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You can define multiple onException clauses to trap exceptions in a RouteBuilder scope. This enables you to take different actions in response to different exceptions. For example, the following series of onException clauses defined in the Java DSL define different deadletter destinations for ValidationException, ValidationException, and Exception:


You can define the same series of onException clauses in the XML DSL as follows:

    <to uri="activemq:validationFailed"/>
    <to uri="activemq:ioExceptions"/>
    <to uri="activemq:exceptions"/>

You can also group multiple exceptions together to be trapped by the same onException clause. In the Java DSL, you can group multiple exceptions as follows:

onException(ValidationException.class, BuesinessException.class)

In the XML DSL, you can group multiple exceptions together by defining more than one exception element inside the onException element, as follows:

    <to uri="activemq:validationFailed"/>

When trapping multiple exceptions, the order of the onException clauses is significant. Fuse Mediation Router initially attempts to match the thrown exception against the first clause. If the first clause fails to match, the next onException clause is tried, and so on until a match is found. Each matching attempt is governed by the following algorithm:

  1. If the thrown exception is a chained exception (that is, where an exception has been caught and rethrown as a different exception), the most nested exception type serves initially as the basis for matching. This exception is tested as follows:

    1. If the exception-to-test has exactly the type specified in the onException clause (tested using instanceof), a match is triggered.

    2. If the exception-to-test is a sub-type of the type specified in the onException clause, a match is triggered.

  2. If the most nested exception fails to yield a match, the next exception in the chain (the wrapping exception) is tested instead. The testing continues up the chain until either a match is triggered or the chain is exhausted.

Instead of interrupting the processing of a message and giving up as soon as an exception is raised, Fuse Mediation Router gives you the option of attempting to redeliver the message at the point where the exception occurred. In networked systems, where timeouts can occur and temporary faults arise, it is often possible for failed messages to be processed successfully, if they are redelivered shortly after the original exception was raised.

The Fuse Mediation Router redelivery supports various strategies for redelivering messages after an exception occurs. Some of the most important options for configuring redelivery are as follows:

In the Java DSL, redelivery policy options are specified using DSL commands in the onException clause. For example, you can specify a maximum of six redeliveries, after which the exchange is sent to the validationFailed deadletter queue, as follows:


In the XML DSL, redelivery policy options are specified by setting attributes on the redeliveryPolicy element. For example, the preceding route can be expressed in XML DSL as follows:

<onException useOriginalMessage="true">
    <redeliveryPolicy maximumRedeliveries="6"/>
    <to uri="activemq:validationFailed"/>

The latter part of the route—after the redelivery options are set—is not processed until after the last redelivery attempt has failed. For detailed descriptions of all the redelivery options, see Dead Letter Channel.

Alternatively, you can specify redelivery policy options in a redeliveryPolicyProfile instance. You can then reference the redeliveryPolicyProfile instance using the onException element's redeliverPolicyRef attribute. For example, the preceding route can be expressed as follows:

<redeliveryPolicyProfile id="redelivPolicy" maximumRedeliveries="6" retryAttemptedLogLevel="WARN"/>

<onException useOriginalMessage="true" redeliveryPolicyRef="redelivPolicy">
    <to uri="activemq:validationFailed"/>

The approach using redeliveryPolicyProfile is useful, if you want to re-use the same redelivery policy in multiple onException clauses.

Exception trapping with onException can be made conditional by specifying the onWhen option. If you specify the onWhen option in an onException clause, a match is triggered only when the thrown exception matches the clause and the onWhen predicate evaluates to true on the current exchange.

For example, in the following Java DSL fragment,the first onException clause triggers, only if the thrown exception matches MyUserException and the user header is non-null in the current exchange:

// Java

// Here we define onException() to catch MyUserException when
// there is a header[user] on the exchange that is not null

// Here we define onException to catch MyUserException as a kind
// of fallback when the above did not match.
// Noitce: The order how we have defined these onException is
// important as Camel will resolve in the same order as they
// have been defined

The preceding onException clauses can be expressed in the XML DSL as follows:

<redeliveryPolicyProfile id="twoRedeliveries" maximumRedeliveries="2"/>

<onException redeliveryPolicyRef="twoRedeliveries">
        <simple>${header.user} != null</simple>
    <to uri="activemq:error_user_queue"/>

<onException redeliveryPolicyRef="twoRedeliveries">
    <to uri="activemq:error_queue"/>

By default, when an exception is raised in the middle of a route, processing of the current exchange is interrupted and the thrown exception is propagated back to the consumer endpoint at the start of the route. When an onException clause is triggered, the behavior is essentially the same, except that the onException clause performs some processing before the thrown exception is propagated back.

But this default behavior is not the only way to handle an exception. The onException provides various options to modify the exception handling behavior, as follows:

  • Suppressing exception rethrow—you have the option of suppressing the rethrown exception after the onException clause has completed. In other words, in this case the exception does not propagate back to the consumer endpoint at the start of the route.

  • Continuing processing—you have the option of resuming normal processing of the exchange from the point where the exception originally occurred. Implicitly, this approach also suppresses the rethrown exception.

  • Sending a response—in the special case where the consumer endpoint at the start of the route expects a reply (that is, having an InOut MEP), you might prefer to construct a custom fault reply message, rather than propagating the exception back to the consumer endpoint.

When the consumer endpoint that starts a route expects a reply, you might prefer to construct a custom fault reply message, instead of simply letting the thrown exception propagate back to the consumer. There are two essential steps you need to follow in this case: suppress the rethrown exception using the handled option; and populate the exchange's Out message slot with a custom fault message.

For example, the following Java DSL fragment shows how to send a reply message containing the text string, Sorry, whenever the MyFunctionalException exception occurs:

// we catch MyFunctionalException and want to mark it as handled (= no failure returned to client)
// but we want to return a fixed text response, so we transform OUT body as Sorry.

If you are sending a fault response to the client, you will often want to incorporate the text of the exception message in the response. You can access the text of the current exception message using the exceptionMessage() builder method. For example, you can send a reply containing just the text of the exception message whenever the MyFunctionalException exception occurs, as follows:

// we catch MyFunctionalException and want to mark it as handled (= no failure returned to client)
// but we want to return a fixed text response, so we transform OUT body and return the exception message

The exception message text is also accessible from the Simple language, through the exception.message variable. For example, you could embed the current exception text in a reply message, as follows:

// we catch MyFunctionalException and want to mark it as handled (= no failure returned to client)
// but we want to return a fixed text response, so we transform OUT body and return a nice message
// using the simple language where we want insert the exception message
    .transform().simple("Error reported: ${exception.message} - cannot process this message.");

The preceding onException clause can be expressed in XML DSL as follows:

        <simple>Error reported: ${exception.message} - cannot process this message.</simple>
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