Sharded Cluster Maintenance TutorialsΒΆ

The following tutorials provide information in maintaining sharded clusters.

View Cluster Configuration
View status information about the cluster’s databases, shards, and chunks.
Replace a Config Server
Replace a config server in a config server replica set.
Migrate Config Servers with the Same Hostname
For a sharded cluster with three mirrored config servers, migrate a config server to a new system while keeping the same hostname. This procedure requires changing the DNS entry to point to the new system.
Migrate Config Servers with Different Hostnames
For a sharded cluster with three mirrored config servers, migrate a config server to a new system that uses a new hostname. If possible, avoid changing the hostname and instead use the Migrate Config Servers with the Same Hostname procedure.
Migrate a Sharded Cluster to Different Hardware
Migrate a sharded cluster to a different hardware system, for example, when moving a pre-production environment to production.
Backup Cluster Metadata
Create a backup of a sharded cluster’s metadata while keeping the cluster operational.
Configure Behavior of Balancer Process in Sharded Clusters
Manage the balancer’s behavior by scheduling a balancing window, changing size settings, or requiring replication before migration.
Manage Sharded Cluster Balancer
View balancer status and manage balancer behavior.
Remove Shards from an Existing Sharded Cluster
Migrate a single shard’s data and remove the shard.

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