
Symbols | _ | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Z


"local" (readConcern values)
"majority" (readConcern values)
(write concern values)
$ (projection operator)
(update operator)
$abs (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$add (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$addToSet (aggregation framework group expression)
(update operator)
$all (query)
$allElementsTrue (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$and (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$anyElementTrue (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$arrayElemAt (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$atomic (update operator)
$avg (aggregation framework group expression)
$bit (update operator)
$bitsAllClear (query)
$bitsAllSet (query)
$bitsAnyClear (query)
$bitsAnySet (query)
$box (query)
$ceil (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$center (query)
$centerSphere (query)
$cmp (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$comment (operator)
$concat (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$concatArrays (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$cond (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$currentDate (update operator)
$dateToString (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$dayOfMonth (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$dayOfWeek (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$dayOfYear (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$divide (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$each (update operator)
$elemMatch (projection operator)
$eq (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$exists (query)
$exp (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$explain (operator)
$filter (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$first (aggregation framework group expression)
$floor (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$geoIntersects (query)
$geometry (query)
$geoNear (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$geoWithin (query)
$group (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$gt (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$gte (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$hint (operator)
$hour (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$ifNull (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$in (query)
$inc (update operator)
$indexStats (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$isArray (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$isolated (update operator)
$last (aggregation framework group expression)
$let (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$limit (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$literal (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$ln (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$log (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$log10 (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$lookup (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$lt (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$lte (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$map (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$match (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$max (aggregation framework group expression)
(update operator)
$maxDistance (query)
$maxScan (operator)
$maxTimeMS (operator)
$meta (aggregation framework transformation expression)
(projection operator)
$millisecond (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$min (aggregation framework group expression)
(update operator)
$minDistance (query)
$minute (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$mod (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$month (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$mul (update operator)
$multiply (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$natural (operator)
$ne (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$near (query)
$nearSphere (query)
$nin (query)
$nor (query)
$not (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$options (query)
$or (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$orderby (operator)
$out (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$polygon (query)
$pop (update operator)
$position (update operator)
$pow (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$project (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$pull (update operator)
$pullAll (update operator)
$push (aggregation framework group expression)
(update operator)
$pushAll (update operator)
$query (operator)
$redact (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$regex (query)
$rename (update operator)
$returnKey (operator)
$sample (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$second (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$set (update operator)
$setDifference (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$setEquals (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$setIntersection (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$setIsSubset (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$setOnInsert (update operator)
$setUnion (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$showDiskLoc (operator)
$size (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$skip (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$slice (aggregation framework transformation expression)
(projection operator)
(update operator)
$snapshot (operator)
$sort (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
(update operator)
$sqrt (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$stdDevPop (aggregation framework group expression)
$stdDevSamp (aggregation framework group expression)
$strcasecmp (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$substr (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$subtract (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$sum (aggregation framework group expression)
$text (query)
$toLower (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$toUpper (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$trunc (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$type (query)
$uniqueDocs (query)
$unset (update operator)
$unwind (aggregation framework pipeline operator)
$week (aggregation framework transformation expression)
$where (query)
$within (query)
$year (aggregation framework transformation expression)
- (MongoDB reporting output)
command line option
--archive <file or null>
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option
--authenticationDatabase <dbname>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
--authenticationMechanism <name>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
command line option
--basisTechRootDirectory <path>
command line option, [1]
--bind_ip <ip address>
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
--chunkSize <value>
command line option
--clusterAuthMode <option>
command line option, [1]
--collection <collection>, -c <collection>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
--config <filename>, -f <filename>
command line option, [1]
--configdb <replicasetName>/<config1>,<config2>...
command line option
command line option
--configsvrMode <string>
command line option
command line option
--customFilterField <name>, -f <name>
command line option
--db <database>, -d <database>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
--dbpath <path>
command line option
--diaglog <value>
command line option
--dir string
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option
--enableEncryption <boolean>
command line option
command line option
--encryptionCipherMode <string>
command line option
--encryptionKeyFile <string>
command line option
--eval <javascript>
command line option
--excludeCollection array of strings
command line option
--excludeCollectionsWithPrefix array of strings
command line option
command line option
--fieldFile <filename>
command line option, [1]
--fields <field1[,field2]>, -f <field1[,field2]>
command line option, [1]
--file <filename>
command line option
--filePermissions <path>
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
--forward <host><:port>
command line option
--from <host[:port]>
command line option
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
--help, -h
command line option, [1], [2], [3]
--host <hostname>
command line option
--host <hostname>, -h <hostname>
command line option
--host <hostname><:port>
command line option
--host <hostname><:port>, -h <hostname><:port>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
--inMemorySizeGB <integer>
command line option
--inMemoryStatisticsLogDelaySecs <integer>
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
command line option
--journalCommitInterval <value>
command line option
--journalOptions <arguments>
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option
--keyFile <file>
command line option, [1]
--kmipClientCertificateFile <string>
command line option
--kmipClientCertificatePassword <string>
command line option
--kmipKeyIdentifier <string>
command line option
--kmipPort <number>
command line option
--kmipRotateMasterKey <boolean>
command line option
--kmipServerCAFile <string>
command line option
--kmipServerName <string>
command line option
--limit <number>
command line option
--local <filename>, -l <filename>
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
--logpath <path>
command line option, [1]
--logRotate <string>
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
--maxConns <number>
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option, [1]
--nssize <value>
command line option
--numInsertionWorkers int
command line option
--numInsertionWorkersPerCollection int
command line option
--numParallelCollections int, -j int
command line option
command line option, [1], [2]
--only <arg>
command line option
command line option
--oplogLimit <timestamp>
command line option
--oplogns <namespace>
command line option
command line option
--oplogSize <value>
command line option
--out <file>, -o <file>
command line option
--out <path>, -o <path>
command line option, [1]
--password <password>, -p <password>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
--password <password>, -W <password>
command line option, [1]
--pidfilepath <path>
command line option, [1]
command line option
--port <port>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--port <port>, -p <port>
command line option, [1]
--prefix string
command line option
command line option, [1]
--profile <level>
command line option
--query <JSON>, -q <JSON>
command line option
--query <json>, -q <json>
command line option
--queryFile <path>
command line option
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]
command line option
--quotaFiles <number>
command line option
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
--repairpath <path>
command line option
--replace, -r
command line option
command line option
--replSet <setname>
command line option
command line option
command line option
--rowcount <number>, -n <number>
command line option
--rowcount int, -n int
command line option
--seconds <number>, -s <number>
command line option
--serviceDescription <description>
command line option, [1]
--serviceDisplayName <name>
command line option, [1]
--serviceName name
command line option, [1]
--servicePassword <password>
command line option, [1]
--serviceUser <user>
command line option, [1]
--setParameter <options>
command line option, [1]
command line option
command line option
command line option
--skip <number>
command line option
command line option
--slavedelay <value>
command line option
--slaveOk, -k
command line option
--slowms <integer>
command line option
command line option
command line option
command line option
--sort <JSON>
command line option
--source <host><:port>
command line option
--source <NET [interface]>, <FILE [filename]>, <DIAGLOG [filename]>
command line option
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslCAFile <filename>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslClusterFile <filename>
command line option, [1]
--sslClusterPassword <value>
command line option, [1]
--sslCRLFile <filename>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslDisabledProtocols <protocol(s)>
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslMode <mode>
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
--sslPEMKeyFile <filename>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslPEMKeyPassword <value>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
command line option, [1]
--storageEngine string
command line option
--syncdelay <value>
command line option
command line option
command line option, [1]
--syslogFacility <string>
command line option, [1]
--timeStampFormat <string>
command line option, [1]
command line option
--type <=json|=debug>
command line option
--type <json|csv|tsv>
command line option
--type <MIME>
command line option
--type <string>
command line option
--unixSocketPrefix <path>
command line option, [1]
command line option, [1]
command line option
--upsertFields <field1[,field2]>
command line option
--username <username>, -u <username>
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
command line option
--verbose <level>, -v <level>
command line option
--verbose, -v
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
command line option, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
--w <number of replicas per write>
command line option
--wiredTigerCacheSizeGB number
command line option
--wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor <compressor>
command line option
command line option
--wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression <boolean>
command line option
--wiredTigerJournalCompressor <compressor>
command line option
--wiredTigerStatisticsLogDelaySecs <seconds>
command line option
--writeConcern <document>
command line option, [1], [2]
0 (error code)
100 (error code)
12 (error code)
14 (error code)
2 (error code)
20 (error code)
2d Geospatial queries cannot use the $or operator (MongoDB system limit)
3 (error code)
4 (error code)
45 (error code)
47 (error code)
48 (error code)
49 (error code)
5 (error code)
<database>.system.indexes (MongoDB reporting output)
<database>.system.js (MongoDB reporting output)
<database>.system.namespaces (MongoDB reporting output)
<database>.system.profile (MongoDB reporting output)
<number> (write concern values)
<tag set> (write concern values)


__system (user role)
_hashBSONElement (database command)
_hashBSONElement.key (MongoDB reporting output)
_hashBSONElement.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
_hashBSONElement.out (MongoDB reporting output)
_hashBSONElement.seed (MongoDB reporting output)
_id, [1]
(replica set configuration setting)
_id index
_isSelf (database command)
_isWindows (shell method)
_migrateClone (database command)
_rand (shell method)
_recvChunkAbort (database command)
_recvChunkCommit (database command)
_recvChunkStart (database command)
_recvChunkStatus (database command)
_skewClockCommand (database command)
_srand (shell method)
_startMongoProgram (shell method)
_testDistLockWithSkew (database command)
_testDistLockWithSyncCluster (database command)
_transferMods (database command)


ACCESS (MongoDB reporting output)
addShard (database command)
(user action)
admin database
admin.system.roles (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.db (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.privileges (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.privileges[n].actions (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.privileges[n].resource (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.role (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.roles (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.roles[n].db (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.roles.roles[n].role (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.credentials (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.customData (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.db (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.roles (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.roles[n].db (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.roles[n].role (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.users.user (MongoDB reporting output)
admin.system.version (MongoDB reporting output)
administration tutorials
advisoryHostFQDNs (serverstatus data)
aggregate (database command)
aggregation framework
Aggregation Pipeline Operation (MongoDB system limit)
anyAction (user action)
appendOplogNote (user action)
applicationMessage (user action)
applyOps (database command)
ARBITER (replica set state)
Area of GeoJSON Polygons (MongoDB system limit)
asserts (serverstatus data)
asserts.msg (serverstatus data)
asserts.regular (serverstatus data)
asserts.rollovers (serverstatus data)
asserts.user (serverstatus data)
asserts.warning (serverstatus data)
auditAuthorizationSuccess (setParameter option)
auditLog.destination (setting)
auditLog.filter (setting)
auditLog.format (setting)
auditLog.path (setting)
authenticate (database command)
authenticationMechanisms (setParameter option)
authSchemaUpgrade (database command)
(user action)
availableQueryOptions (database command)


backgroundFlushing (serverstatus data)
backgroundFlushing.average_ms (serverstatus data)
backgroundFlushing.flushes (serverstatus data)
backgroundFlushing.last_finished (serverstatus data)
backgroundFlushing.last_ms (serverstatus data)
backgroundFlushing.total_ms (serverstatus data)
backup (user role)
secondary throttle
basisTech (setting)
basisTech.rootDirectory (setting)
batchType (MongoDB reporting output)
BSON Document Size (MongoDB system limit)
BSON types
bsondump (program), [1]
buildInfo (database command)
(MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.allocator (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.bits (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.buildEnvironment (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.debug (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.gitVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.javascriptEngine (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.maxBsonObjectSize (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.modules (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.openssl (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.sysInfo (MongoDB reporting output)
buildInfo.versionArray (MongoDB reporting output)
Bulk (shell method)
Bulk.execute (shell method)
Bulk.find (shell method)
Bulk.find.remove (shell method)
Bulk.find.removeOne (shell method)
Bulk.find.replaceOne (shell method)
Bulk.find.update (shell method)
Bulk.find.updateOne (shell method)
Bulk.find.upsert (shell method)
Bulk.getOperations (shell method)
Bulk.insert (shell method)
Bulk.tojson (shell method)
Bulk.toString (shell method)
BulkWriteResult (shell method)
BulkWriteResult.nInserted (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.nMatched (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.nModified (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.nRemoved (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.nUpserted (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.upserted (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.upserted._id (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.upserted.index (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeConcernError (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeConcernError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeConcernError.errInfo (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeConcernError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeErrors (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeErrors.code (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeErrors.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeErrors.index (MongoDB reporting output)
BulkWriteResult.writeErrors.op (MongoDB reporting output)
bypassDocumentValidation (user action)


CAP Theorem
capped collection
captrunc (database command)
cat (shell method)
cd (shell method)
changeCustomData (user action)
changeOwnCustomData (user action)
changeOwnPassword (user action)
changePassword (user action)
checkShardingIndex (database command)
chunks._id (MongoDB reporting output)
chunks.data (MongoDB reporting output)
chunks.files_id (MongoDB reporting output)
chunks.n (MongoDB reporting output)
clean (database command)
cleanupOrphaned (database command)
(user action)
cleanupOrphaned.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
cleanupOrphaned.stoppedAtKey (MongoDB reporting output)
clearRawMongoProgramOutput (shell method)
clone (database command)
cloneCollection (database command)
cloneCollectionAsCapped (database command)
closeAllDatabases (user action)
clusterAdmin (user role)
clusterAuthMode (setParameter option)
clusterManager (user role)
clusterMonitor (user role)
collection scan
collMod (database command)
(user action)
collStats (database command)
(user action)
collStats.avgObjSize (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.capped (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.count (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.indexDetails (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.indexSizes (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.lastExtentSize (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.max (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.maxSize (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.nindexes (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.numExtents (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.paddingFactor (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.size (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.storageSize (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.totalIndexSize (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.userFlags (MongoDB reporting output)
collStats.wiredTiger (MongoDB reporting output)
COMMAND (MongoDB reporting output)
command line option
--archive <file or null>, [1]
--auditDestination, [1]
--auditFilter, [1]
--auditFormat, [1]
--auditPath, [1]
--authenticationDatabase <dbname>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
--authenticationMechanism <name>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
--basisTechRootDirectory <path>, [1]
--bind_ip <ip address>, [1]
--bypassDocumentValidation, [1]
--chunkSize <value>
--clusterAuthMode <option>, [1]
--collection <collection>, -c <collection>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
--config <filename>, -f <filename>, [1]
--configdb <replicasetName>/<config1>,<config2>...
--configsvrMode <string>
--customFilterField <name>, -f <name>
--db <database>, -d <database>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
--dbpath <path>
--diaglog <value>
--dir string
--drop, [1]
--enableEncryption <boolean>
--encryptionCipherMode <string>
--encryptionKeyFile <string>
--eval <javascript>
--excludeCollection array of strings
--excludeCollectionsWithPrefix array of strings
--fieldFile <filename>, [1]
--fields <field1[,field2]>, -f <field1[,field2]>, [1]
--file <filename>
--filePermissions <path>, [1]
--forceTableScan, [1]
--fork, [1]
--forward <host><:port>
--from <host[:port]>
--gssapiHostName, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
--gssapiServiceName, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
--gzip, [1]
--help, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
--help, -h, [1], [2], [3]
--host <hostname>
--host <hostname>, -h <hostname>
--host <hostname><:port>
--host <hostname><:port>, -h <hostname><:port>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]
--httpinterface, [1]
--inMemorySizeGB <integer>
--inMemoryStatisticsLogDelaySecs <integer>
--install, [1]
--ipv6, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--journalCommitInterval <value>
--journalOptions <arguments>
--json, [1]
--jsonArray, [1]
--jsonp, [1]
--keyFile <file>, [1]
--kmipClientCertificateFile <string>
--kmipClientCertificatePassword <string>
--kmipKeyIdentifier <string>
--kmipPort <number>
--kmipRotateMasterKey <boolean>
--kmipServerCAFile <string>
--kmipServerName <string>
--limit <number>
--local <filename>, -l <filename>
--logRotate <string>
--logappend, [1]
--logpath <path>, [1]
--maintainInsertionOrder, [1]
--maxConns <number>, [1]
--noscripting, [1]
--nounixsocket, [1]
--nssize <value>
--numInsertionWorkers int
--numInsertionWorkersPerCollection int
--numParallelCollections int, -j int
--objcheck, [1], [2]
--only <arg>
--oplogLimit <timestamp>
--oplogSize <value>
--oplogns <namespace>
--out <file>, -o <file>
--out <path>, -o <path>, [1]
--password <password>, -W <password>, [1]
--password <password>, -p <password>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
--pidfilepath <path>, [1]
--port <port>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--port <port>, -p <port>, [1]
--prefix string
--pretty, [1]
--profile <level>
--query <JSON>, -q <JSON>
--query <json>, -q <json>
--queryFile <path>
--quiet, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11]
--quotaFiles <number>
--reinstall, [1]
--remove, [1]
--repair, [1]
--repairpath <path>
--replSet <setname>
--replace, -r
--rowcount <number>, -n <number>
--rowcount int, -n int
--seconds <number>, -s <number>
--serviceDescription <description>, [1]
--serviceDisplayName <name>, [1]
--serviceName name, [1]
--servicePassword <password>, [1]
--serviceUser <user>, [1]
--setParameter <options>, [1]
--skip <number>
--slaveOk, -k
--slavedelay <value>
--slowms <integer>
--sort <JSON>
--source <NET [interface]>, <FILE [filename]>, <DIAGLOG [filename]>
--source <host><:port>
--ssl, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]
--sslAllowConnectionsWithoutCertificates, [1]
--sslAllowInvalidCertificates, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslAllowInvalidHostnames, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslCAFile <filename>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslCRLFile <filename>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslClusterFile <filename>, [1]
--sslClusterPassword <value>, [1]
--sslDisabledProtocols <protocol(s)>, [1]
--sslFIPSMode, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslMode <mode>, [1]
--sslOnNormalPorts, [1]
--sslPEMKeyFile <filename>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--sslPEMKeyPassword <value>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--stopOnError, [1]
--storageEngine string
--syncdelay <value>
--syslog, [1]
--syslogFacility <string>, [1]
--timeStampFormat <string>, [1]
--type <=json|=debug>
--type <MIME>
--type <json|csv|tsv>
--type <string>
--unixSocketPrefix <path>, [1]
--upgrade, [1]
--upsertFields <field1[,field2]>
--username <username>, -u <username>, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]
--verbose <level>, -v <level>
--verbose, -v, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]
--version, [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12]
--w <number of replicas per write>
--wiredTigerCacheSizeGB number
--wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor <compressor>
--wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression <boolean>
--wiredTigerJournalCompressor <compressor>
--wiredTigerStatisticsLogDelaySecs <seconds>
--writeConcern <document>, [1], [2]
compact (database command)
(user action)
compound index, [1]
concurrency control
(MongoDB reporting output)
config database
config databases
config server
config servers
config.changelog (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog._id (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog.clientAddr (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog.details (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog.server (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog.time (MongoDB reporting output)
config.changelog.what (MongoDB reporting output)
config.chunks (MongoDB reporting output)
config.collections (MongoDB reporting output)
config.databases (MongoDB reporting output)
config.lockpings (MongoDB reporting output)
config.locks (MongoDB reporting output)
config.mongos (MongoDB reporting output)
config.settings (MongoDB reporting output)
config.shards (MongoDB reporting output)
config.tags (MongoDB reporting output)
config.version (MongoDB reporting output)
configsvr (replica set configuration setting)
configureFailPoint (database command)
connect (shell method)
connection pooling
read operations
connection string format
connections (serverstatus data)
connections.available (serverstatus data)
connections.current (serverstatus data)
connections.totalCreated (serverstatus data)
connectionStatus (database command)
connectionStatus.authInfo (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.authinfo.authenticatedUserRoles (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.authinfo.authenticatedUserRoles[n].db (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.authinfo.authenticatedUserRoles[n].role (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.authinfo.authenticatedUsers (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.authInfo.authenticatedUsers[n].db (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.authInfo.authenticatedUsers[n].user (MongoDB reporting output)
connectionStatus.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolMaxConnsPerHost (setParameter option)
connPoolMaxShardedConnsPerHost (setParameter option)
connPoolStats (database command)
(user action)
connPoolStats.createdByType (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.createdByType.master (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.createdByType.set (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.createdByType.sync (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.hosts (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.hosts.[host].available (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.hosts.[host].created (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.numAScopedConnection (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.numDBClientConnection (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].addr (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].hidden (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].ismaster (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].ok (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].pingTimeMillis (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].secondary (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].host[n].tags (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].master (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.[shard].nextSlave (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.replicaSets.shard (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.totalAvailable (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolStats.totalCreated (MongoDB reporting output)
connPoolSync (database command)
(user action)
CONTROL (MongoDB reporting output)
convertToCapped (database command)
(user action)
copydb (database command)
copydbgetnonce (database command)
copyDbpath (shell method)
count (database command)
Covered Queries in Sharded Clusters (MongoDB system limit)
cpuProfiler (user action)
create (database command)
createCollection (user action)
createIndex (user action)
createIndexes (database command)
createIndexes.code (MongoDB reporting output)
createIndexes.createdCollectionAutomatically (MongoDB reporting output)
createIndexes.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
createIndexes.note (MongoDB reporting output)
createIndexes.numIndexesAfter (MongoDB reporting output)
createIndexes.numIndexesBefore (MongoDB reporting output)
createIndexes.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
createRole (database command)
(user action)
createUser (database command)
(user action)
write operations
CURRENT (system variable available in aggregation)
currentOp.active (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.client (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.connectionId (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.desc (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.fsyncLock (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.info (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.insert (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.killPending (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.locks (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.lockStats (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.lockStats.acquireCount (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.lockStats.acquireWaitCount (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.lockStats.deadlockCount (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.lockStats.timeAcquiringMicros (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.microsecs_running (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.msg (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.numYields (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.op (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.opid (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.planSummary (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.progress (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.progress.done (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.progress.total (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.query (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.secs_running (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.threadId (MongoDB reporting output)
currentOp.waitingForLock (MongoDB reporting output)
cursor.addOption (shell method)
cursor.batchSize (shell method)
cursor.close (shell method)
cursor.comment (shell method)
cursor.count (shell method)
cursor.explain (shell method)
cursor.forEach (shell method)
cursor.hasNext (shell method)
cursor.hint (shell method)
cursor.itcount (shell method)
cursor.limit (shell method)
cursor.map (shell method)
cursor.max (shell method)
cursor.maxScan (shell method)
cursor.maxTimeMS (shell method)
cursor.min (shell method)
cursor.next (shell method)
cursor.noCursorTimeout (shell method)
cursor.objsLeftInBatch (shell method)
cursor.pretty (shell method)
cursor.readConcern (shell method)
cursor.readPref (shell method)
cursor.returnKey (shell method)
cursor.showRecordId (shell method)
cursor.size (shell method)
cursor.skip (shell method)
cursor.snapshot (shell method)
cursor.sort (shell method)
cursor.tailable (shell method)
cursor.toArray (shell method)
cursorInfo (database command)
(user action)
cursorTimeoutMillis (setParameter option)


data directory
Data Size (MongoDB system limit)
data-center awareness
data_binary (BSON type)
data_date (BSON type)
data_maxkey (BSON type)
data_minkey (BSON type)
data_numberlong (BSON type)
data_oid (BSON type)
data_ref (BSON type)
data_regex (BSON type)
data_timestamp (BSON type)
data_undefined (BSON type)
database, [1]
database command
Database Name Case Sensitivity (MongoDB system limit)
database profiler
database references
Database Size (MongoDB system limit)
dataSize (database command)
Date (shell method)
db.auth (shell method)
db.changeUserPassword (shell method)
db.cloneCollection (shell method)
db.cloneDatabase (shell method)
db.collection.aggregate (shell method)
db.collection.bulkWrite (shell method)
db.collection.copyTo (shell method)
db.collection.count (shell method)
db.collection.createIndex (shell method)
db.collection.dataSize (shell method)
db.collection.deleteMany (shell method)
db.collection.deleteOne (shell method)
db.collection.distinct (shell method)
db.collection.drop (shell method)
db.collection.dropIndex (shell method)
db.collection.dropIndexes (shell method)
db.collection.ensureIndex (shell method)
db.collection.explain (shell method)
db.collection.find (shell method)
db.collection.findAndModify (shell method)
db.collection.findOne (shell method)
db.collection.findOneAndDelete (shell method)
db.collection.findOneAndReplace (shell method)
db.collection.findOneAndUpdate (shell method)
db.collection.getIndexes (shell method)
db.collection.getPlanCache (shell method)
db.collection.getShardDistribution (shell method)
db.collection.getShardVersion (shell method)
db.collection.group (shell method)
db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp (shell method)
db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp (shell method)
db.collection.insert (shell method)
db.collection.insertMany (shell method)
db.collection.insertOne (shell method)
db.collection.isCapped (shell method)
db.collection.mapReduce (shell method)
db.collection.reIndex (shell method)
db.collection.remove (shell method)
db.collection.renameCollection (shell method)
db.collection.replaceOne (shell method)
db.collection.save (shell method)
db.collection.stats (shell method)
db.collection.storageSize (shell method)
db.collection.totalIndexSize (shell method)
db.collection.totalSize (shell method)
db.collection.update (shell method)
db.collection.updateMany (shell method)
db.collection.updateOne (shell method)
db.collection.validate (shell method)
db.commandHelp (shell method)
db.copyDatabase (shell method)
db.createCollection (shell method)
db.createRole (shell method)
db.createUser (shell method)
db.currentOp (shell method)
db.dropAllRoles (shell method)
db.dropAllUsers (shell method)
db.dropDatabase (shell method)
db.dropRole (shell method)
db.dropUser (shell method)
db.eval (shell method)
db.fsyncLock (shell method)
db.fsyncUnlock (shell method)
db.getCollection (shell method)
db.getCollectionInfos (shell method)
db.getCollectionNames (shell method)
db.getLastError (shell method)
db.getLastErrorObj (shell method)
db.getLogComponents (shell method)
db.getMongo (shell method)
db.getName (shell method)
db.getPrevError (shell method)
db.getProfilingLevel (shell method)
db.getProfilingStatus (shell method)
db.getReplicationInfo (shell method)
db.getReplicationInfo.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.logSizeMB (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.now (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.oplogMainRowCount (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.tFirst (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.timeDiff (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.timeDiffHours (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.tLast (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getReplicationInfo.usedMB (MongoDB reporting output)
db.getRole (shell method)
db.getRoles (shell method)
db.getSiblingDB (shell method)
db.getUser (shell method)
db.getUsers (shell method)
db.grantPrivilegesToRole (shell method)
db.grantRolesToRole (shell method)
db.grantRolesToUser (shell method)
db.help (shell method)
db.hostInfo (shell method)
db.isMaster (shell method)
db.killOp (shell method)
db.listCommands (shell method)
db.loadServerScripts (shell method)
db.logout (shell method)
db.printCollectionStats (shell method)
db.printReplicationInfo (shell method)
db.printShardingStatus (shell method)
db.printSlaveReplicationInfo (shell method)
db.removeUser (shell method)
db.repairDatabase (shell method)
db.resetError (shell method)
db.revokePrivilegesFromRole (shell method)
db.revokeRolesFromRole (shell method)
db.revokeRolesFromUser (shell method)
db.runCommand (shell method)
db.serverBuildInfo (shell method)
db.serverCmdLineOpts (shell method)
db.serverStatus (shell method)
db.setLogLevel (shell method)
db.setProfilingLevel (shell method)
db.shutdownServer (shell method)
db.stats (shell method)
db.updateRole (shell method)
db.updateUser (shell method)
db.upgradeCheck (shell method)
db.upgradeCheckAllDBs (shell method)
db.version (shell method)
dbAdmin (user role)
dbAdminAnyDatabase (user role)
dbHash (database command)
(user action)
dbOwner (user role)
dbStats (database command)
(user action)
dbStats.avgObjSize (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.collections (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.dataFileVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.dataFileVersion.major (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.dataFileVersion.minor (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.dataSize (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.db (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.extentFreeList (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.extentFreeList.num (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.extentFreeList.size (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.fileSize (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.indexes (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.indexSize (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.nsSizeMB (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.numExtents (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.objects (MongoDB reporting output)
dbStats.storageSize (MongoDB reporting output)
delayed member
delete (database command)
delete.n (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeConcernError (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeConcernError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeConcernError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeErrors (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeErrors.code (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeErrors.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
delete.writeErrors.index (MongoDB reporting output)
DESCEND (system variable available in aggregation)
development tutorials
diagLogging (database command)
(user action)
diagnostic log
diagnosticDataCollectionDirectorySizeMB (setParameter option)
diagnosticDataCollectionEnabled (setParameter option)
diagnosticDataCollectionFileSizeMB (setParameter option)
diagnosticDataCollectionPeriodMillis (setParameter option)
disableJavaScriptJIT (setParameter option)
distinct (database command)
space allocation
document buildInfo.storageEngines (MongoDB reporting output)
document buildInfo.version (MongoDB reporting output)
dot notation
DOWN (replica set state)
driverOIDTest (database command)
drop (database command)
dropAllRolesFromDatabase (database command)
dropAllUsersFromDatabase (database command)
dropCollection (user action)
dropDatabase (database command)
(user action)
dropIndex (user action)
dropIndexes (database command)
dropRole (database command)
(user action)
dropUser (database command)
(user action)
dur (serverstatus data)
dur.commits (serverstatus data)
dur.commitsInWriteLock (serverstatus data)
dur.compression (serverstatus data)
dur.earlyCommits (serverstatus data)
dur.journaledMB (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.commits (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.commitsInWriteLock (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.dt (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.prepLogBuffer (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.remapPrivateView (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.writeToDataFiles (serverstatus data)
dur.timeMS.writeToJournal (serverstatus data)
dur.writeToDataFilesMB (serverstatus data)


emptycapped (database command)
(user action)
enableLocalhostAuthBypass (setParameter option)
enableProfiler (user action)
enableSharding (database command)
(user action)
enableTestCommands (setParameter option)
environment variable
EDITOR, [1], [2]
HOME, [1], [2]
eval (database command)
eventual consistency
explain (database command)
explain.executionStats (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.allPlansExecution (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.advanced (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.inputStage.docsExamined (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.inputStage.keysExamined (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.isEOF (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.needTime (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.needYield (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.shards (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionStages.works (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.executionTimeMillis (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.nReturned (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.totalDocsExamined (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.executionStats.totalKeysExamined (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.indexFilterSet (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.namespace (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.rejectedPlans (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.inputStage (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.inputStages (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.shards (MongoDB reporting output)
explain.queryPlanner.winningPlan.stage (MongoDB reporting output)
extra_info (serverstatus data)
extra_info.heap_usage_bytes (serverstatus data)
extra_info.note (serverstatus data)
extra_info.page_faults (serverstatus data)


failIndexKeyTooLong (setParameter option)
replica set
FATAL (replica set state)
features (database command)
field path
Fields with 2dsphere Indexes can only hold Geometries (MongoDB system limit)
filemd5 (database command)
files._id (MongoDB reporting output)
files.aliases (MongoDB reporting output)
files.chunkSize (MongoDB reporting output)
files.contentType (MongoDB reporting output)
files.filename (MongoDB reporting output)
files.length (MongoDB reporting output)
files.md5 (MongoDB reporting output)
files.metadata (MongoDB reporting output)
files.uploadDate (MongoDB reporting output)
find (database command)
(user action)
findAndModify (database command)
flushRouterConfig (database command)
(user action)
forceerror (database command)
(database command)
(user action)
fuzzFile (shell method)


GEO (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear (database command)
geoNear.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.results (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.results[n].dis (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.results[n].obj (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.stats (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.stats.avgDistance (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.stats.maxDistance (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.stats.nscanned (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.stats.objectsLoaded (MongoDB reporting output)
geoNear.stats.time (MongoDB reporting output)
geoSearch (database command)
geospatial queries
getCmdLineOpts (database command)
(user action)
getHostName (shell method)
getLastError (database command)
getLastError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.connectionId (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.err (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.lastOp (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.n (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.shards (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.singleShard (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.syncMillis (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.updatedExisting (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.upserted (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.waited (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.wnote (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.writtenTo (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.wtime (MongoDB reporting output)
getLastError.wtimeout (MongoDB reporting output)
getLog (database command)
(user action)
getMemInfo (shell method)
getMore (database command)
getnonce (database command)
getParameter (database command)
(user action)
getPrevError (database command)
getShardMap (database command)
(user action)
getShardVersion (database command)
(user action)
globalLock (serverstatus data)
globalLock.activeClients (serverstatus data)
globalLock.activeClients.readers (serverstatus data)
globalLock.activeClients.total (serverstatus data)
globalLock.activeClients.writers (serverstatus data)
globalLock.currentQueue (serverstatus data)
globalLock.currentQueue.readers (serverstatus data)
globalLock.currentQueue.total (serverstatus data)
globalLock.currentQueue.writers (serverstatus data)
globalLock.totalTime (serverstatus data)
godinsert (database command)
grantPrivilegesToRole (database command)
grantRole (user action)
grantRolesToRole (database command)
grantRolesToUser (database command)
GridFS, [1]
chunks collection
files collection
index; indexes
group (database command)


handshake (database command)
hashed shard key
haystack index
hidden (built-in class)
hidden member
HOME, [1]
host (serverstatus data)
hostInfo (database command)
(MongoDB reporting output)
(user action)
hostInfo.extra (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.alwaysFullSync (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.cpuFeatures (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.cpuFrequencyMHz (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.cpuString (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.kernelVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.libcVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.maxOpenFiles (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.nfsAsync (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.numPages (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.pageSize (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.physicalCores (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.scheduler (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.extra.versionString (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.os (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.os.name (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.os.type (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.os.version (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.cpuAddrSize (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.cpuArch (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.currentTime (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.hostname (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.memSizeMB (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.numaEnabled (MongoDB reporting output)
hostInfo.system.numCores (MongoDB reporting output)
hostManager (user role)
hostname (shell method)


TTL index
background creation
compound, [1]
create, [1]
create in background
embedded fields
hashed, [1]
list indexes, [1]
measure use
monitor index building
replica set
sort order
sparse, [1], [2]
unique, [1]
index (collection flag)
INDEX (MongoDB reporting output)
Index Key Limit (MongoDB system limit)
Index Name Length (MongoDB system limit)
index types
primary key
indexStats (user action)
init script
initial sync
inprog (user action)
insert (database command)
(user action)
insert.n (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeConcernError (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeConcernError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeConcernError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeErrors (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeErrors.code (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeErrors.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
insert.writeErrors.index (MongoDB reporting output)
installation guides
installation tutorials
intent lock
internal (user action)
config database
interrupt point
invalidateUserCache (database command)
(user action)
isdbgrid (database command)
isMaster (database command)
isMaster.arbiterOnly (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.arbiters (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.electionId (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.hidden (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.hosts (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.ismaster (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.localTime (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.maxBsonObjectSize (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.maxMessageSizeBytes (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.maxWireVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.me (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.minWireVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.msg (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.passive (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.passives (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.primary (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.secondary (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.setName (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.setVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
isMaster.tags (MongoDB reporting output)


j (write concern values)
JOURNAL (MongoDB reporting output)
journalCommitInterval (setParameter option)
journalLatencyTest (database command)
JSON document


KEEP (system variable available in aggregation)
killCursors (user action)
killop (user action)


least privilege
legacy coordinate pairs
Length of Database Names (MongoDB system limit)
listCollections (database command)
(user action)
listCollections.cursor (MongoDB reporting output)
listCollections.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
listCommands (database command)
listDatabases (database command)
(user action)
listFiles (shell method)
listIndexes (database command)
(user action)
listIndexes.cursor (MongoDB reporting output)
listIndexes.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
listShards (database command)
(user action)
load (shell method)
load balancer
local database
local.oplog.$main (MongoDB reporting output)
local.oplog.rs (MongoDB reporting output)
local.replset.minvalid (MongoDB reporting output)
local.slaves (MongoDB reporting output), [1]
local.sources (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log._id (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log.buildinfo (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log.cmdLine (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log.hostname (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log.pid (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log.startTime (MongoDB reporting output)
local.startup_log.startTimeLocal (MongoDB reporting output)
local.system.replset (MongoDB reporting output)
localTime (serverstatus data)
locks (serverstatus data)
locks.<type>.acquireCount (serverstatus data)
locks.<type>.acquireWaitCount (serverstatus data)
locks.<type>.deadlockCount (serverstatus data)
locks.<type>.timeAcquiringMicros (serverstatus data)
logApplicationMessage (database command)
logComponentVerbosity (setParameter option)
logLevel (setParameter option)
logout (database command)
logRotate (database command)
(user action)
logUserIds (setParameter option)
ls (shell method)


mapping type
mapReduce (database command)
mapReduce.counts (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.counts.emit (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.counts.input (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.counts.output (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.counts.reduce (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.result (MongoDB reporting output)
mapReduce.results (MongoDB reporting output)
mapreduce.shardedfinish (database command)
mapReduce.timeMillis (MongoDB reporting output)
Maximum Number of Documents in a Capped Collection (MongoDB system limit)
Maximum Number of Documents Per Chunk to Migrate (MongoDB system limit)
Maximum Size of Auto-Created Oplog (MongoDB system limit)
md5sumFile (shell method)
medianKey (database command)
mem (serverstatus data)
mem.bits (serverstatus data)
mem.mapped (serverstatus data)
mem.mappedWithJournal (serverstatus data)
mem.note (serverstatus data)
mem.resident (serverstatus data)
mem.supported (serverstatus data)
mem.virtual (serverstatus data)
members (replica set configuration setting)
members[n]._id (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].arbiterOnly (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].buildIndexes (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].hidden (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].host (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].priority (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].slaveDelay (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].tags (replica set configuration setting)
members[n].votes (replica set configuration setting)
mergeChunks (database command)
metrics (serverstatus data)
metrics.commands (serverstatus data)
metrics.commands.<command>.failed (serverstatus data)
metrics.commands.<command>.total (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.open (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.open.multiTarget (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.open.noTimeout (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.open.pinned (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.open.singleTarget (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.open.total (serverstatus data)
metrics.cursor.timedOut (serverstatus data)
metrics.document (serverstatus data)
metrics.document.deleted (serverstatus data)
metrics.document.inserted (serverstatus data)
metrics.document.returned (serverstatus data)
metrics.document.updated (serverstatus data)
metrics.executor (serverstatus data)
metrics.getLastError (serverstatus data)
metrics.getLastError.wtime (serverstatus data)
metrics.getLastError.wtime.num (serverstatus data)
metrics.getLastError.wtime.totalMillis (serverstatus data)
metrics.getLastError.wtimeouts (serverstatus data)
metrics.operation (serverstatus data)
metrics.operation.fastmod (serverstatus data)
metrics.operation.idhack (serverstatus data)
metrics.operation.scanAndOrder (serverstatus data)
metrics.operation.writeConflicts (serverstatus data)
metrics.queryExecutor (serverstatus data)
metrics.queryExecutor.scanned (serverstatus data)
metrics.queryExecutor.scannedObjects (serverstatus data)
metrics.record (serverstatus data)
metrics.record.moves (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.apply (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.apply.batches (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.apply.batches.num (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.apply.batches.totalMillis (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.apply.ops (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.buffer (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.buffer.count (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.buffer.maxSizeBytes (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.buffer.sizeBytes (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network.bytes (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network.getmores (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network.getmores.num (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network.getmores.totalMillis (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network.ops (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.network.readersCreated (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.oplog (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.oplog.insert (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.oplog.insert.num (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.oplog.insert.totalMillis (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.oplog.insertBytes (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload.docs (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload.docs.num (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload.docs.totalMillis (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload.indexes (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload.indexes.num (serverstatus data)
metrics.repl.preload.indexes.totalMillis (serverstatus data)
metrics.storage.freelist.search.bucketExhausted (serverstatus data)
metrics.storage.freelist.search.requests (serverstatus data)
metrics.storage.freelist.search.scanned (serverstatus data)
metrics.ttl (serverstatus data)
metrics.ttl.deletedDocuments (serverstatus data)
metrics.ttl.passes (serverstatus data)
mkdir (shell method)
(program), [1]
Mongo (shell method)
Mongo.getDB (shell method)
Mongo.getReadPrefMode (shell method)
Mongo.getReadPrefTagSet (shell method)
Mongo.setReadPref (shell method)
Mongo.setSlaveOk (shell method)
mongobischema (program), [1]
mongobiuser (program), [1]
(program), [1]
mongod.exe (program), [1]
MongoDB Enterprise
mongodrdl (program), [1]
mongodump (program), [1]
mongoexport (program), [1]
mongofiles (program), [1]
mongoimport (program), [1]
mongooplog (program), [1]
mongoperf (program), [1]
mongoperf.fileSizeMB (setting)
mongoperf.mmf (setting)
mongoperf.nThreads (setting)
mongoperf.r (setting)
mongoperf.recSizeKB (setting)
mongoperf.sleepMicros (setting)
mongoperf.syncDelay (setting)
mongoperf.w (setting)
mongorestore (program), [1]
mongos, [1], [2]
(program), [1]
mongos load balancer
mongos.exe (program), [1]
mongosniff (program), [1]
mongostat (program), [1]
mongotop (program), [1]
mongotop.<timestamp> (MongoDB reporting output)
mongotop.db (MongoDB reporting output)
mongotop.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
mongotop.read (MongoDB reporting output)
mongotop.total (MongoDB reporting output)
mongotop.write (MongoDB reporting output)
Monotonically Increasing Shard Keys Can Limit Insert Throughput (MongoDB system limit)
moveChunk (database command)
(user action)
movePrimary (database command)
Multikey Index (MongoDB system limit)


Namespace Length (MongoDB system limit)
NaN values returned from Covered Queries by the WiredTiger Storage Engine are always of type double (MongoDB system limit)
natural order
nearest (read preference mode)
Nested Depth for BSON Documents (MongoDB system limit)
net.bindIp (setting)
net.http.enabled (setting)
net.http.JSONPEnabled (setting)
net.http.RESTInterfaceEnabled (setting)
net.ipv6 (setting)
net.maxIncomingConnections (setting)
net.port (setting)
net.ssl.allowConnectionsWithoutCertificates (setting)
net.ssl.allowInvalidCertificates (setting)
net.ssl.allowInvalidHostnames (setting)
net.ssl.CAFile (setting)
net.ssl.clusterFile (setting)
net.ssl.clusterPassword (setting)
net.ssl.CRLFile (setting)
net.ssl.disabledProtocols (setting)
net.ssl.FIPSMode (setting)
net.ssl.mode (setting)
net.ssl.PEMKeyFile (setting)
net.ssl.PEMKeyPassword (setting)
net.ssl.sslOnNormalPorts (setting)
net.unixDomainSocket.enabled (setting)
net.unixDomainSocket.filePermissions (setting)
net.unixDomainSocket.pathPrefix (setting)
net.wireObjectCheck (setting)
netstat (database command)
(user action)
NETWORK (MongoDB reporting output)
network (serverstatus data)
network partition
network.bytesIn (serverstatus data)
network.bytesOut (serverstatus data)
network.numRequests (serverstatus data)
newCollectionsUsePowerOf2Sizes (setParameter option)
noPadding (collection flag)
notablescan (setParameter option)
Number of Collections in a Database (MongoDB system limit)
Number of Indexed Fields in a Compound Index (MongoDB system limit)
Number of Indexes per Collection (MongoDB system limit)
Number of Members of a Replica Set (MongoDB system limit)
Number of Namespaces (MongoDB system limit)
Number of Voting Members of a Replica Set (MongoDB system limit)


ObjectId.getTimestamp (shell method)
ObjectId.toString (shell method)
ObjectId.valueOf (shell method)
opcounters (serverstatus data)
opcounters.command (serverstatus data)
opcounters.delete (serverstatus data)
opcounters.getmore (serverstatus data)
opcounters.insert (serverstatus data)
opcounters.query (serverstatus data)
opcounters.update (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl.command (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl.delete (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl.getmore (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl.insert (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl.query (serverstatus data)
opcountersRepl.update (serverstatus data)
operationProfiling.mode (setting)
operationProfiling.slowOpThresholdMs (setting)
operations (MongoDB reporting output)
Operations Unavailable in Sharded Environments (MongoDB system limit)
ordered query plan
originalZeroIndex (MongoDB reporting output)
orphaned document


padding factor
page fault
parallelCollectionScan (database command)
parallelCollectionScan.cursors (MongoDB reporting output)
parallelCollectionScan.cursors.cursor (MongoDB reporting output)
parallelCollectionScan.cursors.cursor.firstBatch (MongoDB reporting output)
parallelCollectionScan.cursors.cursor.id (MongoDB reporting output)
parallelCollectionScan.cursors.cursor.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
parallelCollectionScan.cursors.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
parallelCollectionScan.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
passive member
pid (serverstatus data)
ping (database command)
PlanCache.clear (shell method)
PlanCache.clearPlansByQuery (shell method)
PlanCache.getPlansByQuery (shell method)
PlanCache.help (shell method)
PlanCache.listQueryShapes (shell method)
planCacheClear (database command)
planCacheClearFilters (database command)
planCacheListFilters (database command)
planCacheListFilters.filters (MongoDB reporting output)
planCacheListFilters.filters.indexes (MongoDB reporting output)
planCacheListFilters.filters.projection (MongoDB reporting output)
planCacheListFilters.filters.query (MongoDB reporting output)
planCacheListFilters.filters.sort (MongoDB reporting output)
planCacheListFilters.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
planCacheListPlans (database command)
planCacheListQueryShapes (database command)
planCacheRead (user action)
planCacheSetFilter (database command)
planCacheWrite (user action)
prefix compression
(read preference mode)
PRIMARY (replica set state)
primary key
primary shard
primaryPreferred (read preference mode)
process (serverstatus data)
processManagement.fork (setting)
processManagement.pidFilePath (setting)
processManagement.windowsService.description (setting)
processManagement.windowsService.displayName (setting)
processManagement.windowsService.serviceName (setting)
processManagement.windowsService.servicePassword (setting)
processManagement.windowsService.serviceUser (setting)
profile (database command)
protocolVersion (replica set configuration setting)
PRUNE (system variable available in aggregation)
pwd (shell method)


Queries cannot use both text and Geospatial Indexes (MongoDB system limit)
QUERY (MongoDB reporting output)
query optimizer, [1]
query shape
quiet (setParameter option)
quit (shell method)


rangeDeleter (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].deletedDocs (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].deleteEnd (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].deleteStart (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].queueEnd (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].queueStart (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].waitForReplEnd (serverstatus data)
rangeDeleter.lastDeleteStats[n].waitForReplStart (serverstatus data)
rawMongoProgramOutput (shell method)
read (user role)
read concern
read lock
read operation
connection pooling
read operations
read preference, [1]
member selection
ping time
tag sets, [1]
readAnyDatabase (user role)
readWrite (user role)
readWriteAnyDatabase (user role)
record size
RECOVERING (replica set state)
recoverShardingState (setParameter option)
reIndex (database command)
(user action)
remove (user action)
REMOVED (replica set state)
removeFile (shell method)
removeShard (database command)
(user action)
renameCollection (database command)
renameCollectionSameDB (user action)
repairCursor (database command)
repairDatabase (database command)
(user action)
REPL (MongoDB reporting output)
repl (serverstatus data)
repl.hosts (serverstatus data)
repl.ismaster (serverstatus data)
repl.me (serverstatus data)
repl.primary (serverstatus data)
repl.rbid (serverstatus data)
repl.replicationProgress (serverstatus data)
repl.replicationProgress[n].host (serverstatus data)
repl.replicationProgress[n].memberID (serverstatus data)
repl.replicationProgress[n].optime (serverstatus data)
repl.replicationProgress[n].rid (serverstatus data)
repl.secondary (serverstatus data)
repl.setName (serverstatus data)
replApplyBatchSize (setParameter option)
replica pairs
replica set
failover, [1]
local database
network partitions
resync, [1]
sync, [1]
tag sets
replica set members
replication lag
replication.enableMajorityReadConcern (setting)
replication.localPingThresholdMs (setting)
replication.oplogSizeMB (setting)
replication.replSetName (setting)
replication.secondaryIndexPrefetch (setting)
replIndexPrefetch (setParameter option)
replSetConfigure (user action)
replSetElect (database command)
replSetFreeze (database command)
replSetFresh (database command)
replSetGetConfig (database command)
replSetGetRBID (database command)
replSetGetStatus (database command)
(user action)
replSetGetStatus.date (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.heartbeatIntervalMillis (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members.state (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].configVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].electionDate (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].electionTime (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].health (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeat (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeatMessage (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeatRecv (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].name (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].optime (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].optimeDate (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].pingMs (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].self (MongoDB reporting output), [1]
replSetGetStatus.members[n].stateStr (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].syncingTo (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.members[n].uptime (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.myState (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.set (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetGetStatus.term (MongoDB reporting output)
replSetHeartbeat (database command)
(user action)
replSetInitiate (database command)
replSetMaintenance (database command)
replSetReconfig (database command)
replSetStateChange (user action)
replSetStepDown (database command)
replSetSyncFrom (database command)
replSetTest (database command)
replWriterThreadCount (setParameter option)
resetDbpath (shell method)
resetError (database command)
resident memory
restore (user role)
Restriction on Collection Names (MongoDB system limit)
Restrictions on Database Names for Unix and Linux Systems (MongoDB system limit)
Restrictions on Database Names for Windows (MongoDB system limit)
Restrictions on Field Names (MongoDB system limit)
resync (database command)
(user action)
revokePrivilegesFromRole (database command)
revokeRole (user action)
revokeRolesFromRole (database command)
revokeRolesFromUser (database command)
RFC 4180
rolesInfo (database command)
rolesInfo.db (MongoDB reporting output)
rolesInfo.inheritedPrivileges (MongoDB reporting output)
rolesInfo.inheritedRoles (MongoDB reporting output)
rolesInfo.isBuiltin (MongoDB reporting output)
rolesInfo.privileges (MongoDB reporting output)
rolesInfo.role (MongoDB reporting output)
rolesInfo.roles (MongoDB reporting output)
ROLLBACK (replica set state)
ROOT (system variable available in aggregation)
root (user role)
rs.add (shell method)
rs.addArb (shell method)
rs.conf (shell method)
rs.config (shell method)
rs.freeze (shell method)
rs.help (shell method)
rs.initiate (shell method)
rs.printReplicationInfo (shell method)
rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo (shell method)
rs.reconfig (shell method)
rs.remove (shell method)
rs.slaveOk (shell method)
rs.status (shell method)
rs.stepDown (shell method)
rs.syncFrom (shell method)
run (shell method)
runMongoProgram (shell method)
runProgram (shell method)


saslauthdPath (setParameter option)
saslHostName (setParameter option)
saslServiceName (setParameter option)
scramIterationCount (setParameter option)
(read preference mode)
SECONDARY (replica set state)
secondary index
secondary throttle
secondaryPreferred (read preference mode)
security (serverstatus data)
security.authorization (setting)
security.clusterAuthMode (setting)
security.enableEncryption (setting)
security.encryptionCipherMode (setting)
security.encryptionKeyFile (setting)
security.javascriptEnabled (setting)
security.keyFile (setting)
security.kmip.clientCertificateFile (setting)
security.kmip.clientCertificatePassword (setting)
security.kmip.keyIdentifier (setting)
security.kmip.port (setting)
security.kmip.rotateMasterKey (setting)
security.kmip.serverCAFile (setting)
security.kmip.serverName (setting)
security.sasl.hostName (setting)
security.sasl.saslauthdSocketPath (setting)
security.sasl.serviceName (setting)
security.SSLServerCertificateExpirationDate (serverstatus data)
security.SSLServerHasCertificateAuthority (serverstatus data)
security.SSLServerSubjectName (serverstatus data)
serverStatus (database command)
(user action)
set name
setParameter (database command)
(user action)
setShardVersion (database command)
settings (replica set configuration setting)
settings.chainingAllowed (replica set configuration setting)
settings.electionTimeoutMillis (replica set configuration setting)
settings.getLastErrorDefaults (replica set configuration setting)
settings.getLastErrorModes (replica set configuration setting)
settings.heartbeatIntervalMillis (replica set configuration setting)
settings.heartbeatTimeoutSecs (replica set configuration setting)
setVerboseShell (shell method)
sh._adminCommand (shell method)
sh._checkFullName (shell method)
sh._checkMongos (shell method)
sh._lastMigration (shell method)
sh._lastMigration._id (MongoDB reporting output)
sh._lastMigration.clientAddr (MongoDB reporting output)
sh._lastMigration.details (MongoDB reporting output)
sh._lastMigration.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
sh._lastMigration.server (MongoDB reporting output)
sh._lastMigration.time (MongoDB reporting output)
sh._lastMigration.what (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.addShard (shell method)
sh.addShardTag (shell method)
sh.addTagRange (shell method)
sh.disableBalancing (shell method)
sh.enableBalancing (shell method)
sh.enableSharding (shell method)
sh.getBalancerHost (shell method)
sh.getBalancerLockDetails (shell method)
sh.getBalancerState (shell method)
sh.help (shell method)
sh.isBalancerRunning (shell method)
sh.moveChunk (shell method)
sh.removeShardTag (shell method)
sh.removeTagRange (shell method)
sh.setBalancerState (shell method)
sh.shardCollection (shell method)
sh.splitAt (shell method)
sh.splitFind (shell method)
sh.startBalancer (shell method)
sh.status (shell method)
sh.status.balancer.collections-with-active-migrations (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.balancer.currently-enabled (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.balancer.currently-running (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.balancer.failed-balancer-rounds-in-last-5-attempts (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.balancer.last-reported-error (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.balancer.migration-results-for-the-last-24-hours (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.balancer.time-of-reported-error (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases._id (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases.chunk-details (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases.chunks (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases.partitioned (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases.primary (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases.shard-key (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.databases.tag (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.sharding-version._id (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.sharding-version.clusterId (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.sharding-version.currentVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.sharding-version.minCompatibleVersion (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.shards._id (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.shards.host (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.status.shards.tags (MongoDB reporting output)
sh.stopBalancer (shell method)
sh.waitForBalancer (shell method)
sh.waitForBalancerOff (shell method)
sh.waitForDLock (shell method)
sh.waitForPingChange (shell method)
shard key, [1]
query isolation
write scaling
Shard Key Index Type (MongoDB system limit)
Shard Key is Immutable (MongoDB system limit)
Shard Key Size (MongoDB system limit)
Shard Key Value in a Document is Immutable (MongoDB system limit)
shardCollection (database command)
shardConnPoolStats (database command)
shardConnPoolStats.createdByType (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.createdByType.master (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.createdByType.set (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.createdByType.sync (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.hosts (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.hosts.<host>.available (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.hosts.<host>.created (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].addr (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].hidden (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].ismaster (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].ok (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].pingTimeMillis (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].secondary (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.replicaSets.<name>.host[n].tags (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.threads (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.threads.hosts (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.threads.hosts.avail (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.threads.hosts.created (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.threads.hosts.host (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.threads.seenNS (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.totalAvailable (MongoDB reporting output)
shardConnPoolStats.totalCreated (MongoDB reporting output)
sharded cluster
sharded clusters
chunk size
config database
config servers
shard key
shard key indexes
SHARDING (MongoDB reporting output)
Sharding Existing Collection Data Size (MongoDB system limit)
sharding.archiveMovedChunks (setting)
sharding.autoSplit (setting)
sharding.chunkSize (setting)
sharding.clusterRole (setting)
sharding.configDB (setting)
shardingState (database command)
(user action)
shell helper
shutdown (database command)
(user action)
Single Document Modification Operations in Sharded Collections (MongoDB system limit)
single-master replication
Size of Namespace File (MongoDB system limit)
sleep (database command)
(shell method)
snmp.master (setting)
snmp.subagent (setting)
Sort Operations (MongoDB system limit)
(database command)
splitChunk (database command)
(user action)
splitVector (database command)
(user action)
sslMode (setParameter option)
STARTUP (replica set state)
STARTUP2 (replica set state)
stopMongod (shell method)
stopMongoProgram (shell method)
stopMongoProgramByPid (shell method)
STORAGE (MongoDB reporting output)
storage engine
storage order
storage.dbPath (setting)
storage.directoryPerDB (setting)
storage.engine (setting)
storage.indexBuildRetry (setting)
storage.journal.commitIntervalMs (setting)
storage.journal.enabled (setting)
storage.mmapv1.journal.commitIntervalMs (setting)
storage.mmapv1.journal.debugFlags (setting)
storage.mmapv1.nsSize (setting)
storage.mmapv1.preallocDataFiles (setting)
storage.mmapv1.quota.enforced (setting)
storage.mmapv1.quota.maxFilesPerDB (setting)
storage.mmapv1.smallFiles (setting)
storage.repairPath (setting)
storage.syncPeriodSecs (setting)
storage.wiredTiger.collectionConfig.blockCompressor (setting)
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.cacheSizeGB (setting)
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.directoryForIndexes (setting)
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.journalCompressor (setting)
storage.wiredTiger.engineConfig.statisticsLogDelaySecs (setting)
storage.wiredTiger.indexConfig.prefixCompression (setting)
storageDetails (user action)
storageEngine (serverstatus data)
storageEngine.name (serverstatus data)
storageEngine.supportsCommittedReads (serverstatus data)
strict consistency
supportCompatibilityFormPrivilegeDocuments (setParameter option)
syncdelay (setParameter option)
system.profile.allUsers (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.client (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.command (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.cursorid (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.docsExamined (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.execStats (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.execStats.inputStages (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.execStats.stage (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.hasSortStage (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.keysExamined (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.keyUpdates (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.locks (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.locks.acquireCount (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.locks.acquireWaitCount (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.locks.deadlockCount (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.locks.timeAcquiringMicros (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.millis (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.moved (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.ndeleted (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.ninserted (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.nMatched (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.nModified (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.nmoved (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.nreturned (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.numYield (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.op (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.query (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.responseLength (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.ts (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.updateobj (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.upsert (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.user (MongoDB reporting output)
system.profile.writeConflicts (MongoDB reporting output)
systemLog.component.accessControl.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.command.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.control.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.geo.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.index.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.network.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.query.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.replication.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.sharding.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.storage.journal.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.storage.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.component.write.verbosity (setting)
systemLog.destination (setting)
systemLog.logAppend (setting)
systemLog.logRotate (setting)
systemLog.path (setting)
systemLog.quiet (setting)
systemLog.syslogFacility (setting)
systemLog.timeStampFormat (setting)
systemLog.traceAllExceptions (setting)
systemLog.verbosity (setting)


tag set
tag sets
tailable cursor
text search tutorials
textSearchEnabled (setParameter option)
top (database command)
(user action)
touch (database command)
(user action)
traceExceptions (setParameter option)
TTL index
ttlMonitorEnabled (setParameter option)
development patterns
text search


unique index
Unique Indexes in Sharded Collections (MongoDB system limit)
unix epoch
UNKNOWN (replica set state)
unlock (user action)
unordered query plan
unsetSharding (database command)
update (database command)
(user action)
update.n (MongoDB reporting output)
update.nModified (MongoDB reporting output)
update.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
update.upserted (MongoDB reporting output)
update.upserted._id (MongoDB reporting output)
update.upserted.index (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeConcernError (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeConcernError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeConcernError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeErrors (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeErrors.code (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeErrors.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
update.writeErrors.index (MongoDB reporting output)
updateRole (database command)
updateUser (database command)
uptime (serverstatus data)
uptimeEstimate (serverstatus data)
uptimeMillis (serverstatus data)
uri.authMechanism (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.authSource (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.connectTimeoutMS (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.gssapiServiceName (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.journal (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.maxIdleTimeMS (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.maxPoolSize (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.minPoolSize (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.readConcernLevel (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.readPreference (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.readPreferenceTags (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.replicaSet (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.socketTimeoutMS (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.ssl (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.uuidRepresentation (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.w (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.waitQueueMultiple (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.waitQueueTimeoutMS (MongoDB reporting output)
uri.wtimeoutMS (MongoDB reporting output)
(collection flag)
userAdmin (user role)
userAdminAnyDatabase (user role)
userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs (setParameter option)
usersInfo (database command)
UUID (shell method)


validate (database command)
(user action)
validate.bytesWithHeaders (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.bytesWithoutHeaders (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.datasize (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.deletedCount (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.deletedSize (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.errors (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extentCount (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.firstRecord (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.lastRecord (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.loc (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.nsdiag (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.size (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.xnext (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.extents.xprev (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtent (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.firstRecord (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.lastRecord (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.loc (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.nsdiag (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.size (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.xnext (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.firstExtentDetails.xprev (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.invalidObjects (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.keysPerIndex (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.lastExtent (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.lastExtentSize (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.nIndexes (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.nrecords (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.ns (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.objectsFound (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.ok (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.padding (MongoDB reporting output)
validate.valid (MongoDB reporting output)
validationAction (collection flag)
validationLevel (collection flag)
validator (collection flag)
version (replica set configuration setting)
(serverstatus data)
(shell method)
viewRole (user action)
viewUser (user action)
virtual memory


waitMongoProgramOnPort (shell method)
waitProgram (shell method)
whatsmyuri (database command)
wiredTiger.async (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.block-manager (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache.bytes currently in the cache (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache.maximum bytes configured (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache.pages read into cache (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache.pages written from cache (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache.tracked dirty bytes in the cache (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cache.unmodified pages evicted (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.concurrentTransactions (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.connection (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.cursor (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.data-handle (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.log (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.LSM (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.reconciliation (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.session (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.thread-yield (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.transaction (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.transaction.transaction checkpoint most recent time (serverstatus data)
wiredTiger.uri (serverstatus data)
wiredTigerConcurrentReadTransactions (setParameter option)
wiredTigerConcurrentWriteTransactions (setParameter option)
wiredTigerEngineRuntimeConfig (setParameter option)
working set
WRITE (MongoDB reporting output)
Write Command Operation Limit Size (MongoDB system limit)
write concern
write conflict
write lock
write operations
writebacklisten (database command)
writeBacksQueued (database command)
(serverstatus data)
writeBacksQueued.hasOpsQueued (MongoDB reporting output)
writeBacksQueued.queues (MongoDB reporting output)
writeBacksQueued.queues.minutesSinceLastCall (MongoDB reporting output)
writeBacksQueued.queues.n (MongoDB reporting output)
writeBacksQueued.totalOpsQueued (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult (shell method)
WriteResult._id (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.hasWriteConcernError (shell method)
WriteResult.hasWriteError (shell method)
WriteResult.nInserted (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.nMatched (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.nModified (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.nRemoved (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.nUpserted (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeConcernError (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeConcernError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeConcernError.errInfo (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeConcernError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeError (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeError.code (MongoDB reporting output)
WriteResult.writeError.errmsg (MongoDB reporting output)



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