
npcoperations.h File Reference

#include <psstdint.h>
#include <csgeom/vector3.h>
#include <csutil/csstring.h>
#include "util/psconst.h"
#include "util/pspath.h"
#include "util/pspathnetwork.h"
#include <tools/celhpf.h>
#include "net/npcmessages.h"
#include "util/edge.h"
#include "util/mathscript.h"
#include "npc.h"
#include "reaction.h"
#include "perceptions.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  AssessOperation
 Will send an assessment request to the server. More...
class  AutoMemorizeOperation
 Turn on and off auto remembering of perceptions. More...
class  BuildOperation
 Will build a tribe building. More...
class  BusyOperation
 Will Set the busy indicator for an NPC. More...
class  CastOperation
 Let the NPC cast a spell. More...
class  ChangeBrainOperation
 Let the NPC change brain. More...
class  ChaseOperation
 Detect and chase a target until reached o out of bound. More...
class  CircleOperation
 Moving entails a circle with radius at a velocity and an animation action. More...
class  ControlOperation
 Control another actor. More...
class  CopyLocateOperation
 Will copy a locate. More...
class  DebugOperation
 Debug will turn on and off debug for the npc. More...
class  PerceptOperation::DelayedPerceptOperationGameEvent
class  DeleteNPCOperation
 Let the NPC delete it self. More...
class  DequipOperation
 Dequip will tell the npc to dequip a item. More...
class  DropOperation
 Drop will make the NPC drop whatever he is holding. More...
class  EatOperation
 Eat will take a bite of a nearby dead actor and add resource to tribe wealth. More...
class  EmoteOperation
 Emote will make the NPC show an emotion. More...
class  EquipOperation
 Equip will tell the npc to equip a item. More...
class  HateListOperation
 Hate list modifications. More...
class  InvisibleOperation
 Invisible will make the npc invisible. More...
class  LocateOperation
 Locate is a very powerful function which will find the nearest object of the named tag, within a range. More...
class  LoopBeginOperation
 LoopBegin operation will only print LoopBegin for debug purpose. More...
class  LoopEndOperation
 LoopEnd operation will jump back to the beginning of the loop. More...
class  LootOperation
 Loot will make the NPC loot specified items. More...
class  MeleeOperation
 Melee will tell the npc to attack the most hated entity within range. More...
class  MemorizeOperation
 Memorize will make the npc to setup a spawn point here. More...
class  MovementOperation
 Abstract common class for Move operations that use paths. More...
class  MoveOperation
 Moving entails a velocity vector and an animation action. More...
class  MovePathOperation
 MovePath specifies the name of a path and an animation action. More...
class  MoveToOperation
 Moving to a spot entails a position vector, a linear velocity, and an animation action. More...
class  NavigateOperation
 Navigate moves the NPC to the position and orientation of the last located thing. More...
class  NOPOperation
 No Operation(NOP) Operation. More...
class  PerceptOperation
 Send a custon perception from a behavior script. More...
class  PickupOperation
 Pickup will tell the npc to pickup a nearby entity (or fake it). More...
class  ProgressScriptOperation
 Script will make the progression script run at server. More...
class  ReproduceOperation
 Reproduce will make the npc to setup a spawn point here. More...
class  ResurrectOperation
 Resurrect will make the npc to setup a spawn point here. More...
class  RewardOperation
 Implement the reward NPC script operation. More...
class  RotateOperation
 Rotating requires storing or determining the angle to rotate to, and the animation action. More...
class  ScriptOperation
 This is the base class for all operations in action scripts. More...
class  SequenceOperation
 Sequence will control a named sequence in the world. More...
class  SetBufferOperation
 SetBuffer will set a buffer for tribe or npc. More...
class  ShareMemoriesOperation
 ShareMemories will make the npc share memoreis with tribe. More...
class  SitOperation
 Sit will make the NPC sit or stand. More...
class  TalkOperation
 Talk will tell the npc to communicate to a nearby entity. More...
class  TeleportOperation
 Teleport will teleport the NPC to the target position. More...
class  TransferOperation
 Transfer will transfer a item from the NPC to a target. More...
class  TribeHomeOperation
 TribeHome will make the npc to setup a spawn point here. More...
class  TribeTypeOperation
 TribeType will change the need set used by the npc. More...
class  UnbuildOperation
 Will unbuild a tribe building. More...
class  VelSourceOperation
 Vel set the velocity source of the brain to run or walk. More...
class  VisibleOperation
 Visible will make the npc visible. More...
class  WaitOperation
 Wait will simply set the mesh animation to something and sit there for the desired number of seconds. More...
class  WanderOperation
 Wander auto-navigates randomly between a network of waypoints specified in the DB. More...
class  WanderOperation::WanderRouteFilter
class  WatchOperation
 Watch operation will tell if the targt goes out of range. More...
class  WorkOperation
 Work will make the NPC work for a resource. More...