MediaWiki  master
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
oCActionActions are things which can be done to pages (edit, delete, rollback, etc)
oCAjaxDispatcherObject-Oriented Ajax functions
oCAjaxResponseHandle responses for Ajax requests (send headers, print content, that sort of thing)
oCAnsiTermColorerTerminal that supports ANSI escape sequences
oCApiAuthManagerHelperHelper class for AuthManager-using API modules
oCApiContinuationManagerThis manages continuation state
oCApiErrorFormatterFormats errors and warnings for the API, and add them to the associated ApiResult
oCApiSerializableThis interface allows for overriding the default conversion applied by ApiResult::validateValue()
oCArchivedFileClass representing a row of the 'filearchive' table
oCArrayUtilsA collection of static methods to play with arrays
oCMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationRequestThis is a value object for authentication requests
oCMediaWiki\Auth\AuthenticationResponseThis is a value object to hold authentication response data
oCAuthPluginAuthentication plugin interface
oCAutoLoaderLocations of core classes Extension classes are specified with $wgAutoloadClasses This array is a global instead of a static member of AutoLoader to work around a bug in APC
oCAutoloadGeneratorAccepts a list of files and directories to search for php files and generates $wgAutoloadLocalClasses or $wgAutoloadClasses lines for all detected classes
oCAutopromoteThis class checks if user can get extra rights because of conditions specified in $wgAutopromote
oCAvroValidatorGenerate error strings for data that doesn't match the specified Avro schema
oCBacklinkCacheClass for fetching backlink lists, approximate backlink counts and partitions
oCBacklinkJobUtilsClass with Backlink related Job helper methods
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceActiveFormattingElementsThe list of active formatting elements, which is used to handle mis-nested formatting element tags in the HTML5 tree builder specification
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceElementA BalanceElement is a simplified version of a DOM Node
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceMarkerA pseudo-element used as a marker in the list of active formatting elements
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\BalancerAn implementation of the tree building portion of the HTML5 parsing spec
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\BalanceSetsUtility constants and sets for the HTML5 tree building algorithm
oCBaseDumpReadahead helper for making large MediaWiki data dumps; reads in a previous XML dump to sequentially prefetch text records already normalized and decompressed
oCBitmapMetadataHandlerClass to deal with reconciling and extracting metadata from bitmap images
oCBlobUtility classThis allows us to distinguish a blob from a normal string and an array of strings
oCCacheTimeParser cache specific expiry check
oCCategoryCategory objects are immutable, strictly speaking
oCCategoryFinderThe "CategoryFinder" class takes a list of articles, creates an internal representation of all their parent categories (as well as parents of parents etc.)
oCCgzCopyTransactionClass to represent a recompression operation for a single CGZ blob
oCChangesFeedFeed to Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLiked
oCCheckStorageMaintenance script to do various checks on external storage
oCChronologyProtectorClass for ensuring a consistent ordering of events as seen by the user, despite replication
oCClassCollectorReads PHP code and returns the FQCN of every class defined within it
oCComposerHookHandlerGNU GPL v2+
oCComposerInstalledReads an installed.json file and provides accessors to get what is installed
oCComposerJsonReads a composer.json file and provides accessors to get its hash and the required dependencies
oCComposerLockReads a composer.lock file and provides accessors to get its hash and what is installed
oCComposerPackageModifierGNU GPL v2+
oCComposerVersionNormalizerGNU GPL v2+
oCConfigInterface for configuration instances
oCContentBase interface for content objects
oCConverterRuleParser for rules of language conversion , parse rules in -{ }- tag
oCCoreParserFunctionsVarious core parser functions, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
oCCoreTagHooksVarious tag hooks, registered in Parser::firstCallInit()
oCCSSMinTransforms CSS data
oCDatabaseInstallerBase class for DBMS-specific installation helper classes
oCDatabaseUpdaterClass for handling database updates
oCDateFormatterDate formatter, recognises dates in plain text and formats them according to user preferences
oCDBAccessObjectUtilsHelper class for DAO classes
oCDBMasterPosAn object representing a master or slave position in a replicated setup
oCDeferrableCallbackCallback wrapper that has an originating method
oCDeferrableUpdateInterface that deferrable updates should implement
oCDeferredUpdatesClass for managing the deferred updates
oCDelayedParserTestA class to delay execution of a parser test hooks
oCDependencyWrapperThis class stores an arbitrary value along with its dependencies
oCMediaWiki\Services\DestructibleServiceDestructibleService defines a standard interface for shutting down a service instance
oCDiffClass representing a 'diff' between two sequences of strings
oCDiffEngineThis diff implementation is mainly lifted from the LCS algorithm of the Eclipse project which in turn is based on Myers' "An O(ND) difference algorithm and its variations" ( with range compression (see Wu et al
oCDiffFormatterBase class for diff formatters
oCDiffOpThe base class for all other DiffOp classes
oCDjVuImageSupport for detecting/validating DjVu image files and getting some basic file metadata (resolution etc)
oCDjVuSupportInitialize and detect the DjVu files support
oCMediaWiki\Session\DummySessionBackendDummy session backend
oCDummyTermColorerA colour-less terminal
oCEditPageThe edit page/HTML interface (split from Article) The actual database and text munging is still in Article, but it should get easier to call those from alternate interfaces
oCEmailNotificationThis module processes the email notifications when the current page is changed
oCEnqueueableDataUpdateInterface that marks a DataUpdate as enqueuable via the JobQueue
oCEventRelayerGroupFactory class for spawning EventRelayer objects using configuration
oCExifClass to extract and validate Exif data from jpeg (and possibly tiff) files
oCExtensionRegistryExtensionRegistry class
oCExternalStoreConstructor class for key/value blob data kept in external repositories
oCExternalStoreMediumAccessable external objects in a particular storage medium
oCFakeConverterA fake language converter
oCFeedItemA base class for basic support for outputting syndication feeds in RSS and other formats
oCFeedUtilsHelper functions for feeds
oCFieldBase for all database-specific classes representing information about database fields
oCFileBackendBase class for all file backend classes (including multi-write backends)
oCFileBackendGroupClass to handle file backend registration
oCFileBackendStoreOpHandleFileBackendStore helper class for performing asynchronous file operations
oCFileCacheBaseBase class for data storage in the file system
oCFileDeleteFormFile deletion user interface
oCFileJournalClass for handling file operation journaling
oCFileOpFileBackend helper class for representing operations
oCFileOpBatchHelper class for representing batch file operations
oCFileRepoBase class for file repositories
oCForeignTitleA simple, immutable structure to hold the title of a page on a foreign MediaWiki installation
oCForeignTitleFactoryA parser that translates page titles into ForeignTitle objects
oCForkControllerClass for managing forking command line scripts
oCFormatJsonJSON formatter wrapper class
oCFSFileClass representing a non-directory file on the file system
oCGenderCacheCaches user genders when needed to use correct namespace aliases
oCGIFMetadataExtractorGIF frame counter
oCHashRingConvenience class for weighted consistent hash rings
oCHistoryBlobBase class for general text storage via the "object" flag in old_flags, or two-part external storage URLs
oCHistoryBlobCurStubTo speed up conversion from 1.4 to 1.5 schema, text rows can refer to the leftover cur table as the backend
oCHistoryBlobStubPointer object for an item within a CGZ blob stored in the text table
oCHooksHooks class
oCHtmlThis class is a collection of static functions that serve two purposes:
oCHtmlArmorMarks HTML that shouldn't be escaped
oCHTMLFormFieldThe parent class to generate form fields
oCHttpVarious HTTP related functions
oCICacheHelperInterface for all classes implementing CacheHelper functionality
oCIContextSourceInterface for objects which can provide a MediaWiki context on request
oCIDatabaseBasic database interface for live and lazy-loaded DB handles
oCIDBAccessObjectInterface for database access objects
oCIEContentAnalyzerThis class simulates Microsoft Internet Explorer's terribly broken and insecure MIME type detection algorithm
oCIEUrlExtensionInternet Explorer derives a cache filename from a URL, and then in certain circumstances, uses the extension of the resulting file to determine the content type of the data, ignoring the Content-Type header
oCIExpiringStoreGeneric base class for storage interfaces
oCIJobSpecificationJob queue task description interface
oCImportSourceSource interface for XML import
oCImportTitleFactoryRepresents an object that can convert page titles on a foreign wiki (ForeignTitle objects) into page titles on the local wiki (Title objects)
oCInstallerBase installer class
oCInterwikiValue object for representing interwiki records
oCMediaWiki\Interwiki\InterwikiLookupService interface for looking up Interwiki records
oCIPA collection of public static functions to play with IP address and IP blocks
oCIPTCClass for some IPTC functions
oCITestRecorderInterface to record parser test results
oCJavaScriptMinifierThis class is meant to safely minify javascript code, while leaving syntactically correct programs intact
oCJobQueueClass to handle enqueueing and running of background jobs
oCJobQueueAggregatorClass to handle tracking information about all queues
oCJobQueueGroupClass to handle enqueueing of background jobs
oCJpegMetadataExtractorClass for reading jpegs and extracting metadata
oCLanguageInternationalisation code
oCLanguageConverterBase class for language conversion
oCLCStoreInterface for the persistence layer of LocalisationCache
oCLicenseA License class for use on Special:Upload (represents a single type of license)
oCLikeMatchUsed by DatabaseBase::buildLike() to represent characters that have special meaning in SQL LIKE clauses and thus need no escaping
oCLinkBatchClass representing a list of titles The execute() method checks them all for existence and adds them to a LinkCache object
oCLinkCacheCache for article titles (prefixed DB keys) and ids linked from one source
oCLinkerSome internal bits split of from Skin.php
oCLinkFilterSome functions to help implement an external link filter for spam control
oCMediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererClass that generates HTML links for pages
oCMediaWiki\Linker\LinkRendererFactoryFactory to create LinkRender objects
oCListToggleClass for generating clickable toggle links for a list of checkboxes
oCLoadBalancerDatabase load balancing object
oCLoadMonitorAn interface for database load monitoring
oCLocalFileDeleteBatchHelper class for file deletion
oCLocalFileMoveBatchHelper class for file movement
oCLocalFileRestoreBatchHelper class for file undeletion
oCLocalisationCacheClass for caching the contents of localisation files, Messages*.php and *.i18n.php
oCLocalSettingsGeneratorClass for generating LocalSettings.php file
oCLockManagerClass for handling resource locking
oCLockManagerGroupClass to handle file lock manager registration
oCLogEntryInterface for log entries
oCMediaWiki\Logger\LoggerFactoryPSR-3 logger instance factory
oCLogPageClass to simplify the use of log pages
oCMagicWordThis class encapsulates "magic words" such as "#redirect", NOTOC, etc
oCMagicWordArrayClass for handling an array of magic words
oCMailAddressStores a single person's name and email address
oCMaintenanceAbstract maintenance class for quickly writing and churning out maintenance scripts with minimal effort
oCMapCacheLRUHandles a simple LRU key/value map with a maximum number of entries
oCMediaHandlerBase media handler class
oCMediaTransformOutputBase class for the output of MediaHandler::doTransform() and File::transform()
oCMediaWikiHelper class for the index.php entry point
oCMediaWikiI18NWrapper object for MediaWiki's localization functions, to be passed to the template engine
oCMediaWiki\Site\MediaWikiPageNameNormalizerService for normalizing a page name using a MediaWiki api
oCMediaWikiParserTestThe UnitTest must be either a class that inherits from MediaWikiTestCase or a class that provides a public static suite() method which returns an PHPUnit_Framework_Test object
oCMediaWikiVersionFetcherProvides access to MediaWiki's version without requiring MediaWiki (or anything else) being loaded first
oCMemcachedClientMemcached client class implemented using (p)fsockopen()
oCMergeableUpdateInterface that deferrable updates can implement
oCMergeHistoryHandles the backend logic of merging the histories of two pages
oCMessageCacheMessage cache Performs various MediaWiki namespace-related functions
oCMimeMagicImplements functions related to MIME types such as detection and mapping to file extension
oCMockImageHandlerMock handler for images
oCMovePageHandles the backend logic of moving a page from one title to another
oCMultiHttpClientClass to handle concurrent HTTP requests
oCMutableConfigInterface for mutable configuration instances
oCMWDebugNew debugger system that outputs a toolbar on page view
oCMWExceptionHandlerHandler class for MWExceptions
oCMWGrantsFunctions and constants to deal with grants
oCMWHttpRequestThis wrapper class will call out to curl (if available) or fallback to regular PHP if necessary for handling internal HTTP requests
oCMWNamespaceThis is a utility class with only static functions for dealing with namespaces that encodes all the "magic" behaviors of them based on index
oCMWRestrictionsA class to check request restrictions expressed as a JSON object
oCMWTidyClass to interact with HTML tidy
oCMWTimestampLibrary for creating and parsing MW-style timestamps
oCMediaWiki\Languages\Data\NamesLanguage names in their own languages (language autonyms)
oCObjectCacheFunctions to get cache objects
oCObjectFactoryConstruct objects from configuration instructions
oCORAResultThe oci8 extension is fairly weak and doesn't support oci_num_rows, among other things
oCPageInterface for type hinting (accepts WikiPage, Article, ImagePage, CategoryPage)
oCPageArchiveUsed to show archived pages and eventually restore them
oCPagePropsGives access to properties of a page
oCPagerBasic pager interface
oCParserPHP Parser - Processes wiki markup (which uses a more user-friendly syntax, such as "[[link]]" for making links), and provides a one-way transformation of that wiki markup it into (X)HTML output / markup (which in turn the browser understands, and can display)
oCParserOptionsSet options of the Parser
oCParserTestResultRepresent the result of a parser test
oCPasswordRepresents a password hash for use in authentication
oCPasswordFactoryFactory class for creating and checking Password objects
oCPasswordPolicyChecksFunctions to check passwords against a policy requirement
oCPasswordResetHelper class for the password reset functionality shared by the web UI and the API
oCPathRouterPathRouter class
oCPatrolLogClass containing static functions for working with logs of patrol events
oCPhpXmlBugTesterTest for PHP+libxml2 bug which breaks XML input subtly with certain versions
oCPingbackSend information about this MediaWiki instance to
oCPNGMetadataExtractorPNG frame counter
oCPoolCounterWhen you have many workers (threads/servers) giving service, and a cached item expensive to produce expires, you may get several workers doing the job at the same time
oCPoolCounterWorkClass for dealing with PoolCounters using class members
oCPPDStackStack class to help Preprocessor::preprocessToObj()
oCPPNodeThere are three types of nodes:
oCPreferencesWe're now using the HTMLForm object with some customisation to generate the Preferences form
oCPrefixSearchHandles searching prefixes of titles and finding any page names that match
oCProcessCacheLRUHandles per process caching of items
oCProcessorProcessors read associated arrays and register whatever is required
oCProfilerProfiler base class that defines the interface and some trivial functionality
oCProfilerOutputBase class for profiling output
oCProfileSectionClass for handling function-scope profiling
oCProtectionFormHandles the page protection UI and backend
oCQuickTemplateGeneric wrapper for template functions, with interface compatible with what we use of PHPTAL 0.7
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\RaggettWrapperClass used to hide mw:editsection tokens from Tidy so that it doesn't break them or break on them
oCRandomImageGeneratorRandomImageGenerator: does what it says on the tin
oCRangeDifferenceAlternative representation of a set of changes, by the index ranges that are changed
oCRCFeedEngineInterface for RC feed engines, which send formatted notifications
oCRCFeedFormatterInterface for RC feed formatters
oCRecentChangeUtility class for creating new RC entries
oCRecompressTrackedMaintenance script that moves blobs indexed by trackBlobs.php to a specified list of destination clusters, and recompresses them in the process
oCRedisConnRefHelper class to handle automatically marking connectons as reusable (via RAII pattern)
oCReplacementArrayWrapper around strtr() that holds replacements
oCReplacerBase class for "replacers", objects used in preg_replace_callback() and StringUtils::delimiterReplaceCallback()
oCRepoGroupPrioritized list of file repositories
oCRepoGroupTestHelperQuick helper class to use as a mock callback for RepoGroup::singleton()->forEachForeignRepo
oCResourceLoaderContextObject passed around to modules which contains information about the state of a specific loader request
oCResourceLoaderFilePathAn object to represent a path to a JavaScript/CSS file, along with a remote and local base path, for use with ResourceLoaderFileModule
oCResourceLoaderImageClass encapsulating an image used in a ResourceLoaderImageModule
oCRevisionDeleterGeneral controller for RevDel, used by both SpecialRevisiondelete and ApiRevisionDelete
oCRevisionDeleteUserBackend functions for suppressing and unsuppressing all references to a given user, used when blocking with HideUser enabled
oCRevisionItemBaseAbstract base class for revision items
oCMediaWiki\Services\SalvageableServiceSalvageableService defines an interface for services that are able to salvage state from a previous instance of the same class
oCSanitizerHTML sanitizer for MediaWiki
oCSavepointPostgresManage savepoints within a transaction
oCScopedCallbackClass for asserting that a callback happens when an dummy object leaves scope
oCScopedLockSelf-releasing locks
oCSearchEngineContain a class for special pages
oCSearchEngineConfigConfiguration handling class for SearchEngine
oCSearchEngineFactoryFactory class for SearchEngine
oCSearchExactMatchRescorerAn utility class to rescore search results by looking for an exact match in the db and add the page found to the first position
oCSearchHighlighterHighlight bits of wikitext
oCSearchIndexFieldDefinition of a mapping for the search index field
oCSearchNearMatcherImplementation of near match title search
oCSearchSuggestionSearch suggestion
oCSearchSuggestionSetSearch suggestion sets
oCSectionProfilerCustom PHP profiler for parser/DB type section names that xhprof/xdebug can't handle
oCMediaWiki\Session\SessionBackendThis is the actual workhorse for Session
oCMediaWiki\Session\SessionIdValue object holding the session ID in a manner that can be globally updated
oCMediaWiki\Session\SessionInfoValue object returned by SessionProvider
oCMediaWiki\Session\SessionProviderInterfaceThis exists to make IDEs happy, so they don't see the internal-but-required-to-be-public methods on SessionProvider
oCSevenZipStreamStream wrapper around 7za filter program
oCSiteConfigurationThis is a class for holding configuration settings, particularly for multi-wiki sites
oCSiteStatsStatic accessor class for site_stats and related things
oCSiteStatsInitClass designed for counting of stats
oCSkinFactoryFactory class to create Skin objects
oCSpecialPageParent class for all special pages
oCSpecialPageFactoryFactory for handling the special page list and generating SpecialPage objects
oCSpecialPageTestHelperThis program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
oCMediaWiki\Logger\SpiService provider interface for \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface implementation libraries
oCSqliteThis class contains code common to different SQLite-related maintenance scripts
oCSquidPurgeClientAn HTTP 1.0 client built for the purposes of purging Squid and Varnish
oCStatsdAwareInterfaceDescribes a Statsd aware interface
oCStatsOutputA general output object
oCStatusGeneric operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value
oCStatusValueGeneric operation result class Has warning/error list, boolean status and arbitrary value
oCStreamFileFunctions related to the output of file content
oCStubObjectClass to implement stub globals, which are globals that delay loading the their associated module code by deferring initialisation until the first method call
oCTestingAccessWrapperCircumvent access restrictions on object internals
oCTestRecentChangesHelperHelper for generating test recent changes entries
oCTestUserWraps the user object, so we can also retain full access to properties like password if we log in via the API
oCMediaWiki\Session\TestUtilsUtility functions for Session unit tests
oCMediaWiki\Tidy\TidyDriverBaseBase class for HTML cleanup utilities
oCTidySupportInitialize and detect the tidy support
oCTitleFormatterA title formatter service for MediaWiki
oCTitleParserA title parser service for MediaWiki
oCMediaWiki\Session\TokenValue object representing a CSRF token
oCUDPTransportA generic class to send a message over UDP
oCUIDGeneratorClass for getting statistically unique IDs
oCUpdateLoggingMaintenance script that upgrade for log_id/log_deleted fields in a replication-safe way
oCUploadBaseUploadBase and subclasses are the backend of MediaWiki's file uploads
oCUploadSourceAdapterThis is a horrible hack used to keep source compatibility
oCUploadStashUploadStash is intended to accomplish a few things:
oCUserDupesLook for duplicate user table entries and optionally prune them
oCMediaWiki\Session\UserInfoObject holding data about a session's user
oCUserMailerCollection of static functions for sending mail
oCUserNamePrefixSearchHandles searching prefixes of user names
oCUserPasswordPolicyCheck if a user's password complies with any password policies that apply to that user, based on the user's group membership
oCUserRightsProxyCut-down copy of User interface for local-interwiki-database user rights manipulation
oCUtfNormalUnicode normalization routines for working with UTF-8 strings
oCVirtualRESTServiceVirtual HTTP service instance that can be mounted on to a VirtualRESTService
oCVirtualRESTServiceClientVirtual HTTP service client loosely styled after a Virtual File System
oCWatchedItemRepresentation of a pair of user and title for watchlist entries
oCWebInstallerOutputOutput class modelled on OutputPage
oCWebInstallerPageAbstract class to define pages for the web installer
oCWebRequestEncapsulates getting at data passed in the URL or via a POSTed form stripping illegal input characters and normalizing Unicode sequences
oCWebRequestUploadObject to access the $_FILES array
oCWebResponseAllow programs to request this object from WebRequest::response() and handle all outputting (or lack of outputting) via it
oCWikiImporterXML file reader for the page data importer
oCWikiMapHelper tools for dealing with other wikis
oCMediaWiki\Logger\Monolog\WikiProcessorAnnotate log records with request-global metadata, such as the hostname, wiki / request ID, and MediaWiki version
oCWikiReferenceReference to a locally-hosted wiki
oCWikiRevisionRepresents a revision, log entry or upload during the import process
oCMediaWiki\Diff\WordAccumulatorStores, escapes and formats the results of word-level diff
oCXhprofConvenience class for working with XHProf
oCXhprofDataConvenience class for working with XHProf profiling data
oCXmlModule of static functions for generating XML
oCXmlJsCodeA wrapper class which causes Xml::encodeJsVar() and Xml::encodeJsCall() to interpret a given string as being a JavaScript expression, instead of string data
oCXmlSelectClass for generating HTML <select> or <datalist> elements
oCXMPInfoThis class is just a container for a big array used by XMPReader to determine which XMP items to extract
oCZipDirectoryReaderA class for reading ZIP file directories, for the purposes of upload verification