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mongosniff provides a low-level operation tracing/sniffing view into database activity in real time. Think of mongosniff as a MongoDB-specific analogue of tcpdump for TCP/IP network traffic. mongosniff is most frequently used in driver development.


mongosniff requires libpcap and is only available for Unix-like systems.

As an alternative to mongosniff, Wireshark, a popular network sniffing tool is capable of inspecting and parsing the MongoDB wire protocol.



Returns information on the options and use of mongosniff.

--forward <host><:port>

Declares a host to forward all parsed requests that the mongosniff intercepts to another mongod instance and issue those operations on that database instance.

Specify the target host name and port in the <host><:port> format.

To connect to a replica set, specify the replica set name and a seed list of set members. Use the following form:

--source <NET [interface]>

Specifies source material to inspect. Use --source NET [interface] to inspect traffic from a network interface (e.g. eth0 or lo.) Use --source FILE [filename] to read captured packets in pcap format.

You may use the --source DIAGLOG [filename] option to read the output files produced by the --diaglog option.


Displays invalid BSON objects only and nothing else. Use this option for troubleshooting driver development. This option has some performance impact on the performance of mongosniff.


Specifies alternate ports to sniff for traffic. By default, mongosniff watches for MongoDB traffic on port 27017. Append multiple port numbers to the end of mongosniff to monitor traffic on multiple ports.


Use the following command to connect to a mongod or mongos running on port 27017 and 27018 on the localhost interface:

mongosniff --source NET lo 27017 27018

Use the following command to only log invalid BSON objects for the mongod or mongos running on the localhost interface and port 27018, for driver development and troubleshooting:

mongosniff --objcheck --source NET lo 27018

See also

To build mongosniff yourself, see: Build MongoDB From Source.

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