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The MongoDB Business Intelligence Connector and associated utilities are only available with MongoDB Enterprise.

mongobischema loads .drdl files generated by mongodrdl into the MongoDB Business Intelligence Connector.

mongobischema has several subcommands that perform different actions:

Command Arguments Description
mongobischema drop [drop-flags] [username] [tables...] Drops a set of tables associated with the given user on the Business Intelligence Connector.
mongobischema import [import-flags] [username] [files...] Import a schema from set of .drdl files generated by mongodrdl.
mongobischema list [list-flags] [username] List the tables associated with a given user on the Business Intelligence Connector.


Core Options


Returns information on the options and use of mongobischema.

--host <hostname>, -h <hostname>

Default: localhost

Specifies the resolvable hostname or socket path on which the Business Intelligence Connector is listening.

--port <port>, -p <port>

Default: 27032

Specifies the TCP port on which the Business Intelligence Connector is listening.

--password <password>, -W <password>

Specifies a password with which to authenticate with the Business Intelligence Connector. If this option is not specified, mongobischema will prompt for a password.

Drop Options


Drops all tables associated with the given user.



To drop the tables familes and families_familymembers associated with the user bradbi on the Business Intelligence Connector, you can run the following command:

mongobischema drop bradbi families families_familymembers

To drop all tables associated with the user bradbi, you can run the following:

mongobischema drop --all bradbi


To associate a schema generated by mongodrdl with the user bradbi on the Business Intelligence Connector, you can run the following command:

mongobischema import bradbi ./schema.drdl


To list all tables associated with the user bradbi on the Business Intelligence Connector, you can run the following command:

mongobischema list bradbi

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