvolve (Instruction *I, const Loop *L)
static PHINodegetConstantEvolvingPHIOperands (Instruction *UseInst, const Loop *L, DenseMap< Instruction *, PHINode * > &PHIMap)
static PHINodegetConstantEvolvingPHI (Value *V, const Loop *L)
static ConstantEvaluateExpression (Value *V, const Loop *L, DenseMap< Instruction *, Constant * > &Vals, const DataLayout *DL, const TargetLibraryInfo *TLI)
static ConstantBuildConstantFromSCEV (const SCEV *V)
static const SCEVSolveLinEquationWithOverflow (const APInt &A, const APInt &B, ScalarEvolution &SE)
static std::pair< const SCEV
*, const SCEV * > 
SolveQuadraticEquation (const SCEVAddRecExpr *AddRec, ScalarEvolution &SE)
static bool HasSameValue (const SCEV *A, const SCEV *B)
static bool containsUndefs (const SCEV *S)
static const APInt srem (const SCEVConstant *C1, const SCEVConstant *C2)
static const APInt sdiv (const SCEVConstant *C1, const SCEVConstant *C2)
static int sizeOfSCEV (const SCEV *S)
static bool findArrayDimensionsRec (ScalarEvolution &SE, SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &Terms, SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &Sizes)
static bool containsParameters (const SCEV *S)
static bool containsParameters (SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &Terms)
static int numberOfTerms (const SCEV *S)
static const SCEVremoveConstantFactors (ScalarEvolution &SE, const SCEV *T)
static void PrintLoopInfo (raw_ostream &OS, ScalarEvolution *SE, const Loop *L)
static void replaceSubString (std::string &Str, StringRef From, StringRef To)
 replaceSubString - Replaces all occurrences of From in Str with To.
static void getLoopBackedgeTakenCounts (Loop *L, VerifyMap &Map, ScalarEvolution &SE)
 getLoopBackedgeTakenCounts - Helper method for verifyAnalysis.


static cl::opt< unsignedMaxBruteForceIterations ("scalar-evolution-max-iterations", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::desc("Maximum number of iterations SCEV will ""symbolically execute a constant ""derived loop"), cl::init(100))
static cl::opt< boolVerifySCEV ("verify-scev", cl::desc("Verify ScalarEvolution's backedge taken counts (slow)"))
scalar evolution
scalar Scalar Evolution Analysis
scalar Scalar Evolution false

Define Documentation

#define DEBUG_TYPE   "scalar-evolution"

Definition at line 92 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

Typedef Documentation

typedef DenseMap<const Loop *, std::string> VerifyMap

Definition at line 8028 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

Function Documentation

static const SCEV* BinomialCoefficient ( const SCEV It,
unsigned  K,
ScalarEvolution SE,
Type ResultTy 
) [static]
static Constant* BuildConstantFromSCEV ( const SCEV V) [static]
static bool canConstantEvolve ( Instruction I,
const Loop L 
) [static]

Determine whether this instruction can constant evolve within this loop assuming its operands can all constant evolve.

Definition at line 4934 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References CanConstantFold(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::contains(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getHeader(), and llvm::Instruction::getParent().

Referenced by EvaluateExpression(), getConstantEvolvingPHI(), and getConstantEvolvingPHIOperands().

static bool CanConstantFold ( const Instruction I) [static]

CanConstantFold - Return true if we can constant fold an instruction of the specified type, assuming that all operands were constants.

Definition at line 4920 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::canConstantFoldCallTo().

Referenced by canConstantEvolve().

static uint64_t Choose ( uint64_t  n,
uint64_t  k,
bool Overflow 
) [static]

Compute the result of "n choose k", the binomial coefficient. If an intermediate computation overflows, Overflow will be set and the return will be garbage. Overflow is not cleared on absence of overflow.

Definition at line 1871 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References umul_ov().

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::getMulExpr().

static bool CollectAddOperandsWithScales ( DenseMap< const SCEV *, APInt > &  M,
SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &  NewOps,
APInt AccumulatedConstant,
const SCEV *const Ops,
size_t  NumOperands,
const APInt Scale,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]

CollectAddOperandsWithScales - Process the given Ops list, which is a list of operands to be added under the given scale, update the given map. This is a helper function for getAddRecExpr. As an example of what it does, given a sequence of operands that would form an add expression like this:

m + n + 13 + (A * (o + p + (B * (q + m + 29)))) + r + (-1 * r)

where A and B are constants, update the map with these values:

(m, 1+A*B), (n, 1), (o, A), (p, A), (q, A*B), (r, 0)

and add 13 + A*B*29 to AccumulatedConstant. This will allow getAddRecExpr to produce this:

13+A*B*29 + n + (m * (1+A*B)) + ((o + p) * A) + (q * A*B)

This form often exposes folding opportunities that are hidden in the original operand list.

Return true iff it appears that any interesting folding opportunities may be exposed. This helps getAddRecExpr short-circuit extra work in the common case where no interesting opportunities are present, and is also used as a check to avoid infinite recursion.

Definition at line 1417 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::dyn_cast(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getMulExpr(), llvm::SCEVNAryExpr::getNumOperands(), llvm::SCEVNAryExpr::getOperand(), llvm::DenseMapBase< DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >::insert(), llvm::SCEVNAryExpr::op_begin(), llvm::SCEVNAryExpr::op_end(), and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::getAddExpr().

static bool containsParameters ( const SCEV S) [inline, static]
static bool containsParameters ( SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &  Terms) [inline, static]

Definition at line 7345 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References containsParameters().

static bool containsUndefs ( const SCEV S) [inline, static]
static Constant* EvaluateExpression ( Value V,
const Loop L,
DenseMap< Instruction *, Constant * > &  Vals,
const DataLayout DL,
const TargetLibraryInfo TLI 
) [static]

EvaluateExpression - Given an expression that passes the getConstantEvolvingPHI predicate, evaluate its value assuming the PHI node in the loop has the value PHIVal. If we can't fold this expression for some reason, return null.

Definition at line 5013 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::CallingConv::C, canConstantEvolve(), llvm::ConstantFoldCompareInstOperands(), llvm::ConstantFoldInstOperands(), llvm::ConstantFoldLoadFromConstPtr(), llvm::dyn_cast(), llvm::User::getNumOperands(), llvm::Instruction::getOpcode(), llvm::User::getOperand(), llvm::Value::getType(), llvm::LoadInst::isVolatile(), and llvm::DenseMapBase< DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >::lookup().

static bool findArrayDimensionsRec ( ScalarEvolution SE,
SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &  Terms,
SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &  Sizes 
) [static]
static const APInt gcd ( const SCEVConstant C1,
const SCEVConstant C2 
) [static]
static PHINode* getConstantEvolvingPHI ( Value V,
const Loop L 
) [static]

getConstantEvolvingPHI - Given an LLVM value and a loop, return a PHI node in the loop that V is derived from. We allow arbitrary operations along the way, but the operands of an operation must either be constants or a value derived from a constant PHI. If this expression does not fit with these constraints, return null.

Definition at line 4996 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References canConstantEvolve(), llvm::dyn_cast(), and getConstantEvolvingPHIOperands().

static PHINode* getConstantEvolvingPHIOperands ( Instruction UseInst,
const Loop L,
DenseMap< Instruction *, PHINode * > &  PHIMap 
) [static]

getConstantEvolvingPHIOperands - Implement getConstantEvolvingPHI by recursing through each instruction operand until reaching a loop header phi.

Definition at line 4955 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References canConstantEvolve(), llvm::dyn_cast(), llvm::DenseMapBase< DenseMap< KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >, KeyT, ValueT, KeyInfoT >::lookup(), llvm::User::op_begin(), llvm::User::op_end(), P, and llvm::TargetOpcode::PHI.

Referenced by getConstantEvolvingPHI().

static void getLoopBackedgeTakenCounts ( Loop L,
VerifyMap Map,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]
static const SCEV* getOverflowLimitForStep ( const SCEV Step,
ICmpInst::Predicate *  Pred,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]
static const SCEV* getPreStartForSignExtend ( const SCEVAddRecExpr AR,
Type Ty,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]
static const SCEV* getSignExtendAddRecStart ( const SCEVAddRecExpr AR,
Type Ty,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]
static void GroupByComplexity ( SmallVectorImpl< const SCEV * > &  Ops,
LoopInfo LI 
) [static]

GroupByComplexity - Given a list of SCEV objects, order them by their complexity, and group objects of the same complexity together by value. When this routine is finished, we know that any duplicates in the vector are consecutive and that complexity is monotonically increasing.

Note that we go take special precautions to ensure that we get deterministic results from this routine. In other words, we don't want the results of this to depend on where the addresses of various SCEV objects happened to land in memory.

Definition at line 640 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::begin(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::end(), llvm::SCEV::getSCEVType(), llvm::SmallVectorTemplateCommon< T, typename >::size(), and std::swap().

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::getAddExpr(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getMulExpr(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getSMaxExpr(), and llvm::ScalarEvolution::getUMaxExpr().

static bool HasSameValue ( const SCEV A,
const SCEV B 
) [static]

HasSameValue - SCEV structural equivalence is usually sufficient for testing whether two expressions are equal, however for the purposes of looking for a condition guarding a loop, it can be useful to be a little more general, since a front-end may have replicated the controlling expression.

Definition at line 5872 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::SimplifyICmpOperands().

INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN ( ScalarEvolution  ,
"scalar-evolution ,
"Scalar Evolution Analysis ,
false  ,
static int numberOfTerms ( const SCEV S) [inline, static]

Definition at line 7353 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::findArrayDimensions().

static void PrintLoopInfo ( raw_ostream OS,
ScalarEvolution SE,
const Loop L 
) [static]
static void PushDefUseChildren ( Instruction I,
SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > &  Worklist 
) [static]

PushDefUseChildren - Push users of the given Instruction onto the given Worklist.

Definition at line 3062 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back(), and llvm::Value::users().

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetLoop(), and llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetValue().

static void PushLoopPHIs ( const Loop L,
SmallVectorImpl< Instruction * > &  Worklist 
) [static]

PushLoopPHIs - Push PHI nodes in the header of the given loop onto the given Worklist.

Definition at line 4181 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::BasicBlock::begin(), llvm::dyn_cast(), llvm::LoopBase< BlockT, LoopT >::getHeader(), I, and llvm::SmallVectorTemplateBase< T, isPodLike >::push_back().

Referenced by llvm::ScalarEvolution::forgetLoop().

static const SCEV* removeConstantFactors ( ScalarEvolution SE,
const SCEV T 
) [static]
static void replaceSubString ( std::string &  Str,
StringRef  From,
StringRef  To 
) [static]

replaceSubString - Replaces all occurrences of From in Str with To.

Definition at line 8031 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::StringRef::data(), and llvm::StringRef::size().

Referenced by getLoopBackedgeTakenCounts().

static const APInt sdiv ( const SCEVConstant C1,
const SCEVConstant C2 
) [static]
static int sizeOfSCEV ( const SCEV S) [inline, static]
static const SCEV* SolveLinEquationWithOverflow ( const APInt A,
const APInt B,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]

SolveLinEquationWithOverflow - Finds the minimum unsigned root of the following equation:

A * X = B (mod N)

where N = 2^BW and BW is the common bit width of A and B. The signedness of A and B isn't important.

If the equation does not have a solution, SCEVCouldNotCompute is returned.

Definition at line 5570 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::APInt::countTrailingZeros(), llvm::APInt::getBitWidth(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getConstant(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getCouldNotCompute(), llvm::APInt::lshr(), llvm::APInt::multiplicativeInverse(), llvm::APInt::setBit(), llvm::APInt::trunc(), llvm::APIntOps::urem(), and llvm::APInt::zext().

static std::pair<const SCEV *,const SCEV *> SolveQuadraticEquation ( const SCEVAddRecExpr AddRec,
ScalarEvolution SE 
) [static]

SolveQuadraticEquation - Find the roots of the quadratic equation for the given quadratic chrec {L,+,M,+,N}. This returns either the two roots (which might be the same) or two SCEVCouldNotCompute objects.

Definition at line 5614 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

References llvm::ARM_PROC::A, llvm::CallingConv::C, llvm::dyn_cast(), llvm::ConstantInt::get(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getConstant(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getContext(), llvm::ScalarEvolution::getCouldNotCompute(), llvm::SCEVNAryExpr::getNumOperands(), llvm::SCEVNAryExpr::getOperand(), llvm::APInt::isMinValue(), N, NC, llvm::APInt::sdiv(), and llvm::APIntOps::sdiv().

Referenced by llvm::SCEVAddRecExpr::getNumIterationsInRange().

static const APInt srem ( const SCEVConstant C1,
const SCEVConstant C2 
) [static]
STATISTIC ( NumArrayLenItCounts  ,
"Number of trip counts computed with array length"   
STATISTIC ( NumTripCountsComputed  ,
"Number of loops with predictable loop counts"   
STATISTIC ( NumTripCountsNotComputed  ,
"Number of loops without predictable loop counts"   
STATISTIC ( NumBruteForceTripCountsComputed  ,
"Number of loops with trip counts computed by force"   
static uint64_t umul_ov ( uint64_t  i,
uint64_t  j,
bool Overflow 
) [static]

Definition at line 1862 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

Referenced by Choose(), and llvm::ScalarEvolution::getMulExpr().

Variable Documentation

scalar Scalar Evolution Analysis

Definition at line 121 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

scalar evolution

Definition at line 121 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

scalar Scalar Evolution false

Definition at line 121 of file ScalarEvolution.cpp.

cl::opt<unsigned> MaxBruteForceIterations("scalar-evolution-max-iterations", cl::ReallyHidden, cl::desc("Maximum number of iterations SCEV will ""symbolically execute a constant ""derived loop"), cl::init(100)) [static]
cl::opt<bool> VerifySCEV("verify-scev", cl::desc("Verify ScalarEvolution's backedge taken counts (slow)")) [static]