Text Search with Basis Technology Rosette Linguistics Platform

Enterprise Feature

Available in MongoDB Enterprise only.


New in version 3.2.

MongoDB Enterprise provides support for the following languages: Arabic, Farsi (specifically Dari and Iranian Persian dialects), Urdu, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

To provide support for these languages, MongoDB Enterprise integrates Basis Technology Rosette Linguistics Platform (RLP) to perform normalization, word breaking, sentence breaking, and stemming or tokenization depending on the language.

MongoDB Enterprise supports RLP SDK 7.11.1 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x. For information on providing support on other platforms, contact your sales representative.


To use MongoDB with RLP, MongoDB requires a license for the Base Linguistics component of RLP and one or more languages specified above. MongoDB does not require a license for all 6 languages listed above.

Support for any of the specified languages is conditional on having a valid RLP license for the language. For instance, if there is only an RLP license provided for Arabic, then MongoDB will only enable support for Arabic and will not enable support for any other RLP based languages. For any language which lacks a valid license, the MongoDB log will contain a warning message. Additionally, you can set the MongoDB log verbosity level to 2 to log debug messages that identify each supported language.

You do not need the Language Extension Pack as MongoDB does not support these RLP languages at this time.

Contact Basis Technology at info@basistech.com to get a copy of RLP and a license for one or more languages. For more information on how to contact Basis Technology, see http://www.basistech.com/contact/.



Download Rosette Linguistics Platform from Basis Technology.

From Basis Technology, obtain the links to download the RLP C++ SDK package file, the documentation package file, and the license file (rlp-license.xml) for Linux x64. Basis Technology provides the download links in an email.

Using the links, download the RLP C++ SDK package file, the documentation package file, and the license file (rlp-license.xml) for Linux x64.


These links automatically expire after 30 days.


Install the RLP binaries.

Untar the RLP binaries and place them in a directory; this directory is referred to as the installation directory or BT_ROOT. For this example, we will use /opt/basis as the BT_ROOT.

tar zxvC /opt/basis rlp-7.11.1-sdk-amd64-glibc25-gcc41.tar.gz

Move the RLP license into the RLP licenses directory.

Move the RLP license file rlp-license.xml to the <BT_ROOT>/rlp/rlp/licenses directory; in our example, move the file to the /opt/basis/rlp/rlp/licenses/ directory.

mv rlp-license.xml /opt/basis/rlp/rlp/licenses/

Run mongod with RLP support.

To enable support for RLP, use the --basisTechRootDirectory option to specify the BT_ROOT directory.

Include any additional settings as appropriate for your deployment.

mongod --basisTechRootDirectory=/opt/basis

Additional Information

For installation help, see the RLP Quick Start manual or Chapter 2 of the Rosette Linguistics Platform Application Developer’s Guide.

For debugging any RLP specific issues, you can set the rlpVerbose parameter to true (i.e. --setParameter rlpVerbose=true) to view INFO messages from RLP.


Enabling rlpVerbose has a performance overhead and should only be enabled for troubleshooting installation issues.

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