Show Metering Label Rule


Shows detailed informations for a specified metering label rule.

This operation does not require a request body.

This operation returns a response body, which contains the following informations about the metering label rule:

  • direction. Either ingress or egress.

  • excluded. Either True or False.

  • The ID for the specified metering label rule

  • The remote IP prefix

  • The metering label ID for the metering label with which the rule is associated

Normal response codes: 200

Error response codes: unauthorized (401), itemNotFound (404)


This table shows the URI parameters for the Show Metering Label Rule Request:




The unique identifier of metering label rule.


Example 4.228. Show Metering Label Rule Request: JSON

GET /v2.0/metering/metering-label-rules/9536641a-7d14-4dc5-afaf-93a973ce0eb8 HTTP/1.1
Host: controlnode:9696
User-Agent: python-neutronclient
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
X-Auth-Token: c52a1b304fec4ca0ac85dc1741eec6e2



Example 4.229. Show Metering Label Rule Response: JSON

  "metering_label_rule": {
    "remote_ip_prefix": "\/24",
    "direction": "ingress",
    "metering_label_id": "e131d186-b02d-4c0b-83d5-0c0725c4f812",
    "id": "9536641a-7d14-4dc5-afaf-93a973ce0eb8",
    "excluded": false

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